AITA for not going to my sisters gender reveal?

AITA if I don’t go to my sisters gender reveal? Prior to the date being set she asked what the next several weekends looked like for me. I told her one of my kids had sporting events on specific weekends. She chose one of those dates and is now asking if I’ll leave my child’s game to attend. I feel torn because both things are important to people I care about


I’d go to my kids event :person_shrugging: if I can make both then great but if not I’m choosing my kids :person_shrugging:


I guess I’m wierd. I still think gender reveals are some extra grab for attention. Like a second baby shower. Strikes me off :woman_shrugging:


I would go to my child’s event. In my opinion the gender reveal isn’t important at all. It’s not compulsory so In reality you’re not awful if you don’t go I see them as attention grabbing lol. Your child’s event is so important and you not going will ruin it for them. They love seeing us in the crowed. You told your sister the dates so when she went with this one she would know you couldn’t make it. Please don’t let your child down.

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I’m sure I’ll take some slack for this but it’s only my opinion. I always taught me kids that when part of a team it is a commitment. It’s not as if the child is here to celebrate the occasion, you’ll know what it’s going to be sooner. It’s not the birth, birthday, baptism etc… it’s a here look at my belly I’m carrying a ……
My grandson played soccer all year and was very committed, never missed a practice or game. My husband passed away suddenly and the wake was the weekend of the play offs. It was made perfectly clear that they should come after the awards. His grandfather would have wanted him to do that.
You’ll be there for the shower and everything else,your child has commitments too.


Absolutely not. I love my siblings but my kids are ALWAYS #1 so sorry sis :woman_shrugging:.
Maybe a compromise could be having someone video Chat you ? Than you’re a part of both?


I would go to my kids sporting event and then, ask if there is a night free for her and I would go over with dinner and a present.


Nope! The family you create is more important than the family you came from!!! Besides, you already told her which dates you would be able to attend, and she chose a date that you couldn’t be there.


You were kind enough to let her know your set days are taken. Have someone video tape it for you. :person_shrugging:t4:


I wouldn’t go either. My child comes first, you said you were busy she chose those days so it’s on her not you.


No, you shouldn’t go your sister’s gender reveal! You already had a conversation regarding weekend availability. It sounds like you clearly told her. And then she intentionally schedules the celebration when she knows you’re busy with your kids’ sports. It’s important to them that Mom is there watching & cheering. If you cave to her now, she’ll do the same thing for the baby shower, and who else knows what down the line. Your household’s needs come first. Especially when she knows…


NTA it’s weird that she asked and then picked a day you were busy id assume she didn’t want me there :joy:


Can you ask another family member to FaceTime you in? I’m from a military family and that is sometimes the only way we can all get “together” for important things.
That way you can be present for both? Just step away from the game for a few moments for the “reveal”?


Go to your kids event . She will understand wen she has her own kid plus you gave her a heads up . It’s not that big a deal .

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Kids sporting event is where I’d be


Go to your kids event
Your sister in my opinion purposely set her reveal to try to play the game with you and then make you feel bad when you don’t go I wouldn’t let her do that

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Even if I was able to go, I wouldn’t.
Shit is so overblown. People over plan over celebrate, overdo every thing.
There’s simple joy in the simple things

She did that intentionally which is absolutely shitty. But I would always chose my kids event over anything else

Nope, she knew you had prior events, and I never understood the gender reveal parties

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Nope she knew ahead of time. Kids come first. THEY are your family now.

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Nope. You already told her the dates you were busy with the kids. And she chooses one of those dates. Too bad for her. Go watch your kids do their thing.


Nope go to your kids event.


Go to kids events!!! She picked a weekend she knew you weren’t available


I would go to the sports. That was planned first.

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My kids event would 100% come first.

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Always pick your kids, 100% of the time.


Go to your kids stuff……gender reveals are stupid

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Go after your child’s event.

Your children are always number 1 priority do not be leaving them to go to the gender reveal

I wish we could bring back the days of just calling or texting family and friends the gender after the ultrasound, or even just posting it on social media
Never understood why we started celebrating a babies genitals…


She didn’t listen and now she’s peeved ??? Next time she can listen. Trust me, she’ll get it when her child gets older !!!

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Go to your kids event :100: dont think twice about it .


She chose the date you had blocked off

Gender reveals are stupid. Go to your kids sporting event.

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If you gave her a heads up about the sporting events specific dates. And she still chose one of those weekends, it would be a nope for me.

If you said there were specific date for the sporting events with no exact dates, I would kindly remind her that this day was already planned ahead and you are not willing to leave the game for her gender reveal. You are making memories with your child, there are other dates and special events eventually with the babe coming

Gender reveals should be for the immediate family. It was just my hubby and kids. She will be aight. Now baby shower ya better be there. I just had mine and unfortunately my sister couldn’t come cuz she had Covid and flu. Now if it was something else that would have been a different story :laughing:


It strikes me as weird that she asked you what days you could make it,then made the event one of the dates you were already booked lol…I kinda think she’s expecting you to not be able to make it. I mean, is there anything going on between the two of you lately? Is there any reason you can think of that would be why she wouldn’t want you to attend?

The fact she asked then booked that date speaks volumes kids come first

She asked you and you told her when you could/couldn’t go. That’s on her for planning it on a day she knew you couldn’t go.

Go to the sporting event. You told her what days you’d be busy. She knew you already had a commitment that day. Your child is more important than a stupid gender reveal party.

Have someone zoom you in for a bit of the gender reveal from your child’s sports event.

My kids comes first every time. He in sports and would hate to miss a game or practice. He loves soccer and I never had him miss one. Your sister chose to have it when you told her you had plans. So literally that on her anyways. So I would definitely go to be with your child.

Nope, your sister knew you had plans. Go to the game.

I am turning 50 next weekend and my friends planned me a big 50th party, my Grandsons made All stars so my daughter, son in law and Grandsons won’t be able to attend my 50th party because they have games, I totally love and respect my daughter for being the best mother to my Grandsons and I understand my party was planned before they received the All star schedule for my Grandsons!! You are a mother and have to do what’s best for you and your kids :heart:

Personally gender reveal for me :heart:
My kids are gonna have another game
I’m sure my kids would love to be with their aunt on that’s special day too

one gender revel vs every weekend of sport.
give your sister some of your time

Kids over everyone. :woman_shrugging: my kids stuff will always come first.

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I’d go to my kids event for sure.

Ur kids game 1st… always

My kids always come first

Can you FaceTime her while it happens

Well for me my kids come first especially if you told her that you had something already planned. I tell her sorry my kids come first but let me know how it goes and you’ll understand once you’re a mother :woman_shrugging:t4:

Your kids come first not hers

Go to the sports event! She knew exactly what she was doing when she picked the date. Also, gender reveals are absolutely dumb in my opinion.