ADVICE before beginning sleep training on our 4 month old (almost 5 months old)?

A reasonable schedule is one thing but trying to get a baby on a perfect schedule is impossible. A baby wakes up for a reason. My baby will wake just to be changed and thats it on some nights. Other nights she wants some milk. And on a good night she will sleep 6 to 8 hours. Get a new doctor


Why at 6 months?why don’t u potty train them at 4 months


Babies are supposed to cry and feed during the night. It is normal. Growth spurts and teething happen during this time. If they recently have eaten then I would try another method to soothe them (ie gas meds, teething meds, etc). Also, rice cereal is empty calories and does not belong in bottles. I would honestly find another pediatrician because yikes :grimacing:


It is called a 4 month sleep regression. I feel like your pediatrician is not up to date on babies. Rice is is so 80’s.


This isn’t the place to ask. Too many judgements. Try the sleep training groups where they are supporting of it. It’s plenty safe and they give many files for information to assure you that it’s actually beneficial.


This sounds like a normal baby and pediatrician sounds like he’s not up to date with modern research. I would get a new one. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Rice cereal often hurts the belly more than helps, baby could be waking due to pain. It’s been shown that it doesn’t help fill them up, it’s considered empty calories and actually contains high levels of arsenic. There’s been several warnings put out. It’s also a major choking hazard and anything besides breast milk or formula is no longer reccomended prior to 6 months. If baby needs thickened milk, there’s thickeners made specifically for babies who need it that are safe.

You can sleep train without crying it out. That has actual research that proves it’s harmful to a developing brain. However, sleep is developmental so try as you might, baby may not be ready. My 22 month old just started sleeping all night. Through the night for a baby is considered 3-5 hours and you’re lucky if you get that. A lot of adults still wake at night to pee, get water, from nightmares, etc.

Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep

The Beyond Sleep Training Project


You also shouldn’t be mixing any baby rice cereal in bottles either😏


Keep the night feedings they are too young to wean from night feedings every baby is different. You shouldn’t be putting rice cereal in the bottle, feed it from a bowl before they go to bed wait til at least a year or so before getting rid of the bottle at night. She will start sleeping through the night when she is ready to. That’s all part of having babies.


At 5 mos just feed them with a spoon quit putting cereal in the bottle there’s more nutritional value in the baby milk that cereal takes away from.
Give baby a good last meal before bed time. If baby gets up in the night rock baby back to bed without a bottle. Unless it’s very crazy cries, just give them the bottle.


Some babies just don’t require long stretches. Been there done that, gotta get use to it. Eventually as time passes and she gets older she will sleep longer.

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This is bad advice as Jacqulyn Fisher said find another doctor


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. ADVICE before beginning sleep training on our 4 month old (almost 5 months old)? - Mamas Uncut

If your baby is crying at night they are communicating that they need you. Sleep training is withholding physical and emotional connection and teaches them that what they feel doesn’t matter and eventually they stop because they know your not going to come not because they have been trained to sleep better. I would be consulting a sleep coach on tips for why your baby is waking instead of choosing to leave your baby to cry alone.


Rice cereal in bottle can be a choking hazard . Babies wake up when they are hungry maybe try 4 oz at night


Sounds like 4 month sleep regression and growth spurt. Babies shouldn’t have any cereal in a bottle, and at 4 months shouldn’t really be having cereal anyways. My baby is 8 months and still wakes multiple times a night to nurse. It’s normal and a defense against sids. Also, at 4 months babies aren’t capable of self soothing and CIO is detrimental to their mental health in the future. I can’t believe you think a four month old waking in the night is “getting out of hand.” Also, their little tummy might be upset because you’re feeding 8oz at a time. Maybe they just want soothing instead of so much milk. :grimacing:


I understand the pain of night feeding but I think emotionally that’s still a lil too young. No judgment just my opinion. Good luck.

Wow it’s a little bub it just needs Mum sleep will come eventually and babies are very unpredictable so give it some more time!! Good Luck :wink:

My doctor yrs. Ago told me to put a bottle of water in the crib. So when she woke up she can find a bottle and drink it. Didn’t take long for her to go all night without waking up. Did it with my other 2 also . They want the company .

Try get more bottle feeds in throughout the day, give a spoon feed before bedtime with the last bottle.
White noise for babies on YouTube on your phone.
Sounds like your baby has reflux so maybe change the formula and nothing should be added to your babies bottle.

