I just took a new job and didn’t disclose that I’m over 20 weeks pregnant. Does anyone know if I’m at risk of losing my job after I have the baby?
Nope…that’s discrimination
You are not required to disclose it that far in advance. However, if they are an “At will” company they can let you go anytime they want without reason.
You do not have to disclose unless your pregnancy requires you to have a special accommodation to perform the job duties you were assigned. There may be an issue if you have not reached FMLA eligibility status when you have the baby. They aren’t obligated to keep your position while you’re out if you do not have leave coverage to protect you.
You won’t qualify for FMLA so they don’t have to keep your position for you.
Not sure I would phone labor standards human rights as to what your rights are. U will go on maternity employment insurance if u can but check out what your rights r before hand
Depends on the state and if it is a fire at will or not. Once you go on leave they don’t have to hold your job. But they can’t fire you because your pregnant.
Depends on their policies. And state law. Why keep that a secret. They cant discriminate against you if you told them the truth
Depends on the morals of the company you are now working for. Prove your worthy of the job and don’t miss any days, they may hold your position for you after baby. They are not obligated to hold your position as you won’t have fmla until 1 year. A good company will not let a good employee go for having a baby.
The first time I worked for Walmart, I found out I was pregnant after less than 60 days of getting hired. I had already lost 2 children and was very high risk. However, because I was still in my first 90 days and I could no longer climb the tall ladders and lift very heavy boxes, management told me I had 3 options. 1) stay in my position doing the same thing that may have made me miscarry, 2) quit or 3) they would fire me. I ended up quitting a few days later as my unborn child was much more important than that bullshit ass job
Odds are if it causes you to miss a lot of time you will lose it due to attendance issues. You do not qualify for FMLA as you haven’t worked there long enough. Most companies will work with you but they do not have to.
My question is why you chose not to tell them? You don’t have a “discrimination” case because knowingly and purposefully withheld information. You also won’t qualify for FMLA. As long as you don’t go over your leave then you will be fine. Try talking to the now so maybe there won’t be any problems.
Each state has maternity leave guidelines. Likely you won’t qualify for FMLA, so if you miss time over what is allowed by maternity leave laws in your state, it is possible.
You won’t qualify for FMLA the 12 weeks off. But pregnancy is a protected working class you can’t loose your job for having a baby/being pregnant. But you may only a few days, week off. Just depends.
I don’t know what the job is or who hired you but it should be ok. I was in your shoes except I did tell them I was pregnant and then got a speech about how I should be putting dinner on the table. I left in tears because there would be no dinner or table if I couldn’t find a way to pay for it. But that was 25 years ago and even then I could probably have fought it and won. If you’re willing to be a good worker they can’t discriminate because you need a few weeks off.
I’m pretty sure that’s discrimination if they fire you for it, I don’t think you have to disclose that
Does the application ask… if not. I wouldn’t see that its relevant. Unless you can’t do your job.
Depends on employer. They shouldn’t. Some jobs state employees are at will and can be fired at any time. Doesn’t mean they say fired due to being prego.
I did the same. If this is the UK they can’t touch you.
I think it would depend on the job and where you are and FMLA requirements
You should check if you’re on probation for 3 months. If so, they can fire you for whatever reason they want. For us in Quebec that’s how it works
Possibly. Sometimes you have to be at job for a year before you’re eligible for fmla.
Depends on the job requirements and if being pregnant prevents you from completely your requirements adequately. Or if it’s an at will state and the boss is a dick. Also they would not have to hold your job for you when you go on maternity leave because you will not have been employed for 12 months which is the requirement.
Pretty sure it’s illegal if they do that. Discrimination. ALSO some women find out super late in their pregnancies that they’re actually pregnant. So that would be a slippery slope for them.
Legally I’d say no. But from experience they can always find a way
If ur in the uk u der law they cant as its discrimination and by law u have to a certain time to notify your job your pregnant with our mat b1 form however doesnt stop the employer trying to be shady and terminate contract by jsing something else as an excuse if your under provation
Depends on the state. If it’s a right to work stated they can fire you for any reason any time You may say it’s because of pregnancy but they may say nope her productivity was low I think it was not a good choice to not inform them. Some of your benefits won’t kick in probably paid medical leave and i know FMLA won’t you have to work 12 continual months for that My hubby hired a employee pregnant once. Lots of people do.
Legally, no they can’t fire you for being pregnant.
That doesn’t mean they won’t though.
Seeing as how its a new job you wouldnt qualify for fmla…they cant fire you for being pregnant but they can fire you for other reasons especially if your state is an at will state or there is a probationary period
They cannot discriminate due to pregnancy. If they do and fire you specifically for that reason got to the EEOC and file a claim against them. But you will not qualify for FMLA so do not expect a paid LOA and they also do not have to hold your job for you to return back to.
They can’t discriminate but some states don’t need a reason to fire you. So it really depends on the state.
It depends on your state really. There is a protection act in place that is supposed to prevent discrimination against pregnant women in the workforce every where in the US. However…if you live in Nebraska like me…they do not recognize unlawful termination so it’s like a stupid little loophole that allows them to fire pregnant women here without consequence.
I think that’s illegal for them to punish you for that
You can take the 6-8 weeks unpaid to recover. I’m not sure if you get the 6 week bonding time. Contact HR on that.
