A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

Okay not sure if this question is allowed here plz don’t post if not allowed. My son took his girlfriend out to dinner tonight. He is 18 going into college in the fall, but he also sufferers from a significant generalized anxiety disorder as well as a social anxiety disorder. They went to a local restaurant. My son forgot to tip the waitress honestly just forgot while outside after paying the bill waiting for the rain to let up a bit, the waitress confronts my son, explaining to him that she only makes minimum wage ( my son obviously only makes minimum wage as well ) and demanding a tip. My son explains he truly forgets, goes back, and puts a tip on his card. He was pretty upset when he got home for forgetting the tip—and feeling pretty embarrassed and beating himself up for it. I feel pretty upset; although I always tip anywhere we go, have I missed something where it is acceptable for calling customers out for not tipping? Am I just being an over protective mama?


Oh my goodness! Your poor son. Not only embarrassing and anxiety inducing, but horrible behavior on the server s part. Please call the restaurant manager or owner and tell them this is unprofessional behavior by his staff. I would never return there. I hope he and his date are doing ok regardless of that negative experience.

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OMG!! My daughter suffers with Social Anxiety disorder as well. She HATES having to pay for things and normally if I’m with her, she will give me her money or her card to do it for her. She is 16, and is getting better slowly, but something like this, would set her SO FAR BACK. I would be LIVID!! I am actually livid FOR YOU!! You 100% should call the manager or owner of that store and let them know what she did. What if she did this to someone who only had a little bit of money to where it wasn’t really enough to give a big tip? Or a homeless person who has been collecting change from strangers and doesn’t have a home to cook a meal, but gathered up just enough to buy themselves something to eat for the first time in days? You never know someone else’s circumstances so this was TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!

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This is unacceptable! I’d go to the restaurant & report her. To brow beat & humiliate a teenager or anyone for not leaving a tip is out of line. The quarantine has wait staff feeling a little entitled in my opinion. I tip based on service & always will.

I feel that the waitress shouldn’t have called your son out on not tipping. Most people think that waitress make minimum wage but they actually make less than that. Here in Virginia, waitresses make $2.13 an hour. So if they don’t get any tips that hour, they will only get paid $2.13. I generally tip no matter what, because waiters and waitresses handle my food and I so appreciate everything that they do.

The waitress may have been stiffed tips all night or maybe your son was her only table all night long. Not that that justifies her saying anything to him. but you never can tell.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. A waitress confronted my son because he forgot to tip: Is that normal?

i wish a mf would try some shit like that with me :rofl:

That’s just really tacky on her part. I mean I get it but tips are not required.


Totally 100% unprofessional on her behalf.


That’s highly unprofessional of her and your son definitely shouldn’t have been confronted. I’ve had low tips before for stellar service and a ton of people, not once did I ever confront the customer unless they wrote a nasty message.


I waitressed all my life and have never confronted anyone about a tip or lack of. Very unprofessional. Getting stiffed(as we call it) is part of the territory.


Definitely not normal and every place I’ve waited tables at would have fired me if I was thay rude

Tips are not required but most restaurants pay is terrible…


I have those disorders too. I would’ve used my anxiety to tell her about herself. Just let it flow out on her since she chose to be a target.

I would call the restaurant she should have never done that


Even if it was an honest mistake forgetting TO tip… If i had a waitress try and guilt me or confront me. I’d most definitely not be leaving a tip at that point!
That’s beyond unprofessional


that waitress was definitely in the wrong you dont go around demanding tips


Bad form on the server’s part.


Explain to your son tips are earned….


Not right. U can go to her boss because who knows weho else she does it to, or belittles/badgers because of a small tip


I’d call the restaurant. EXTREMELY unprofessional!


No they are not suppose to call you out for not tipping. :joy: I would have told her no guess she should have a job that pays more then minimum wage! if it’s a problem :joy: an I always tip but that’s rude.

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She didn’t deserve a tip with that attitude …or a job


Absolutely NOT. That was BEYOND tacky of her and should be embarrassed of herself. Sorry that happened.


Maybe he won’t forget next time.


She chose that job so her pay is her pay. Tips are not required and are just a bonus if they do a good job. I wouldn’t of went back and tipped and I would have called the manager


Yeah tips are not required and if I could trade places with your son I would! She’s lucky she didn’t get verbally bitch slapped that would have been her tip!

