7 month old throwing tantrums

What do you do about a 7 month old throwing tantrums?? My son will literally cry & scream when i set him down, and smile & laugh when i pick him up!!! He gets held all the time, and set down for tummy time, and to play in his walker for 30 minute increments through out the day!


Let him scream n cry while you walk away


I personally don’t feel like 7 month olds know how to throw a tantrum…however. If all of his needs are met and you need to put him down to do something he will be fine to cry for a few minutes.


My 8 month old does this.

That’s normal. A 7 month old just wants to be near momma

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Is baby sitting up all by himself ?

At a certain age…being held too kuch will cause this. Put him down. Dont jump at picking him up. He is learning bad behaviour to get his way. Also…try getting down to his level. Get down on the ground with him…


Let him cry he will stop after a while !

It’s not a tantrum it’s separation anxiety.


There’s not much you can do at 7 months old. He’s still figuring the world out.


Let him cry and walk away


You know what you are doing by picking him up is spoiling him. Talk to him comfort him but don’t pick him up when he has a tantrum .


My 7 month old does the same thing. If I know he’s fed and clean then I will let him cry for a few minutes. Usually though I can give him a toy and it distracts him long enough for me to do what I need to do. He is very much a mommy’s boy and prefers hands on play time. It won’t hurt to let him cry for a few minutes every now and then. Good luck :slight_smile:


Not much to do at that age.

You cannot spoil a baby by holding them. They are only little once.


He’s spoiled lol keep picking him up when he screams and it’ll carry on when he’s older he’s got you wrapped around his pinky


You can’t spoil a baby by holding it… seriously people???** I can’t believe people actually think you will spoil your baby because you hold it, that’s absurd!!**
Babies thrive on physical attention as well as cognitive. Introduce some safe baby toys to help preoccupy baby. Maybe wear the baby to get stuff done that you need to while being hands free.
Your child is crying because it wants attention or thier needs met. Children need attention to thrive and grow. They don’t have the mental capacity to throw a tantrum that young, what they are doing is learning to communicate with you the only way they know how. They are learning.


It’s not a tantrum it’s a habit. break the habit, if you can and he will soon get over it.


You just need to put him down. Just gona have to deal with the tantrum you’ve already set that boundary for him and he knows it.


Just leave him to cry for a few mins and he’ll be ok. If you keep w the picking up over tears he wont stop. If it’s really bad try sitting on the floor with him at first, eventually stopping. kids have to learn they can’t run the show because they cry.

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Its only healthy for you to be able to do things for a minute like use the bathroom and eat…etc. He will be fine he knows you love him. Your not a bad mom. That’s the age where you have to distract them more often they become bored easy and focus all attention on mommy.


So, he cries and gets what he wants bc you pick him up.
His laughing is telling you that.
He will be ok if he cries and hangs out on the floor so you can breathe.


Lol. My son does the same. He’s not spoiled. Babies and young kids thrive and crave physical attention. You can’t spoil a baby. If you need to pee, do dishes real quick or anything like that it’s fine. But no he’s not spoiled. That old way of thinking is ridiculous


Your baby is SEVEN MONTHS OLD! I can’t believe some of these comments! It’s not spoiling or teaching him bad habits. What a dumb thing to say. Heaven forbid your children want to feel the comfort of their mother! Instead of ignoring his cries like so many are advising, give him something to occupy him with. A toy, books, a bouncer, songs. There is so much that would keep him happy. Don’t just let your babies cry because you feel like being lazy parents.


No I believe he needs more stimulation, babies need touch, sense, sight, hear & taste. When he does this transition him to a high chair with a snack, or put him on your lap and read him a touch & Feel book. Every time they do this give them attention in a different way. I was in a baby room at a day care this was taught to me I had 4 babies to one adult. It works.

