AITA for getting mad my boyfriend decided to go see his sister instead of me?

Is this even a real question. Definitely the ass hole.

I really hope this is a troll post. As someone who sees her brother MAYBE once a year, I’d leave you🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes u r and ur also selfish.

You are definitely the ass hole and it sounds lime he dodge a bullet :rofl:

Tell me you’re entitled and selfish without telling me you’re entitled and selfish :nerd_face::joy:

I hope he dumps you. He deserves better

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I think the boyfriend is the A-hole for not inviting you to go with him.


You are dead wrong
No doubt about it.

So I do my best to be understanding and kind on this page. Because it is supposed to be Mamas helping Mamas but that change. But yeah you are the @$$hole in this. You are the Fing B***H.

You’re most definitely wrong, very selfish, and inconsiderate. Let’s hope he see’s your reaction as a :triangular_flag_on_post:and leaves you.

He needs to dip you the worst crazy getting selfish over female family members

Run forest run…is wht I would say to him…u r petty and selfish…

Omg​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: that poor guy​:roll_eyes:

You’re definitely wrong for this.

You are 100% being wrong and selfish. This is terrible behavior for a grown ass adult.

If he was running off to see some old fling or some other girl then be mad, but it’s his SISTER! He can’t always see her and this is his chance. You would have every other opportunity.

I suggest you grow up and mature if you ever expect to marry absolutely anyone.

Girl bye. :woman_facepalming: you are totally in the wrong. It’s his family, and they are in the military at that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

This has to be fake lol this is a no brainer he should go see his sister and not come back to you. That’s very controlling and selfish esp for only 8mo :sweat_smile:

Shame on you what if it was the other way may you should offer to go as well

She’s in the military! Get over yourself, and kiss when he gets back. Geeez

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You’re a whole load of drama… 8 months and you’re already doing this. :woozy_face::flushed:

I don’t think these were the responses she was hoping to receive :woman_facepalming:t5: but it’s definitely an immature/selfish reaction!

What a cunt. Lol
Sounds like he needs to find a more understanding and unselfish partner.

He obviously never gets to see his sister.

Yes you are a bitch! Hope he finds someone who understand family bonds.

Oh yes you are definitely wrong!!!

You wrong for that. Allll of it.:joy:

Yes… you the asshole :tipping_hand_woman:

The funny thing is? A loving supportive GF? The girl who say’s? “I understand” and is happy for her man? Getting to see his sister, who’s in the military? “That girl”? The nice understanding family oriented Girlfriend? He won’t end up marrying that girl. He’ll end up marrying the b, who’s too selfish to realize what she’s actually saying and doing! Happens every time!


Are you sure he was really going to visit his sister ? If so why wouldn’t you go with him ? I don’t think your wrong for being mad.

You’re so wrong! Good for him, he should have left you a long time ago! He deserves much better than you. Looks like his sisters getting the midnight kiss :joy:

Eight months vs his whole life!? She’s in the military and I can tell you if you can go see them you go see them any time you can. You are a huge red flag, should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about making him make that choice and he seriously dodged a big one with you. My advice to him is RUN! He obviously made the right choice.

I think you’re very selfish his sisters in the military he should see her you’re not married you only been together 8 months my birthday is on New Year’s big deal

I’m so happy he chose his sister over you , and I hope he find a better girlfriend.
You are selfish and entitled and you guys just been together for a couple of months can’t imagine how you will act and demand in the future .
Militares doesn’t have the chance of planning their vacations as they want / like , who knows when he will be able to see his sister again .
You should have been a little more understanding, FaceTime him and celebrate the new year when he comes back

His sister is serving in the military and who knows when was the last time he saw her. That is his family and you need to understand he should be with them for special things too. You shouldn’t ever try to come between him and his family cause it will always back fire. You’ll be lucky he talks to you when he gets back.

If his sister is serving this country he was in the right to go see her. She could be sent into my action and get killed. He can see you anytime. I feel you were being selfish.

You want to score some points here? “OH Baby, definitely go see your sister, I totally understand. I know how important it is under the circumstances that she could be sent overseas at a moment’s notice. We are going to have many new years eves together! I’m surely going to miss you. Enjoy your family Darling”

Wow! So many things going on in my head here!
First, being with you means his family doesn’t matter? And after only 8 months??? Honey, you should be HAPPY that he has a relationship with his family.
Second, his sister is in the military. You know… willing to die defending her country and the rights that YOU enjoy. Who knows how long it’s been since he’s seen her or how long it will be until he can see her again? Of course given the fact that she’s in the military and the world is a hot mess, that could be who knows IF he’ll see her again.
Third, New Years Eve is just another day on the calendar.
Fourth, how much do you actually care about him that you are willing to throw away your relationship for a kiss at midnight? How much do you actually care about him that you care more the kiss at midnight on NYE than you do about him having some quality time with his sister (and family) who he’s known his whole life (as opposed to the 8 whole months he’s been with you)?