I’d call and explain the situation to a manger. I wonder how many others she confronts or is she targeting a certain age group. Whatever the case, very UNPROFESSIONAL!


I’d call the manager honestly. She should never approach a customer like that. That’s just bad business. He shouldn’t feel bad either. Everyone forgets sometimes.


She should not have said anything.

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She should not have comforted your son about tipping. I would be call her manager and make them aware of the situation.

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A lot of kids just don’t too because their parents don’t teach them. She probably makes 3$ an hour, she probably lost it.


Years ago, my girlfriends and I went out to dinner. We forgot to tip, as well. The manager came over to our table and asked if everything was alright with the service, and if there was a reason why we didn’t leave a gratuity. We were all really embarrassed, too. We apologize for the oversight. It happens to the best of us!


Yeah, no. Wait staff are not supposed to do that. A lot of places will actually terminate their staff over this😒


This is bs but unfortunately alot of people in the industry agree with this new way of addressing the issue.

Ok, odd man out here, but lessons to learn on ALL parts. She should not have confronted him, but you don’t just “forget” to tip. The waitress was unprofessional, but I also don’t agree with you making excuses for your son. ALSO minimum wage for a server is diff than regular minimum wage. Most servers make $2-$4 an hour… so they really do rely on tips. We tip at night based off of sales so when ppl don’t tip, you literally still have to share a portion of the money with the bartender/bussers! Please use this as a learning experience…


When I was a waitress, I honestly did not mind if people didn’t tip. Sure I was really happy if they did, but I’ve always hated the tipping culture in this country. It should be up to the employers to pay a decent wage, it shouldn’t be on the customer to provide the income. Paying for your meal should be good enough. I would have never confronted someone over it, only if they didn’t pay for their food. I tip because I understand the importance since this country has decided that’s how wait staff should be paid. But it’s a backwards and ridiculous tradition that most other countries have never even heard of because they’re smart enough to pay their staff decent wages!


I’d go to the owner and complain. that’s not ok, sounds like she doesn’t deserve a tip at all.


Tips aren’t required but minimum wage for servers expects to be financed by tips.

The lowest minimum wage for a server is $2.13/hour with tips expected to make up the rest.

Where it’s totally an honest mistake for your son, servers are left scrambling for tips to complete their minimum wage.


She definitely wouldn’t have gotten one then.


Wow she shouldn’t of said nothing


As a waitress you can bet your ass I’m calling someone out if they don’t tip me. Mother, son, brother, doesn’t matter who you are lol. If you know how to go out to a restaurant, then you should know how to tip. :tipping_hand_woman:

Wow who does that? No tip for her asking wow!! Your son feels bad now, but does not need to. She felt entitled. I waitresses as a kid and was happy to get tips, I did not expect them. Wow wow. I would have not given her one, but your son is most kind!!!

Be a Karen that is not right. They make minimum wage to cover their hourly rate. Tips are generous and EXTRA untaxed money ……
F that waitress. I’ll call for you.


It was unprofessional, tipping is appreciated but not required


It’s wrong u don’t have to tip I would complain she wants more money get different job


:flushed: very unprofessional and aggressive.

He learned to not forget again


Beyond unprofessional.

Stop payment on it an get that hoe fired…


The server should have not said anything. When I server I had people not tip more times than count

Okay he should have tipped it wtf that was not okay for her to do that. I’ve been a waitress before lots of people never left tips….I would never say anything to them about it


My biggest problem when going out in public is that
I will only tip if there attitude is good service is decent and they do not demand a tip

If they demand a tip I will not tip
It’s rude

I have worked in the food business and was taught that when given money for there bill
And they give you more then asked you return the change and if they want to they will tip

Never demand a tip
Have a issue with your pay take it up with the boss

One day I was getting a ittalian soda

She got my drink wrong tasted half done
And when she saw I had change she demanded it
4 dollars
I didn’t think of it until I drove off but that was very rude
And drink tasted like crap
Turns out I don’t go there no more

Tips are earned not a must

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Being a waitress/server that is VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!!I had several customers that couldn’t afford to tip because they were on a budget. God will provide for the servers but you can’t go around hounding folks for a tip! Call the restaurant and report her!!


