Am I the worst mom because I’m not a affectionate mom? Yes if my daughter gets hurt, or just wants a hug I will do those if she wants to talk about something bothering her, I will do that but sometimes I really am I hermit and on a Saturday/off day sometimes I just wanna be alone and not be touched , but then I feel guilty…
My parents was the same, I’m now a clingy adult who seeks affection, don’t do that to ur kids, yes we all need a break but we all need love as well and ur all they know and trust. No matter what you’re kids come first, they’re will be a time where they won’t even come near you for affection, cherish you’re babies and every single moment you have with them, also go see if ur depressed xx
Normal to need breaks. But you can’t just take every weekend off from being a mom. Maybe each night after a certain time is quiet time. But suggesting you can just take the weekends off from being mom is a bit much.
<3 It’s okay to have boundaries for yourself. You just recognizing this is huge! Make a conscious effort to give random hugs, positive words of affirmation, and talking to your kids. It’s okay on your day off if you need some space. Explain it to your child that it’s a day for you to decompress. Also I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone sometimes too. We get such a short time to bond with our children before they are off into the world. You don’t have to feel bad about not being affectionate all the time. As long as your child feels loved that all that matters.
Wow! This is a weird generation! I still kiss up my 38 yr old! And now my grandchildren!
This is sad I’m sorry you feel like this but please hug your children
this is even sadder x
Welcome and appreciate all the time you can have with your children . When they are gone and making their own life, that’s when you can have all the me time you want. Don,t be selfish.
This is normal.Im the same way.I love my children with everything in me but some days,I want to be left alone.
I think it’s important you show your kids love and affection randomly without them having to ask for it but I don’t think your a bad mum for wanting a break sometimes. We’re human, we all need a break sometimes. As long as you make a conscious effort to be there and make her feel loved, then you’re doing nothing wrong.
That’s not bad. That shows how much of a good mama you are. It’s normal for a mom wanting some peace to herself instead of children hanging all over you. It’s basically our daily lives. Don’t be bothered by it mama, your doing a good job!
Bro, I HATE being touched😩it’s a sensory thing for me. I feel too confined. But I’m the same as you, if he wants affection, I’ll give him some! Honestly I’d prefer if he just laid there motionless while I snuggle him😂I love hugging and snuggling him but I don’t like to be on the receiving end if that makes sense
Could you be differently abled? On the autism spectrum, have sensory processing disorder, or something else? Start with your GP and ask to be evaluated by professionals.
Kids can be clingy and crave attention ALL the time and it’s mentally and physically exhausting when you don’t get a break. Being an introvert can exacerbate it all. But kids NEED affection and caring. Please make an effort to be more demonstrative with your child and be sure to tell her how much you love her. If you need a few hours a day to recharge, that’s OK but more than that and you are depriving your child of physical love. Maybe spend more time playing with her. It’ll help her feel valued and loved.
Yes I feel this way sometimes because my kids wants to hang on me constantly and I’m like please go away lol I love you but sometimes you feel like a wedgie I can’t get out of my butt
I think it’s normal and that most of us have been there, but sadly we can’t be a mom sometimes and sometimes not so much, showing our kids that they are loved it’s very important, but also it’s to have a break here and there .
I am not, and have never been, an affectionate mom. I love my son, and I tell him multiple times a day that I love him, but I prefer not to hug or kiss. I’ve also thought it made me a bad mom, but my son is 16, happy, and healthy.
Get a sitter. U need to be emotionally available for ur kids. It’s legit ur job to be there to love them and be affectionate. U create that person’s self esteem. Self esteem starts with ur parents ability to be caring and affectionate with you. If u need a break take one but I need to find someone to watch ur child so ur not neglecting their emotional needs
Girl same! Like kids and hubby. Don’t touch or talk to me. Need some alone time.
Raising kids is hard, esp in today’s world so yes it can be very overwhelming trying to juggle everything and still maintaining that emotional level kids need from you. I dont know your circumstances or family to know if this is an issue for you/your kids, you know your children though and if they’re coping with everything or not or if you need to adjust what you’re doing.
It’s normal for some people. You may just be touched out and over stimulated. As long as your daughter knows you love her and you meet her needs emotionally you are doing well. Perhaps you could play a game or watch a movie together.
so sad for your little one.
We all feel like that
No your not a bad mom
It’s called being overstimulated we all experience it!
Don’t do that to her.its the worse feeling in the world for a child to feel that from a “parent”.
Same girl. You’re not a bad mom. We just got to stay trying.
Yeah your a piece of **** a child deseves affection. Dont be complainig when your spouse isnt affection to your ass. What goes around comes around… Dont have a child if you dont want to show them love only when they ask smfh
I’m not affectionate either. Yeah I hug my kids and tell them I love them . But I don’t snuggle them. I never grew up with affectionate parents either so it’s hard for me to be that way too.
I can’t relate, I hug and smooch my babies all day long!
I’ve never been a touchy feely emotional person. Goes back to I was raised by an abusive yet neglectful mother and I at age 6 I started raising my mothers next child and at 7 i was raising a second. Night time feedings and changes and household chores and school. So as I grew up I had lost my emotional connection to things. I have a son who is 10 and autistic and very needy and emotional. Yes I can listen to his endless stories about football, I put band aids on, but I don’t freak out or worry and get upset. I can do the fake excitement for something I don’t care for to make him happy. I can do a few hugs, but I’m not a mom that’s all obsessed and hands on. My son had his tonsils out the beginning of June and I was all nonchalant about it while my dad and my grandparents were freaking out, crying worrying, obsessing over it. It doesn’t make me a bad mom. And yes I get sad, mad or frustrated but I don’t let it show. And my son has only ever been with me. Never had a baby sitter or day care. So it’s a lot and you learn to go on autopilot
Wow !!! My mother was like that and until this day it hurt.
I feel so sad for your kids. They need to be told, hugged, kissed, LOVED!
Look up the 5 love languages books.
This will help you.
I’m a hugger/ toucher so I feel for your daughter- however I get it’s not your thing.
You’re not a bad mum.