AITA for getting mad my boyfriend decided to go see his sister instead of me?

Yeah that’s a red flag there :grimacing:. Yikes, it’s time for him to run. :woman_shrugging:

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:I hope he picked them up and ran

The comments have passed the vibe check :white_check_mark:

Yeah definitely the @sshole. You’re being selfish & controlling. He should leave you for good.

Now you’re single for your selfishness lmao :woman_shrugging:

His sister is in the military… you are extremely selfish, and I hope he leaves you. He deserves better :woman_shrugging:

Wow exactly you are selfish IMO. It is one evening of many. You being this way I would leave you as well.

I hope he leaves you! You’re selfish

You are being very selfish as he got surprise yo see his military sister. This could be the last time he sees her.

This is a joke, right? :joy::joy:

Yeah 8 months in you don’t get to pull rank or issue ultimatums. :woman_facepalming:

I :clap: HOPE :clap: HE :clap: FUCKING :clap: GOES :clap: :joy:
The way you’re acting there’s nothing “significant” about you other than your narcissism :woman_facepalming:t2:

You are SIGNIFICANTLY single now. :rofl:

Blood is thicker than water :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Wow!!! Are you for real! HE did the absolute right thing!

You’re being very selfish. Period.

You sound self entitled tbh. Yes you are selfish grow up love.

8 months does not give you any room to speak on those type of matters you are being childish. Even if you were together long term your wrong to get mad about such a thing.


Ummmmm you are definitely in the wrong :expressionless:

Yes. Yes you are a total ass.

Wow. You are absolutely in the wrong

Glad he left you. You’re selfish and hope he shares his kiss with someone else lmfaoo

You’re selfish and absolutely wrong. I hope he sticks to his guns and stays broken up with you.

Your wrong unless it’s a lie but I doubt it

Good bye bitch. It is God,Family and Country. Not God,Girlfriend and Country. Don’t need poison like you in my life.

YES! you are 100% wrong and sounds like he did the right thing by leaving.

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You are so wrong! It’s his sister, not an ex. She’s in the military!! How often does he get to see her?? You sound like a self centered, childish, entitled brat. Maybe he realized that and that’s why he left…

Please tell me this is fake…

You are DEFINITELY the asshole :roll_eyes:

Wow!!! How can you be so selfish? You don’t sound like marrying material to anyone that has soldiers in their family. Check the Webster Dictionary and look up the word “sacrifice” Our soldiers sacrifice everything and we also need to sacrifice things for them sometimes.

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You should be packing his bags for him to go see his sister and be so happy for him! Very very wrong on your part

This is how you act after 8 months? A) yes you are the asshole in this situation, b)he needs to leave you now. This is disgusting of you. That’s family, and in most circumstances family comes first. What if he didn’t know and she ended up getting killed? Selfish, petty, and all around horrible behavior

Go kiss a pole midnight :rofl::rofl::rofl:. 8 months and this is your attitude?

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No you are not more important then his sister in the military lmao grow up !
He needs to drop you!!!

You’re a selfish entitled asshole. If my brother was dating you, you’d be gone, goner than gone faster than Jehovahs Witness when someone answers the door naked.

You sound like your a toxic prize

My daughter married to a guy who joined marines and still going. They moved so far. I never stop her for going her future of life she want. You are selfish to threat your boyfriend for seeing his sister. She is doing all the service for USA geez get a grip and grow up let him go without having you holding him back for seeing his sibling. My daughter has 3 brothers and all of them go see her constantly and even beg me to drive half way to meet her and spend months with her and her newest family. It is big blessing of having them in my family. You seem narcissistic girlfriend he don’t even know and need in his life. He deserves to be able go with family see his sister. Hope he pack his stuff and walking out without looking back.

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You are the red flag here. :triangular_flag_on_post:

YTA and give me the ick. best wishes in the new year, fingers crossed you grow in 2023

Yes you are selfish. You could have gone with him and even compromised or just supported seeing his sister who’s in the military

You are the asshole and definitely narcissistic. Please get some help in 2023 you need it

He definitely dodged a bullet.

He dodged a bullet . What a selfish entitled person you are.

YTA you just showed major red flags. I hope he drops you. 

Um, first of all, yes. Yta You called him your boyfriend of 8 months, not your fiancé, not your husband. His family had him first, and has had him longer. Sorry, but you aren’t, do not need to be, and should not be the top priority in this situation. That’s his sister. You’re his (ex) gf.

Simple answer to your question: yes, YOU are the a$$hole!

Need cheese with that whine?

Wow. Yes, you are wrong. Self absorbed much?

You are being extremely selfish. Imo until you create a family of your own the family you came from should be #1 every holiday!!

Yes you are selfish and I hope he sees you for whonyou really are and leaves you

You’re a complete ass hole.

Girl his sister is AWAY serving our country. What is wrong with you? Im glad he left he’s better off without you, you sound VERY selfish

But…your not married. An you been together less than the length of my hair.

