Can I sue a car dealer for letting me leave the lot with a car that apparently was NOT approved? Let me explain…I traded in my car for another at a car dealer…its brand new. They said I was approved but something in their system didn’t fully approve it but it was late so they assumed that was why…so they let me leave and I was supposed to come back and sign the next day…its been almost an entire month and they are still trying to work my deal…at this point Im prob getting my old car back but now I am behind a ton in payments from them having it and me having the new car…I am so beyond stressed and all they keep telling me is “we are trying to work it out dont worry…” someone please tell me what to do
I have heard of this type of thing happening before. Have you been making payments on the new car? Since there is no loan where have the payments been going? If not you can use those payments back to the old car. I’m not sure there is really much you can do otherwise, nothing was ever signed. Technically the dealerships car has now gone way down in value by letting you take it for all this time. I’d go back to the dealership and not leave till they either get this loan done or give you your old car back.
Honestly they probably did something shady with your car and that’s part of the reason they are drawing it out. They probably know you can’t keep the new one and that you’ll come looking for yours.
Probably not since you technically don’t own it since you never signed anything. While I agree they shouldn’t have let you leave with it this may come back & bite you soon. Best to seek legally advice or just go get your other car back & let it go before you get farther behind in payments on your other one
Go to the dealership and don’t leave until you reach a resolution you are both satisfied with. Putting you off over the phone is easy. Watch them squirm
If you already signed papers I wouldn’t worry But I would be contacting them asap
So my sister has been in sales for 8 years and my boyfriend a General Sales Manager. When they’re missing a piece of a deal that can be brought the next day or so or don’t have F&I to spin the deal, they’ll dealer plate the new car to essentially secure the sale. He had one that was dealer plated for a week or two while a check cleared because there was an issue with a check. I’d honestly go in to the sales manager and see if you can get it figured out while you’re there. It may have been a bank rejecting the deal after the fact or some other unforeseen issue. I wouldn’t assume the worst until you know what’s going on for sure.
You take it back and demand your car back. Also prepare for a lawyer consult.
I’d be demanding my car back, something is wrong with this whole situation.
Happen to my husband once. Traded in his car for new car and came back later saying he needed a co signer. Kept the car for Like a month until they returned his car back .
There are 2 dealerships in my area that let you take vehicles while financing is “still pending.” Then you’re denied and screwed. The easiest thing to do would be to get financing through your bank or credit union. If that’s not an option… then maybe try to pursue legal action.
Can you even get it tagged? If it was me I’d be up there getting my old car back. Deal was shady from the start.
How can you behind a bunch of payments if it’s only been a month
How can you be behind " a ton " in payments when it’s only been a month ?
If your not approved for the loan you can’t have payments…. No loan means no payment…
I’d take the car back to them and demand your old car back and if not then you’ll take the new car as collateral
Read your contract, most have the clause on approval and if they can’t finance it and you can’t finance it, then the contract is null. You shouldn’t be behind more than a payment since you haven’t had the car for a month yet. You can call the finance company for the car and ask for a deferred payment. If you have a down payment you’ll get that money back.
Why are you behind a ton of payments if it’s only been a month
How are you behind a ton of payments?
You owe nothing, call the better business bureau, and your local legal aid, have the cops run the Vin to see if it is stolen.
How are you behind a ton of payments if it hasn’t even been a month yet?
Read your contract. Talk to a lawyer.
NAH… If it’s been more than 24 hours, I’m taking the car back and getting my car back. I’m NOT waiting a month
It’s called a bailment. They have you take the car because they think they can get your deal approved. Bailments are good for 30 days. If they don’t get you approved you bring the car back and get your old car… I don’t see how you would be behind a lot of payments in a month time… I sold cars for 7 years… I hated “bailing” people and asking them to bring it back…it’s lazy management… But it’s legal and no you can’t sue them.
Why wouldn’t you just return the car the next day?
Your still obligated to pay your car note which you should be able to do because it’s only been a month and you have no new car payment yet. If you go any longer not paying your car you might not get approved because you are behind on payments.
