AITA for Forgetting to Invite My Husband's Family to My Gender Reveal?

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"AITA? I planned a last minute gender reveal, got the tests Monday and had my mom put something together for Sunday. I told my husband to tell his family which would be his brother aunt and cousin in driving distance and forgot. Well me and his cousin have been friends long before I got married and his aunt is upset at me for not personally inviting them saying aren’t I supposed to be her friend?. I messaged them both apologizing neither even bothered to open the message. The only people at the gender reveal were my mom and two of my friends it wasn’t anything big at all and planned in less than a week I could understand feeling left out but to this point? I’m not sure what to do as I said sent two long messages to his aunt and cousin and now since they made him feel bad he’s saying I don’t care about his family."

RELATED: Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson’s 2nd Baby’s Gender Revealed


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"You told your husband to tell his family so no you’re not. It isn’t all down to you."

"So you told your husband to tell his family and HE forgot? You’re being blamed because HE forgot?"

"So you “don’t care” about his family because HE forgot to invite them after you told him to… Um no he don’t care about his family if that’s the case."

"Not even in the slightest bit."

"Uhh you told your man to tell HIS family. That’s not on you and you’re not an A hole."

"NTA, you asked him to message because you’re busy planning everything else. Did he help with anything else?"

"You didn’t forget. Your husband forgot. Why aren’t they mad at him? Isn’t he her cousin?"

"Not your fault your husband forgot after you told him. The responsibility was on him at that point"

"You didn’t forget you asked your husband to do that and he didn’t. That’s his fault not yours"

"You told him to invite his family. It’s his baby too, and his party too, all you asked him to do to help plan the party was to invite his family, no you’re not the asshole"

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