It was your choice to take a break. Your BF didn’t stay away from you when you were pregnant with someone else baby. He needs to be with his child now.
HARD PASS. No thanks, he now has a child to put first and you have your own to put first, everything happens for a reason.
Wait… so he can step up and be there for you and your child. But you cant step up and be there for him and his child??
Yall broke up because you needed space. And in the meantime he fucked around with someone else and knocked her up. Came out and was truthful about it. And now you want to walk away?
Just be single and work your own problems out before trying any relationships
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. If it’s not something you’re okay with then it is what it is. It is better to go now than to let both kids grow attached to you and him and split later. Especially when you already know you’re not comfortable with the situation. You’re entitled to your feelings and you don’t have to be in a relationship when you’re not comfortable. Even if other people think you should be. You deserve to feel comfortable in your relationship and he deserves someone who is comfortable with him and all that comes along with him.
Nope. He made that choice. You can make whatever makes you comfortable in the now and going forward.
A break means a break you definitely can’t hold that against him
Honestly looks like you guys would be better off apart. Bit messy no judgement but make life simple for the kids aye
You’re not tied down.
This is all I heard in my head.
So what, he slept with someone else. You guys were on a break, can’t be mad at him for that
It’s a choice you have to think about long & hard especially since if he’s any kind of real man he will always be in that child’s life but you can’t stay with him just because he was there for you when you needed him its not a good basis for a relationship as you’ll end up hating him, you need to look deep & see if the relationship is what you really want
If you love him, stay. He loved you enough to take on & raise a baby from literally day 1 that is not his. You owe him the same respect. Y’all were on a mutual break, he didn’t cheat. If you feel he is not your “soulmate” or your person, you have no obligations but don’t drag it out. Just go.
Well if I was him I’d walk away from you and never look back period .
Walk away. Get yourself together and start over with someone else
You didnt love him that much coz you wanted a break. But if the love is genuinely there then dont mess about. Stay with him.
So he stepped up for your child who wasn’t his yet you are thinking off walking cause he’s he’s having a baby to someone else and you don’t want to step up to his baby. If he had any brains he would run quick from you. You sound like a person who only thinks of themselves
He accepted u were pregnant by someone else but u cant accept him being in similar position. He deserves better. Walk away
In my opinion he did nothing wrong you broke up with him probably broke his heart considering he was there for you when you needed someone and stepped up in your own words and accepted that child as his if you truly love him figure out what you really want because he deserves better than you just staying because you feel like your obligated
If you love him then you would stay bc he stayed with you through everything when he didn’t have to. You are the one that wanted a break and that caused this situation…so now you need to step up and be there for him but if you can’t do that then u need to walk away.
Don’t walk away, you may regret it later on. Some men are great. You may not find another man like this one. Give him a chance. It maybe a good relationship. Just cause he may got someone else pregnant doesn’t mean he won’t be there with you and your new baby. All you can do is give it a try and see from there. You two need an open honest relationship now that babies are around, and will be around as in the other woman. Just talk to him, about how you are feeling, and see what he says. Hopefully it will all work out for you!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
You were pregnant by another man when y’all met…you cant be a hypocrite and be mad at him for the same thing happening while y’all were on a break.
I think maybe learn some birth control, not fair to the kids switching men around.
This is a tough 1…now you feel obligated to stand by him because he stood by you… Do what your heart tells you dear, only you know best… If your too hurt by this rather walk away than suffer with a broken heart and stay in this relationship because you feel you have too…
Yikes! Wanted a break and then started screwing around with other women doesn’t say he really cared about you. My ex and I took a break for our relationship but that was to work on us not a free pass to go screw around.
Get yourself together & stop depending on men to make you happy Pprayers
Focus on yourself and baby
I would t walk away. I knew someone this happened to and she ended up taking him back after their break (in which he got another girl pregnant while they were on a two week break) and now they’re married with a child of their own, and my friend absolutely adores that little girl and has become an amazing step mother to her. The girl he got pregnant got married to someone else and have their own family. She and the other women and the husband co-parent and get along great. Things happen.
Damn, he can take care of my child too
Sounds like he deserves better if that’s a deal breaker for you.
