I know that babies and toddlers especially fight sleep and i don’t think it makes you a bad parent if your toddler isn’t going to bed at 7PM or 8PM as is usually assumed. As long as they’re getting enough sleep and aren’t tired, I seriously don’t think it matters. However, I don’t know how right it is for a 2 and 5 year old to be out playing when it’s dark outside? Like I get they might not go to bed before then, but we have a shared backyard, my toddler is asleep by 7:30PM, and then they COME OUTSIDE at 8:45PM and START playing and yelling like kids do when they play. The mom is out with them but she basically just sits in a chair and yells at them, stuff like “don’t do that,” “get away from there” “you’re being a bad kid,” etc, but the one that makes me giggle is “if you aren’t going to listen we’re going to go inside and go to bed.” Like yes maybe that’s a good idea They wake my son up some nights and I’m starting to get annoyed, but my son hasn’t slept well his whole life so anything that effects his sleep and the routine we tried so hard to get into can get me riled up lol. So I’ve considered whether I might just be being rude. But I don’t know, especially the 5 year old that has school in the morning? I want to know if I’m overreacting or if I’m like “old fashioned” or something lol. *eta I get that the backyard is shared, we have equal “rights” to it, so I get they can use it how they please and I can use it how I please, but when their behaviours starts to impact us and our life, like at what point should I say something and ask if they can maybe try to not play right outside my son’s window at 9PM? I don’t want confrontation but I just think their parents are inconsiderate
It’s summer let her be during school days I’m strict on bed time now it’s summer na I let the kids run off energy outside in the evening being swimming chalk water guns picking wild flowers when it’s not as hot out I don’t do heat well at all leave her be she ain’t hurting anyone instead get a fan or something that makes white noise I have an app called nature sounds the waterfall setting works amazing also my kids are 6 almost 7 4 and 5 months
I see no problem with them being outside. So what if it’s later, I’m sure they can sleep in later in the mornings and it’s summer. I think in most areas it’s like after 10pm for noise. Some people are more night owls, that’s fine if you are not but that doesn’t make it wrong for them. They shouldn’t be screaming at the top of their lungs but again it’s not that late.
As I sit here, outside, watching my almost 2 year old and five year old play at 8:47pm.
But yes, talk to her and ask her to keep them away from your kiddos window. Nothing wrong with that.
It’s summer time. Why don’t you take your kid out and let them play together. I bet your kiddo would sleep better too. I well played baby sleeps better.
Me and my 2 and 4 year old are outside pretty late playing since it is summer. Better than destructive sounds. I’ve apologized to neighbors for my kids and I’ve ALWAYS got they enjoy hearing the laughter and to never apologize for it !
I don’t know why anyone would think they can control when someone else’s kids go inside for the night haha. Weird. I say mind your own business!
It’s summer? My kids stay outside and play until 930 most nights, sometimes later. I understand on school nights. But during the summer we’re always outside late. That’s what summer is all about.
It’s Summertime. Let kids enjoy life!
My 2 year old was outside playing last night after 9. Dad and I both work and don’t get home til between 8:30-9
It’s summertime. Some people relax on sleep schedules. Also it is hot during the day so maybe she prefers taking them out when the sun is out. It’s rare but possible one of them may be allergic to the sun. Most noise ordinance don’t start till 10 pm, so as long as they’re inside by that time not much can be done about them being loud.
My favorite memory of nice weather was being allowed to stay up and outside later. Leave those babies alone and let them play
My kids are out later than normal in the summertime. School is on break and we are enjoying the nice weather and family time. I say let them enjoy the summer, close the window and put on a white noise machine if you’re worried about noise. People have the right to enjoy their own property.
I’d get a white noise machine & let the other family live their life the way that works for them.
You don’t even want to know how late my kids stayed outside playing during the summer.
We are sometimes out late because my son comes to work with me and sometimes we don’t get home till after 7. I spend time making dinner and getting things done and sometimes that means he’s playing out back (I can see him from kitchen window) till around 9. It’s just how our schedule and life works. I would not be offended if a neighbor asked us to at least not play by their sons window. I would understand that
I think maybe letting your toddler get some later play time. If he gets that extra time outdoors then bath and in by 9. I guarantee his sleep habits will improve. If not, get a sound machine or play music on low volume to drown out the noise.
Its summer time. They’ve been cooped up inside all winter. Why not take yours out and get them some fresh air? By the way schools almost out. Have some fun.