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5 months is way too young to ween from night feeds, and way too young to self soothe. Babies are up to eat throughout the night. Baby should not be having anything but formula or breastmilk in a bottle. Rice cereal and solids should only be introduced when baby shows signs of readiness.


Night feedings are tough, I remember them well. But at 5 months most babies are going to wake and be hungry. If baby is spitting up a lot then you really don’t know how much baby is actually getting throughout the day. Try feeding a 6 oz bottle then soothing baby back to sleep by rocking. My daughter had acid reflux issues and had to be changed over to soy formula because she was spitting up so much. Maybe check nipples on bottles and make sure the holes are not too large, eating too fast can cause baby to spit up a lot also. Good luck mama and relax, you’ll miss those night feedings one of these days. I feel at this age it’s completely normal for baby to wake up wanting to eat. Every baby is different so do what works for your baby.

Good luck!! Tried it all with my second nothing worked, we ended up co slept till three and a half. First kid was no problem at all from day one.

Please research the negative effects of sleep training. That’s so heartbreaking that you would consider letting a child that young CIO. Also- That is way too young to withhold feedings in the middle of the night.

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I’d say the baby is in discomfort if waking less than 2 hours at not and it’s not helping you shoving a bottle in try raise the head if it’s cot
Comfort baby at night rather than a bottle every time it cries

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Got my son to sleep through the night at 8 weeks fully. Slowly take away a bottle if you clearly see they’re being overfed. Also adding rice cereal in the last bottle of the night also.

We sleep trained at a month. He was going to bed at 9 aoth a bottle before bed and he woke up at either 12 or 4. The pedi said don’t feed him, rock him back to sleep and see if he takes a pacifier. That work great.

I swear by the sound machine on fairly loud. It helps drown out the crying and is a consistent sound for them to focus on.

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My son slept through the night when brought him home when he was a month old Dr put him on cereal because he was a big baby over 9 pounds so I would feed with a spoon then a bottle before bed

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Almost all my kids got up during the night. My twins were the worst up every 2-3 hours until they were a year and a half. I’m on my 5th baby and she has been sleeping throughout the night since she was 4 weeks old. Turns out some babies want to sleep and some babies just don’t. Lol this is your life now, good luck

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It’s getting out of hand with the night wakings and feedings ?? Your baby is a 4 month old infant,getting up to make a bottle or nurse can be grueling but it’s what the infant needs.If they are crying and hungry feed them :heart:


Perhaps what you are feeding the baby is not satisfying their hunger. And if there is still alot of spit up/ vomiting could be the formula/ breast milk

I have 3 kids and at a month old they all had cereal at bedtime. I’d do bath, cereal (really runny not in the bottle) then a bottle and rock in the rocking chair and they all pretty much slept from 8 pm until 6 ish… I remember waking up out of habit for their 2/3 am feeding and they’d be sleeping soundly. I didn’t go by the pediatrician or others, just my mom and she taught me that way. It never caused any obesity issues nor diabetic issues. But every baby is different, and some won’t sleep through the night. I think the sooner you set a schedule the easier it will be for the parent and child.

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Definitely ditch the rice! Increase real foods during the day. Sleep training is great if done properly.

Light classical piano, cello or flute music, played at a very low volume, helps children to sleep peacefully through the night! It seems to relax and sooth them. Me too! Try it.

My kids woke for a bottle or milk once a night until they were a year old.
Overeating and waking like that sounds like possible reflux.
Both of mine had reflux and milk allergies. Took a bit to figure out the right formula once I quit breastfeeding.
My son was on Zantac and my daughter ended up on nexium. They had to sleep at an incline as well.
My son wasn’t able to sleep flat until he was 8 months old.
My daughter was around 5-6 months.

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At night, check the child’s diaper with a flashlight. I suspect pinworms. They are extremely easy to get and most people will never ever know they are there. They cause serious problems with sleep in adults and children, and can also cause massive issues with anger, constant tantrums, explosive outbursts, big appetite, sometimes can cause an itchy behind, often causes multiple wakings at night

If it isn’t pinworms then you can try a few things like elevating the head of the crib just slightly incase there is a reflux issue, an oatmeal and lavender bath before bedtime, maybe something heavier before bed like a sugar free oatmeal cookie or something

Babies that are feed well before sleep,can sleep through the night without problems. Younger than 5 months.

