I hope he saw this as a big RED flag & dumped you. Lmao
Are you seriously getting upset that he’s going to see his sister in the military who he rarely sees? I hope he runs from your crazy ass. Seriously making him choose between her or you is ridiculous.
AYTA? Yes. He should definitely go see his sister.
Yup, YTA. You’ve only been together 8 months you aren’t THAT significant. And you thought it appropriate to expect him to not see his sister, his family that he hasn’t seen in a long time, because you want a kiss at midnight. So petty. You never should have given him such a silly ultimatum but you deserve it if he holds you to your word and confirms it’s over.
Bahahaha!!! The level of selfish mixed with inconsiderate you sound. You’re only 8 months in, you’re replaceable, his sister in the military is not. You got what you deserve.
Wow thank god he left. Who gives someone that ultimatum his sister is in the military he might not have seen her for years.
You’re mad cause he is going to see his SISTER WHO IS IN THE MILITARY? You’re a whole different breed of selfish.
You’re weird and things will only get worse for him if he stays with you. Relay this message to him please “RUUUUNNNN.”
you are a huge A hole !!! and completely selfish!!! she is in the military so doesn’t get many opportunities to see family.
You are SO wrong, and selfish, demanding and immature. Especially with his sister being in the military and likely has limited visitation with her family. Take a step back and see it from the family’s perspective. I doubt you’ll have a future with this guy now that you’ve shown your true colors, but family will always be more important than a kiss at midnight.
You are HIS GIRLFRIEND NOT HIS WIFE. With that being said you hold no weight whatsoever. Very immature and selfish of you for causing a argument about him wanting to see his sister who is in the military. She may not be able to travel to see him for reasons due to the military. He probably rarely sees her. I honestly DO NOT blame him for leaving and going to see his sister.
You are most definitely an ass, his sister is in the military and rarely gets to see her family, so why not support the fact that he won’t see her for a while and be happy he gets to see her, it’s literally just a day out of the year, many people will be without their partner due to work and other situations, you are acting very selfish over this.
You seem selfish af and he should RUN!!
Yes I think you are being very selfish and inconsiderate
I don’t care if it’s a holiday or not if he hadn’t seen family in a while and then got a chance to see family I’m letting him go see family and I’m encouraging him to go see his family especially if it’s his sister in the military
New year’s isn’t even a big holiday let alone the fact that who cares holidays literally mean nothing in the grand scheme of things but him being able to see his sister and you supporting him through that does
This is possibly the stupidest fit I’ve seen on here yet tbh. This chick for real tried to do a “iTs Me oR hEr” bit with the dudes SISTER. Instead of being understanding and wishing him a good trip visiting his family she decided to try to throw down a gauntlet she apparently didn’t even have. Lady you’re not only in the wrong here but you’re a terrible and a selfish partner. I wish him the best in finding someone better.
Yes, you are the a$$! His sister is in the military and there is no telling when the last time was he saw her or the next time he will be able to see her. If you cant understand that, then you are just selfish! Coming from a family that had a brother in the military, I cherished the times I got to go and see my brother and had someone I was dating for only 8 months gave me an ultimatum like this, I would have left too! Get over yourself and realize it’s his sister, not some random girl! Family should be everything and if you ever wanted a future with him, you should understand that and encourage that!
Nye is just another night/day get over it. His parents gave him a trip to see his sister he should take it and NOT call you when he’s back. Only 8 months in and your like this what a treat he would get if he married and had kids with you. Hopefully he runs your a brat.
You are selfish. Wouldn’t be surprised if he saw your attitude as a total red flag
You are a total ass, grow up His sister he can see on this occosion, he can see you anytime.
Is this a joke? I mean his sister is in the military why wouldn’t he go see her and I don’t think a kiss at midnight is really that important than seeing his sister…
Um…yeah you’re the asshole! His sister is LITERALLY in the military, of course he’s going to want to go see her versus somebody he’s been with for 8 months. If my boyfriend chose to see me over his sister (if she was in the military) I’d be pissed, not because he chose her over me. Do you not understand his sister’s literally missing out on time with her family to go fight to protect everybody else’s? Have you never had a family member who is in the military? I’m glad he left lmao, kinda deserve it.