Kia? The same thing happened to me…
Why didn’t you continue to pay for the old one if you didn’t sign anything, common sense
Did u sign paperwork? Did you give them the title for your old car? Are u still driving new car? If the answer is no then tell them if they don’t give you your car back you are going to file a stolen vehicle report with the police.
Ton of payments I calculate one payment which you should have made anyways as you do not have a signed deal on new vehicle and on the new vehicle if it was yours the payment would come out usually in 30 days after purchase. So your kinda stretching the truth here I think
Seek legal advice. They probably sold your car. That’s why the dealership keeps postponing the deal with the other car. It doesn’t take more than 3 days to get a payment plan set up.
They did this to me too. Said it was all good to go did all the paperwork insurance etc then went to pick up the car n they told us this. They then had to mark the car down for us to meet what capitol one was comfortable w bc legally the car was already ours
Idk but my friend had a similar situation and when she went and demanded her old car back, they fixed the situation. Actually I believe she was making her payments directly to the dealership since she wasn’t approved for a loan. It was shady but she still has the car and it worked out in the end. Still, I’d start demanding answers
My parents were allowed to take their vehicle home before they was approved then if they wasn’t it had to be returned
If it’s only a month how are you behind a ton of payments? Should only be one month behind.
Same thing happened to my husband and I… we started talking to lawyers because we didn’t have a car anymore either… and then (as if by magic) the next day it was approved.
Call corporate headquarters everyday two or three times a day
Go down to the dealer and sit there till it’s figured out. If it can’t be that day then tell them you want your car back and if not you’ve already contacted a lawyer.
Just take it back and try to get yours. Last time this happened to my cousin, he went to get his old car and they’d already sold it to someone. Luckily the dealership decided to do an in house finance for him idk if yours would
Oh wow. I have had this happen but it was only for a day not an entire month. They should have already reached out to you about it before now. I would at least try to get them to pay for my car I thought wasn’t mine anymore. This is poor customer service to say the least. Somebody got in a hurry to make a deal to get that percentage from.
Happened to me, but I went back the next day and it wasn’t a whole month. It happens sometimes. It was also late in the day when I had been told I could take the new car. So I ended up with my old car back lol it was annoying and absolutely frustrating but it happens more than people think.
So many people saying 'if it’s been a month how are you behind…" my car payments are every 2 weeks. They also have the weekly option. Which would put her 4 payments behind but we don’t know the full details. Either way the place sounds shady. I’d tell them you want your car back or your talking to a lawyer
Either should scare them enough to magically get the situation fixed
No no hunny go back today ask for you old car back asap, this should have been settled the next day.
Why did you wait almost a month and not make payments on it? I mean I get it was their system but I would of been back there immediately the next day when they opened and not left until everything was settled. I would of never risked that especially letting it happen for a month. No offense but you handled this so poorly.
Happened to my cousin. She had to take the car back. If she didn’t they would of reported it stolen
If it’s only been one month, how are you behind a “ton” of payments?
Seems like Their problem not yours.
I’d tell n them to come getntheir car, bringing me mine or I’m bringing my lawyer.
Always keep paying on a car in your name, until the deal is done, and it’s paid off, regardless of what else is going on. If the deal wasn’t done, you wouldn’t have any new payments yet, so it evens out. They also sound shady, so ask to get your car back, and walk away
I would say the dealership is doing you a good deed by trying to get you financed. Worked in a Ford Dealership for years and we did this to hold a deal together. The thing is you have had the car for a month, you have always had the right to take it back and I am sure their is no binding contract so you never signed. Looks like you got a new car to drive for a month.
Should’ve let it drag on for a month
They did something similar to us. We actually signed the paperwork and everything the next day they call us and tell us we have until the end of the day to get paychecks to them or they need the car back. I told them okay I’ll be there in a few hours and I want my old car back. Magically everything was fixed.
u tell them to give you your old car back and return the new one lol
if its been only a month how are are behind a ‘ton’ of payments lol
I wouldn’t have waited a month and still waiting go get your car back… and how are you behind a ton of payments when it’s only been a month?? Something isn’t right here with this story.
Get your car make up the payments and never go there again.
How are you behind “a bunch of payments” if it’s only been a month?
Sounds like they did something to your old car or sold it to someone else. You need to drive down there after consulting a lawyer and demand your old vehicle back.