You sound selfish and entitled. The little hairs on the back of my neck go up because it sounds like you are trying to make him choose you over his family. You talk about getting married but you are not considering HIS feelings… a kiss at midnight on NYE? If you’re meant to be, you’ll have plenty of midnights for kisses and you don’t need to wait for a day on the calendar. I don’t understand how you could possibly love someone enough that you are considering marriage in one breath but threatening to end things over something as trivial as a kiss on New Year’s Eve.
Not even a year into your relationship and you’re issuing ultimatums. It’s not a good look

You’re definitely in the wrong. And I hope you stay true to your word and are done with him because it’s obvious you have no idea what it’s like to have a family member in the military

His sister is in the military and he clearly doesn’t get to see her much! If his sister was home or lived closer ect that would be different but in this case it is selfish of you to be upset at him. It’s only been 8 months…… but even if it’s been 10years he should most deff see his sister if he can! If you gave him a ridiculous ultimatum then I sure hope he left. :woman_facepalming:

Yes YATA. Gosh forbid something happened to his sister in the military? You have been in his life 8 months, she’s been there since childhood :angry:

8 months is nothing and he made the right choice! I’d have done the same thing and left a man that gave me an ultimatum like that!!

You are not married so yes, you are wrong. His sister could be sent far away and may lose her life. It is good that he chose to spend this time with family.

Yes your wrong!!! First yaw only been together for 8 months. That’s his family and it should make you happy that he loves his family

Stop being so selfish and grow up

You ma’am are selfish. He chose the right thing to do…

You are the red flag. He chose the right thing imo

Dude 8 months and his sister is in the military. Go be with someone else

It’s been 8 months and I’m sorry family comes first and u ain’t family yet.

You’re gross for even writing this post!

Ummm… Yes, she’s in the military, he likely doesn’t see her often, right? You have been in his life 8 months, she has been there all her life. I think you are being selfish…I know it’s NYE, I would love to be doing something tonight with someone too, but there are other days, the kiss at midnight isn’t all that big of a deal, you kiss all the rest of the time right? Lol that midnight kiss doesn’t change anything, trust me lol

Wooowww. Uhm, yes, YOU are TA!!!

Yes. YTA

Obviously you have zero clues what it is like to have a loved one in the Military. And how precious any moment with them is.

Also….you give him an ultimatum??? Seriously???

He chose the right person.

If I were his Mom I would strongly encourage him to see the red flags you are giving off and tell him to not just walk away but RUN.

You my dear are not an emotionally healthy or safe person.

I wouldn’t WANT to marry you. You obviously have no clue how military life is and sound like an entitled brat. If I wanted to see him that bad I’d get my ass on a plane and go to him and see him AND his sister. After all she is supposedly your future sister in law in your mind. But yeah I doubt he’s going to want to marry you ever after this charade. You might as well pack it in since your “done”. Or was that just you throwing a fit and trying to play mind games? Either way if I were him I’d can your ass, regardless.

You are in the wrong. His sister is in the military and everytime she is in action she could die. Everytime he sees her could be his last

What in the actual fk is wrong with you?!

I have literally nothing nice to say and I’m not looking to get another 30 day ban so let me shut up.

Y’all been together 8 months. Chill. :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:

Wow, I truly hope this is a joke. You’ve been dating this guy less than a year and dump him because he went to see his sister who’s in the military, who he probably hasn’t gotten to see much since she left for basic. You are unbelievably childish, selfish, and ,most importantly, dead wrong. He dodged a bullet.

Yah his sister works in the military your selfish he should break up with you immediately

Your wrong and selfish , he should stay far away from you .

First of all, 8 months isn’t sh*t and you’re technically not a “significant other”
If his sister is in the military, I’ve got a feeling maybe she was or is deployed.
You seriously sound exactly like the type of person he should avoid. Major :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Sounds like he made the right decision. He’s better off without someone so damn selfish

This is what a selfish brat grows into

Sounds like your boyfriend dodged a bullet

Wow, dead wrong. Sister 1000% !!

Ew. You did him a favor by saying it was over if he left— and I hope he goes!

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Yes girl. You are so wrong and sound very immature.