Would you stay?

Also you know that something is not right feeling that’s called your intuition and if it’s telling you something isn’t right about a place a person or a situation listen to that intuition also. It’ll save you a lot of trouble in the end trust me cause I never knew what intuition was until it was too late and it almost cost me my life with an ex


Do not leave your child or pets alone with this man. Rehome the animals and get the hell away him tf. There’s about 600 red flags in this whole post


Jesus christ, just go!

None of this is normal behavior. If your intuition as a mother is telling you something isn’t right then you need to trust your gut and go and immediately before something happens that you absolutely regret.


Hey the hell gone girl

You have answered your own question in this post.

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Get rid of him!!!
Ur baby isn’t going to be safe with him around…leave


Please leave! Do it to protect your baby don’t think about you or your feelings. Think about your son!!!


He didn’t go to prison for being an upstanding citizen so what made you think he could be trusted to keep his word to you and your baby? Nobody grows up telling themselves “I want to spend my adult life with a loser.” You will attract the right person once you make up your mind that you and your baby don’t deserve anything less than someone who won’t BS you, won’t make broken promises to you and will man up and work WITH you. A decent man will hold a job, help pay an equal share of all the household bills and won’t act like a toddler because the baby cries. If you demand that of a man upfront, he’ll either1.) Be that decent man 2) He will walk away and spare you a headache (yup, sometimes the trash takes itself out!)

You just had a baby 3 months before you started dating. You are still hormonal and postpartum is hard. You’ve given yourself no time to adjust being a new mommy. This relationship is all too soon and fast to be living together and only dating a few months.
At the end of the day you don’t sound happy or secure with this relationship. I think you at the least need a break to see what you want and if he fits into that. My feeling is you’ll feel relieved to have him out of the picture and you’ll have your answers.


Get out now!!! To many red flags and looking at ur son like that I would be afraid of him sexually abusing ur baby!


You need a man not another child. Move on.

Is this a joke story? Seriously?

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Now sit down read your post….what advice would you give if it was from another mother???

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Go girl. Just go. You don’t need a 21 year old child.

Get out NOW please!! If not for you do it for your son!!! If things are this strange and weird now they are ily gonna get worse.

I only read so much and I couldn’t keep going. I now hate a stranger ahah.

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Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. There.

Seriously, the red flags in that statement are ridiculous. Take your kid and get the hell out of there.


Wait, you can’t afford to get the puppy shots so you just let it piss on the floor? Um no. You take the dog outside. You don’t need to take it to a dog park or around other animals but you definitely don’t just act like it’s OK to let it use the bathroom on the floor. Who does that??? Take it outside in your yard and don’t get a pet that you cannot afford to provide basic necessities for. Also why would any mother move their child in with their boyfriend after only a few weeks??? You have some serious growing up to do before something happens to your child.

Go home. Go back to school or whatever you can do , to support yourself and your son. You can get WIC for free formula. Do what you got to do to put your boy first. That grown man can take care of himself. It’s better to be alone than with someone who makes you unhappy and treats you with so much disrespect. Your son needs to learn to be a better man than that lousy boyfriend. Best to leave that “Boy” friend. Also it bothers me that he stares at your boy. Never ever leave your son alone with him. There’s daycare money available for workers and students. Also a student loan or whatever it takes for safe daycare while you go to school maybe school will be free or while you work. Hope that you have family to support you also.


Don’t just leave him- leave him right now! Pack your stuff and go to your moms! He is psychotic! A controlling molester. Most child molesters have been sexually abused in the past. I worked for years with them. He has the need to control you and your child because he wasn’t able to control the situation when he was a child and abused. This should NOT make you feel sorry for him- he is sick and will only hurt you and your child. There is NO help for him. LEAVE NOW


You need to get your son out of there NOW!!!

Throw that whole damn vile, man child in the trash and don’t look back!! Run like hell!

None of this is normal, please take your son and yourself out of this situation immediately


You need to leave. It sounds like your mom would be willing to help til you’re on your feet. This guy is no good


I stopped reading after you said you moved in with him after only a few weeks of dating :woman_facepalming:t2:
Put your child first


LEAVE. Go home to your moms and get an apt. You do not need him and he’s got serious issues that will definitely get worse! He will tell you everything you want to hear to get you back but do NOT give in. You are responsible for your son and if you stay you will be putting your son and yourself in harms way. I pray you listen to your gut, it’s always right. Please get out now​:pray:t3::heartpulse:


DUDE. Fucking LEAVE. That is your child! You need to protect him FIRST.