I wouldn’t tip if someone came up to me and made a fuss over it. And then I’d call a manager immediately. Tipping is NOT required. If I can’t afford to tip, I could give two craps. I’m still going out to eat. If you need to make more money, go find a different job.


That behavior is certainly not normal and not okay! A tip is NOT a requirement of service. She may only make minimum wage but that’s the career choice she chose! Tips are earned, not given! That’s is not acceptable on her part and she needs to be reprimanded for that. Completely unprofessional and gives the restaurant she works at a bad name.

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I would call that restaurant and have her fired!! That was uncalled for. He did nothing wrong. First off all if I was the Mgr, she would of been fired on the spot.


This is his to deal with, not yours. Do not lose your peace over it.

That being said, she was out of line. If he wants advice, I would mention that he could call her manager. Otherwise, let him handle this on his own. Let him be a man.


I feel that was very rude of that server

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I don’t leave a tip when I’m not satisfied with the service.:woman_shrugging:t4:


She should not be a waitress… was it wrong to not tip, yes… but a waitress should never come up to a customer and make a comment like that.


He shoulda fking tipped. :roll_eyes:


Yeah I agree what a lot of parents on here are saying. I’d def report to the manager for sure

A tip is a gratuity as in you show gratitude for service received. If the service isn’t up to scratch you are not required to leave a tip.

You are not REQUIRED to leave a tip at all, it is OPTIONAL and like respect; it’s earned!


Would not have gotten a tip from me at that point. I get waitresses don’t make that much but tips are not required, and I’ll be honest…If you do a shitty job I’m not tipping you. If you do a great job, I’ll tip you great. It’s really easy.

I would call the manager and let them know the situation. Yes, tips are not required. She cant be going after people either if they CHOOSE not to tip. Im not saying its ok. Im saying its up to the customer. Shes making the restaurant look bad and will lose business for everyone.


I would 110% call the restaurant tomorrow and speak to a manager… that’s not ok at all. And I work in the service industry


I would’ve said that I wonder why I forgot. I tip based on service. I’ve tipped extremely handsomely and I’ve not tipped at all.

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Incredibly rude and unprofessional. I would call and speak to the owner/mgr. Waitress needs to learn some manners and respect. She would have gotten nothing for that nonsense. Want more money then find a better job.

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I would go an complain to management that’s not OK she is so wrong xx


I had a ihop waitress try to chase me out their side door as I drove off


To pursue him outside was wrong. However it really should be done by the Manager. Now it also depends on the Restaurant and the Bill. If it’s just a basic Eatery with a 25$ tab… But if it was more exclusive with a 100$ Tab that would be different Also if he paid in cash that could be an ‘I forgot’ But if he used a Card the Bill will indicate ‘Gratuity’ and may in some cases give a percentage chart. If the service was bad a Manager should be called over. One more thing… If your order was not prepared properly… DO NOT blame the Wait Staff. They don’t prep the food and cannot they refuse to serve it… THAT is on the Food Staff. Both my Parents were in the Restaurant Trade and I was basically raised in Restaurants. Some were very Exclusive.


He needs to call the store owner and let him know what his waitresses are doing. This is not acceptable.

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I hit on a scratch ticket and when the guy paid me , he had his hand extended, I asked him what’s the matter, he said where’s my tip for giving you that ticket, first it’s your job to sell tickets, but no she shouldn’t have confronted him

I’d make a complaint with the owner. That’s 100% insane. It’s not illegal to not tip and if she didnt do a good job, then she didnt earn a tip.

Several restaurants are paying well over minimum wage right now so she can hush.


You are not obligated to tip and than to guilt someone into after the fact. That’s some BS

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Instead of coddling him, praise him for taking care of it even if it was after the fact.


Nope not usual. But I will say as a mom to a son who waits tables and is in high school (most the staff except kitchen staff) are in high school or college and wait staff only make $3.05 an hour… and hardly anyone has been tipping. Lately he would rather be a food runner or chip boy because at least he would get minimum wage. He nor anyone else has gone after anyone for not tipping though it happens really frequently. Though I agree she shouldn’t have done that, we all need to do our part to make sure we tip and teach our kids to tip


I’d report her to her boss but, honestly confronting me would be the last way you’d get a tip. I’d even go out if my way to not tip you again —- lacking class and common sense, that one


She is rude. You don’t demand tips from customers.

