A Female Texted My Husband But He Swears He Doesn’t Know Her

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"Wondering if anyone husbands has randomly received a txt message from a female about wanting to hook up along with nude pictures? My husband swears is a spam number. He called the number in front of me and the person never answered and he left her a VM stating he doesn’t know her and didn’t knew why she was texting him. I also txted that number from his phone stating that he didn’t wanted to hook up because his wife (me lol) is much hotter than her and he didn’t needed to look for something he already has at home. But this person kept txting and sending nudes (4 photos) and not acknowledging me at all and she also didn’t mention his name just very general txt messages about wanting to hook up. All she kept saying is I want this and that imagine us blah blah… anyhow I google the number and is from someone local! I have the address but I am not ready to confront this person. He wants us to go and confront this person because he says he doesn’t not know why she is texting him. He said he had gotten another txt a while back from another lady but he never answered. He keeps saying is spam. I check the phone bill and I don’t see he has contacted this person but who knows of via internet he has. I have so many mixed feelings because one I could go confront this person but what if they r professional scammers?.. I don’t want to put my kids endanger and I know I will raise hell. But then again what if he is lying and he does know this person?.. that’s why I am wondering if is possible to get such txt messages and be spam? Thanks"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Sounds like it’s a spam text I’ve read about these"

"Yup. There are lots of spam messages like that. But I would just give her a call."

"Twice I have received spam messages like that on my own phone"

"It happened on my hubby’s WhatsApp. Sometimes it’s just spam/phishing for scamming people for money."

"My husband gets them all the time."

"There is a huge scam going around"

"I’ve gotten random spam messages myself about hooking up with women and getting nudes so he may be telling the truth"

"It’s spam… Also it’s not good to click on the text cuz there is a sex trafficking spam going on and if u click the link they can track you"

"It happens to me a lot. He’s probably telling the truth. Especially if there is zero correspondence from before."

"It is spam. I get the text messages too a girl saying something about missing me and starting sending nudes lol I was like well at least their sending to my phone and not my husbands because I prob would have flipped out lol"

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Most phone companies now list all numbers text/ called. Do your research and see!