The other mother may just have them out to get their energy out and help them sleep little better at bedtime. Where I live it isnt dark out yet. My kids were outside till after 9pm last night. I have 6 and two 10 year olds. They never go to bed early. Even on school nights they go to bed at 9-9:30. When there is no school they stay up till 10-10:30. It gives kids there time of space and enjoy the time with no school. I’d just ask her to keep it down. Or put a fan in your child room to help the noise.
Get a fan and put it next to his bed on medium or high speed and turn it to where it’s not directly blowing at him…, it’s one of the best things to help drown out night noise.
It’s light out until almost 10 now, mind ya business
Whatever happens if you approach this woman you’ll well deserve!
Mind your business!
Yes. Mind your business. Move to the country if you have a problem with the way your neighbors live their lives.
You need a sound machine to block out the noise. Not everyone is on the same schedule. My husband doesn’t get home from work until 930-1030pm depending on the day. My kids are still up at that time and if we wanted to be outside we would. My neighbor is up at 7 am outside yelling at her dogs… We don’t get up until 730… But her schedule is hers and mine is mine. So you just do the best you can. Now if they were shooting fireworks or had music blaring or reving engines etc that would be different. But just playing and using outside voices Definitely get a sound machine!!
We are night people. I would never even think twice about my kid playing outside around 9pm because that’s what we are normally doing at that time. We typically settle in around 10 and it’s been that way since he was LITTLE! I wouldn’t let someone else’s ridiculously early bedtime ruin our time to enjoy the yard and play. Maybe you should take your kid outside to play with them and it would help him sleep better…
8:45 is still relatively early! I take my 3 year old outside at 8:30 to walk our dog and get his last wiggles out before bath and bed at 9:30.
Honestly, unless they are out past 11pm, which is when when noise curfew starts, there’s nothing you can do. You can ask them, but I guarantee they don’t take it lightly and start being petty and make it worse. I’d just mind your business. If you wanted control over such things, you should have moved into a single family house.
Just remember “normal” schedules dont work for all families. If they’re not out their past what your areas quiet hours are then it’s something you just have to deal with. You could try just nicely let them know how it’s impacting you and your child and maybe they will change.
If you knew me, you would think I was a bad parent! I don’t mind my kids staying up if they don’t have school the next day, including my toddler let them be kids! They only get the chance once!
You need mind your own business
My 5 year old played outside with her siblings until like 11:00 last night
My kids (and the neighbors kids) all play out past dark in the summer
I mean if roles were reversed and it was you with your child outside…would you be ok with her telling you not to have your child out at that time? I feel that you’re reaching and putting your nose where it doesnt belong.
You would hate my neighborhood. We live by the only stop light in town and kids are all over till 10pm. Then go home and continue to have fun outside. Hide and seek, bonfires, weekends we have small children all over. It’s summer. Let them have fun
If you can’t buy a country house for the early evening silence you require, you might just keep your routine and teach your kids how to keep a routine no matter the surroundings from the outside world
Instead of worrying about her kids, teach your child to sleep through noise. I used to run the vacuum, turn the TV or music up loud, and have my other kids purposely be loud so my little one would learn to sleep through noisy things.
from birth on up use to noise hospital noise go home run vaccum, tv baby mobile if has noise or other baby item other noise thats when get use to noise and many otherss.
Overreacting. If you just wrote this recently… the kids are out of school. It’s summer time. My 8 year old didn’t even get home from his baseball practice until 9:45 last week and my oldest son played a baseball game until 11:30pm.
No one goes to bed that early in the summer, sorry about it.
8:45 is early and the sun is still out where I live.
I like how you failed to mention your child’s age
Let him have a life!
I didn’t even read the whole thing. Other people’s children are NONE of your business. When a child is being abused is the only time you should step in between a parent and their child.
By laws are until 11 pm nothing you can do and maybe the mom needs a break she pays for the yard too she can use it whenever she likes
I would say something I think that is rude. I also don’t think they should b out that time of night she should b getting them to bed also
Yta mind your own business
We had a neighbour like this, never outside during the day but at half eight they d be outside for hours making horrendous noise while mine were in bed, it’s incredibly frustrating when your kids have to be up for school
What she does with her kids is her business and you can’t control it. Her letting her kids get out some energy before bed is not wrong. Also most places, quiet hours don’t start until 10-11pm. You’re just saying something bad about it because it inconveniences you since your son has trouble sleeping. Being that you can’t control another parent, change your surroundings. Ear plugs, or a white noise machine, or a bedtime play list and noise canceling headphones, think outside the box on how you can help your son.
