AITA for being upset for my ex ditching our sons sporting events?

Is it petty of me or wrong of me to be upset with my sons father for missing yet another sporting event of our sons for a girlfriend’s family get together? Our son is in soccer and football this year and he’s already missed the first soccer game and now is going to miss his first ever football game which is on a Saturday at 9:30 in the morning. He told me they decided last minute that they are going to get a hotel and plan a whole weekend where family lives. He knew about our sons first game before they made last minute plans. Plus this man is possibly looking at prison time of a minimum of one year up to 10 years for some stuff he has done(none that would hurt our son) so this may be the only times he will be able to see our son play his games for a very long time or even ever depending on if our son wants to do these sports again in the comigg be years. I’m just upset because I feel he’s choosing a girlfriend over our son and our son always asks if his dad will make it to any of his practices or games and his heart breaks when I tell him not this time.


You can be mad, but you also can’t force anyone to see your son as a priority. That includes his own father. Take the face value that he’s just not interested and move on. Try not to make any opinions about his father’s actions, kids are smart enough to notice,your son doesn’t need you to remind him how crappy his father is acting.

When your son inquires if his dad is going to his game give him your phone to call his dad. Let the dad explain why he won’t be there. Maybe he will feel guilty about what he is doing.

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His lose.
Can’t force him to do anything

Your kid will know when they get older, who always showed up. You can’t control what your ex does. Its possibly upsetting to your son but just be his biggest cheerleader and everything will be ok!


Your son will know who was there for him . And his dad will regret the day that day comes ! So you be there for him no matter what ! Good luck .

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You can’t control what the ex does. No amount of being upset can change the person he is. All you can do is comfort your son and make sure YOU are there for him.


You are e titled to feel how you feel. You cant force someone to be part of a childs life. They either want to or dont…and clearly he doesnt…and that will bite him in the butt later

If this was me and someone in my family faced the prospect of a prison sentence I would disown them

You’re not wrong for being upset. Make sure your son knows dad is aware & it’s his choice to go or not. Tell your child how special he is to daily. If he asks about why dad isn’t around tell him dad is choosing not be your dad. It’s not about you. It’s his immaturity.