So he stepped up when you were pregnant with another man’s child and took it on as his own…. yet you’re hurt he got another woman pregnant while you weren’t even together…
Girl leave that man. He needs a supportive woman that will match the same kind of good heart and energy he has…
I could understand if y’all were in fact together and he cheated
Always do what’s best for you
Sooo he stepped up but you can’t? Lol
Take some space. Give yourself time to heal and think alone before making any big decisions. It sounds like he cares about you alot but i understand not wanting to deal with the other baby momma… Or the hurt that comes along in the future with him raising two babies. She will always be a part of his life in some way, just like you will. On the bright side at least he isnt pushing you or any 3 of those babies away. Cause in all honesty they all 3 deserve to be loved equally.
You’re a special kinda stupid
I understand why your hurt because Youse were obviously planning on getting back together. But you two weren’t together it will be hard to adjust to the situation but he was truthful with you that’s a huge thing, he didn’t lie or deny the child being his he stepped up to the plate. You being pregnant when Youse got together is different because he already knew that, but he’s obviously a decent person I wouldn’t be walking away over this, you will never find another man like him. You will come to love this baby just like he loves your baby. Don’t throw it away work on it
His baby needs him and if you are jealous now… I’m thinking maybe you will be jealous of them spending time together???
Nope… leave him alone. Let him raise his baby and find real love.
I’m just “keeping it real” I know that sounds mean. I’m sorry but I am thinking about the children involved.
Only you can answer that
He was there for you, with a child that isn’t his. If you two were separated, by what sounds like your choice, and he was with someone else, he was free to do so. If the two of you decide to reconcile, you can’t hold against him whatever happened in that time span in which you left him. The two of you should sit, together, and decide on what you want to do. If you do decided to be together though, remember you made that decision consciously, and don’t throw it up to him later, during an argument or disagreement.
I would run so fast. Like, he wants to abandon the mother of his child for her? How charming!
Some guys are drawn to the hero schtick because they like the idea of a partner who’s beholden to them. Some guys are intentionally looking for a vulnerable or somehow disadvantaged partner. If she doesn’t WANT this relationship, she is not beholden because he was there while she was pregnant. And if he’s any kind of decent human being, he won’t want a partner who doesn’t want to be with him.
He is CLEARLY capable of moving on. Let him skedaddle. Maybe take care of his OWN pregnancy.
You need to run the other way
If you can walk away and be ok with it than your not in love with him don’t just stay because you feel bad
That’s double standards
I mean if you feel like this is how you’ll always feel about him, cut him lose so he can be with someone who appreciates him and your not holding grudges on your partner.
What? You want a break, he gives it to you. And while apart he gets someone else pregnant and you think that’s something to leave him over? Unless I’m missing something that is really out there. I don’t think you can blame him at all. This one is on you. Maybe you should break it off with him so he can find someone else that really appreciates him.
So he could step up,but you can’t?
I think you want to end it by the sounds of it. Follow your heart, if you cannot potentially be a step mum this child and show this baby its surrounded by love rather than jealousy and bitterness, then best to walk away.
I would say a separation is needed. There is too much to work through and unpack while still together. You need to work through and resolve your past trauma and your partner needs to get settled into his role of being a Dad to someone else, whether he wants to be with the other woman or not, this will be a huge life change for him once again.
5 months is also a long time, it’s almost half a year and I don’t think you can hold that against him. You have a right to be hurt as everyone has a right to feel what they feel, there is no right or wrong. But, what happened happened and you both have to deal with it. You made a choice to separate and he made a choice to sleep with someone else. Separate and work on yourselves and figure out what you both really want out of the relationship going forward
Also, if he was with this woman (like a relationship) I can see this situation being messy…… going forward. Especially if she still has feelings for him, and he could possibly feel the same even if he’s telling you otherwise. I feel like clear boundaries with everyone need to be set before I would consider being in a relationship with each other again. I wouldn’t want to be with him if I couldn’t completely heal and move past the issue as it will only cause issues between you, him and the mother of the child and of course the children involved.
Good luck. I know you’re hurt. I would be too. But again it was a 5 month separation not 5 weeks and he probably didn’t see that the future would hold a reconciliation.
Run and don’t look back !