Hey mamas, I’m starting to become a little concerned with my bleeding, it’s different from when I had my first child. With my first was a 36 hr labor with an emergency c-section and I bled for about 4 weeks postpartum. Now with my second, I had a scheduled c-section due to placental abruption and choice of a repeat csection and am currently 5 weeks postpartum and still bleeding. Now the ‘still bleeding’ isn’t what has me concerned excactly… its that the bleeding was lightening by a lot about a week/week and a half ago, I thought it was nearly done but now over the past 3 days or so my bleeding has picked pack up, not as heavy as the first 3 days pp, but heavy enough I bled through a small pad, it’s dark/bright red and I’m passing small clots.I guess my question is, is it normal to lighten and then pick back up and get heavy again? Thanks for your time reading this!
If you can’t reach a doctor, one should be on call, at your local hospital, try calling the ob nurses where you delivered the baby. The nurses who work this department are usually very informative.
Well there’s quiet a few factors…. Like are u breastfeeding… have u had intercourse are u having cramping still do u have a fever there’s lots of questions that need to be asked to narrow things done call a nurse maybe call l&d and ask them or ask who u should talk to given it New Year’s Day and Sunday it could be nothing or more ask a professional that’s not an easy answer…. It is not an emergency unless u have a high fever or bleeding a ton like more then a reg pad an hour.
Any clot bigger than toonie should be checked out, especially after having a baby
How about call or go see a doctor
Dont waste your time call a dr