Girl, I would leave. Leave and never look back! Leave before you get pregnant.


Nah, if you’re getting bad vibes about him when you’re changing your son you need to leave NOW. Or kick him out. Your mama gut knows best. Don’t let him around your son any longer.


You don’t need us to tell you that answer. You have a gut feeling and you need to listen to that. Whether you have somewhere to go or not, I hope you get the help and resources you AND YOUR CHILD need. It’s not just you anymore and it’ll only get worse.


Why are you getting a puppy when you can’t afford formula. :weary:


That is a red flag right there

u should never have to ask what to do when it comes to your children just pack and go have your mother or someone come pick you up b4 something terrible happens to you or your child we have all seen stuff like this happen on the news over and over get the hell out of there dont let him play head games with you just go now run as fast as you can

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You already know… don’t compromise your happiness…


go …he is real bad news…

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Oh sweetie I see nothing but red flags. Please get out now!!

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Get ooooooouuuuttttt.


This isn’t a normal behaviour. It’s a form of domestic violence. Just cut all ties and walk away. It’ll do your mental health wonders and just focus on you and your son for a while. Just wait until you find the right man and if need be, wait a few months before he meets your son so you can judge his character and see if it’s a right fit. You’ve got the mama

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Awww…Hell Naw!!!:expressionless: 2many :triangular_flag_on_post:’z!!!:flushed:


Leave before your son gets hurt. This guy doesn’t sound okay and might end up hurting your son in the process. Either mentally, emotionally, or physically/sexually.


Why would you get a puppy when you have a new baby and your not stable? Also I wouldn’t want a dog pissing in my house that’s just nasty.

You need help. Your son needs an adult to look after you both go to your mom leave this sack of shit

There Are People That Touch Infants/Babies/Children! Huge Red Flag! Predators will go After single Mothers to get ahold of the Kids! I have been in that situation, traumatized for life! He is Not A Boyfriend! LEAVE!
That Evil Man Is Sick!


Girl, RUN! No it is absolutely not normal for anyone to be staring at any child like that. Trust your instincts. Once we become parents our only job in this life that matters is protecting our children. You know there is something wrong with that man. You don’t need to wait for it to destroy your son’s life. Leave that creep and never look back. No decent person is going to just not buy formula if a baby is in need. That’s a fucked up game he’s playing. And not that it matters much with everything else happening, but dogs need to potty outside. With or without shots. Don’t bring it where other dogs go. He’ll be fine.

I have three children and were anyone to look at them as you described…I would have been gone. This isn’t a question that needs answered, you stated you already know you need to leave…so leave. Get out and never look back. You can find help along the way for single mother’s with low income. Get out now for your son’s sake and your own!


Honey you need to go with your gut feelings. Get out now before your in any deeper. There are too many red flags in your story. I think you all ready knew that but just needed to hear it from some one else. And please, please don’t leave the baby alone with him. It sounds like he may have several mental problems going on and one may be an abnormal intrest in babies or male babies. Get out now before anything bad happens to you or the baby. Good luck.

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Leave protect your baby and yourself. Get out


Run…run fast dont look back…take the animals they wont last long if yoy don’t


Go home to Mom & dads with your child.

LEAVE!! Protect yourself and your baby.


Leave him. He’s childish and using you. He is literally the worst for your family which needs to be #1. A puppy on top of a baby is ridiculously hard. Not impossible but not responsible if caring properly gets into the way of tie child’s needs. The entire situation will only get worse. My honest opinion is to leave him and rehome the puppy. That man doesn’t give a crap about you and you don’t deserve that type of treatment. He won’t change I promise.


Not normal at all. You need to leave.
Talk to your mother about all this, she will tell you that it is not normal, you need to raise a family in a healthy environment. Get away from him, he shouldn’t be withholding money from you. He sounds really unstable.
My MIL passed away Saturday and my husband took the day off work today and is going back to work tomorrow, when i tried to get him to take off another day he told me that our children need things and we have rent/bills to pay.


Get away, dear.
Been there, done that, and nothing will ever change.

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Honey get out of there now.

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Girl—you’re in a situation that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE IN. That manchild isn’t your baby’s father.
GET OUT and quickly. How does a grown man hide money, not work, not contribute to the household, and have a shitty attitude. He needs to pick a struggle. You can’t be broke and mean.
& he’s displaying pedo behavior? Ma’am…anything that happens to your child after this is on you. Know that.

Girl, you can do better so do it.

No sweetie that is not normal at all!!! You need to get out & soon!!!

