AITA for not telling my sister I left the house?

l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18410 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

He wasn’t alone if she was there, also why is she showering at your house and expecting you to watch her lid while she does it?


You should have said just popping out won’t be long .just say sorry get it over with .not worth falling out over


Communication. She thought you were still there monitoring him when really he was alone. And he got hurt. He’s not nec capable of being alone like that yet. Sounds like she got scared because he got hurt. Just apologize for the misunderstanding and communicate better next time. If you’re stepping out let her know.


I mean… its definitely not your fault he got hurt, he is old enough to know better (going outside without permission kinda thing). You aren’t wrong in leaving, however as a parent to parent, a simple “Hey, im leaving the house” should have been mentioned. Other than that, nope, this situation should be pointed at the 8 year old who shouldn’t be leaving the house without permission and at your sister for pointing fingers.

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You are wrong for leaving her unattended. Because her sister left the child with you while she took a bath… even if the child walked through the bathroom to get to anywhere. Her mother won’t worry knowing u got it… so yes u owe her an am sorry


If your sister didn’t specifically ASK you to stay and keep an eye on her son while she was in the shower then HOW is it your fault when you communicated that you were leaving?
If she just assumed you were staying then that’s on her. Does she keep the child in the bathroom when she showers at her place?
This is her placing blame on you when she didn’t communicate properly what she assumed you would do.
So NO it is not your fault. You told her you were leaving, she said fine, she didn’t ask you to stay to keep watch, the child got into trouble, now she is blame shifting, so no you’re not to blame.


You are in the wrong, apologize and move on

I mean if she thought you were there supervising and wasn’t aware you were going to leave - and you decided to leave while she was in the shower - after she told you she was going to take a shower - thinking that her son is being watched when he actually wasn’t because you up and left without saying anything? Yeah you’re an asshole.

I would have told her you were stepping out


I’m on her side here. You should have atleast let her know you were leaving and onlynher and her son would be in the house.

I’d apologize. You should’ve asked if the 8 yr old wanted to go with and if he said no you should’ve popped in the bath room and told her you’re leaving for a min. Then you should’ve said to the child, I’m leaving you stay inside until your mom gets out of the shower.


You: There is a big difference between going outside and going for a walk.
The last conversation you had with her, was that you were just going outside.
She told you she was hoping in the shower, and probably only did so because she believed you would be on the property. Now just because he has to walk by the bathroom to go outside doesn’t mean, he told her he was going outside and doesn’t mean that she heard him over the shower or even knew what was going on if she did (that you weren’t outside too or that it was him and not you).
While, realistically he’s her child and her responsibility you’re another adult in the household. She communicated what she was doing with you, and you should have been communicating in return. If the situation had been reversed…in your eyes she would share at least some of the blame.

Her. She made false assumptions that contributed to her child getting hurt. She assumed you would be watching him and didn’t verify that’s what was taking place. She didn’t ask you to clarify what you meant by going outside. Just because you live together (?) Doesn’t make you automatically responsible for her child just like she’s not automatically responsible for yours.


She told you to go to the store and then got in the bath? But you’re the one who left her son there alone? How does that make any sense. It’d be one thing if she didn’t know you were leaving at all like these guys are acting, but she said she didn’t want to go and told you to just go, so no, you’re not in the wrong. Why did she assume you would stay home from the store and watch her child for her, why didn’t she say anything??

You’re definitely wrong I definitely would have let her know I was leaving the house. If anything It’s common courtesy

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I don’t think it’s your fault he got hurt. But I think there was some poor communication. If I was showering and thought my sister was watching my kid, I would probably turn my music up and not even be listening for him, so he would essentially be completely unmonitered. Where if she told me she wouldn’t be here, I would be attentive to what is going on.
What you did wasnt wrong, but simply popping in to say hey we’re walking to the store, your son is staying here, would’ve saved all the trouble. Just apologize for bad communication, and move on.


I wouldn’t call you an AH, but as a courtesy, you could have knocked on the door and told her you were leaving.

I mean, what does she do when she’s home with her 8 year old and needs to take a shower?! The kid is 8. Not mature enough to be left home alone, but should be able to manage themselves for 20 minutes while mom is in the shower.


“I’m sorry for the misunderstanding” might be reasonable, but surely the 8yo wasn’t home alone. When does she shower when she isn’t visiting with you?

Definitely should have said something to your sister

If it was me I would have at least knocked on the bathroom door and told her sister hey we’re walking to the store real quick just so she would have known that y’all were leaving and she could’ve been like hey can you wait a few minutes until I get out of the shower or leave the bathroom door open so I can hear if he is getting into anything 


Yeah I would of told her that you were leaving or just waited for her to get out. Knowing he has adhd. I would of apologize.

I have an 8yr old and if I need to leave the house for any reason and she is staying home with my eldest son (23), I never leave without informing him (I tell her too). I’m sorry but you should of told her that you were going because there was then nobody supervising her young child. My 8yr old is an angel and doesn’t do things she knows she’s not allowed to do but some 8yr olds are next level (my now 13yr old son for instance when he was 8 lol) and can’t really be unsupervised :woman_shrugging:

Tell her to take care of her own kids.


She’s being insane wtf

Yeah ppl suck and like to blame their mistakes on others…

I’m on her side sorry

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He wasn’t alone ! His mother was there.

Apologize she clearly thought you would at least be on the property to monitor him while she showered but instead you went to the store an a child got hurt an nobody was there due to poor communication on your part especially


How is he home alone when she is there in the shower? She never showers unless someone is there to watch her 8 year old? Now I would have likely knocked on the door and said hey, going for a walk. Be back in 10. But to say he was home alone? Nah.


