I had a waiter call me out about a 20 dollar tip, he said you probably need it more than me and gave it back. I said thank you and took it back. He didn’t deserve one.
No and she had no business confronting him
I would complain!!! Just by going to hunt him down and demand a tip, that alone makes her NOT deserve one!!!
Absolutely inappropriate! Not tipping is never cool, but in your son’s case it sounds like an honest mistake. But regardless, even if a tip was withheld on purpose, that kind of behavior from wait staff is totally egregious and unacceptable. I worked as a waitress for ten years… if we got “stiffed” on a big tab, we might gripe a bit to a friend in the kitchen but never, ever where a customer could hear! That’s terrible:(
Question i have always wondered…1st off I DO TIP. That being said…why is it up to the customer to BUY A MEAL AT HIGH PRICES AND BASICALLY PAY A RESTAURANTS EMPLOYEE BESIDES? If they hire them to work for them…shouldn’t they HAVE TO PAY MINIMUM WAGE?
I’d say there’s more to the story than what has been shared here.
She was wrong! But…in her defense…essential employees are being treated like garbage sadly. A year ago they were all heroes…now they are just being crapped on. Bet he won’t forget to tip again tho lol🤷
Coming from a lead waitress… and now a Manger at subway…
Who makes alot in tips, even for a subway…
This isn’t ok for SO many reason.
Yeah it sucks for her… but next time he comes back, maybe he would… now the poor kid pb won’t come back because of the embarrassment.
How she is ok with begging for money…not only begging but guilt tripping him… shows shes not very good at her job.
I’m sorry this happened to him.
Customer service isn’t for everyone. I’d call and talk to the Manger. I wouldn’t want someone like that working for me.
And sorry for those who take a job for $2 and $3 an hour who feel they are not worth more than that for all they do. .my advice is, find a better job until restaurant owners step up and pay them. They make plenty of money BECAUSE OF THEIR WAITERS. If they don’t want to pay them more, let them cook it, deliver it, clean up after it and do all the dishes…maybe then they will appreciate them more. I shouldn’t have to pay their workers more then they do.
Honestly if a server approached me like this and confronted me over a tip regardless of if I just forgot I would have told them here’s your tip “next time don’t harass your customer” and walked away.
Never chase. Millions of better ways to approach that situation. Crying broke is the worst one. IF anything, ask if you messed up service somehow and if that’s the reason for no tip.
He should have gone to the manager right then and there. I’m guessing she did this because he is younger and she felt she could get away with it. Very unprofessional of her.
Not acceptable! Im a server and would have never done this to someone!
Call the owner of the restaurant… This is NOT ACCEPTABLE. how embarrassing and fuck her.
If you don’t like working for tips, and sometimes not getting them, then don’t work at a restaurant.
Maybe he didn’t like her service, that’s confrontational af. And a tip is not REQUIRED, that’s why it’s not included in the bill.
I would be PISSED OFF.
He is 18 and on a date. He has other things on his mind. If he told her it was a mistake should have left it at that. Im like this after I tell you it’s a mistake and still take it to another level would have told her here is a tip be more professional and get over you making minimum wage be lucky you have a job. Some people can’t even find work. I work minimum wage don’t go around bitching about it. Maybe she needs to talk to her employer about her wages.
Chances are she wasn’t making over $4 an hour. And if she was making actual min wage it’s still not enough for what servers deal w and work they do. I’m sure he won’t forget to tip again. Life lessons. Let them learn them.
Do not call this woman’s job and get her in trouble. Think about what could be happening in her personal life. She could be trying to put food in her kids mouths, barely making it and couldn’t take getting stiffed one more time. Think about others. Your sons feelings are going to get hurt sometimes when he makes a mistake. Let him have those feelings and let him learn a lesson so he can do better the next time. Y’all are wild af in these comments.
I’ve been. Aserver and would NEVER CONFRONT a table. It’s not mandatory.
Tips stand to insure proper service. I was a waitress for 40+ years, I never expected a tip most always got one. In my opinion that was very rude. Different times now.
