AITA for being mad at my boyfriend for feeding random people?

Am I wrong for getting mad at my bf that lives with me because he’s tryin to feel a house full of ppl 3 times a day these ppl don’t live here and I just went shopping I’m on food share cuz I can’t feed my self and my family and that’s me him my 6 year old and my 1 year old and I’m pregnant I don’t get as many hours as work as I normally would and he just started working and he’s not worked a full work week sense he started any ways I’m getting off the point the food barely last us all month when I only cook one’s a day and 3 times on weekends if I have to cuz my 6year old is home from school last night I made dinner and obviously I fed my kids my man and his guests first and there wasn’t any left over for me so I’m tryin to go sparing on the food so I can make it last when we were over at his now guests house I payed for most the stuff we ate cuz I didn’t want them


I dont mind feeding friends but it sounds like they are free loaders if they had any respect they would let you all eat in peace and not come around at dinner time or they would leave when dinner is being served. They shouldn’t be expecting a meal everytime they come over…


My goodness…maybe he needs to go somewhere for awhile with his friends…and think over who he wants most you or them…

His friends need to go. You have a family and he clearly isn’t proficient at providing.


My mom always said … Alright time to eat , your friends got to go home now !!


I can’t afford to feed guests so I don’t serve food when they’re here. If they show up for meal times then ask them to bring a dish to contribute to the meal

You need to put your foot down.

The friends don’t need to be eating, food is for you all. Friends can leave or wait to eat when they get home … Otherwise tell him to leave with his friends when it’s meal time


Start by feeding him last in line, maybe then he’ll think twice about feeding his friends


Prepare meals for you and your kids, serve you and your kids and call it a day.

Stop cooking for his friends and then his friends can’t eat there.

Better yet, get rid of your freeloading boyfriend and the whole issue will resolve itself!


Pick up a side job, like food delivery, save it for just yourself. Y’all gotta hustle some way or another.

Ya gotta put your foot down. Use your voice and communicate with him. Tell him what the problem is. Talk aboit it and come up with a solution. I cant stress this enough but when you are in a relationship…SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF!!! And your kids.


Do jackets potatoes for them don’t like it hard luck buy cheap bake beans Ido there lovely .

You need to feed your family first then share what is leftover.


I would have ate and told him there wasn’t enough for him🤣


You can feed everyone but you? How big of servings are you dishing out? Maybe cut back on servings size on each plate? I am also on food share for 3 kids from a previous relationship and my infant with my current guy. I also don’t make much, but I would never say no to feeding others, I just know how much I have and divide it properly.


I get both sides.
But if you can’t afford to feed the ones in your home you shouldn’t be feeding outside your home. Lovely your partner is doing that but now may not be the time to help


I would have served your kids and you first . Then he could have handled himself and his guests . Put your foot down he wants to feed the guests he can pay for the extra food . Don’t take from you and your kids first hun


No. Sounds like he would rather impress ppl than make sure his family is taken care of. Tell him his friends need to plan on eating at their own house, because you can’t afford to feed everyone. Send him to a food pantry also, could help get through til the new.month


Send him to stay with the people he’s feeding and you do for you and your babies only


You’re saying you’re choosing to dish out food to his friends and then you’re getting mad because your boyfriend isn’t saying anything when you also haven’t said anything? Why not just stop dishing the food out and maybe communicate the issue? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Gtfo. That’s what he needs to tell them

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Put your foot down and tell him to stop inviting people round.


Kick them out feed yourself and your kids

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It’s not your responsibility to feed his friends. Stop making food for them.


Maybe you should get rid of the Moochers. It’s your home.
You and your children come first.
Perhaps get rid of the boyfriend.


I mean stop serving food to other people so you can eat ?


Tell him that you get food for your family and NOT his friends


Tell them to leave! If they want to eat your food then they need to contribute each week towards the shopping! Put your foot down with you’re fella that you are busy enough without feeding his freeloaders too and if he makes a fuss, tell him to go to their house so they can feed him while you sort out you and the kids. He’s being very unreasonable and taking advantage of you which is a red flag to me so it needs sorting


his friends and him need to go your pregnant you shouldn’t be putting yourself on the back burner when you need food to


Naw cut that out… you an your family eat First.

