Am I at risk of losing my job?

Put him on light duty

You don’t have to disclose any personal health issues, it’s against HIPPA laws. However, the state of Iowa law states an employer can let someone go for any reason or no reason at all.

It would help to kno what you applied for. Different jobs require different abilities and eventually you won’t be able to accommodate said abilities. What if you turn into a high risk? Mandatory bed rest? Whats wrong with being honest??? FMLA is tricky too. So maybe you should look up your state labor laws instead of getting hope from states that aren’t yours. You can’t go to your boss later and say "well thats not how they do it in … ".

I got laid off after my old manager found out i was pregnant. He kept asking me if i planned on returning to work and i said yes because i needed to work. A week later i got laid off due to “budget cuts”

You don’t need to disclose pregnancy. That being said it’s probably not best to start your position off by not being honest. You will probably not qualify for fmla and if your still within the probationary period they may use any legal excuse they can think of to terminate you. I’d say be honest with them, what your plan is for the time you need off and prove to them that you are a valuable employee to have.

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I interviewed for a new job at 28 weeks pregnant. When I accepted, I let them know I was pregnant because I felt that the longer I withheld the info, the worse it would look on my end. However, if you take maternity leave, you are on disability and (depending on your state laws), you have job protection for a certain period of time due to FMLA. So, they can’t let you go based on your disability. However, if the company does a layoff of employees during your leave, and you are impacted, FMLA does NOT protect you from that. Technically, they are letting you go due to organizational downturn and not because you’re on maternity leave. Hope that makes sense.


It depends what type of job you have and how long you’ve worked there. I’ve seen people who worked part time at Walmart less than a year fired for needing extended medical leave. I live in Ohio and it’s an at-will employment state.

Depends on the state. Pennsylvania is an at will state so they don’t have to keep your job for you when you return to work. I got hired at a place and was pregnant but didn’t know it. I told them as soon as i found out. The HR lady was pissed. But :woman_shrugging:. Not like many people know they are pregnant at 4 weeks. I told her not to worry, i wasn’t planning on coming back after maternity leave anyway. It was our 3rd and daycare was so damn expensive. I stayed home for 11 years and just started back to work 2 months ago.

Why would you start a new job when your that far along ?? So wrong on many levels

I worked the whole 9 months you should be fine. I didn’t tell my job too I was 6 months and was doing patient care.

I have to say good job you are trying to help yourself