Yeah no, it’s not a requirement. Everyone complains that waitress only make a little amount, if that is the case find a different damn job, don’t expect a tip . Now let me say i do tip every time & it’s based on how the waitress does, if he/she ain’t good you’re only getting 20%, but if you’re good you get more.

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As a server who has been in the industry a very long time, as well as a manager, this is very unprofessional. Most places will fire a server for that. Tips are not a requirement. We all get stiffed from time to time. I would call and speak to the manager to let them know they have an employee that is doing this. She should be fired in my opinion :person_shrugging:


I work in food service & WOULD NEVER. Does it suck to work hard for a tip only to not receive one? You bet, but in my opinion you aren’t entitled to anything. That’s trashy & out of line & she should be fired.

I made 2.13 an hour and never guilted any customer into a tip. Closest was when some teenagers flicked a dime at me and told me to keep the change, I flicked it back at them and told them they needed it more than I did.


If she’s making minimum wage for waitressing she’s doing pretty good. I never made more than $2.13 waitressing, so I relied on tips. But shit happens, I’ve forgotten to leave tips before. He’s a better person than I am though, because I would’ve told her to kiss my ass if she came at me like that lol
And if it where my son, I’d be calling management and telling them about her. But I’m also an overprotective mamma bear lol

I was a waitress for many years and if they didn’t tip oh well I still said have a great day or evening never once asked for a tip my friend did and she was immediately fired which should of happened in this insistence

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no. i would call the manager and depending on how it was handled…i would have to consider ever going back

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The waitress was completely wrong to even mention a tip. But you won’t help your son by butting in. He’s 18 - a grown man. He won’t grow up, grow stronger or grow less anxious by having his mother jump in to handle things he should be handling himself.


Wtf no! That is SO inappropriate!! Im a hairstylist!! Younger kids RARELY tip and we NEVER say anything because they’re KIDS. She should be spoken to by the manager at the very least. A tip is a gift, NOT a requirement. How dare her treat your son that way. She needs to be reprimanded for sure. That’s so unprofessional!!


Should have left a penny just for the attitude she gave… Shows you will tip and that she just lost a tip over her mouth

gutsy we all think it better but never act on it

Let this be a lesson for him :woman_shrugging: servers depend on tips, it’s not an easy job, & going out to dinner/having someone wait on u hand&foot is a luxury…I don’t think you’d be happy if your son’s boss forgot to pay him.


Definitely unprofessional of her to do that although I understand that not getting a tip definitely is probably pretty hurtful. At least your son went back in and gave her the tip! It’s not like he did it on purpose.

I’ve been a server for years. Tipping is an option.


The waitress may have asked because she thought she did something wrong


This is every servers dream to call that crap out…but no…they cant/shouldn’t.


For everyone who doesn’t know, if your tips and hourly pay doesn’t equal out to minimum wage, the business is required to pay the difference. Atleast where I live that’s standard…and where I work, we split tips between every employee, but I don’t get to bicker over having to split “keep the change”. Grow up. Find another job if it’s THAT bad.


That’s a sure fire way to not get one from me. My daughter is a server so I know how little the restaurants pay. The server knew the wages when she was hired on. It’s called GRATUITY for a reason.

BTW- my daughter makes pretty good in tips because she works her rear off, and she’s as beautiful inside as she is outside.


I’ll probably get shit for this but As a server, you don’t just ‘forget to tip.’ Sorry that’s bullshit. Teach your kid to tip, even if it’s 10%. I feel like EVERYONE should be a server once in their life to realize how hard it actually is!!! If you can’t afford to tip, DONT GO OUT!!!

I feel like the waitress is in the wrong. As a waitress for 5 Years I never said anything to a customer about tipping unless it was a thank you so much and that nice stuff, but as professional she should of never went out of her way to say something. Very unprofessional and not only that made the customer feel very uncomfortable and that’s a big no also for waitressing, I would definitely call the manager or even better yet I would call the owner and definitely say something. Yea waitress depend on there tips but at the same time, as a waitress is she gonna do that again and freak out on someone that left her pennies and dimes for tip?? That place could lose business due to rude staff,