You can’t THINK you have priority over his SISTER that he don’t ever see because she is serving her country?
Stop it

Wow you sound incredibly selfish and immature.

Congratulations, You are 1000% the asshole.

I hope he leaves you :woman_facepalming:t3: ur not only the ass but ur very selfish, immature and should never get into a relationship until u grow up. Family is always going to be important and the fact his sister is in the military is a whole different level. That man made the right decision.

Read what you wrote. If you can’t figure it out you never will!

You can’t be serious…:joy::joy:

What is wrong with you :woman_facepalming:

Most selfish ish I’ve had the displeasure of reading all damn year, smfh.

Yeah you’re wrong… And honestly think you should figure out why you are that way because it’s not normal to be upset about that.

I hope he never speaks to you again. Ignorant and selfish.

You’re completely in the wrong!

Wow. You seem very self involved. He dodged a bullet.

Girl bye :wave:… is this post for real :joy:

You sound Selfish ,childish and immature. His sister is in the military more than likely not the same state either. She is family, you should understand family comes first if your just starting a relationship.

8 months and you’re already getting ultimatums :woozy_face:

His sister is more important than you.

You’re wrong.
Family comes first. And you’ve only been tg for 8 months…

What a terrible ultimatum to give someone…don’t be surprised when things don’t play out in your favor

Well I hope he stood up to you and is going to see his sister :roll_eyes: any military spouses / service people, check out my work

You are disgustingly toxic. Please do this man a favor and leave him because he deserves better than you. His sister is off risking her life fighting for our country, and you’re all butthurt because you can’t kiss someone you see and kiss all the time, what are you 12?? Do you really need to kiss at midnight?? Grow tf up, you haven’t even been together a year and you expect him to drop his family and sister he hasn’t seen in who knows how long for your INSIGNIFICANT self, You have a LOT of nerve. He probably went anyways because he realized you weren’t worth not seeing his sister, because you’re not. You’re no prize and you seriously need to get a reality check, your head is so far up your ass I can see it sticking out your damn throat.

you are 100% wrong in this situation and are infact the asshole

Welp u messed up that relationship with your selfish bs. It’s his sister. Think about her. No family. In military. Get over it, stop being a brat.

You sound like an entitled, selfish asstwat. I’m glad he legitimately left. You need a reset girl. Family is family…you’ve been in the picture 8 months!?!

I hope he doesn’t take you back. Cray cray.

Get over yourself :roll_eyes: he deserves better.

You’re wrong. I’m sure his parents booked him the trip because it’s probably the only time the sister has free to visit family not because they are trying to spite you. Whens the last time he’s seen his sister? A year? Two years? Some people go years without ever having face to face contact with their loved one in the military. Your asking your boyfriend to possibly go more years without seeing his sister for 1 night with you… selfish

How old are you, cause real childish.

Definitely wrong :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You’re wrong. So very wrong.

Wow yeah I get you want to spend your first NYE together but you also need to take into consideration how long has his sister been gone? How long has it been since they have seen her? I would give anything to see my big brother but he’s dead so I can’t. If your going to give him a ultimatum like choseing being you and his sister I hope he chooses his sister cause you are being very selfish!

Yes, you are the asshole. Grown adults understand that things like midnight kisses on New Years aren’t as important as seeing family who lives far away (and is in the military, no less).

Your not his wife….and even then you would be wrong. You are selfish

Wow lol. Self entitled much​:rofl::woman_facepalming:t2:

sorry family is always first hope he doesnt dump you

Selfish, entitled, petty, spoiled. His SISTER is MILITARY. He doesn’t see her everyday like he does you and again HIS SISTER. She’s been there his whole life, you have not. So stfu and get over yourself.

Oh thank god he left, he dodged a psycho :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:

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You’re dating for 8 whole months? Lol good luck making it to next year with that attitude.

Wow ur defo in wrong! He clearly hasn’t seen his sister, she prob hasn’t seen any family in a long time, you haven’t being dating that long, your demanding and I would have left to if it was my man said that to me x

You’re completely wrong and entirely selfish …

He should run far far away

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ok woah re flags she’s in the military and probably hasn’t seen her in a long time. also his parents planned it. as well as 8 months is about 1 month. like calm down significant others are married or at least a year under there belt. you are the asshole yes

Lmfao you’re a nightmare.

Your wrong girl you can’t be like that . It’s wrong

Just be single the rest of your life please. Do not burden anyone else with your completely bullshit thought process.

I didn’t think it was possible for the explanation to the question to get worse as it went on…yet here we are. Yes, you are 100% in the wrong.

U did him a favor by leaving him!

Get over yourself. Adulting is Hard.

You’re definitely in the wrong

Yes you are in the wrong his sister is in the military it’s not like she’s living down the road and he can see her all the time.

How old are you ?

Sorry but seem very immature