Am I able to gain custody of my sister-in-laws child?

YES you can. Are Authorities involved or have they been? The key thing here is “Feels trapped” WHAT properly bonded mother says that. If you feel your child is a burden…? The welfare of the child comes 1st especially when they are little. OPEN YOUR DOORS and take the child whenever you can. Point out that Mom can get caught up with things at home and take a rest while the child is with you. Make this known to grandparents etc .If this does not result in improvement of care of the child you have your ANSWER even in that case, about whether Mom really wants baby of not. Let Grandparents and all others child get pushed off onto that YOU will help and that you are willing to make this situation permanent. Tell the Authorities/Child Welfare Services that you are willing to provide a Permanent home for the child.


“Goth creeps” wow… ok. I’m not goth but I know not to assume people are bad because they’re goth jfc. Maybe try helping your sister in law instead of just trying to steal her baby.


She doesn’t have to sign away her rights. She can just sign a DOPA ( Delegation of Parental Authority) every year that allows to act as a stand in until she can pull her head out of her ass


  1. How old is this child.
  2. Have you offered to keep child to help?
  3. How do you know exactly what she is doing?
  4. How old is mom?
  5. Has mom been treated by a mental health professional or evaluated for common first time mom issues?
    I guess what the answers will give insight to is if you know everything and haven’t offered to help her become a better parent without berating her and taking a baby away from its parent then you are part of the problem. Sometimes new parents get overwhelmed and it feels like you can’t be you. Yes we all know how to not have children however some take longer for that all in mom mentality to kick in and sometimes it just doesn’t. Having worked in corrections and dealing with addicts I have seen some miracles. Try to help before tearing that child’s world apart. What you consider a bad parent is that baby’s whole world and their hero. Unless it’s a true risk to that child taking it will only cause trauma.

Try helping her by having her get the right help first


If you really feel the child is in danger, contact the authorities and have them do an investigation. You can apply to be her FOSTER parent if mom is deemed unfit. However, she gets an opportunity to fix that. If it’s determined that she cannot care for her, then you can start the adoption process. But, it sounds like you’re being a little full of yourself and deeming yourself to be a superior parent, and maybe you should offer advice and guidance instead of judgment.


You need to take an honest look at yourself and make sure this isn’t about you wanting another child or something else. I say that bc you haven’t really described anything truly detrimental to the child going on, most of what you’ve said is just your own personal judgements. What does your husband, his mother and grandmother think? Why do you need custody? I’m guessing she works, but you don’t, so why can’t you just help her out when needed? Think about what the child needs and how she’ll feel in the long run. Perhaps you should be a really good Aunt who helped her mother, not one who tried to become her mother.


So you better than her? Do you know if she depressed? Why don’t you help more if you so worried!!!


You can do it yourself through the family courts. You will need the proof of her being unfit so affidavit’s from witnesses will help. If the dept of Child safety have been involved that can also go in your favour. If you go through the dept of child safety you can apply for Kinship carer only thing going this way you may have to give the baby back to the mother in the future if they find her deemed fit enough to have her back. I suggest do it yourself through family court.

How is this women a narcissist? The mom dropped the baby and left the kid in her coat because she was tired? That’s not an excuse. Bringing random people around your child is also weird. Seems like mom would rather go out and do things and not worry about her child.

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Several thoughts on this.

She may not be the perfect parent, no one is, but she most likely loves her child. She may just need some love and support. Wouldn’t it be kinder to try that first?

Also where is your brother? Why isn’t he helping with his child?

If someone tried to take my child they would be cut out. I wouldn’t play that game. This may be a quick way for you to never see the child again.

Some folks are suggesting you call CPS/DSS/DHS… well this may get the mom investigated, but does not mean you will get the baby, even if they do deem your SIL an unfit parent. Also most of the time unless there is a serious hazard or signs of abuse they will work with the parent to keep the child in the home. They also may give her some say so on where the child should go in the event they place the child… and she can say not you.