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All I know is babies need comfort and mama. And I couldn’t let my baby just lay therw


You need a new doctor as well that doesn’t all seem right to me. Probably can lower the feeding because that’s why he is waking and probably gassy I think you need a new doctor


My mom gave my rice milk at that age and now I have horrible stomach problems ever since she did that


No baby should have anything in their bottle except formula or breast milk before 6 months. You can’t sleep train at 4 months. Your baby wants you and babies wake up to eat at night. It’s normal. Please don’t do that to your child… and don’t withhold food.:disappointed_relieved: I suggest you find a new pediatrician.


Be patient with your children. I’m honestly worried about your babies well being…


Yeah no. New pediatrician. This advice is :flushed:


4-5 months is a bit early to expect your baby to know how to sleep through the night. The part of their brain that regulates sleep isn’t completely formed yet.


Night feedings at that age are normal, especially if they’re going through a growth spurt, which is common around that age.
My 16 month old still wakes up every 2-3 hours to nurse during the night and although I’m sleepy, I know that he’s just hungry. :blue_heart:


From 4-6 is when a baby starts transitioning into adult sleep and not the deep baby sleep. Until they can adjust to that they will keep waking up. My baby turned 5 months two days ago and he still eats 15+ oz a night. Spit up is not always because they are over eating and waking up a few times a night is normal. It was the same with my other two boys. I would find another pediatrician. 4-5 months is still very, very little.


Around 4 to 5 months they go through a sleep regression and sleep like a newborn again. This can go on for a few weeks… Have you checked to see why she might be waking up? For my little man it was gas that kept disturbing his sleep and he needed milk to settle again out of comfort rather than hunger as such… Maybe the rice milk is affecting her digestive system and giving her tummy pains! Personally I think 4 or 5 months is too early to sleep train because they still want those snuggles and to feel close to you at night. The world is still a scary place to them and they’re learning all the time, taking things in, maybe even having little nightmares at times. It was a rough ride for me with my now 18 month old. He had growth spurts every so often or he’d be awake looking for a cuddle… The way I see it is those days go by so fast. I will sleep through the night again one day! It’s not forever even though it feels like it right now. If you’ve done your research on sleep training and feel it’s what’s best for your little one and your family then all you can do is try, but don’t expect it to work straight away. I guess just be consistent and look for the small wins. I am still exhausted most of the time now, but I know I have to be there for my little man until he does learn to sleep better :blue_heart: some babies take to being left to cry right away and some will cry and cry until they make themselves sick. I think the best thing to do is teaching her to self-settle which she might not do for another couple of months yet… My eldest was doing that around 6 or 7 months and asleep after 5 minutes of chatting to himself. Once she can soothe herself that’s half the battle :bouquet::crossed_fingers:t2:pretty sure that up until 12 months feeding through the night is to be expected because they don’t have the same concept of night and day and meal times like we do…


I can see why this was posted anonymously :flushed: Please tell us your pediatrician so we know to never use them.


So much cringe in one post.


What did I just read!


Too early to try to do a bedtime routine my daughter nearly 11 months if she cry’s she comes out of cot n I sooth n try again but I don’t allow her scream she way to young
Also don’t put anything in their bottle please it a risk hazard I got told this by HV wen she realised I was dna it wit rusk but durin mornin /night bottle (it a risk of chocking they don’t expect to have to chew things from bottle since it should b liquid only)

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Could b teething (again if allready started)

Give the baby whatever amount of formula or breast milk you can when they are hungry, teething can cause disturbances with sleep or the rice, dont use rice it’s all empty calories. Bad advice from your dr. Get a new dr asap.


My baby was full as a tick every night, clean, spoiled to sleep, etc. but woke every single night at 2 am just bc. All he wanted was me, literally. It took one solid week of letting him cry and fuss himself back to sleep. Never had a problem with him waking again once I got his title pattern reshaped.

My baby was full as a tick every night, clean, spoiled to sleep, etc. but woke every single night at 2 am just bc. All he wanted was me, literally. It took one solid week of letting him cry and fuss himself back to sleep. Never had a problem with him waking again once I got his title pattern reshaped.

Will have stomach problems from bein given food so early. Sounds like you need a new doctor that know what they heck they are doing with babies.


