AITA for thinking my spouse is being overdramatic when he is sick?

How many moms get sick and still have to take care of their kids? Wether it’s because they’re a single mom or not. How many of y’all complain when doing so? How many of yalls significant others complain? I told my husband he’s so overdramatic and such a baby when he’s sick. When I’m sick I still have to get up and take care of our kids. But God forbid he gets sick! Now it’s “I don’t feel good” literally all day everyday until he gets better,acts hopeless and like he’s literally incapable of doing anything,says “ugh I don’t even know what’s going on I’m so sick” or I told him he forgot to put the baby’s clothes in the wash THIS MORNING when he asked what was wrong with me a minute ago and he said “wellI’m sorry I forgot but I don’t feel good.”I had to look him in the face and be like dude I get it and I’m not trying to be mean but whenever I don’t feel good I still have to be a parent. AITA to have said that to him and think he’s being just overdramatic?


I feel like everybody has that 1 thing that drags them down (my boyfriend it’s headaches, for me it’s stomach ache). If he’s like that literally everytime he doesn’t feel good then he’s just milking it. But like when my boyfriend gets headaches I know I have to pick up the Slack a little more and he’ll do it when my stomach hurts. It’s all about communication and balance.

Welcome to the introduction of a man coldd they all do it.


My husband lol 8 years he gets what we call the man flu lol he laughed at me when I said same thing some dudes can’t handle it lol but he has been taking care of me more when Im I sick idk men be like that I just hope your situation turned out like mine where I can lay down and sleep be sick and rest it’s not about who does more but what he’s willing to do when you need it

I don’t get sick very often but when I do I don’t function well at all. If I have to I do but I normally take the day off and rest. I don’t complain but I’m not running around doing chores either. My son can play on the floor or his bouncer or whatever but I try to rest as you should. I also don’t expect anyone to wait on me. My husband is the same. If we’re both sick we take turns resting and taking care of the baby. But household stuff can wait til we feel better.

Well at this point what he is doing is working for him because he knows whining will get him a go free card, we have raised man baby’s

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1000 percent my husband and all my friends husbands😂

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It’s common but not ok imo. I have almost died and have developed serious health issues over the years, with no empathy or understanding from my guy :joy: guess what I do when he’s sick? Nothing. I tell him life goes on and to fix his face :rofl: They get what they give imo.

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Nope… you’re a hero! :rofl:

It’s not just a man thing my husband didn’t do that. He’s sick right now with a nasty cold and is still helping around the house, and he helped me when I was sick by doing anything he could (I still stuff just asked him for help a bit more and he brought me tea without asking type of stuff) AND he works 80 hours a week.

It’s the man flu.


Honey that’s a man. I haven’t met one yet that didn’t act like that. I’ve confronted them also saying I have to continue on so why can’t he. Or when do I get to rest. Instead we continue to have to clean, cook and tend to the children. They don’t do those 3 things. Now I’ve met one that did it when I was down but yes acted like a big baby when he was sick lol. So there is some men that will pick up that slack but very few.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah unfortunately that’s just the male (most)species

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You have resentment towards him sound like you kinda don’t like him. Being a mom is stressful and moms bear most if not all the weight of parenting and it’s exhausting and feel burdensome at times. I understand your frustration

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Ahh yes, the “man-cold” :relieved: lol

I can’t relate my husband goes to work sick and does things for the kids and around the house. If he didn’t feel good I wouldn’t mind at all him taking it easy but it isn’t in him. He never complains

Females are built different but doesn’t make it fair. Your feelings are valid.


My late husband was very dramatic when sick and that was fine because whenever I was sick he took care of me and the kids. So no you’re not the a hole if when you’re sick you still have to take care of everyone else and when he’s sicks he just useless blob.

My husband doesn’t do this. Never has. He doesn’t get the “man flu”. He gets sick, takes meds, goes on about his day. Even when he had COVID and the stomach flu :joy: Couldn’t even tell he was sick!

It’s totally a man thing though. My ex was the same way. It’s so annoying and I totally understand stomach bugs. That’s an excuse! But the sniffles? Please.

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Yes. Maybe not all men but a lot of them are totally overdramatic when their sick. ! So frustrating

We mammas get it ! In currently sick and had surgery a couple a days ago and I still have to be on mom mode all day long and stay on top of things.

Wtf. That’s not a “man” thing.

We rarely get sick. And when we do its bad bad and everyone gets it. But we still get up and do stuff that needs to be done.

My husband rarely complains. So no. If he is being overdramatic oh well. A spouse should be the one calling them out. 100% honesty right??

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It’s a man thing and I gave up hope long ago.
I send him to bed to stay out of my way.
But I’m lucky he will usually be sick for 24 hours then he’s normal or acts normal.


I completely Feel this! :100:

I understand your frustration and I am sorry. I will say though….I think it’s important to be empathetic to your partner. If they aren’t feeling well, it can be very easy to drop the ball. When I get sick, I just try to survive and make sure my child is taken care of. Placing any other demands may not go well. I personally wouldn’t have had that reaction but that’s me……

Ugh yes… or literally everyday something different hurts, I do get irritated cause we got 5 kids and I have to do it all alone!

I feel like it’s a man thing. Mine swears he’s dying. But if I’m sick, oh well. Still gotta be a parent. Can’t just lay in bed and sleep all day.


When I don’t feel good I complain all day too lol. But I still get up and do stuff.

I’ve had Covid and still had to take care of our daughter. My boyfriend gets a stuffy/runny nose and he’s like “I’m dying!” Idk why guys are like this.

But I’m sick right now and I told my boyfriend he can watch our daughter today because it’s his day off :woman_shrugging:t3:


Ignore the comments saying all of the guys do this and to basically put up with it (my partner does not). That is 100% weaponized incompetence and if your partner does this, CALL THEM OUT. When you’re sick you need a bit more help and maybe even getting to complain about it constantly is totally fine, but acting like you can’t do literally anything unless you’re actually REALLY sick and forcing your partner to do everything… especially when that isn’t what happens when your partner is sick, that’s not okay. You’re NTA for calling him out for this and if he doesn’t like it then he really needs to look in the mirror.


I wish my husband will let me baby him when he gets sick. Sometimes i have to force him to stay in bed because he wants to go work even with a fever.

It depends on the sickness. Usually I’m able to get things done when I’m sick, but a few weeks ago I was chronically sick to the point i didn’t feel like I could do my normal daily tasks. I mean the sickest I’ve ever been in a long time. Usually it’s my husband who’s a baby when he’s sick, but he really stepped up to the plate when it came to our responsibilities and let me complain and get my rest. I do like to tell him he’s acting like a baby when he’s sick, but I also have no problem taking care of him and picking up the slack when he’s sick and he definitely returned the favor. The sickness doesn’t last forever and laundry can wait.

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Sounds like you’re being over dramatic. How about asking him for more help when you’re sick.

Sadly it’s what men do. I blame mothers tbh. You either put up with it and bring any sons up differently or you call him out on being a lazy good for nothing and cause fights…only you know what’s best for your house lol. Good luck trying to change him

That is a typical man … Most if not all are like this …


My husband allows me to be sick and feel like shit, and he helps me with the kids and chores and the whole deal. Then when he is sick I do the same for him. I have a chronic disease and I have flare ups a lot. My husband always takes the best care of me, listens to me complain and takes me to the hospital everytime with no complaints. As do I when it comes down to him not feeling good or having a bad day. I felt so awful all week, he allowed me to rest after I would work and he would get the kids ready for bed. Tomorrow he is having surgery for a detached bicep and it will be my turn to take care of him and the kids and the house.

You deserve better.

Every. Single. Time. that I get sick (I’ve started paying attention more & keeping track) my husband will also mention at some point that day that he doesn’t feel good, and it will turn into the most dramatic ordeal for the duration of the time I’m sick, plus a day or two longer. I don’t understand it, but it literally happens every single time. So no, as someone who has put up with it for 17 years of my relationship, I understand where you’re coming from. You are NTA.


There may be one or two men on the planet who don’t act like big babies when they’re sick! So Yippee too those women who actually have witnessed one who doesn’t behave like a big baby! Good For You Because you have a Rare Breed😆


It IS a normal “man” thing, but my husband is not typically like that. Of all the times he’s been sick in our 20 years, only covid kept him from going to work and being his normal workaholic self. But that kicked my a** too, tbh, and I laid around for DAYS! The kids were sick too, so we were all feeling lousy and just resting… we all pitched in to do what we could…

Other than that, he suffers through when he’s sick. He does knock out after getting home, but he works a LOT of hours (leaves at 430am or so and gets home at 6-630 at night… often even later).

So no. You’re not mean. He should Buck up just like we have to! I get no sick days as the mom…. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t even get me started on this… mom/wife here.

Ask if he needs to go to the emergency room. If not give him a few manageable tasks and tell him he needs to get them done by the end of the day in exchange for your giving him time to rest & maybe babying him a bit. When you’re sick, the roles are reversed. End of discussion.

This is nothing new. Men have the WORST man flus lmao


Nothing new, just how men are. Sad! Lol

When they keep repeating “I don’t feel good” ugh! I wanna scream " Oh, you don’t think I know that? I’ve heard that a billion times! I’m not gonna forget" go into a room by yourself and leave everyone alone


Unpopular opinion BUT what if…maybe. just maybe…everyone is different?
What if things affect you both differently?
This to me is the same as a woman having debilitating periods, that leave her in bed unable to do anything and some other woman complaining about how they can function through theirs just fine so she must be overreacting


Sadly men are the weaker sex. Most (not all) when sick cannot function, franklyI blame mothers for babying their boys when they were little. Women could be in the process of dying and we are still expected to do everything despite being told to stay in bed.

Men (or most) do not suffer in silence- my husband being one of them. If he’s sick, we alllllllllll know it. And of course he’s always going to be more sick than anyone. His cold is always worse than the average cold. Death bed like :woman_facepalming: it’s ridiculous and annoying.


Nope. Tell his mother to come to your house and help you every.single.time. he acts like this. If he won’t stop, make him pay a maid service every time he is sick. He’s WAY overdramatic.

Since day dot
Women have been asking that question
Every time a bloke gets a cold
He is ready for the under taker
Give him a box of tissues, some paracetamol and tell him to suck it up

Tell him just because he is sick, there is no need to act like he is dying.

I swear majority of men act like hopeless babies when they get sick

Ok. I went to urgent care who send me to the hospital(7pm.). Got a diagnosis and was told I needed to rest a lot for the next few days (3am). I was home and slept on the couch(4am). At 6 am my kids woke up and my husband couldn’t be bothered to wake up and be a dad. I did it all. Breakfast, entertaining, got them dressed and played with them. Did lunch and finally got so annoyed I went and did DoorDash with them. My husband didn’t leave the bed till 3:30pm.
I was ordered to rest and couldn’t because he was too lazy to help out. Man-children suck. I love my kids, wish they had a better dad.

Ahh the dreaded man cold. I think yta because if you have a penis it’s basically pancreatic cancer.

I almost forgot that this is a man blaming page for everything wrong with your life. if you have a baby as a baby daddy, then its your own fault. get over it and stop blaming your choicees on other men. the way the world is now, you women dont want a manly man anyway. you want the sissy wearing a “man bun” to take care of you. stop making manly men the bad guys and this will end. I had surgery and fought like hell to get out of the hospital to go find ways to take care of my family. that involved lifting trailers and changing tires on a trailer the day I was told not to do anything. Real men don’t make excuses and take care of their family. end of story.

Most men are pathetic when they are sick. I think we can thank their mothers for that.

It’s a man mindset. If they are sick sick okay. But if I’m sick I don’t get pampered he can go fuck off.

Men are the weaker of the sexes. Big babies. No, you’re not an ah.

My husband is so good to me when I’m sick I don’t care how dramatic he ever gets. We both treat each other good when one’s not :100:

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Yeah kinda. My husband gets sick because he works in fridges and freezers all day but when he gets sick, like throwing up, he’s sleeping all day, and usually the next day he’s feeling a little better so not as whiny

I swear a lot of guys do this and my partner is the same! He’ll be in fetal position as if he’s dying and I’ll be up and down with all 5 kids.

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No you are not ! We as moms have to carry on sick or not . But sadly , his behavior is normal for many men .

Oh you are not the a hole. My other half is such a baby when he’s sick. He is so dramatic about it, on one hand it makes me so mad and on the other hand I can’t help but find it hilarious that he’s the one with balls because when it comes to the common cold, he has none :joy:

The man cold is a serious life threatening condition, didn’t you know?

If this page turns into an “AITA subreddit”, I’m completely tuning in more!!!

a man cold lol most men get it.

I’m glad I’m single and don’t have to put with this everyday.


Man I could have wrote this myself :woman_facepalming::rofl:

Definitely NTA
Pretty sure this is how 99% of man’s with a man feel
Every man I’ve ever known is SO pitiful when they’re sick

Most men are babies when they are sick. Last time my husband was sick, I made the comment: when I’m sick I still have to work and take care of the kid and the animals, etc. That seems to help it click. Made it about me instead of pointing a finger out him

I feel you…most men are like that…nowadays i just don’t care…i will still take care of my husband real sick or not while attending to our 4 children’s needs plus household chores. Then when I don’t feel well I rest…to hell with the housework…and i put everything about the kids in his hands if he is home…:blush: i’m like “sorry dude cant do the housework…take care of the kids for me ok?” Then I sleep…its up to him if he takes over or not, he does not like the house dirty and the kids getting hungry and in chaos so he has no choice most of the time, plus i say to my kids " everything you need you aklsk your Papa." :rofl:

I think this is most men tbf😅 my partner does it too but he’s calmed down on it now since I made a thing out of it. I think he resents me abit now and acts like im abit of a cold bitch because i wont coddle to him. because I refuse to wait on him like one of the kids. But there fully grown adults they don’t get the same treatment our children get where not their mothers. We’re there partners. It’s the constant mentioning how ill they are and the groning and umming and arghing and wanting to do nothing but lay down and rest. does my headin because I’m the type of person that doesn’t let illness or colds etc keep me down il just get up and carry on regardless how I feel. I have to be really ill to not be able to do my usual things but that’s rare. I’m not very dependable on other people when I’m down or ill as the way I see it if they weren’t there I would have no choice but to get up and carry on. No one’s gonna do it for me so no point starting now lol.