Although a servers min wage and a general min wage is way different I have been a server and bartender before for years and If I would have ever done such I would have been fired. On the other hand he would have been well knows in the establishment for not tipping rather it was a inocent mistake or not that is how servers make a living and if they earn a tip it should be paid. If the shoe was on the other foot and your daughter was the server how would you feel?
I feel there’s no way he could just forget since there’s literally a line on the receipt to enter your tip right above the signature line when you use a card confronting him about it the way she did was unprofessional but I bet he’ll never forget to tip again lol
I have been treated badly because I was alone I left a penny to let her know I didn’t forget. In England the tip is put on the table beforehand and if the get good service they get it. Tip means to insure good service. She was out of line.
I’ve been a server. A tip is earned by a job well done. A tip is NOT mandatory.
I’ve been known to leave a $20 tip on a $50 check. But I always tip in cash, never on my card.
So how did this server know that’s what this gentleman didn’t do?
I’ve worked as a bartender and waitress plenty of times (I’m In Australia so people don’t actually tip often) we had a tip jar that customers could put their tips in and it went to things for the employees like Xmas parties an employees bday and stuff like that. I did have the few customers that use to tip me directly but I’ve never asked for any tips regardless of my situation. I leave a tip if I had good food and service but I won’t leave one if I haven’t had good service at all.
Sad. I’m sure he was sorry about the tip, the server was rude and disrespectful . After that, she didn’t deserve a tip
Call management or corporate
Really disgusting behaviour from the waitress.The customer isnt obliged to give a tip.
The restaurant should be paying them enough so that they dont harass customers is the future
Customers must tip. Servers make so little money each hour
I would talk to that waitress’s boss. That is crazy.
I have always wondered why customers are supposed to supplement the restaurant owners wages to their employees. They need to step up and pay a livable wage not sub-minim wage or basic wage but a livable wage. If they can’t afford it sell the business to someone who knows how to pay wages.
This is not a mom in cut also like wtf
Tips are optional not mandatory
They chased us down in Mexico for figuring it out wrong. One guy stood in front of our ride and wouldn’t move until we gave him more.
Tips are not manditory,mandatory, being said, waiters & waitresses only make $2.52 per hour. It sucks! They depend on tips to make a decent wage
I never tip unless I feel its truly deserved… I work in healthcare I earn min wage too but I don’t go round chasing my patients families for “extra” the girl should be sacked thats not customer service… Also the service user is always right where I come from
Only tip if service is 100% satisfying. Tips should not be included or asked for.
It might of been a learning moment for your son… how to assert himself or what ever the case maybe. Either way he was dominated by a women… won’t be his last either
Girl better get a grip. You don’t do that
Well lm in Australia tips are earnt on merit and considered bonus. However l thought it was compulsory is some places like USA. Which country is this post from? In in defence of the waitress maybe this happened to her more than once that day and your son was just unfortunate. However lessons are learnt in life and mumma if he is old enough to go to a restraunt with his girl, then he needs to also learn to stand up for himself a little.
He forgot the tip of you didn’t teach him about tipping in the US compared to the uk I’m sure you recive approx 1500$ for your sons condition so what was wrong with a 20% tip
No! Server showed bad manners!
Restaurant workers are having a really hard time right now, she’s probably just really stressed. We don’t know what’s going on in people’s life. Absolutely not acceptable for her to do but I try to give grace where I can
I think you’re being overprotective. Once you’ve worked in the tipping industry that’s something embedded to your brain. I think he was more embarrassed bc he got called out for being cheap
As a server I will tell you its uncalled for. Don’t humiliate your guests no matter what. Its comes back around in the end.