Umm you’re in the wrong… He deserves better
Um yes.You are being so selfish.He doesnt get to see his sister often bc she’s military(my sons military and I just got to see him after almost 2 years)How can you feel okay given you want him to skip out on seeing her?This could be one of the few times he gets to see her.
She’s in the military which tells me he doesn’t get to see her all that often, so you’re definitely being the ass here. 8 months is nothing if you plan on being together forever AND that should be your sister now too if you wanna claim that’s how close you guys should already be. Which she’s clearly not that important to you so your relationship isn’t as deep as you seem to think.
Yes definitely the asshole and in the wrong here big time if I was your situation I would definitely let my husband go see his sister in no way shape or form am I more important than his family that he has had since birth
Yes - you’re the a-hole. You sound super selfish. He sounds like he has a good family and it sounds like you’re going to get in the way of that.
Bye …. I would have been super understanding and then broken up with you.
Family in the military at that sheikh. Yeah we all want the holidays with those that we love as far as S/O but the time we can not recover that we also loose with other loved ones.
Red flag red fuqing flag you are indefinitely being a huge assss hooooooole. His sister been there since day dot you are in his life for 8 months and already thinking about marriage and he should be choosing you?? Girl please… drop you and never look back cos you don’t know your place
Girl go to hell your just his gf not wife and his sister is in the military so he rarely see her, grow up how could u make him choose u over his blood … I’m glad he left yo stooooopid ass where u at
I think you’re incredibly selfish and immature. 8 months and you want him to choose YOU over his blood. Find another sucker🍭 because the one who chose his sister over you,ain’t your flavor! He,I hope,finds someone who isn’t self centered. #bye
Honestly, yes, you are the ahole in this one. His parents surprised him with a visit to his sister, not a trip to the bunny ranch. Hang out with some friends or have a night to yourself. If you are planning to marry this man, you’ll have plenty more nights with him…
You have been with him 8 months. Sounds like you are doing him a favor by breaking up with him. His sister still has clout over you, y’all been together 8 months you’re not a significant other you’re a girlfriend
Ya ur wrong …all u are us a gf his family comes 1st and after that demand he should give u the boot. U r 1000 percent in the wrong
I can understand if you’d be upset that you weren’t invited, but to be mad that he’s going… yea you are the ass!
Yeah. YTA, selfish, entitled. He’d be best to get going while you don’t have his balls in a viscrip.
Yes. You are being an ass.
absolutely speechless. Prepare for a lonely life darling
Sounds like he dodged a bullet!
Welp, he dodged a bullet!
Take a hike. He just dodged a bullet"
Is his sister or has she been deployed? If yes then yes… you’re the asshole.
Yes you are the a**! It’s his sister.
unless your married this is not okay lol.
Yes, you are being selfish. You showed him your true colors and hopefully he can now move on to someone who thinks of his wants and not just their own.
Get over yourself. Yes you ATA
Yep way wrong! You are the ah
1st class asshole…that is all
I would go see my sister, too
This has got to be a joke.
By the comments think you got your answer:rofl:
1st: Planning to get married isn’t married. So invalid argument.
2nd: military sibling who he grew up with, is obviously more important than you are. Sorry not sorry.
3rd: after 8 months you should have been aware of his relationship with his sister and if his family was a priority to him or not.
You’re for sure, 100%, undeniably the asshole and showed him you don’t care about him, his feelings, his family. You showed him how immature, childish and selfish you can be. You plan on marrying him that family is who you’d spend holidays with lol good luck repairing that one
Seriously?? So he got a chance to see his sister and you made it all about you?? He should have dumped you, he could very easily go see his family and call you before midnight and if he didn’t oh well that’s his family forever you’re just some chick he might not be with in a year lol
His sister is serving the country wtf is wrong with you. Hope he dumps your a$$
Are you for real it’s his sister who’s in the military that he probably doesn’t see that often. Yea you’re the asshole
You are selfish as hell! His sister is in the military something could happen to her at anytime if I were him I’d run for the hills
Oh my. I’m so glad he chose his sister. You’re so very selfish. Silly little ultimatums will have ya losing every time sis… pull your petty ass together.
