A woman at my husbands Christmas party told him she loved him: Advice?

I went to my husbands work Christmas party and his co worker (female) walked up to him and started talking to him when I was right next to him…she didn’t say one word to me and when she walked away from him she said “love you”…I was like tf was that about? And he brushed it off as “thats who she is” and we didn’t talk about it any further…should I drop it?


My problem wouldn’t be that she said love you personally I say it to a lot of my friends/co-workers but the problem for me was the lack of introduction and not speaking to you at all would be an issue.


No thats not normal. & he shouldnt of allowed her to ignore you & act like that


I say love you to my male and female friends. The fact that she ignored you is more of a dig that would bother me. I would expect my husband to put his arm around me or kiss me or something to set the bar of the way I want to be acknowledged.


I would be like “omg no way me too, that’s why he’s mine!!!” Probably doesn’t help the situation tho :laughing:


Like most others have said… if she had spoken to you as well, I wouldn’t worry about it. The fact that she acted like you weren’t even there would throw up some red flags for me.


The problem is that she ignored you. Otherwise I would say not to worry.


Too late now… but she wouldn’t been handled at the party… with an Excuse me from the time she started talking to him and didn’t acknowledge me… He would’ve been handled too. That’s just rude without the I Love you!

I wouldn’t worry about it. That’s just what some people do. A friend I went to high school with tells everybody he loves them. I’m bad about it myself.

It’s Christmas don’t overreact I love all my co worker’s male and female it’s the Christian in me


I wouldn’t be bothered by the love you part we say that to each other at work . I would be upset about her not saying a word and no introduction between you two .


Your husband is giving her a reason to think that’s okay. It’s not really her that you need to worry about, it’s him.


Nah thats weird. And inappropriate. Especially if she was rude and didnt say a word to you. And why didnt your husbands say “oh btw this is my wife whateveryourname is” thats the normal thing to do lol

Sounds like your hubby and her got a thing going on. She was brave though for saying love u to him right in front of him and u not doing anything about it


Nope, and the fact that she totally didnt acknowledge you nor did he introduce you. He gotta go. How would he feel if it were the other way around

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If that was my husband, he has one of two choices, to tell her that’s inappropriate, or tell her not to speak to him again! That’s crossing boundaries in a marriage


It’s not the fact she said “ love ya” it’s the fact she completely ignored you and he allowed it… very rude on him, and her. Don’t let it go!!!

I wouldn’t like it especially if she didn’t acknowledge me but that’s how a lot of people are. I wouldn’t let her rent space in your head

Ya, he’s got an office romance and you just caught the first whiff. Its probably much more cringe when you’re not around, sis :eyes:

She did not speak to you that is a sign… SMH wrong on so many levels!! Ya i’d be done how long he been lovn her?

People often say “love you” when ending a conversation even after a phone call that doesn’t mean anything more than friendship. She probably calls people sweetie, doll and honey too. I would just consider it as “that’s who she is” as he says unless you have reasons not to like trust issues. Now on the other hand, I would think being any kind of gentlemen, your husband should have introduced her to you and visa versa and beings he didn’t I think I’d have more of a problem with that. If a “friend” approached me to talk and my husband was standing there with me the first thing I would do is introduce my husband. They both have bad manners to say the least :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Did he say it back? No. She has issues let it go

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When she approached him did he not introduce you as his wife? To me that part is weird, if he didn’t.


If she wasn’t ignoring you I’d say it’s fine but the fact that she was is a big no. He should understand that’s not appropriate.


I have a bigger problem with him allowing her to ignore you and not introduce you than her not talking to you. Very disrespectful on his end.


If was just “love you” and not “I love you” then it’s in a more friendly nature


I understand what your trying to say. I would maybe mention it again to have a peace of mind. Then i think you will always think about it. I would maybe ask him how close are they for her to feel that comfortable to say that she loves him.


Was she drinking? I driver for Uber and had a few passengers saying love you to me, with their wife in the car too. Have always been drinking.

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I guess I would have teased my husband with it. I would have joked with him, so that’s your work wife.
Don’t get worked up about it unless there more suspicious activity that goes with it.


Why didn’t he, or you introduce you…

So, my ex put me in a situation where he had an affair with someone at work, at the time I didn’t know it had been going on…BUT this bitch had the audacity to come up to me and my kids while we were having lunch together (with my ex) and start talking to the kids and him, completely ignoring me. He didn’t introduce me either. I found out 2 or 3 years later they had an affair during that time period, and she was one of those intentional “homewrecker” types. I absolutely put him at fault bc if he never opened that door, it would have never happened, but this seems like a very similar situation.

She didn’t acknowledge you… that’s all you need to know to confirm your suspicion


Uhmmmm she ignored you completely. She’s banging your husband. And either she doesn’t know about you/what you look like. Or she just doesn’t care.

I would be asking LOTS of questions

Well he should have introduce you as his wife. To me LOVE YOU and I LOVE YOU hits differently

Yeah drop it right on his foot!

Wow guess we better stop saying love you to people now. God help us.

You said it was at a holiday party. Was she drunk?


I’d definitely talk to her

Idk. Some people are really like that. It’s more concerning she just ignored you, what a rude person.

When he didn’t introduce you, You should have introduced yourself…do it something like, Hi I’m Janet , "Mr blanks wife, you have to forgive ( goober) He Sometimes he forgets his co workers names. Nice to meet you.

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WTF. there would definetely be more conversation and explanations

How long has he worked with this chick?

I’m too toxic to answer this.

The fact he didn’t introduce you AS HIS WIFE nor did she acknowledge that you were standing there says A LOT about your husband! Apparently this isn’t the first time she’s said this to him and I bet you it won’t be the last. HUGE RED FLAGS DEAR…EVERYWHERE!!! Take your shit and RUN LIKE HELL!!

I’d be asking your husband why he didn’t introduce you