I am 39 weeks and 5 days and I have been so irritated and tired. I also have a 2 and 3 year old who don’t leave me alone lol. I feel so cranky and I hate everyone texting me asking if baby is here yet or asking when she’s coming, if there is any updates and asking to hang out. I know people are excited as so am I but I just want my space. I hate that I feel this way because I can’t even stand myself is this something common that anyone has gone thru or is it just me because I feel awful being this way.
I’m 35 weeks and I finished my last day of work and I feel the EXACT same way. I’m so over this lol
You’re right on time, little mama. I’m sending you a huge, long, warm backrub.
turn your phone off sweetie and have a happy healthy delivery and recovery❤
Baby is coming and I was the same, with mine just your body getting geared up for birthing, try and meditate, but you may have had baby by now both of you children are anxious too as they are confused why mummy is narky, they don’t understand, all the best to you hope everything goes well for you. And deep breaths,
When I hit my due month I told everyone don’t bother asking because you will find yourself deliberately ignored and blocked until well and truely AFTER baby has arrived. Worked a charm… no one asked any questions.
Yeah that’s normal. I had 42, 43 and 40 (to the actual day lol) week pregnancies and it got very frustrating.
Momma, do not feel guilty or ashamed. You are NOT in the wrong! You’re exhausted, you’re overwhelmed, and overstimulated. Pregnancy hormones is a bish, especially when you have a toddler or two on your leg. You need some R&R - down time for you and you only before this new baby arrives because to me, it sounds like you haven’t had a break in a good bit. As for all the texts and messages, take a deep breath - maybe do a group text message or group chat, or maybe even post a FB status… you don’t have to be mean, but be clear and blunt of how you’re feeling and that you kindly ask for space, and to please refrain of the repeats of questions and that when you know any updates, they will know. And if someone doesn’t like that, well, needless to say that your mental and emotional state means little to them. Keep your head up, momma and take that R&R.
Put a post up on your own social media explaining your feelings, your friends are trying to be supportive, once that baby is here you will have 3 children under 5, if you push them away now when they are still trying to include you, without properly explaining the situation to them, you might regret the day you pushed them away and sit wondering why you spend all your time with your kids alone in months after the birth
Just send a text and say when baby comes ile let you all know thanks for your concern xx
Absolutely not.
No justification needed.
Just tell them “keep asking and I won’t let you know when she’s actually here” they tend to stop straight away…
Having 3 kids under 5 would drive anyone into your mind…
So no you are not crazy. You are what any other mother would be like in your situation raising tiny needy dependants ( coming from a mum of 5 )
This is completely and utterly normal and even if you didn’t feel this last time it’s still normal honestly. I was as cranky as hell most of my last pregnancy and got really irritated when people asked about how the baby was after midwife appointments and scans etc so I stopped telling anyone I was going and when asked how baby was doing answered “I’m not doing great thank you for asking”. My daughter is 33 weeks pregnant with her second boy and this time it has been really difficult for her, I try to ask her how she is, tell her she is beautiful and get little gifts for her such as hand cream or face mask before I ask about the baby
It’s great that ppl are interested! And some keen to catch up!
Perhaps set up an auto reply advising if it’s about the impending baby you’re too overwhelmed to respond but they’ll get an update when baby arrives.
Any other texts you need to reply to you, including invites to hang out, can respond to in due course.
Another option is what a friend of mine does, sends an occasional update advising as overwhelmed please no responses!
My babies were always late! I hated being asked when I was due, would they induce, did I make a mistake with my dates. The only one I could stand being around was my 23 month old. After the baby was born people would come to see her( we had girls) and rarely offer to pick up food or bring a meal or take the toddlers to the park. So whenever you have a new Mom in the family offer to bring by a meal, take laundry when you leave and bring it back clean and folded. Take the older kids for the afternoon and return them fed and clean. Those things are helpful unsolicited advice is not.
I’m sure at this point we are all ready to get it over with and we are ready to have our little ones because we are so tired. But we don’t have time to feel sorry for ourselves we have to get up be strong and be momma to our other kids and get ready to have the new one hopefully you have good help like your husband that will let you rest after you have your baby.
All it takes is a little message thanking everyone, then letting them know you need rest & you will let all know when bub is born.
better than being ignored
Just let them know you need some alone time ,and will contact them when you need some friends
I’d be the mom that would tell everyone to leave me alone. I will let them know when the baby is born. And if they continue to harass me about it they won’t see the baby for at least a month after it’s born! Set your boundaries and stick to them. Your probably really uncomfortable since your so close to having the baby and everyone needs to understand that and respect your boundaries
Your entitled to however you feel! I remember being called a b at 39 weeks pregnant with twins. I just turned around and said well at least you can walk away, I’m stuck with it
Your almost to the finish line! You got this!!!
Perfectly normal…then you will feel this again…and again…and again during menopause. Sweetly shut them down. You don’t have to respond to anyone but your children immediately.
Very normal. Be careful to watch for PPD after delivery
Stop reading the messages.
Totally normal in my experience. At that point during pregnancy you’re absolutely miserable. And to that having toddlers
I hated that people were always asking if baby was here yet, when he/she’s coming etc.
I was completely awful when my baby was coming bc I was unhappy. I put my mom out my room bc she wanted to eat the dad I shldve let her that is my greatest regret in life besides the man I chose to lay up with. I hate the way I acted those days I still beat myself up about it. My unhappiness became long term
Give those friends tasks to be helpful: here’s some money, get my groceries; take he kids to the pool/park/anywhere else so I can rest; bring dinner one night; massage my feet/hands/back or pay for a professional maternal massage; come clean my floors because I can’t even see my feet.
Then let everyone know it is upsetting to you to be asked about the due date and that you will let them know when the time comes, and apologize for being extra cranky due to hormones & constant discomfort and that you need to be left alone at this time.
Ask directly for what you want.
We just shun the beekeeper because the retarded specialists locked him up a year trying to kill your godson and getting the welfare to take care of that the people wanted to get signed onto before having kids.
NTA. Just put up a post on all social accounts that while you appreciate that everyone wants to be updated on Bubs arrival the constant messages, calls and text are really stressful. Let people know that you will update by text or social account when Bubs is on the way or when ready to announce.
Block anyone that disrespects that boundaries and don’t unblock them till after Bubs is born.