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Nah you need to tell these people your house isn’t a free store and they need to get out, you aren’t feeding them. The fact he’s okay with you missing meals so his friends can eat is disgusting. I would serve my kids and myself then sit down.


You can’t starve yourself while pregnant for a man and his mates. You obviously can’t rely on him.
Think you need to start looking at the big picture hun. This sounds like a hot mess.


Tell them all “this ain’t no soup kitchen”… WTF you mean you didn’t have enough to feed yourself? That man and his people need to vacate!


Tell him either his friends go or they start giving $75 minimum a week for groceries. If you’re in a location where groceries are extremely expensive, feel free to up the amount


This answer is so obvious. He goes.


It’s always great to extend a olive branch of kindness. But you’re the root and you’re supposed to get all the nutrients first before that olive branch can be extended to other parts. So honestly it’s not you or your guys responsibility to feed people. They need to get food stamps, pantry or pay for their own groceries. So I dont think your feelings are wrong.


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: when he cares more about his friends than you. What kind of man wants to have his friends over at all hours when he has a family?? A good man doesn’t!


His friends would be dining elsewhere unless they brought food! You do not need to feed them you did not birth them sorry not sorry your children and you come first and if he can’t understand that you need to reevaluate his priorities

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You’re not in the wrong for being upset , but I would ask these people to leave . Start only making enough for you , your man and your kids and that’s it . Tell them you don’t have the money to keep feeding them .


His deadbeat friends need to go. I definitely wouldn’t be making enough for them.


I think your bf needs to be served last if he’s inviting others over to share your groceries with no financial help .

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Nta. I always make sure my families fed and taken care of before anyone outside my home


These people are users, including ur boyfriend. If they were caring people, they would make sure you and ur child got plenty of food. Why are they there?


There’s nothing wrong with him trying to help others and there’s also nothing wrong with saying sorry I don’t have enough for your friends. If he is planning on feeding others and you agree make one of the cheaper meals like baked potato bar, spaghetti, chili.


WAIT…so, YOU bought the food and YOU cooked and then you served his freeloading friends before yourself. GTFOH

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That’s dumb don’t feed others and if you are pregnant you should b eating


You could actually potentially lose your food share because you’re feeding people not listed in your household with it. I would definitely stop this right now before you lose it.


This is the second post I’ve seen about feeding people today ? I mean really is this a big problem ?

Sorry. That’s not a man. That’s a leech.

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Erm him and his friends woukd be out on the street! Are you running a homeless shelter?? Hell no. This would not go down with me :joy:


I would have a talk with bf. Yes you have every right to be mad. But you also need to speak up about this issue or it will not get foxed/worked on.

Make him share his dish before serving the guys. Order of food serving 1 kids, 2 you, 3 guys, any left overs your bf can have. This will help him realize you cannot feed everyone and still have enough for others

Sounds like your boyfriend is taking advantage of your good nature … if he isn’t earning enough to pay for his friends meals and your family then I’m sorry but he needs to go … he will drag you down a bad road. There is no way in hell my friends would eat and my gf miss out that’s just not on


Let him feed his friends out of his pay check.

This speaks volumes about your “man.” He just started working and ain’t even going everyday? That’s boy sh!+! Letting his pregnant woman go without food so his buddies can eat? Even more boy sh!+!
I ain’t one to jump straight to leaving…but when he clearly doesn’t love, respect or value you it’s time to go. When his buddies come before his family…it’s time to go!!


Uh…… if someone was starving I would give them food! But I won’t be taking advantage of! This is outrageous and you are being the cook, waitress , probably the clean up ! Tell your man to move in with them and they can all eat what they desire!!

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I wish I could get food share I only have social security coming in and they keep denying me saying I have too much for other people have two or 3,000 $4,000 a month coming in and get everything I get nothing

Make your plate after making your kids plate- whatever is left is what he and the guests get. That- or swing by someone else’s house for dinner w the kids and keep no food at your house- leave it where you eat. Eventually they’ll disappear when the free ride does. Trust me it works!


You allowing extra people at your house is the problem a man will only continue to do what you allow​:woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:


Why are y’all feeding other people? I don’t understand that… I mean I don’t like seeing people go hungry food should be a basic human right for everyone… but if these are able bodied people they should be at their own home making their own food…I’d start making them contribute groceries if they’re gonna come over and eat… I know the feeling of going without after others being fed cause I’m a mom who eats last in the house cause I make sure my partner and kids eat…I’m the one who does the cooking.