I dressed a little goth and hung with some “goth creeps” as well as an assortment of other unsavory beast (per societal norms). Most are great people. I have found in my experience that the biggest creeps are the ones that look like nice, average, every day people.

You can put yourself up on a pedestal thinking you are doing everything right and the shit can still hit the fan. What is needed by a child is love, shelter, food, water, and healthcare. The rest is just nice extras and based what is appropriate is based on opinion, culture, and societal norms. I have seen many “perfect” parents who lost control of their child or got outcast by the children as their children became older and realized how dysfunctional their perfect parent really was.

Best of luck to you.

I don’t think it’s her thinking she’s better than the sister inaw guys. Sounds more like she’s worried about the little girl and knows she has a safe and more suitable place to live (which is her house).


Ummmmmmmm as one of those “goth creeps” I’d say that the child doesn’t need to be with you either because you seem way to judgmental and high on your horse. Dang that comment brings me right back to being spit on in highschool because I dressed different.

Almost everyone is going to drop their child at some point or the kid will fall off the bed. It’s a right of passage as child. As far as the coat thing, CPS would never take custody of this child because her mom let her go to sleep wearing a coat! If there is no actual neglect or abuse going on, there’s no need to take the child.


Right. I have a lot of problems with this post…firstly, having grown up my whole life being a ‘mosher’ I’m actually offended at you referring to the guys as creeps just because they’re goth. Secondly just because you’re a stay at home mum, doesn’t make you any better of a mum than a mum who goes to work to support her children. Some points you made were valid…but some just sounded archaic


I worked for child protection for almost 13 years with kids in foster care and let me tell you, separating a child from their parents is not something to take lightly! And the things you have listed aren’t any reason for CPS to come in and remove the child, so good luck convincing a court that it is a good idea. Why not offer to be one of the people she’s being “shuffled” to? Maybe you can help so that this mom isn’t so tired, be a mentor so that maybe she will make good choices in the future…


Omg! I dropped my baby from the bed to the floor while I was feeding him one night! It happens! I was past myself as I’m sure this mum was after dropping her baby! These things happen!


Maybe mom is going through PMDD. Have you tried helping her get help for her mental health?


If the baby is under 1, she has a right to be tired. And if not have her see a doc, and a psych.


This is how most kids are dragged up these days :pensive: new guy to call dad every other week! Such sad lives for the poor children but if it’s all they know then maybe they’ll be happy but I don’t think it’s up to you to remove said child, social services would be involved if she was leading such a dreadful life x

Goth creeps huh? Well if that’s not at all pretentious. What kind? Do they wear baggy pants or tight pants? Liberty spikes or greasy hair in their face? Jellies or sweat bands on their wrists? And what kind of dark paths? Why not offer to help your sister in law instead of jump straight to adoption. How crappy would it be for her to have PPD, and you not even ask how she’s doing, just rush to try to take her child.

Also, do you even know if it’s different men around the baby? Lol. Probably the dad and fumbling around parenthood just as she is.


“ goth creeps” should have just said creeps as being goth is a part of a sub culture on the other hand go to child advocates and see what you can do because your going to have proof that she is an unfit mother having random guys and leaving her child with grandparents isn’t enough to go on


Ummm wow goth creeps…Goth people are not creepy!! And alot of mothers have dropped their baby because they were exhausted!! That doesnt give you the right to take her child… and guess what its 90 degrees and my 15 yr old is sleeping in a hoodie so what


How about you step up and help her then? Instead of judging her and thinking you can do it better :slightly_smiling_face::face_with_diagonal_mouth:


If I were you I’d be documenting everything the child is subjected to. Keep a journal of everything you yourself witness and take pics of everything you can without being weird about it or suspicious. Offer to take the child every opportunity you can get. The more you offer help the more likely she will be more willing to let you have her. Ultimately you have to prove she is an unfit mother. Unfortunately/ fortunately that’s not something that’s easy to do. But if you can prove she puts the child in more harm often than not then you may have a chance. See a lawyer about it an they can guide you through your options and what needs to happen for you to get custody. There’s also where you can do joint custody with her where she can see her daughter and do things with her whenever she wants but you would be her primary care giver and she would live with you. That’s what I did with my adopted daughters and it gave the bio parent the ability to still be in the child’s life but I had primary say in when things took place bc of schedules and I was the primary care provider. They lived with me and I did everything for them as they were my children but the bio parent could call up an say hey I’d like to have her for this weekend and we’d say yes or no depending on if we had plans already or not. If we had plans I would say how bout next weekend or maybe take her a couple days out of the week if you can get her to an from school. I worked with the bio parents so they still could be in their lives. Mind you the one bio mom only came into the child’s life right as she was turning 18 and she has done nothing but turn the child’s life upside down ever since. From ruining friendships and almost getting her killed along with my biological daughter. I swear that woman is the absolute devil. But my daughter found a house to rent an moved out from her bio moms bc it was so toxic and her bio mom stole hundreds of dollars from her and after she almost was murdered and almost got both kids killed she turned around an was bringing a new guy around every couple of days like she was running a brothel. So I get it. I just proved they weren’t capable of being a provider nor safe environment for them an that’s how I ended up with two beautiful girls to give me a grand total of 6 girls lol. 4 are biologically mine and 2 are adopted. They’re all incredible girls too.

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One of the best stepfalthers I ever met was goth, so was the mom. Great parents!! I would see if you could be one of the people the child is shuffled to. Then later is there are bigger issues, try for guardianship.


Let me see. She is the sister-in-law. Where is your brother?? and why is he not there to help watch out for his own kid.


Honestly this post is disgusting it’s moms like you is the reason why I keep my distance from making any new mom friends out of fear of judgement. It does not sound like this child is being neglected it sounds like she is suffering and needs help so instead of being passing judgement why not just ask if she’s okay and offer help instead of this I have many other choices of words I could use right now but Ill refrain. The way you described goth creeps literally makes me sick to my stomach. Just all of this makes me sick to my stomach


It’s her child. How about offering to BABYSIT HER BABY.


P.s she is a single mother obviously you don’t understand how much harder she has it maybe stand up and say I can help you over trying to take her child away


It’s very sad that you guys are soo flipping harsh!!! I don’t agree with her… I agree with those of you that say for her to help instead… lots of things could be going on, But taking a child from its mother, before the mother gets a chance to be a mother… Is, I feel hurting it more than helping it…
But, BUT… really guys!!! Why can’t you just say no don’t do it instead of being so f****** rude and calling names and you’re being just as… what happen to not bashing one another🙄

Did you offer her help before you came to this conclusion :eyes::eyes:


Make a journal of events, dates and times and specifics, pictures, and proof that would prove her unfit. Get an appointment with an attorney and find out the laws in your state, how the process works, and how much it will cost. If you guys can afford another child and if this is what’s best for the child then by all means do it.

(I’m a working Mum and I also make sure my kids have everything they need…you think you’re better than me because you stay home all day?)


Why don’t you try compassionately helping the mother vs. tearing her family apart?


I feel like there is a lot of context missing here. Every baby has been dropped, rolled off of something, or fell and bumped their head. That doesn’t make for bad parenting. I can’t count the number of times that my kids have slept in their swing or their car seat simply because I was so exhausted and afraid to wake them by moving them. Without a clear pattern of documented abuse, no judge will take a child from their biological parent just because you think you can provide a better life for the child than their biological parent. You have 3 kids, so you know it isn’t easy being a mother.

My biggest question in this is where’s dad?


Personally, I think it sounds personal. If she’s your sister in law…Where’s ur brother at? Why isn’t he stepping up if your sister in law is struggling with HIS child?