This sounds like the stupidest drama I’ve heard of lol. Personally I would of told her I was leaving. At 8 the kid also knew not to go outside if she told him no though.

You could’ve at least knocked on the door and told her and that her son was staying bc he didn’t want to go. What if her son decided to go play in traffic, or leave? That would be on you. I’d be upset too.


The kid is 8, not 2. Not your fault. Your sister needs to get over it…

Yeah I’d go ahead and apologize for this one. Going outside implies still being by the house, so she could reasonably assume you were still where you could monitor her kiddo. Getting a shower with a kiddo with adhd can be tricky as you don’t know what they will decide to do. Plus what’s the harm in apologizing for this one? Apologize and move on. It’s not worth sacrificing your relationship with your sister.


I mean I would have at least told her I was leaving.


She was home in the lol… apologize for what exactly? He was in the fenced in backyard…

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I could see her being mad if he was 5 or 6 but 8 years old should be able to be alone for 10 minutes without getting in trouble or hurt! Sounds like a parenting issue!

You left a kid with ADHD alone when she trusted you to watch him. Be glad he didn’t run in the road.


She literally said she didnt want to go and told you to go alone lol and she is responsible for her kid. Not you. She knew you were leaving.


she knew u were leaving she told u to go alone and besides he wasnt alone she was there her kid her responsibility js


If he doesn’t know to stay inside unless someone goes out with him; that’s her fault as a parent.

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U should of told her fenced in yard or not anything could happen.


You made it known that he had ADHD, which means you were aware that he has the possibility of doing something he shouldn’t. Also, I understand already being out the door and not wanting to turn back with a toddler, but that’s when you should of told your 10 yr old no it’s too late stay back with your cousin, OR went back told her hey I’m running to the store. No he was not left home alone physically, but to her he was still left home alone without supervision. And he walked by the bathroom? Honestly that means nothing when she was in the shower or in general. I’m sure the kids have walked by the bathroom multiple times, that’s not a warning of hey maybe my kids the ONLY one out there now. I would tell her you didn’t feel you were completely in the wrong considering she was home, but that yes you should of told her before you left. It’s unnecessary drama between family. Put yourself in her position, if you were showering knowing there was an adult with your children, then came out and one of them was hurt serious or not because now they don’t have an adult with them. Anything can happen with children🤷🏻‍♀️ be thankful he didn’t get hurt more or decided hey I want to go to the store too then “forgot” which direction to go.


i would’ve waited til she was done or atleast told her


Sounds like my twin with her Blane game stories and drama Queen attitude. She doesn’t even let the kids play outside in fenced backyard. Or go for a walk around a very safe neighborhood with me. One time I took them for a nice walk to the elementary school their teachers left the kids supplied you take home. It was relaxing even when it began to rain. We huddled under trees and made it home. Her words” I put them at risk to get stolen “ :roll_eyes:
She always think people are out to steal her children yet she goes out shopping late until 11pm or midnight :roll_eyes:

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A 8yr doesn’t need to be watched outside specially in a fenced back yard smh so no your not in the wrong here


Her kid isn’t your problem


But he wasn’t home alone :joy:


Do you guys share a house? That is unclear to me. It looks to me like each one of you would be responsible for watching your own children. I would not like having to not leave my house because someone else was not watching there own kid. To each his own I guess.

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Her child should have told her or asked her permission to go outside. He knew his aunt was gone and that his mother was in the shower. This is not her fault, the mother is responsible for her child not the aunt.


Yeah no. That’s unreasonable.
Does she not leave her kid alone when she showers and no one else is there?

Also, you TOLD her you were going outside. If you had been sitting on the front porch that kid still could have went out the back and got hurt.
Her kid, her problem.
Teach your kid better :woman_shrugging:t3:

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kids get hurt even when you are right there, but you probably should have told her you were leaving but her son was staying the. by the same token, she was aware you were ging out so her shower could have waited. For family peace say sorry

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An 8 year old doesn’t need to be supervised while you’re in the shower and can go in the backyard alone :roll_eyes: she needs to chill!

Just apologize for the sake of peace

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That’s her child & responsibility!!! It would be different if she ask you to keep a eye on him

She sounds frustrated in life and finding reasons to be upset with anyone but herself

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Was she not in the shower in the same house. Not home alone

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Just apologize for not letting her know you left and you will inform her next time. It’s not something worth splitting up your sistership. Stuff happens and I mean if she’s upset just let her know you didn’t think it was harmful for him to play outside in a fenced area or how you felt.


You should have told her you were leaving the house.!!! Or waited until she was done with her showing. Or took the child with you.


She is responsible for her own kid! She took a shower. So she doesn’t take showers at her own house, with her kid running outside in the back yard?? She is being out of line and super over sensitive. You owe her nothing! Tell her to grow up! The same could’ve happened with him at her own house!

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You should of told her

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This is goofy. Just poke your head in the bathroom and tell her you’re leaving or wait the few mins til she’s out of the shower. I can’t believe these are peoples “problems” :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


I shower while home alone with my 8 year old all the time. She’s also got ADHD and she knows she can’t go outside without letting me know first.

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Is it really unreasonable to take half a second to yell out that you were heading out? At least she wouldn’t have been in the shower thinking you were there, or you coulve waited another few minutes for her to get out. You’re not necessarily TA but a little common courtesy is something to think about. :woman_shrugging:


I would have just told her out of common courtesy that I was going so if she got out she knew where I went if it was my sister

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Again, another stupid question