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I hope you make the right choice for you and that sweet baby you have.

The feeling that something is off when he watches you change your baby …thats your motherly intuitive telling you to protect. Hes got severe problems…save yourself and you baby and leave 911

You need to leave immediately :bangbang::bangbang: He doesn’t want to work or help with anything else… There are so many red flags… You need to leave and focus on raising your son… You are still very young… You don’t have to jump into a relationship so soon…I’ve on your own first…


You and your boyfriend are just 2 young kids. Your son needs you more than anyone, you need to focus solely on you and your son. This guy is nothing but trouble pretending to vomit, not contributing financially or any other way. There is no reason why he can’t work he is obviously very lazy. Why on earth would you want or need him around. You need to get rid of him before something awful happens. Most people that have responded here have said the same things. It doesn’t sound like you’re going to listen anyways. Your choice, your life, but if he’s there much longer try and kick him out it’ll be a nightmare.

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Honey, as a mom to a daughter about your age, don’t walk…RUN away. This guy sounds like a bad situation in more ways than can be counted. Staring at your son’s privates sounds like a predator. He is not good for you or your baby. As a matter of fact, don’t worry so much about getting a man right now. Focus on yourself and your child. Get a education and some skills where you can get a good job to support yourself and your child. Learn to stand up for and to value yourself so you don’t settle. There’s help from social services to apply for that can make it easier for now. See if your mom will let you come home or if that’s not possible, check with your local housing authority and human services and health department. There’s social workers who can help you find programs to accomplish this. Please don’t leave the helpless animals with this unstable, immature young man…even if it means them going to a rescue. He sounds like he is a narcissist who can be abusive and it’s not a situation that will get better. Been there and you DO NOT want yourself and your child to go thru that. You don’t need to be in a bad relationship and settle because no man is better than the wrong man. Right now put your energies and efforts into bettering your circumstances to take care of your little family.


I would leave. If you’re not happy now what makes you think it will be any different later? And with him watching you change your sons diaper , that’s just weird in all the wrong ways. Most men don’t want anything to do with changing a diaper including watching and smelling it. Get out before your in too deep with that guy. Also I think it’s childish for him to throw up in order to get your attention, even kids don’t do that.

About the dog, why did y’all get one? Sounds like there’s enough stuff going on there and now a dog on top of that? And why can’t the dog go pee outside? I’ve never heard that a dog can’t go outside until he’s fixed. Never in my life.


I just don’t understand how she started dating a new man 3 months after giving birth. Like damn give your body time to heal first at least before having a new man up in you. Rushing into a new relationship for what? Now your stuck with a narcissist. I hope you run and get yourself together. You don’t HAVE to have a man right now.

Run fast get out ask you’re mom for help take the puppy with you there are lots of help for single moms resources church, shelters etc woman’s battered group this is a sign of domestic violence emotionaly is just as bad as physical you’re young get out while you can

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:move on quietly and put your son and you first. Do for you!!! You don’t need the eggshells you’ve been walking on.

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Don’t ignore ur red flags and then god u don’t have a child with him smh I could never live with someone and they not do shit that would drive me CRAZY I don’t kno how u do it :disappointed: sounds like u raising two kids and u knowing him years before means nothing to him clearly with the way he’s acting

Gtf outta there now. No it’s not normal to want to stare at a babies stuff. He’s a toxic parasite. Don’t wait. Call your mom, explain all this sh*t and go now.

That’s your intuition screaming at you to “GET OUT!” Please mama, don’t ignore your gut feeling and intuition. It’s there for a reason! If for no other reason, do it for your son! Your son is literally so helpless and defenseless, so PLEASE, I implore you to get rid of him in whatever way you have to or can, even if that means moving back into your mom’s right now. Just go. Get rid of him. This guy is bad news. He’s not working. Not trying to work. He’s not contributing and he’s making you feel seriously uncomfortable about even changing a diaper, and that’s enough in and of itself, not to mention the manipulative behavior of making himself sick to elicit sympathy from you. That’s abuse. Period. Emotionally manipulative and verbally manipulative. Nah… send him packing. You are not responsible for raising and taking care of a grown adult. You already have a child. Put him out! You can do bad all by yourself. And please get some therapy so you don’t feel so alone that you’ll accept anyone or anything just so you’re not physically alone. Trust me, you and your son are better off alone than with someone who’s burdening you and also making you feel like you can’t trust them with your child. Trust me, your intuition is screaming the warnings at you. I know from experience, so please listen to it, and save yourself and possibly even your child from what you’re sensing is off. Listen to your gut and run!