You are definitely the asshole. Lol
Yeah, you’re the asshole.
HIS SISTER IS IN THE MILITARY SMFH entitled much glad he left your a**
I’d be happy with the fact he was able to go see his sister especially since it’s probably been a while since being able to see her let alone spend a holiday together
Yes your wrong it’s only New Years lots of people don’t even celebrate .You should respect he wants to see his sister.You can celebrate with him other years it’s not the last new year eve:smile:
You sound like a dick face
What a nut. I mean do you hear yourself?
Literally no comment……steps back and scrolls on
You’re the asshole, hands down
Girl you are bat shit crazy!
It’s nye…. Not your bday… get off it
Wtf! I hope he leaves you. You’re beyond selfish and clearly doesn’t understand how much our military gives. Smh. He deserves so much more then you can bring to the table. I am disgusted
You’re wrong and you’re selfish
yes…you are a spoiled brat.
You’re wrong and childish. He was absolutely right to leave.
Wow entitled much? Did you reread before you posted? His sister is in the military and you are not married and Honestly based off this post you will probably be staying that way. How childish of you
Yup I’ve heard better arguments from a toddler
WRONG AF. He sees you all the time. Not his sister. Get over yourself
You are a toxic
Oh yikes….I understand your thought process but honestly your way of thinking isn’t right….if the rolls were reversed and your brother or sister served and you hadn’t seen them but got the chance wouldn’t you take that chance and see them?! I hope for your sake you see how unfair your ultimatum was and maybe the next time you find yourself in this situation you think maybe it would be ideal to go meet your boyfriends family member vs getting a kiss….last time I checked NYE comes once a year….a family member especially serving may not see the next New Year’s Eve….
You’re not only wrong, you’re selfish & immature, as well.
So messy Miranda McQueen
Wow. Just wow. You are entirely too entitled and ridiculous. Like for real, this is even up for debate.
How would feel if the worst happens and he never sees his sister again because of you?
U are absolutely in the wrong…8 months dating…or my sister in the military for life…bye girl…yes girl… cause your childish
I couldn’t even read past “she’s in the military” you entitled little piece of shit I wipe off my asshole. You’re a skidmark. A very selfish skidmark; the kind that never really goes away no matter how much you wipe.
You are not married yet! Family first.
8 months doesn’t mean anything. Do his parents see you as a nearly daughter in law? Could you afford the trip if asked? New Years Eve is bullshit. Just another day. Kiss him at the airport and wish him well.
I can’t believe you even posted this!
Your wrong girl.family always First.
Anyone in the military is lucky to come home, so many don’t! So yes he should go. Selfish cow.
Bro, she’s in the military. You are the AH.
You’ve only been together 8 months and already acting like this?
Do him a favour and leave him alone permanently
Sounds like you’re being pretty petty. He dodged a bullet by the sounds of it
You have only 8 months
That’s not much
You are being selfish. He obviously doesn’t get to see his sister often. If I was a guy I wouldn’t marry you acting the way you are. You should be thinking of other people besides yourself!
What if he never gets to see her again? It’s selfish and shows your true colors.
You sound like a red flag
You most definitely are the A-hole!!
Yes you are in the wrong. You are being very selfish and only thinking of yourself.
You’re worse than an asshole.
Dang, i thought i was nuts.
Our military family members need our support and you are being very selfish. Spend New Years with some of your friends and call your boyfriend at midnight and say you love him and hope his sister is well. As a mother of a veteran who served in Kuwait and Afghanistan your boyfriend’s sister will need her family’s support even after she gets out. If you can’t handle it, find someone else.
You are so very wrong. His sister is in the military, those visits are few and far between. You honestly sound selfish.
You are definitely wrong smh