Put rice cereal into the bottle or mash some potatoes with formula and feed that baby! It’s waking up because it’s hungry. Mashed potatoes an gravy, baby cereal


Why did you have a kid if you don’t want to bothered by them?


I started putting my youngest who is now 5 in his own room in his crib at 2 months. He only woke up 2 maybe 3 times to eat and was right back to sleep. When he woke to eat I didnt talk, make any other noise, only had a very dim night light on, and rocked in his chair after feeding/burping. Once done and back to sleep he went straight back to sleep in his bed. By 4 or 5 months he was sleeping 5-6 hours straight. We definitely feel doing all night feedings in dim quiet room helped alot with our little one.

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Idunno, at 6 months of age, I threw my daughters bottles out and started her on a sippy cup. She never got it at night. But she was eating solids by then as well. So, I would wait till about 6 months but try and start her on like mashed potatoes and stuff and see how it goes. I never had issues from her. She was constantly hungry but didn’t want the bottle or baby food. So I started feeding her solids.

You need to find different baby formula to feed your baby . The milk formula you are using isn’t for your little one if he or she is still starving . I know from experience. You don’t have to approve it by the doctor either it’s your choice . But do let doctor know you changed the milk . Once you find the correct milk formula your child will sleep better during night . I wish you luck .

I started the cry it out method with my son at 4 months old (when his pediatrician recommended) We both cried the first night. I went in every 10 minutes to let him know I wasn’t leaving. He fell asleep after a few hours. It was easier and easier every night after that. Best sleep HE had ever had. He’s now 5 and has been a phenomenal sleeper since then. I would absolutely do it again. (Also please do not listen to these people about feeding your baby, etc. listen to your DOCTOR) :grimacing::blush: good luck mama no

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My son had acid reflux and spit up so much. He was also an awful sleeper and wanted to cluster feed all through the night.

I used Taking Cara Babies ABCs of sleep when he was 7 mo old and IT WORKED! Totally saved my sanity. He is 2 and still an awesome sleeper!

Y’all are some shady ass parents.

Please…never do the cry it out method. Babies literally are not wired to self soothe at such a young age, also. Please avoid cereal in the bottle.

Every kid is different. Mine still wakes up at night sometimes (5) from cosleeping.

But i didnt sleep through the night for the first year.

Welcome to parent hood. “Short cuts” will hurt your child later in life.

The gerber method can develop a sense of abandonment in a baby. They do not understand what is happening. Again. I repeat, it is impossible for them to self soothe.

Id suggest co sleeping, pre setting bottles to avoid moving around much at night.

Also the more stimulated a child is throughout the day, the deeper their sleep tends to be.

If they are six months, id suggest blending some carrots before bed and giving babe a snack.

Lavender/bedtime body wash & lotion is great. Same with white noise machines.

Adding cereal to the night time bottle will fill your little one up and may help to sleep through the night on a fuller tummy.

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Don’t do that to a baby. Especially that young!
And rice in the bottle? That young? :woman_facepalming:t3:
Baby’s belly is only so big. That’s why they wake up so much. Do you starve yourself for hours, or what feels to them like days?
And cry it out is disgusting and cruel.
Don’t have any more babies, please!

My son was in a schedule by 2weeks old. I just kept him up longer during the day. Only woke up twice during the night for feeding. 2:30 and 4:30 like clock work and back to sleep.

Some these comments wayyyyyyy to judgmental.

Check out Baby Sleep Answers - Baby Sleep Consultant. Sleep training without the crying it out (I could not handle the crying but also needed the sleep).

Don’t think I’ve ever read such a bunch of absolutely horrific advice since becoming a parent if I’m honest. Baby is throwing up and crying because they have belly ache, because you’re filling them on empty calories with damn baby rice at 4months old and in a bottle at that, makes it a choking hazard. Bottles should ideally be nearer 5 or 6 Oz not 8. Honestly this advice is shocking.

Try letting her stay up longer take her outside hold her watch a movie on your bed … & withhold the last feeding as long as you can by keeping her busy so when its late you can give her a baby food & bottle and she will have a full stomach right before bed. Also swaddlers blankets they like warmth.

First two nights were a test for us! On the third night she slept just fine. Be consistent with the schedule. Good luck!:grinning::heart: