Advice on handling with postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is hitting me hard. I never experienced this after giving birth until now.


I had this with my youngest I called doc right away as soon as I noticed how bad it was and got on meds when he was 3 weeks old call your doc get an appointment I have 5 and never experienced it before I had depression since I was young but I managed it well but after my youngest idk it got pretty bad to wear I couldn’t anymore and felt so low never twords him but myself

Talk to your support team, parents, husband, SO and go immediately to the doctor and be 100% honest with them. Self care is so important and PP is very real. Praying for you, momma :heart:

Tell your doctor and don’t be afraid to take medication for it. :heartpulse:

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Tell your doctor immediately and have a good support team. Even if it’s just one friend that’s there for you. I had it bad as well but I got through it. It’ll get better 🫶🏼

Oh my stars. Go to your GP. It’s so important to get help. Don’t ignore it. Go to a hospital if you have to. It’s so important to get help as soon as possible. Xx

Get help asap is my best advice x do not leave it like I did and I still need anti depressants now and she’s 5 x

Call your Dr and get an appointment. I never had it with my first 3 babies, and had it with this last baby really bad! I ended up going to the ER mine was so bad and I knew I needed help and offices were closed. Then once my Dr was open I got in immediately! I am better now, but it was a horrible experience!

Go to your doctor. They can help you find meds that will work for you, or groups… and find a therapist. Preferably one who specializes in postpartum. Trying to take it on alone can really make things worse. These tools really helped me.

You should be going to the doctor and finding the help you need from a professional. Either a psychiatrist who can prescribe some meds or even a therapist for talk therapy

Talk to your Ob/gyn or GP. It’s common and nothing to feel embarrassed or shameful about. You just gave birth, your hormones are crazy and you now have a very inconsiderate new roommate who makes you do all the work.

What does your OB suggest?

Talk to your physician- whether primary or OB/GYN. It’s very real and sometimes it is not temporary. It’s a chemical imbalance and there is no shame in seeking help- whether it is counseling, medication, both, etc.

Don’t just let them out you on a pill. It’s pretty annoying how mothers are pawned off. PPD is fueled by exhaustion and isolation. First off get simple easy to eat snacks, meals. Paper plates. Shower every day, even if it’s just a five minute shower, brush your teeth. Get outside, don’t wear shoes. Do not stay cooped up, being around others will help. What’s really underrated and so helpful is exercise, even fifteen minutes a day. Have a friend, partner, family member whoever help you be able to do this, it will boost your endorphins and dopamine. Some supplements that may help, lions mane mushroom, 5htp, lithium rotate, tyrosine

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First off so glad you recognize it. Know that it’s super super common. Please reach out to your doctor immediately and let the ppl around you know also. Never feel bad about asking for help