I have 3boys ages 11,13, and 15. Currently my boyfriend and I have been fighting for the past week him paying someone else’s kid to cut the grass. Typically someone else cutting the grass isnt a problem and quite frankly I dont care who does it seeing how I have been the one to do it a majority of the time. My problem with this is ehh didnt even ask my boys if they wanted to do it to make some money…just hired another random kid…am i wrong to be upset about this?
If you’ve been doing it, sounds like he, and the kids, were choosing to ignore it. Cause well, someone else was doing it so why should they care …
He choose to hire out the lawn work, maybe to ease your burden of doing it.
If the kids wanted the chance to earn the money for it, then it should have been brought up and discussed. But I’m guessing they have put zero effect into helping, so he wasn’t gonna just hand the money over, in hopes they would …
First. The kids live there and are old enough to handle that task as a chore weekly. They shouldn’t be paid. But I am guessing he has learned how the kids are so instead of the fight he hired someone. My boys rotate mowing the lawn. They do not get paid for basic upkeep. Now we do pay them to wash cars, and a few things we typically would have them do.
Yes, you are wrong. Ask your own kids, they shouldn’t be paid to mow the lawn. If you have such a problem with it you pay your kids to mow the lawn.
Probably being honest he knows your kids by now and knows they don’t actually wanna do it . Or even if they say yes because of the money after awhile they’ll get tired of doing it and I’ll be a fight .
My parents went through the same thing with my brother
You should have them do it they are your children not his. And they should do it for free
If My son is 15 and sitting in his room and a 15 year old neighbor is out there hustling for business looking to make money and asks to mow my lawn, I’m paying the 15 year old who is out hustling. No questions asked. Now if my son came to me and said “hey instead of paying the neighbor can I do it and get some cash?” No doubt it’ll start going to my son. You’re being unreasonable. 100%.
However I’ll also add, my son is 6 now. And he has a chore list and gets paid weekly for his chores. I imagine when the time came, mowing the lawn will be on his list unless my husband wants to “keep that chore,” because he enjoys mowing.
Homes are team efforts to run. For example, if daddy’s out making all the money to buy the food for dinner, mom buys it all and cooks it all, kids clean up from dinner. Team effort. All the time. In every example.
Why weren’t you proactive and have them take care of it? My sons been mowing and weed eating since he was 10 lol
What? I imagine there could be any reason why he didn’t ask. None of which have to be anything that’s serious. I wouldn’t be upset unless they asked and he said “no”, and even then, if they slack off, that would be understandable. If they want to do it, tell them to ask? This seems like an overreaction, in my opinion.
Why didn’t you tell your kids to do it?
Yeah… imo ur wrong to be mad about it because why aren’t u mad at one of ur boys for not just doin it?? U have 3 fully capable children who could be helping out around the house… maybe that’s why he brought someone else in to do it?? You’re mad at the wrong people. N if ur frustration is that it coulda been their money instead of someone else’s, make ur kids a chore chart n pay em an allowance .
I honestly don’t see why your mad to the point of fighting all week… (unless there is more going on and this is your icing)… are your boys mad? Do they care? If they wanted to do it why don’t they either just do it… (not being paid because they live there)… or go to your bf and ask if instead of him paying someone else… could they do it for cash? Seems like a simple problem and a battle not worth picking IMO
You should start making the boys mowing as a chore. They going to have to learn anyways. Only 3 years before you have a man as a son.
Can’t they do other household chores to earn money? Only one person can mow at a time unless your yard is huge. They are YOUR KIDS just have them do it before he gets a chance to ask someone else. Really shouldn’t be that difficult. Have you tried sitting down with EVERYONE not just the boyfriend and talking about your kids mowing, if the kids really want to do it I’m sure they will speak up, they are old enough.
Lawns need to be mowed. If they wanted to do it, they could have. If he has to ask them to do it or if they want to make extra money doing it, he’ll probably have to keep asking about it (no initiative to get a job = no initiative to keep it or do it well). If another kid took the initiative they just learned a good lesson in the early bird gets the worm.
Sometimes it better to pay someone else to do it. Family will take the money and their sweet time or will do a half assed job. I’m in same position.
Why haven’t you told your boys to do it? Cuz I have to tell you, in my family I don’t pay anyone to be part of the family, we pull together because that’s what a family does. And they should be able to see the grass needs to be mowed and get out there and mow it. They shouldn’t even have to be told
It’s your grass or his grass? His grass he can do whatever he wants even of its hire some other kid with a hustle. My take, you should have asked your own kids to and asked him if he’d pay whatever he pays the side hustle kid if they’re willing. They’re your kids not his. It should he a chore of theirs anyway. These are things a healthy relationship sits down and decides as a family.