Sounds like he was on good behavior and saying what you wanted to hear in the beginning and then the real him came out. Take your baby and leave or you will be supporting him and could become a victim of abuse. Please leave.


Please wake the fuck up read this back to yourself women !!! Leave the fucking peasant he aint no man das alil boy . Look after yourself an baby . Wait till baby daddys home lol

Get out now. That guy sounds like trouble

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Please leave as a mom of 4 girls plz leave go to your moms house with your baby no man is worth what your going through an u aint fat your young do you and your baby my prayers for you :heart: hope you make the right decision :heart:

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Sounds like the Netflix series ‘maid’. Get out before something happens to u or or son, or both!

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Your boyfriend isn’t as charming as you thought he was because 1) he’s keeping money from you that’s financial abuse 2 not helping and being snappy at you along with swearing is verbal abuse, he’s lying, possessive, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS A BLOODY CREEP, you’d better hope he doesn’t do anything to your son cause that’s disgusting behaviour staring at your son’s private’s.



Get you your child and those animals and get out or make him leave he would not be around my child or pets. Period

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Leave before he starts abusing your son


Leave very quickly and don’t look back


Follow your instincts, baby girl. You are too young to be feeling the way you are and being mistreated as you are. Someone who won’t feed a hungry infant is a bad seed. The weird vibes you’re getting about him and your son are there for a reason. Save yourself and your son. You have your whole life ahead of you. There are many out there who would treat you better, but don’t rush it. We women think we need a man in our lives all the time. We don’t. Take care of your son and yourself and get out before you bring another child in the world with this guy and make it harder on yourself. God bless you…you got this, mama. Love and Light. :heart::blue_heart:


Get out–protect your son. He sounds like a pervert/pedophile. Don’t wait, little baby boys can be raped, too. Take care. Now isn’t too soon!

You had me at “he quit his job because he had an ingrown fingernail “ but after hearing the creepy things with your son, please leave this situation he sounds like a creep!


Go home to your Mother.


RUN. NOW. TODAY. DO NOT let that motherfucker around your baby alone for any reason.

He is doing all this and you’re asking if you should stay. What kind of life is this for you and your son? What kind of future do you hope to have with someone like this? My thoughts are he is very immature and if you keep it up, he is either going to abuse you and or your child physically or mentally or both. I think you know deep down what needs to be done. My advice is get out while you can. No one is worth the life of you or your child.


Omg no second thought I would not stay with him get out. Say you are going to your mom’s house and not go back. Take a cop with you to get your belongings and run. Hugs hope you do what’s best for you and your son.


Runnnnn fast!!!

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Him quitting his job because of an ingrown fingernail would have been more than enough for me


Girl, leave him before things get worse. Him watching your son while you’re changing his diapers is just a NO… He could be recording it and doing bad things, like putting it out there for pervs.

Follow your momma instincts and get your baby boy out of there.

Those are all huge red flags, you mentioned.


RUN…SERIOUSLY RUN your son should come 1st in know thats not how a man is supposed to treat a woman special his mom Hell no Run i have 2 boys from a previous relationship so I can speak from experience not just point a finger. For your mental health and your sons its not good leave as long as your son has you that’s all that matters. From a mother to a mother leave

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God’s protection over you both. Leave while you can.

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I couldn’t even finish reading it. Didn’t need to. But you and your son need to leave him asap!

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U have your shit together somewhat… use it now… Pedo to the max! Never leave your son with him

Leave ASAP. NOT NORMAL. He’s looking at his private parts right now but who knows Next time he might take things further. Please Don’t chance this baby safety.

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RUN and don’t look back

No sweetie, you need to leave ASAP.

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Girl, no offense but do you hear yourself? Get away from him! Move out!


Move in with your mom if you can until you can afford a place of your own.


He is a child and you need to leave him. Reading the part about him watching you change your son and staring at your sons privates literally made my stomach sick. I would have left the first time he did that and gave me a creepy vibe. Plus him quitting his job over and ingrown nail. Wow way too many red flags. And please don’t take this the wrong way but because you just had the baby six months ago make sure you’re on some sort of birth control and also use condoms. The last thing I’m guessing you’d want is to get pregnant again so soon. Especially with what’s going on with your boyfriend.


hell no not normal behaviour… Get put of this situation as soon as u can.

LEAVE!!! Don’t think twice about it and DON’T LEAVE YOUR BABY ALONE WITH HIM.