This is the most insane post I’ve ever seen lmao. Just because you have your kid in bed by 7:30 doesn’t mean everyone else will. And on hot summer days sometimes it’s better for littles to run around later in the day when it’s cooler/the sun isn’t so bright out. Eventually your kid will get used to the noise and the mom letting her kids play outside (no matter the time) is doing great js. My kid stays up until 10-11 some days but that’s because I have the ability to allow her to sleep in the following day depending on our schedule. There’s no set rule on when kids go to bed. It’s all personal preference and what your day looks like following that night. Also- your kid will eventually adjust to sleeping through noise. It takes time but if you don’t do it now, that kid is going to struggle later on in life with sleeping through odd noises. Even when they’re an adult. If it’s really bad I suggest a fan or sound machine to help your baby sleep/drown out the noise but life isn’t quiet… life doesn’t stop around you just because you’re sleeping lol.
Let that mama be and let her kids enjoy the outdoors!!
Honestly think this isone of those times you should mind your business. Addressing this will only cause issues between the two of you… And it’s not that serious. They’re kids playing outside and 8:45pm isn’t that late especially during sunmer time.
Where I live it ain’t even dark at that time in the summer just starting to get there don’t know where you’re at but in the summer there’s a lot of people including kids outside at that time here
It’s summer, there kids my street every child is out playing with each other in the gardens don’t see the big deal, I have a two year old that’s in bed by 8pm and his brothers are still playing outside let them be kids out side in the sun instead of sitting in watching a iPad
It’s summer … And also… Not your business when her kids are outside??? Like is this a serious question. Some night I’m outside with my kids at midnight… Maybe they work second shift or don’t get home until late and that’s the only time the kids get to be outside??? Or maybe they like the moon and stars and are chasing lightening bugs? Get over yourself and teach your child and you to adapt. Maybe the parents can’t tolerate the heat of the day or the kids can’t for some reason. You sound like one of those helicopter parents and your child probably isn’t sleeping well because he doesn’t know how to relax his body without mommy feeling him to. I’m offended for your neighbor
Sounds like u need your own backyard
As rude as it might sound, they do not have to adjust their life because of you .
It’s summer time for Gods sake, people give their kids a more relaxing bedtime routine/ schedule.
You can try to put some white noise when your kid is sleeping, move him to a no other room, and maybe even consider to put him to sleep a little later, let him join the neighbor kids , he will be tired and will probably sleep better .
Also in some places is impossible to be out playing becasue of the heat , so is better and safer to play later on the evening
You didn’t mention that the neighbors were keeping your children.
all i can say is they aren’t your kids so you really don’t have a say lmao
“They come outside at 8:45pm.”
I doubt they’re back inside by 9, and if they’re outside shouting at 9 on weeknights, that’s unacceptable. It’s discourteous. On school nights, most kids need to be asleep by 9 and they can play inside if they can’t sleep.
Anyone with a long commute or an early shift is heading to bed before these kids go inside. It’s not about when the neighbor’s kids go to bed. It’s about their volume and being mindful of others.
I think consideration is needed on both parts. While you shouldn’t be telling her what/when to do with her kids, she should be considerate of the noise bc most ppl are asleep by 8pm. The only time I’d intervene is if it’s waking up my kid and/or no one can sleep. I’d politely let her know if they could keep it down a bit bc your kids window is there and he is asleep by a set time. Or look into some type of white noise machine for your son that can soothe him and maybe block out the outside noise
You can think whatever you like, but would be TA to expect anyone else to agree with you or others to comply to suit what you want and think and to pacify your own situation within your home with your own child. Figure it out…fan, earplugs , white noise machine etc.
Unless there is a local enforced quiet hour curfew, get over sounds of others children playing outside while its still light out in the summertime. Most quiet time curfews don’t start until a reasonable 10 or 11pm, so you are way off.
Its a petty and entitled expectation you have.
Its not like they are firing up a bulldozer at midnight.
Soon enough, your kid will be the one playing outside in the long daylight summer hours( if you don’t helicopter and not let him) and you’ll be the first one offended at the suggestion you them bring him in at 8:30 pm!
Or, you could move to the country with no neighbors for miles.
Not sure how you’ll handle the crickets and cicadas though…
Well if they are supervised not a problem.
It’s summer my kids and the neighbor kids were outside until midnight.
Like most have said, you kind of are being unreasonable and judgmental about someone’s choices on how to use shared property. You can try to politely inform the other mother that your child goes to bed at 7:30 and her children playing by his window wake him, but you’re probably better off just getting a noise machine or fan and minding your own business.
Hey get a fan to block out noise.
Get a white noise machine. It’s a life saver.
It’s summer time and you should never complain about children safely playing in their own yard because their being normal kids.