Tips depends on the service that is received.maybe she didn’t deserve a tip
Nahhh that’s bullshit! You don’t have to tip anything… They’re not mandatory and most definitely not her place to confront anyone
I’m an Aussie and we don’t tip but on a family holiday in the US we were berated by a waitress for tipping enough. I had no idea what enough is. At least we tipped
Waitress shouldn’t confront someone for not tipping
That’s ridiculous I wouldn’t have tipped her at all
I dont know about others but I never expected a tip from a kid …most of them are broke just trying to take a girl out and struggle to do so … I never got upset I find it sweet they try … and I know as a server of my tips don’t come out to minimum wage the company pays me the difference… prom nights not many tipped but its part of bei g a server some nights u make killer money some nights u don’t
He needs to report the waitress. Gratuity is a GIFT. It’s NOT required. If she has money troubles she needs to find another job.
I wouldn’t have. She should have been sacked that’s the complete opposite of customer service. If she doesn’t think she gets paid enough in her job then she should change jobs. Tips aren’t mandatory.
In new Zealand we don’t tip, we go to work, we go out to eat we pay for what we eat, the person serving the food also gets paid their hourly rate as do all people in new Zealand who work, we pay for parking, we pay taxes, we pay GST simple. I understand it’s the American way but dammm.
I’d want them to say something politely to me. I used to waitress and when u waitress you get paid a minimum because your tips are supposed to make up for not making the actual minimum wage so if I forgot yes I’d want to know because as long as they did their job and waited on me so I didn’t have to get off my ass to get my food or drink they should be tipped.
I would have told her to kick rocks…
Her paycheck isn’t his concern. It’s not his job or responsibility as a customer to make up for where her paycheck lacks. She chose that job,she chose that paycheck. He should have purposefully foregone her tip bcuz of her entitled bitch ass attitude. She had no right and was incredibly disrespectful.
And are you overreacting how…? You didn’t even include how you reacted…
Your son also clearly was a gullible target. He needs to grow backbone, if a waitress is able to spot him as a weak one and be ballsy enuf to know she wouldn’t lose her job in confronting him.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?
Wow I have been a waitress before and never done this. Very tacky
He’s not obligated to tip her, waitress was wrong.
Wow. I would have not tipped just for the attitude.
Omg … Maybe she didn’t earn a tip … that’s disgusting …
Tacky in the extreme. Yes he should have tipped but to chase a customer down…I’ve not tipped before because of a bad attitude but this would probably lose my business.
Very tacky besides tips as far as I am concerned are based on the service received. Your son did no wrong!
These dsys if service is crappy I do not tip or give very little
Yeah I’d contact the restaurant. That is ridiculous and tacky. Although I believe you should tip, he’s 18, and an honest mistake. She took it too far.
No that is rude of her to pretty much demand that he tip her things happen
She shouldn’t have done that bcuz I’m sure he wasn’t the only one who has done that and maybe she was having a bad day and got upset when she saw that and reacted the wrong way …. Sorry that happened
Wow. So rude of her!!!
She would have gotten a tip she didn’t like if she confronted my hubby like that who does that? Your son was in the right, she was in the wrong.
Leave a tip or don’t go out it’s covid and no one has time to not get tipped for their work.
I forgot to tip once when my kids were about 6 months and 2 years old (no mess was made) because I was so flustered.
It was at a motel restaurant, and I was by myself.
The same waitress confronted me the next day. I was mortified.
Apparently it really bothered me, because it was 26 years ago.
Well maybe if she had done great she would have stood out and he would have remembered to tip her. Either way, tacky and desperate approach lady, get a life
She definitely wouldn’t have gotten a tip after that
Restaurants don’t have to pay minimum wage to waitresses.
At the end of the day, the waitress signs up for that job. You’re not always gonna get a tip! She was the one who was in the wrong. I wish someone would I’d be a total bitch and just tip her 0.01
Regardless if he forgot a tip sometimes people only go out with enough for what they need has anyone ever thought about that ? I feel super shitty when I go out to eat and I only have enough for what I’m getting and maybe a cab somewhere but hey not everyone can leave a too for a paid waitress every time!
Not appropriate for the waitress to do that at all! Tips should be earned and not expected. I always tip and tip generously, but if I was called out like that an embarrassed on purpose…it would be zero!