:woman_facepalming:t2: some of these people need to google basic behavioural development in babies. :clap:t2:A 7 month old is incapable of manipulating you! :clap:t2:

It is NOT a tantrum it is called separation anxiety and is NORMAL. If you ignore the cries you are taking away the only way that baby knows how to communicate with you. Love your baby, pick him up, and let him be in his only real safe space, because before you know it, he’ll be a teenager and want nothing to do with you. His brain is going through so many changes, especially during the first few years. It won’t be fully developed until he is 25 years old, so stop holding him with the same expectations you would as an adult with a fully developed brain. Get a carrier and wear him so he can be near you and you have your hands free.


He doesn’t even know what he’s doing… He’s an infant.


Distraction is key, loud musical toys keep my boy entertained, he doesnt cry much, only when hes super hungry or super overtired, which is a rare occurance, hes also 7 months.

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:face_with_hand_over_mouth:some people need to come down to earth. Momma if you need a break take one. If you need advice message me I’m not about posting on social media for certain reasons.

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You can never spoil a baby by holding them to much .7 month olds needs to be held and cuddled there more then just a digestive system .

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One day you will miss it


Mine does the same thing at 6 months. It’s exhausting. Sometimes I just let him cry (make sure he is taken care of first though)


If his needs are met just allow him to self soothe with constant reassurance. Mom’s have to have quiet time too,even if only for a moment or two. We have to potty, bathe, clean, cook, tend to others, etc and frankly it can’t be baby baby baby baby or nothing else gets done or dealt with. It’s life.


He’s still a baby. He’s not able to talk and tell you what’s wrong. Instead of letting him cry like many are suggesting you should try different things. Mine likes to watch little baby bums. It’s songs on Netflix. Do tummy time. Lay with him. Read to him. It’s exhausting but he wants you. Mine is the same way he’s 6 months very active and usually every 15 Mins I have to change things up and do something different.


Mama let him cry…sorry for all the naysayers but my three sons are 27, 25 and 23 and if I didn’t let them cry it out they never would learn independence and this Mama would have never been able to have 5 min to herself to even go pee…they’re not gonna die if they cry…it took me till my second born to realize this :heart:


Let him cry an throw a tantrum!. Hes workin you girl an knows exactly how too… My forth boy is 5 months old an a 7 year diff from my 3rd. Girl i had to learn alll over again lol. But tanrums are good to let them work through


They’re babies !! :thinking: your suppose to hold them all the time and play with them throughout the day ! It’s completely normal


My son loved a Nemo jumper at that age, my son wanted me to sit down on floor with him to play and he is 18 months and I hold him a lot still because I don’t want him to cry

When he throws a fit. Walk away and dont give a reaction. He thinks it a game.


Try putting him in a bouncy seat. Move it around with you & talk to him while your busy. He’ll get used to it & be much more content.

Babies need basically constant sensory input. This is why baby cries when you put him down. He just needs sensory stimulation in another form. Try a snack (like those baby snacks that basically dissolve) in the high chair, a book with things they can feel, a toy that lights up and makes noise or some music. There is no need to hold baby for the entire waking day, it’s actually not great for them. They learn so much my engaging with their environment. Babies in daycares aren’t held all day, each adult cares for an average of 4 infants at a time. Engage your son in different activities, being prepared to switch when they loose interest or every couple of minutes.


he is training you. lol


Give him something that he like that makes him happy

He’s still a baby… ITS NOT A FUCKING TANTRUM

Let him know its wrong

Stop holding him all the time? You should seriously know that’s the issue.


Mine is 15 months old and finally starting to learn all this. I held her all the time bc she was my first and I didnt wanna hear her cry but now that her brother will be here in 2 months she’s got to get used to it

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This can happen for some kiddos that are in more need of physical contact. Just be patient. It wont last for very long. Try loveys or soft warm, blankets, or your used shirt. Try also baby wearing.

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When I feel my kids are throwing tantrums we ignore that behavior and tell them when they are done acting out then we can deal with their issue. My oldest is a big tantrum thrower but she also has emotional and behavioral issues. If he gets older and keeps doing it I suggest counseling as young as possible. But I 100% think they learn very young that if they cry you’ll pick them up so maybe try leaving him not held but stimulate him in other ways like someone above said. Put him in the highchair with snacks and toys and books.