Lol you want her to value YOUR childs sleep over her own childrens outside time. Maybe they need to play hard to get to sleep. Its you.
You’re being a Karen. It’s not like it’s the middle of the night. Your child probably has sleeping problems bc they’re being sent to bed way too early. Your neighbor is smart. She let’s her kids wear themselves out and I guarantee they sleep good bc of it. If I put my toddler to bed at 7:30 or even 8:30 hed be up before 4am.
Ooooh this is 50/50 , over here in california it’s legal to be loud as he’ll until 11pm after that you have to turn the music down so the only ones affected are in the house (I lived in a duplex) my roommate used to blast her music at 3ak because she was jealous that the landlord was letting me stay in the same house as HER for free. The police said “since we cannot hear it unless we’re directly in front of your house it’s not a real noise complaint” I felt fried , exhausted (I have an 8 y.o.) I asked her many polite times to just call a truce but she didn’t, so I would wait for her to go to sleep (when it was finally quiet) and then I’d hook up my Amp and play some death metal ALLL DAY LONG . Needless to say it drove her insane.literally. not one of my best moments
My point is this, it’s legal and it’s only 8:45. Like dude you can’t even legally complain to police until 10 pm I can understand if it was 12 or 1 am but it’s not.
Put some earplugs on and call it a night, or just calmly ask if you guys can EXCHANGE ideas, no person is going to be okay with you coming to them demanding they not play in THEIR OWN backyard, tf.i don’t care what time it is if I paid for something I’m going to use it.
Most leases say 10pm is quiet time. So just mind your business
She said or if it’s something else . You bet it’s something else. You are a nosy Karen !!!
Who cares what she does with HER children lol you are totally over reacting. You can’t control what she does with her own kids just like she can’t tell you your putting your kid to be to early that’s why it isn’t sleeping all night lol
A white noise machine might be something you should look into getting. There are kids by me, out until like 1am. Now that’s the time when I start to get a little judgey but even then, not my monkeys, not my circus.
You are major AH for this one. Have you never been outside of the USA? This whole post just comes off so self centered & American-ish.
Can you close the window, use heavy drapes, a white noise machine, ear plugs, noise canceling headphones? AND ask your neighbor nicely if they can shift their playing away from your son’s window after a certain time. AND let your child run around with them or exhaust himself doing very active stuff. It might help him fall asleep faster or stay asleep longer.
I’d be damned if someone tried to say my kids were out too late in their own yard
Ma’am… take a seat. Yes … you’re the biggest AH. You’re probably the same person to say kids spend too much time on electronics. Mind your business. Let these kids alone. It’s still light outside at 8 you miserable cow
Get a sound machine crank it up and have a cocktail
Get a noise machine and mind your business on what others do with their kids and at what times.
First of all, mind your own damn business
Mind ya business. It’s before most cities curfew so you can’t really make a noise complaint
Is this question real mind your business and get a sound machine if your kid won’t sleep lol
Yes, you’re the a$$. Honestly, you just need to worry about your children and not your neighbors. There is nothing wrong with playing outside at 8:30pm. If you need the world around you to be quiet at 7:30 pm, I would suggest buying some land.
If it’s a shared backyard I’m assuming you rent, you can talk to your landlord. There is such thing at least in Ontario Canada called noise pollution, it dosent have a time of day, you can file on that. I don’t think it’s that your old fashion. Kids need proper hours of sleep for there developing. Doctors recommend that children ages 3 to 6 need about 10-12 hours of sleep each day. And 7- to 12-year-olds do best with 10 or 11 hours. Why? Not getting enough shut-eye can lead to weight gain, as well as taking a toll on their physical, emotional, and social health. My self all of mine went to bed at 7:30pm. If I worked late or there dad then they still went to bed at that time. Kids need routine and need to learn routine.
If it’s a shared backyard and they are screaming, I would not be happy with it being that late. A weekend it’s whatever but during the week when there’s school and work you have to be respectful. Being old fashion isn’t always bad, especially since nowadays society sucks. you could always talk to her just make sure it’s thought out so she doesn’t go on the defense.
Lol my kids and husband were playing with friends outside until past 11pm yesterday. It’s summer time. Enjoy the weather.
I feel for you. I’m the same way. I try to set routine for my kids but it’s like torture to be forced to sleep when you hear other kids playing. It can be a lack of communication. Does she know your son goes to bed at 7:30 & her kids wake him up?
I just let my kids play during the summer. School year is different.
No offense but why would you think your routine should be the rule for everyone?
I think that, that is not respecting your neighbors . You always are going to find people like that, they only think about them self.