Lol the amount of ppl more offended by you saying goth creeps than actually being concerned about the child is funny… from experience with my own sister and her bringing random guys around her kids and other similar things listed above is a valid reason… bc who has my niece and nephew now… ME! So if you feel the kids are being neglected you have every right to be concerned the only thing is that gaining custody isn’t an easy thing to do. Good luck!


Offer to help her instead of trying to take her baby away. That would be the sensible thing to do.


Ask a lawyer not facebook

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Y not ask mom if u can help also taking a child away from a parent is no reason n for another thing is how in the world would u know what the mom n child do every single day u don’t u may just think or u have heard but have u even talked to the mom n see if maybe she is depressed or anything like that n see if u could help her

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You need to get off your high horse because you are far from perfect. Where is the father to this child? Offer to help her. Wow.


This does sound a bit like you just want a another baby, it’s hard being a mum and you do lose yourself your aloud to miss your old life before you had children she’s aloud to be tired arnt we all dosnt mean she dosnt love her child any less then you, why don’t you help her out instead of putting her down,they say it takes a village to raise a child be a freind


Sounds like she needs mental support! I’m sure on our darkest days we’ve ALL said we feel like we can’t do anything, I know I have!! I don’t play with my daughter everyday because I’m too tired from working… they don’t offer nap time here in the office. I would need further evidence of abuse because daycare can be expensive and I would LOVE to be able to drop my kid off with family while I work. Also, different man every week…are they just friends who are hanging out or is there more severe things going on? If they are all of “goth” culture that doesn’t give a cause for separation. Signed, former high school goth


Depression is exhausting, being a parent is exhausting, work is exhausting. By the sound of things it seems like she’s an exhausted single mom. Congratulations on having a loving partner and stable home and income. Just because she her situation is different from yours doesn’t mean her child is neglected or suffering


This is kinda terrifying….Makes me wonder if anyone has ever tried to take my kid… I’m a single mom, work full time, school full time. I’m exhausted. House doesn’t get cleaned perfectly, I’m not a great cook…


Sounds like the mom had postpartum depression. Maybe try helping her instead.


Maybe help mama first. Don’t try to take her baby away.


File for emergency custody due to neglect/abuse if a judge finds your accusations for neglect you will be awarded emergency custody and in court she will have to prove you were lying or that she dosent neglect her child.
Having the child at your house while you file always helps in emergency situations.

In my state you fill out this paperwork at the county attorneys office.


Since OP is a married SAHM, lemme break it down for her. Being a single parent is HARD. Being a new mom is overwhelming. Mom and Grandma are helping her out. Children need to go to babysitters when said parent has to work or wants/needs to do something without the child. MANY new moms feel trapped at some point because your life is changed completely during the newborn phase. It is lonely and isolating at times. Hence why PPD is a thing. Maybe instead of trying to swoop in and steal her child, you actually offer to help watch the child. I also highly doubt there is this huge pool of “goth creeps with dark pasts” that she is going through weekly. More importantly a guy being around her doesn’t mean she’s sleeping with him. It’s ok to have people around. There isn’t a perfect parent on this planet and I think everybody needs to remember that. We’ve all made mistakes or needed help at some point. Help instead of take.


I was laughing while I read this…but I cackled at ‘goth creeps’ grow tf up.


“I want another baby and she’s depressed and needs help so I’ll take hers”


Does that mom have postpartum depression? Or depression? Have you tried to actually help her and support her? Have you tried educating her? Spending time hanging with her? Are you giving her unwelcomed advice? Did you ask her to her face to sign custody of her baby to you because you don’t like the company she keeps? Have you tried tact? Taking someone’s baby away isn’t the first thing you can do! And nothing you said makes me think CPS will remove her baby from her, maybe monitor her though.

And anyways *accept.

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People really be trying to adopt every kid except one who doesn’t have a home :flushed:


She may be seriously depressed or have postpartum. First step is to get her help! Since the family is willing to take custody there shouldn’t be an issue helping watch the child short term while mom gets the help she needs. After giving it some time if that doesn’t work then proceed but id take every step possible to keep mom and child together for the child’s sake.