I don’t get why ur boys aren’t doing it as a chore I was mowing my mom’s since 9 or 10 took an 45 mins for the front and 45 for the back then I had to sweep and mop the whole house and do dishes everyday only reason my son isn’t mowing is cuz landlord has it done by someone else but he takes out the trash and my daughter takes out the recycling and if I ask they will help do dishes
Life’s to short to argue about trivial things.ask your boys if they want to do it next time enjoy your cut grass and move on.
Your kids should have already been mowing the grass for free cause they live there and he probably doesn’t feel like anyone is gonna get them to do it so instead of arguing about it he’s elected to pay someone. If my kids didn’t offer to do it for free when it needed done I certainly would not pay them them to do it.
Maybe he knows your kids don’t wanna do it so he don’t wanna waste his time asking them it’s that simple
You said you don’t care who does but then commence to have a problem who does it. I don’t understand. How come you can ask your boys yourself to do it?
Your kids should’ve been doing it to help out.
Your boys should of been doing the lawn an your boyfriend too if he live with by all means cut the grass the kids need to be responsible an do choirs
He may have asked your boys in the first place and they simply declined the offer
You’re definitely overreacting . I know because I overreact frequently
Ummm why should he pay your children to cut their own lawn? They should be doing it for free already…
Why don’t the boys do it as a chore
This is the stupidest page. All of them on this page
Maybe he figures your boys should be doing it anyway without having to be paid.
Honestly I don’t think he should have to pay someone. Your boys should alternate doing it because the upkeep of your home is partially their responsibility. You as their mother should be teaching them that. Not to want to do it because money is offered.
With that said If asking your boys to do it causes drama I can see him just offering another kid money to do it.
Yea… you are the ass. You should be making your kids do it for free
Your kids should mow for free. It’s called chores
He didn’t want to pay your son’s because let’s face it… They shouldn’t be paid to do something in or around their own house at those ages. He probably knows they don’t want to anyways.
My son mows the lawn. Period. Thankfully without me having to ask.
My boys do this for free. Because we pay their way.
I think you probably have more to be angry about than that. Pretty petty.
Your kids should be volunteering to help…
Yours boys should be doing it as a chore towards the household if they get a weekly allowance
If you have been the one doing it why haven’t you had your sons out there doing it. Sounds like you just want your boys paid. You should have said hey instead of paying the neighbor kid why don’t we give the boys an allowance and have them do it. Also take into consideration that the neighbor kid may need the money more than your kids.
I mean if a kid just came to your door asking to mow your lawn & he let him I don’t see a problem.
Maybe he’s teaching your kids a lesson to get off their butts and showing them another kid who has and is now making money. Considering your kids are that old and don’t automatically do it shows you didn’t raise them right lol. I mowed the lawn at that age, cleaned the house etc. Don’t blame him
At that age, your kids should be doing it for free. Sounds like you dropped the ball. He probably knows your boys won’t do it.
I personally would be mad. Why not put money in my kids pocket rather than some stranger. The point is for the family to get stronger. Next time just volunteer your son and make sure your son is actually gonna do it
He shouldn’t have to pay ur kids to do something they should already be helping with as a mother u need to do better
Your kids shld be doing it for free. He’s telling you he doesn’t respect your parenting for not making them cut the grass that’s theirs and you doing it yourself. He shldnt have to ask them and definitely not pay them. I hope y’all break up just for you being too immature he needs a woman. You don’t even get it smh
Why does this bother you so much? You have 3 kids, he was probably paying someone else so the 3 didn’t argue over one getting money and not the others. I think your anger has you making a mountain out of mole hill.
But why people pay their kids to do chores . He’s probably know your kids by now. At that age they should’ve get it done without expecting money from you guys.
Why did you mow the lawn instead of having one of your kids do it? Couldnt you whip your wallet out and pay one of them to do it? You didn’t. but he’s supposed to?
Your kids should do it for nothing
It’ helps you out around the house
Chores benefit everyone. Feel free to be the boss and delegate in your household. Don’t even be mad over this, teach the 15 yr old to mow and let the others help with the landscaping stuff.
Ask yourself why you don’t give chores to your kids? Maybe he don’t feel comfortable, as a boyfriend, to you giving your kids chores?
If you have a mower available- why would your boyfriend not do it for you?
You should make your kids do it for free and tell him to take that money and get some ice cream. I don’t see the issue.
My son has to mow the lawn every Sunday before he can play and wash his dog. Cause they are a pair