But you’ve drove around in this car for a month…i would have been on top of anything that can financially bite me
That happened to me. I ended up needing a cosigner. It was definitely scary. Especially because it was a work vehicle.
Take car back get your old car make payments if they still have old car
Join ROAD TO 750®, they have members in your same position and can quite possibly guide you the best.
You better check and see if they still have your car first. They usually sale them to another place quick. But if it hadn’t been approve yet, I would be scare to be driving it around
How are you behind a ton of payments if they’ve only had the new car for a month?
I would just take it back and say you need yours back.
I mean, at this point, couldn’t they technically say you stole the car if it’s not yours? I’d have been back right away.
Why are you behind a ton of payments. It has only been a month you should be behind less then a month.
Had this happen to me and it turned out they couldn’t get the title to the car I was trying to buy and that’s why they couldn’t get it approved was because they didn’t have the title. They had to buy my old car back (they had sold it in the month that I had the new car) and give it back to me. They tried to charge me nearly 700$ for having the car a month, which I refused to pay and they couldn’t legally make me pay because they technically never had the title to the other car that they essentially “rented” to me for a month they tried to get me to buy other cars on the lot and I said absolutely not because I hs specifically wanted that one car and they couldn’t provide that car at the deal that we had agreed on. It was honestly obnoxious but I demanded my car back, and contacted the attorney general regarding the issue. They had to go buy my old car back and return it to me. Then when I got it back and it had damage, they had to fix it for free. After that I flat refuse to leave my car and take another car until all paperwork is signed and finalized. I also go to my own credit union and get pre approved prior to even looking at cars.
Same thing happened to my daughter
It’s been a month…car payments are due once a month. There’s no way you’ve missed “tons” unless that was your choice
It’s always been in your control. You can take the car back. Get your car and tell them
When the “deal is set” you’ll come back and sign. I’d say you’ll have to contact a lawyer to get your car back cause it’s probably gone by now. But if it were me I’d definitely demand my car. If they won’t it means they screwed up royally and they CANT. Go now and see an attorney. Screw that contract. It’s obviously either worthless or one they’ll have to honor.
How are you far behind in payments its only been a month?
So clearly you didn’t read your contract. Start there. No, no grounds to sue.
Car dealsgips are the biggest ripe off this side of politics!!! They messed up, they can fix it. It’s called sucking it up and marking tha vehicle down enough that you do qualify. It’s their fault for taking so long. If you do end up with theoldoneback I’d definitely take them to court over the payments missed. But then only the month you had the new car will be paid, any other missed payments will be your responsibility.
Why would you stop paying, knowing either car isn’t paid off? Sounds like you’re more than just a month behind.
Usually we won’t send a car home until it is financed, make sure to go to a reputable dealer not a little guy on the corner. The bigger dealership can help get thing done, where it be a cosigner, more money down…a month is ridiculous! Accountability on the dealerships part should have never happened. Your payoff on your trade should have been at least 20 days so the dealership has time to process paperwork. Not sure who called who on this ridiculous situation but wow! Should have never happened.
Sounds somewhat normal depending on the dealer but you were still responsible for the payments on the previous car, I doubt your getting out of that. Get a lawyer for some legal advice though.
Why would drive around with the new car for a month if you were so worried about everything
Go to small claims court this is a scam
Your car was probably Sold already.
I don’t understand why you have waited so long. I would have been back the next day and taken a man with me as sometimes they treat women definitely. Now l would show up as soon as they open and not leave until you have your old car back.
It happened to me. They forced me into a leased vehicle. Costed me an extra $6000.00. Makes me feel like it’s pretty regular. Scammers everywhere.
If it’s only been a month, why are you behind a ton in payments?
If it’s been a month, how are you behind on payments? Wondering if I missed something…
Deman your old car back and threaten to get a lawyer if they don’t give it back. This is their fuck up.
Happened to me. Return the car and demand you car back. They finally “solved” by trying to offer me a new deal with much higher payments. They are scamming you and you still need to make payments on the original car. It’s only a month behind and ideally you still have that money because you were gonna pay on the new car so just make the original car payment and take the new one back. Unfortunately this is really common so they can jack up the payments