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Sounds like she needs help not her kids taken away


Pretty crazy you want to take her child because she is a tired parent and because she is young. Take care of your own children and leave her alone.

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Also just because you are a stay at home mom means nothing. I am a stay at home mom also and I’ve been a working mom as well. Parents are fully capable of working and being GREAT moms. The way you phrased how you are a SAHM feels as if u think that is better than working moms.


There are bad moms too you know.


You and your husband need to file for emergency custody in the court. A child doesn’t just go to cps that bull.

Goth creeps :roll_eyes: have you asked if she’s OK or if she needs help with anything? Jesus.


There are signs of neglect but it sounds like ppd and instead of taking her child maybe take her to the doctor so she can get help

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What about the father???

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How old is the child and where in the picture is dad?

Maybe try offering some real help, not steal her kid & force her to go through unnecessary hoops. If you truly wanted to help, you would. It sounds more like you want to take her child & act like you did her a favor instead of offering real help :roll_eyes:


I’m confused lol you said she’s your SIL right? Is she married to your brother/sister? Did they get divorced? Is she a widow? Is she a single mom or not?

Second, I had severe PPD. I was a SAHM, but I was severely depressed and I was tired 24/7. It’s hard raising kids when you’re depressed and even harder when you’re a single mom, working.

This post is confusing. You’re main complaint is that she’s tired lol

Where is the father of the child?

Why don’t you offer help and support. She’s clearly exhausted and likely suffering from PPD/MDD.


“Too tired” is a sign of many things. Has anyone asked if she is ok? Tried to help her find out what’s going on? Sounds like possible ppd/depression.

As desperate as this ounds this mother is having some mental problems. I feel the mother needs support and the mother herself would need to sign her rights off for you as dhs/cps whatever it’s called in your location would have an investigation and probably just have the mother do therapy for depression and probably would never take this child from her as long as the child is having regular doctor appointments, being fed, and isn’t being physically abused they will not just take this baby away. And my babies have fallen off beds and couched before because I was exhausted or just turned my back for 2 seconds too long. It happens. Sounds like she has support from her mother there’s nothing wrong with the child going to grandma’s. That’s actually a great relationship you shouldn’t break up in my opinion. I suggest helping her and stop judging. The mother needs some mental care, not her child taken from her.


Talk to her about having temporary custody so she can herself straighten out

You sounded like a concerned family member until the part about comparing yourself to doing a better job parenting because you’re a stay at home mom. You are able to do that because im assuming your signigicant other pays the bills. Not everone is lucky like that. so maybe offer her some help instead of trying to take someones child


Does she have post partum?

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You are literally plotting to steal someone’s WANTED child from them. This is predatory and wrong. If you truly love that child you would help the mother, not try to destroy a family. Adoptorators are the absolute worst, predatory fucks always waiting to snatch up a baby without a care if the child is wanted. Smh I hope you never get your hands on that baby.

Omg you sound like a bitch tbh imagine trying to take some ones baby cos the mum was tired and let the kid fall asleep in her winter coat how dare she
It sounds like to me you just want another baby and your partner won’t give you one so hey let’s just try to Take some one else’s lol
And all mums are tired endlessly it doesn’t make em a bad mum

Maybe just offer to keep the child with you until she can get herself stable. No need to take custody unless she’s abusive and not wanting to better her life or her child’s. I would start with sounding like you are offering her help and a safe place for her daughter to be while she gets her life together maybe she will eventually just sign her daughter over or maybe this will be the break she needs to be able to get herself straight and get her daughter back


You :clap: are :clap: a :clap: fuckwit !! Dont try take her kid, be a proper siblings and help her out. You haven’t mentioned anything about drugs or abuse. So what if she drops baby off at her grans, I’m sure that little one will appreciate spending time with them and they obviously don’t have a problem with it, you do! She sounds mentally drained, HELP HER, I’d mention something to her about having different guys around but as for ‘falling asleep with a winter coat on’ being a reason to file for custody, refer to my 1st sentence :fu:

You can file for a guardianship with the evidence you have. You would have to adopt her child otherwise, which usually you would need to be the primary one caring for the child for at least two years (at least in California, I’d check your state laws on guardianship and adoption).