I don’t mind helping feed others… BUT! You have to take care of your own first. It’s like if you loan someone money but can’t pay your rent… makes zero sense. Maybe his friends need to pitch in! There are places they can go get food boxes. It’s easier for them if they are single able bodied working individuals to survive vs you taking care of a family.

Instead of you not eating he’s the one that should give up his share for others especially since you are pregnant.


You sound like you need some self-esteem and I really hope that your boyfriend sees that he’s having your kids go without tell your boyfriend to use his money on his friends and to leave your money on your kids. He wouldn’t even be my boyfriend at this point and I wouldn’t even tolerate whoever pays the bills why have these company if they’re not contributing to food like stuff is expensive nowadays sorry but it’s the truth. That’s not a man.


No, just no. He isn’t working. He let’s an unborn baby starve? Get rid of that pshyco path now.

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Your man allows you and your unborn baby to go without so his company cam eat? You’re nicer than me. I would serve my kids, then myself, and have him miss a meal or two. Quit going without. Your unborn child can’t feed itself.


I guess I’m confused and would like more context before making a judgement. He’s feeding guests 3x a day so they live there? But you said they don’t live there so they’re getting up early and coming over for every meal? Why? Is there a cultural difference between you and the boyfriend where he expects you to feed others as well but you aren’t used to it? Is there a reason you can’t serve smaller portions to everyone so you also can eat? If they’re all living in YOUR home can you ask them to leave or help with the food bill?


I’m confused by this. Are they there every day? Why wouldn’t you feed them last since they’re grown and can fend for themselves? Why feed them at all? Make you and your kids a priority since no one else is.


Dude : has no job, doesn’t want a job
Girl : gets pregnant :woman_facepalming:
Seriously, it’s not rocket science


Definitely tell them to foot the bill or help out. Thats not fair at all for you

Tell his friends to go…not getting fed at your house…sounds very inconsiderate to me …both your man and his friends…


I wouldn’t know where to start… get rid of your boyfriend YESTERDAY… wow…:woozy_face::roll_eyes::woozy_face::roll_eyes:

Why would you date an unemployed, immature, inconsiderate man? And why on earth would you have kids with him? Yikes.

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Why tf would you feed his guests OR him before yourself and your growing baby?!
You BOTH need to fix your priorities before this child is born

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Also, if you’d use some punctuation, it would be so much easier to read. It’s just a huge run-on sentence.


Do NOT feed them, especially with your kids food card money! They need to buy their own food! Don’t let them or your bf take advantage cause that’s what they doing. Your bf is tah for not putting kids and you food needs first. It’s not his food card, he didn’t have to go through this and that and again every 6 months of what you did to even get the food card benefit. You only get a certain amount a month and with the prices of food, no mam, put your foot down mama, you and yours come first period.

Also, technically your not even legally allowed to share your food with bf let alone others that is of course your bfs income isn’t counted in your case which it shouldn’t be if y’all ain’t married​:metal::100::blush:

Who are the guests…kick his ass out

Just make enough for your family. Stop making a lot

What on earth am I reading? Why is he feeding random people over his and pregnant partner?? Naaa he’d be gone bye byes with his pals, how embarrassing :flushed:!!!


The boyfriend AND his friends need to GO!!! His friends and him are fine with eating in front of a pregnant woman who cooked for them?! All of these people are inconsiderate as hell!! I’m sorry but if you can’t all eat first hospitality goes out the effing window. You need to take care of your own first!! The price of food is outrageous!

If you are struggling why would you get pregnant

If you can’t afford to feed what you’ve got and are living on government assistance, you shouldn’t be PREGNANT with another one!!!


I can’t even read this. You need periods in your sentences.

Serious question. Do you lay down & let him wipe his feet on your back when he comes inside? This whole post screams DOORMAT! Kick that fuckboy man child to the curb, and take care of yourself & your kids! He has shown you who he is, now believe him! He hasn’t worked a full work week since starting his job, is this a new job? If so that tells you everything you need to know there are way too many places hiring for him not to be working a full week or full-time. That screams laziness. This is only going to get worse once your 3rd baby is born.

