Advice on toddler sleep regression?

I am in need of any and all of the advice. My 23 month old has been going through what seems to be a sleep regression for a month now. She just refuses to sleep except for 2-4 hours at a time. When she does sleep it’s because she’s been fighting it hard for hours. She wants to be walked non stop for hours straight. A lot of the advice I have received is to sleep when she sleeps but that’s not feasible when I have 2 other children. I can’t get household tasks done when she sleeps because I need sleep and when she’s awake, I have to wall her or she screams. My husband has been home for the last month due to work being slow but he has to leave town tomorrow to go back to work. So I won’t have him to care for the other children during the day while i’m catching the sleep that I can. I am just so overwhelmed and out of ideas that any advice or input would be helpful and welcome at this point. Also, she is breastfed and we bedshare if that matters.

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