The waitress was definitely outta line
I would call the restaurant. As someone who waited tables for years I would have never. She didn’t know his reasoning and had absolutely no reason to approach him. I wouldn’t have tipped just because of how unprofessional
He’s human and humans forget. I wqitressed for over ten years and have been stiffed on tips , it’s all a part of the game. It’s Gna happen. but I would never dream of saying that to any customer , even if they were complete aholes. That’s what venting to your co workers is for
It is NOT required to tip a waitress. I tip based on the waitress alone. And don’t ask me if I want my change. Yes I do or I would of told you to keep it. If I forgot to tip, and come confront me? There would be NO tip. That is rude.
I think it’s terrible behavior honestly. She doesn’t know the situation. Maybe he couldn’t afford a tip. Either way, her behavior was rude and unacceptable. Tips aren’t even customary in other countries.
Honestly, as someone who’s waitressed many times, that was out of line. I hate that we are one of the only countries that tip. Paying extra because you don’t even make min wage should be on the business and not the customers. And honest mistakes happen.
She was way out of line…I waited tables for years and getting stiffed for a tip isn’t good but sometimes people don’t have the extra.
Your son did nothing wrong. If she knows she only makes minimum wage (probably less cuz waitresses don’t make s***) and expects to live off tips, then she needs to find a different job. There’s plenty other jobs out there that pay more… I hate that crap. I wouldnt have tipped her AND made her sorry she came after me
I’d phone the restaurant and speak to the manager! That’s not on! You can explain to the manager that things like that are the reason why restaurants lose customers.
If she is that tacky to go out and harass him over a tip, she is likely a shitty waitress who doesn’t get tipped for obvious reasons to begin with. I would be speaking to management
You guys are the worst. You receive a service. You pay for it. Not a damn one of you would tolerate working and your boss forgetting your paycheck. Servers do NOT get paid minimum wage. They provide u service and your tip is their wage. She was assertive and unwilling to work for free. You guys are entitled and rude.
In my state waitresses get 2.13 an hour so they depend on those tips to make a living
Call the restaurant!!!
She is 100% in the wrong. Put aside him forgetting to leave the tip and let’s remember that a tip is not obligatory, it’s something EXTRA, ADDED on top of “salary”. I would write a review of the restaurant, name the waitress in the review if he remembers her name, and not go again. I would also name other restaurants that are similar that people could go to in the area, eat well and not be judged or confronted. I would be really upset.
As a waitress for over 40 years yeah that was tacky. But as a Mom…I have taught my children how to tip and proper dining out etiquette. I brought up 3 kids and still take care of grandkids and family on tips. I always figure kids aren’t goung to tip…but they surprise you. Your job to teach them. So they aren’t embarrassed when going out. But the waitress should not have. And the woman above me who doesn’t tip much ever…stay home.
Wth!? I’d go back into that restaurant demand to speak to the manager with the employee present…make her aware of her greed and disgusting behaviour! …then let her know your son actually had just forgotten…however she caused him mental stress and anxiety for which he already suffers!
I am a waitress, I don’t expect people to tip. I’m just greatful if they do. She sounds like an arsehole!
Bartender/server of 20 years here and that was rude as hell. She would have been fired from the establishments I’ve worked at for that. I will say please tip your server if they’ve done well at the job but that was just crass af.
Tips are earned not mandatory,regardless I always leave some sort of tip even if small but if she did that to me I wouldn’t be tipping at all and would take name down and call corporate. I’d be that person for somebody being that way
I’ve only ever not tipped ONCE in my life…and it was intentional because the service was SO SO bad!!! I mean really bad! And the waitress chased us out into the parking lot! I’m sorry that happened to your son, it was an honest mistake. My son has anxiety disorder too so I feel for him.
Poor man. I feel for him x
As much as I think not tipping is terrible behaviour, I also think approaching someone about it also is equally terrible.
She doesn’t know the circumstances and it’s a lot easier to just brush it off and continue your shift than to make a scene. After all, as much as for me personally tipping is necessary, no one technically owes her a damn thing.