“Goth freaks” nice…smh, you sound lovely :roll_eyes:


Signing rights off on a Child is harsh. Maybe get temporary custody until she gets help .Try helping her out as well talk to her. Maybe she needs Therapy.

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You can’t just take another person’s child. It doesn’t work that way. Youd have to prove her unfit. This sounds more like she has PPD. She needs help not someone trying to steal her kid.

Where is your brother in this? If you get CPS involved they’re going to investigate him too. He can’t be charged with failure to protect. If he feels his kid is being abused or neglected hes responsible for her safety.


It sounds ds like depression… especially the chronic fatigue. There could be other things going on medically that can cause excessive fatigue…before trying to legally kidnap your nice or nephew, why not be a human and reach out to your SIL? Offer REAL help? Does she work? Is she a single mom? If she’s working and is a single mom she could probably use an extra set.of hands. A full time job and raising kids is exhausting. Especially when your going it alone.


Where is rhe childs father? And, just because someone is goth, doesnt mean they have a dark past. And arent you at all concerned about the moms mental health?


Give her a break take the kids for a bit, let the mum rest x


Everyone in the comments misunderstanding that it was the great grandma who said she was too tired and that’s why she dropped the baby.

Bottom line is if the kid has shelter and food, CPS won’t get involved. The only exception would be if Mom is using drugs. Your best bet is to encourage her to let you babysit as often as possible. Sounds like she needs childcare a lot so the child will spend more time around other kids and a healthy environment.


If the child is being shuffled back and forth instead of asking for rights just tell her to keep the child at your home until she feels less overwhelmed. Where is your brother in this? Why does he not speak up? are you sure this isnt depression? Are her actions new?

If you’re really concerned, call for a well child check. They will decide how good of a parent she is

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I bet you haven’t asked her what kind of help you could offer, you just sit back and judge. And where is the father? You nag on your SIL, but sounds to me like motherhood and all that comes with it(ppd included), and instead of getting full support like from the village…the idiot has jumped out of the woodwork to pass judgement since ya so perfect stahm.


If you want the kid so bad why don’t you ask if she can live there without making Mom sign over their rights? If this is really about the kid’s well-being and not some ego trip that would at least put the kid in a temporary stable home until Mom can get it together. I don’t think there’s any simple way to convince someone to give up their kid for good. Simply wanting to take a child away is not the answer. You want to try to support the parents as best you can regardless of how much you like them because almost always a child is better off with their parents. Note that I said almost always. If this is not an almost always situation then emergency custody shouldn’t be that big of a deal for you to get. Something tells me you don’t want to go down that route for some reason and I don’t know if you’re not giving the whole story or if its because you’re too scared to take the necessary steps. Either way, looking down on Mom isn’t going to convince anyone that you’re a better fit for that kid.


Where’s the father? YOUR brother???


Omg you can’t just take someone else’s child cos you don’t like the way they are raising them.I cannot believe you asked her to sign her rights over.Why not offer to help her smh :woman_facepalming: this post is unbelievable


Is the shuffling childcare so she can work as a single mom? Many moms, especially single moms, admit to feeling trapped occasionally. This in itself does not make her a bad mom, though perhaps stupid for putting her trust in or confiding in you. If something is actually happening that makes her unfit and she is actually neglecting her child that is different. But this sounds like a case of you feeling you can be the better mom because you stay at home and she should just give her child to you. If you are that concerned call CPS. Otherwise, offer to babysit if you want to spend more time with her child. You can’t just take other people’s children. :roll_eyes:


Omg you can’t just take someone else’s child cos you don’t like their parenting :woman_facepalming:why don’t you try offering to help her instead of asking another mum to sign over her parental rights.What a horrible person


Everyone saying “offer her help” “talk to the doctor for her about PPD”. That mother is getting physical help through the grandparents. You can’t help someone who doesn’t see any wrong in what they are doing, and you can’t get someone help for their PPD if they deny they have it. She’s too tired to be a mom but she’s not too tired to be a single woman and see all these men she has around (or so you say she has around). Sounds like she just doesn’t want to be a mom, let alone a present mom. You would need proof of neglect by that child’s mother if you actually wanted to go through with that.


Girl, it sounds like your sister in law has post Pardum depression and/or other types of depression. There is a bigger story here than you are telling. I love that you care enough to want to help the baby but You don’t get to take someone’s baby just because her lifestyle is different from yours, or if she is going through something and she needs help. Instead of “signing paperwork” and posting about what to do… use that energy and HELP HER AND THE BABY by being there for THEM. Help her get into seeing a psychologist and get her on the right treatment and path, by helping mama… you help baby. the baby will know one day who stepped up to help her and her mama, will it be you?

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You guys are on here bashing this woman. How are you going to feel if one of the many boyfriends does something to this child. Maybe getting the rights to child is not the right thing. See if child can stay with you and see how it goes. If mom wants to have a life with her child. She will be coming to see child. If she doesn’t show up and visit. Then maybe you have your answer. Sticky situation.


I’m confused on why you want the rights ? Sooo you aren’t even going to give her a chance to better herself… if it’s a baby, first child ? which seems… she sounds like she needs HELP and possibly therapy… but enstead you want her to give her child up for good? And have no say in anything. :woman_facepalming: why on earth wouldn’t you just say hey I kinda get a feeling you need some help. Would you like to come stay with us for a bit? Or if you do need a sitter … don’t hesitate we would love to help you and baby. It’s kinda… scary you want to just take someone’s child. I’d go ahead and take a guess there are other you feel the same … because of the fact you feel you are a better parent… I’m told I’m a great mom doing amazing and people tell me they are proud… I still don’t feel that tho. I feel I could improve in ways and always open to advice. Becarful how you approach her … or else she will lock you out and won’t even know what’s going on at all.


gee I guest in your opinion , since i was a single mom, who had to work & go to college,!!! I really wasn’t a good mom, because I wasn’t a stay at home mom!!! As for her having PPD, where did the other posters feel this??? As for getting custody of her child, go to court & try

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Something seems awfully wrong with this womans thinking, leave people’s kids alone, you are nothing to get involved thinking you are a superior mother. Honestly since you get the luxury of being a stay at home mom, your mouth should stay closed, you dont know what it’s like to have to work and raise kids and do everything. Must be nice to sit on your ass and not have to worry about paying for anything or ever being “too tired”. Try helping the mama and where is your so called brother? Why isn’t he doing his part?

Sounds like maybe you should call children protective services and talk to them about your concerns. I feel your not trying to help your sister in law. I feel you just want to take her kid. What she needs is real support! Ad sad as it is and as hard as it is a lit of moms have dropped babies for a million reasons. You don’t mean your a bad mom! Yet you throw this in her face to make her out to be a bad mom! Letting her sleep in a winter coat is not child abuse or child neglect either. It’s simply not wanting to wake your child up! The child will wake up if they get too hot and take the coat off themselves! I feel like you probably always hated your sister in law! I would still bring up all concerns to CPS and let them decide if anything needs to be looked into. NO! You can’t just take someone’s kid. There had to be many good reasons, cps reports and cases, drugs, neglect, abuse. And I didn’t hear any of that. And I got a feeling if there was any of that you would definitely have said so!

IF the baby is really in harm, then speak up to her, nicely. It seems like you’re probably being very rude to her, about the way she is parenting, as well as putting the baby in harms way.