Sometimes sure but everyday would get expensive

U have a family w kids nobody else should be living there beyond a emergency one off or a overnight guest here and there. U need to function as a family as when u have young kids it’s tough already without any extra added stress. Add in a few friends and issues arise that can really effect your marriage long term. Plus does he not see u are pregnant and NOT HAVING ENOUGH TO FEED YOURSELF ?? They need to go but until they do you feed you and your family FIRST. Time to time as a treat if u want to offer what’s left go ahead but besides a one off don’t even offer food. If your hubbie asks is there extra to feed our guests say sorry no. I already allocated our food budget for the month and we need the leftovers to have enough meals each day as we getting assistance to feed us as it is so can’t make that assistance made for 4 feed 7 in sorrry babe. (PS not necessary at all but I find it lessens the blow to apologize to show empathy and it’s not malicious) And say guys I’m so sorry and I actually feel embarrassed to say this but w the money we can afford to spend on food we barely have enough to feed us I need any extra to serve another day. U can even throw in my Dr said I wasn’t gaining enough weight and to be honest I was serving all u first and leaving nothing for me to eat and that’s dangerous for me and the baby. While u here for next few weeks while u look for a place to move you are welcome to sit and eat w us and I’ll happily prepare it for u if u buy the ingredients for your share for what I’m serving but I can’t pay for it anymore. I am sorry.
After that if your hubbie still expects anything diff stay, eat, etc that speaks VOLUMES that he doesn’t care about his wife and unborn baby eating , risking both lives, and added stress making a tight financial situation even tighter.

Oh hell no, put a stop to that crap now

I wouldn’t cook for them make food fir yourself and your kids and screw the rest of them

What is going to happen when you go in to have the baby? Is he looking after the kids ? If so are the kids going to be feed or his friend get first? Toss his ass out!!!

Hell no foods way to expensive their being mooches tell them not your boyfriend

Boyfriend? He sounds like a selfish @$$. No idea why you think its wise to keep making more little people with a man who doesnt provide for them OR YOU.

There is a special place in hell for a manchild who feeds his bros before his own children!!!

You are being used. Dump him. Lock the door. How many kids you going to have?
Sex is a lot mental and if he uses you this way it can’t be good enough to keep him since I can see any other reason.Dont be a loser all your life. Step up for your kids.

NTA at all…if y’all had enough to share and then you got mad maybe the AH a little bit but if y’all are struggling he needs to stop that. You and the kids should be priority for feeding, especially if you are pregnant (got to keep yourself healthy, the baby will steal all your nutrients and such and it is a must to replenish that) tell him no more feeding friends. If the friends want to bring supplies like everyone throws in an ingredient and make the meals larger so everyone eats enough great but you and your boyfriend need to stop footing the bill and the house where everyone gets to hangout and eat for free. Make the friends notice that you need to eat for 2. Rub your belly and say we are so hungry…

Tell him everyone leaves at a certain time from now on. Before dinner. It’s ok to feed others but it sounds like you have a crew of gamers or partiers that are overstaying the welcome. Tell him you get tired and need to wind down in peace at dinner and bed time especially if you’re pregnant. Set some boundaries and stick to them.

Food is expensive. Tell him to buy it. And plan . Including you and your kids 1st. He won’t be able too. Tell them if they want to eat they need to pay

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Hell nah. I’m blunt AF and speak my mind. I’m not feeding bums unless they chipping in $$ on that food. For a party yes or hosted dinner yes, but every night or week. Nope. My family comes first in all aspects.


I just imagined him spoon feeding other adults until I read the whole post😂

You know usually I don’t b!tch about feeding ppl especially now with prices so high and ppl just don’t get to eat . First off tell your bf your done feeding his freeloaders . Make your kids and your plate first . He can get off his butt and make his own if that’s how it’s gonna be . Then what’s leftover if he has enough after you guys eat he can share his portion . I’m old fashion so for me to say this is totally outta the norm I was raised and I do this with my own family man , children , then I eat . But screw that !! Feed yourself and babies first because that is no man that allows that bs .

Whoever laugh reacted to this I hope it was an accident. If not, why not just keep scrolling? Nobody is perfect and nobody should be made to feel stupid for reaching out for help.

Dude needs to sort his priorities and you need to figure out the relationship between your man and these people because this is just weird… they chip in or get out.

You already know the answer to this question. Why would you allow it in the first place? Time to set down some rules I’d say.