U got him used to it now u fucking deal with it lady!!!

Sit down with him, hold his hands, play with him, let him crawl on you . Don’t pick him up every time he cries. My daughter was a clinger and that’s what I did to get her through. She learned that we could still have physical contact without being glued to my hip.

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Child is just showing emotions… happy and sad… give baby something fun to do

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He wants his mum! My daughter was the same. When she was ready she became very independent and only wants to be held in new situations or when she is sleepy now.


I babysit a girl who is over 1 year
And when she’s tired she cries. And she cried. And she squaks
And she’s very smart and they understand what you are saying
One day I stood there at the gate and let her cry and scream
The second she touched the gate or my hand she stopped once I moved the gate she cried
I told her when she stops crying I’ll hold her
She eventually stopped and I picked her up
And she passed the fuck out. She was tired.
Patients. And part of parenting

That’s your job! Teaching them how to properly go about a situation.
It’s not rocket science

Set boundaries now. It won’t hurt him to cry. Give him something to play with. Make sure you are in his sight if you give in he will keep screaming to get his way. My daughter who is not quite two yet gave up on tantrums because they didn’t get her anywhere. She still throws them once in a while but they don’t last long.


Some of these comments kill me…my son is 7 months and does the same thing! However I’ll keep picking my boy up. He’s going to know mom will always be there. I’m sorry I didn’t have a child just to let him sit on the floor and cry. If I make him happy I’ll be damn he’s gonna know mom’s right there putting him in my arms​:sunglasses::hugs:

Just do what you can, hold him as much as you are able. If you can’t, don’t. He’ll figure it out soon enough but still be secure and strongly bonded with you. :smiley:

You can not spoil a baby by holding them. A 7 month old has no idea what a tantrum even is. Hold your baby mama…one day you will miss this time in his life…trust me. Look into baby wearing…its a life saver.


Its ok for kids to cry


I hold my boy all the time. He is 7M old now too.

You CANNOT spoil a baby by holding him too much. Crocodile tears don’t happen until much later when they can rationalize.

When my boy throws a little tantrum what I hear is, “I need affection/I want to move but I cannot do it on my own so well/I don’t want to be alone/play with me.”

So I just rule out what he wants. I’ll get down on that floor and play with him and mimic how he moves. I love this time, and a tantrum is another form of communication. Just listen to his needs.


People are gonna say “stop holding him all the time” AND THEN they are gonna say “dont let him cry”. I say space it out. Give him about 15 minutes independent play at least once or twice a day and every 2 months he grows older increase it 5 minutes. When he is around 2 do 1 hour of independent play. Of course it could always be shorter than that. But he needs some time to his self. You will either resent or lose your mind. That is much unhealthier than letting him cry and play alone for a few minutes.

7 month olds don’t tantrum. They just want to be held.


My 7 mnth old girlie does this sometimes. She just needs attention i think. She needs to know that mom is there when she needs me. I just hold her a lot

Fml, a 7 month on is not throwing a tantrum, his cognitive ability his no where near sophisticated enough ffs, at that age its separation anxiety which is a normal part of child development.

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A 7 month old baby don’t know what a tantrum is :roll_eyes:

LETS NOT JUDGE THIS MOMMA BY HER WORDING!!! She is not here asking to be judged.

Momma, you are all your baby knows and is 100% comfortable and content with you. Look into a carrier so that while you are wearing baby you are still able to get things done. Take a deep breath! You got this❤️

Stop coddling him. There’s a time to coddle and a time not to.

It’s a competently normal part of development, he’s not trying to manilpulate, throw a tantrum, or mad over not getting what he wants.
It’s separation from you that has him upset, and even if he wasn’t held lots up till that point he’d still go through a phase of not wanting to be put down. Ffs.
There’s lots of apps that are for the development stages of baby,
I highly suggest the wonder weeks, it will help you lots to learn the NORMAL stages babies go through.