But no they can fire you unless you call out for long periods of time past the recovery/ or if something keeps you on short term disability.
Not in Canada, but if you are in certain areas of the USA you might have a problem
Are you in a “right to work” state? They can fire you for pretty much any reason. You have to work 1250 hours in 1 calendar year at the employer (if they have 50 plus employees) to be considered for FMLA. And also if you take their insurance be careful, if you decide not to return to work after the baby is born and your employer paid anything on your insurance they can ask for all of that back.
You lied so you should be fired
No. Its illegal but they can say you can’t preform your job duties and THAT can be a valid reason for termination. Not simply because youre pregnant.
They can’t discriminate against you because your pregnant as long as you can preform all tasks required in your job title. As long as your being pregnant doesn’t hinder your preforms as an employee they can’t do anything
It’s illegal for pregnancy alone to disqualify you from being hired for a position and there’s a reason that asking questions about your medical background are not allowed - it’s discrimination to make hiring decisions based on the health of the applicant. But depending on the laws of your state they may not have to give a reason for firing you so they can get around it by finding some other official reason for termination.
But you are legally entitled to time off to care for your child after it is born (not necessarily paid though), and you are not required to disclose a pregnancy or any other medical history for a hiring. Depending on the job’s usual schedule for benefits etc you may not be eligible for coverage under their usual maternity leave plan if you won’t be covered by their insurance in that time period for your role. If they have indicated in any way that your pregnancy is the reason for your firing or have said they wouldn’t have hired you if they’d known you were pregnant, try to get screenshots of anything in writing and get some legal counsel for it.
Depending on your job duties. It asks in applications (I’m in Louisiana) do you have any medical conditions for not doing certain things. Like lifting heavy things. I think you should have told them before you were hired. It’s being dishonest.
As a company owner, I would do my best to be rid of you just because you’re an obvious liar…
Definitely depends on state… my state is if the company offers a FMLA you have to work for a year to get that. If you dont have that then the company will let you go but you will be eligible for rehire. So basically if you dont qualify for FMLA then yes you will be fired when you have the baby.
Talk to your supervisor ASAP. I told my boss prior to taking my job I was 16 weeks pregnant. I also talked to the department head as well told her my concerns and my job was held until I got back. I wasn’t at the time eligible for FMLA. I’m honestly very lucky.
Nope. Its illegal to discriminate against someone for being pregnant and the leave you take is under the order of a doctor and protected by Family medical leave act. You will be fine… Its sad that women have to hide a pregnancy to get a job because even though its illegal they will discriminate against you it.
I was 12 weeks when I got my job. Told them around 18 week. I work in a law office and the lawyers 100% understood why I didn’t tell them until later. They were awesome about it
It’s not legal for them to fire you because you are pregnant or for giving birth. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t find some other “reason” to let you go.
I didnt disclose i was 8 months pregnant when I showed up to work. Its illegal for them to use it against you.
It won’t if you spend the next few months proving that you are worth employing. I started a job 20 weeks pregnant, but fully disclosed this, and one manager didn’t want to hire me. My daughter wasn’t even a year old when I was promoted to his job. (He moved stores.)
Depends if you’re capable of doing the job and if it’s safe.
Also you’re at risk of not having time since you’re starting so late.
Depends on your state. You definitely did not need to disclose you were pregnant. And it would be discriminatory for them to not hire you if you did, but that’s difficult to prove.
However in most states, your job is only protected after maternity leave if you’ve been there for at least 6 months.
Depends where you live. I live in NYC and it’s an at will employment state. You can be terminated at any time for any reason. Many job make you sign a document stating that although many people do read them. I’ve seen a few women get fired once they start to show at my current job.
You don’t have to disclose pregnancy and they aren’t allowed to discriminate towards you for being pregnant. If they fire or you tell you your job is in jeopardy I’m sure you could make a case out of it. That’s not saying you’ll get paid maternity leave but they can’t fire you for being on unpaid leave either.
You aren’t going to qualify for fmla, that much I know. So yes, you can lose your job. If you don’t qualify for fmla they don’t have to hold your position.
It depends on the job but unfortunately you won’t qualify for fmla if you’re in the US. You have to be employed for at least a year first. So if your job doesn’t give maternity leave you should find out from your manager what their policy is on that.
You won’t get in trouble but (depending where you are) most places do not have to hold your job for you unless you have been there a certain length of time. Like my job, for example, is one year. So there’s a chance you won’t have a job to return to.
I live in TX. I did not disclose that I was roughly 6 months pregnant at the time of the interview and hiring. Didn’t tell them until about 7 or 8 months. Wasn’t their damn business
It depends on your state honestly, but they can’t fire you for being pregnant. But the after, oh yeah. They can let you come back from maternity leave and fire you the next day - in an at will state.
So. I work in Veterinary medicine, around anesthesia, x-ray, mean cats and dogs… I would think that would be something to disclose if when you start, you cannot do certain aspects of the job. That would severely limit what you are able to do.
I would imagine that over 20 weeks you’re showing so they would have noticed. That being said, it really depends on the company’s policies.
Nope. You don’t have to disclose not before you have the baby But…Depending on when you go out you won’t qualify for FMLA leave if you haven’t been there for 6 months they are not obligated to hold a job for you when you are cleared to come back to work.
I don’t think you would lose your job. You don’t have to tell them and they aren’t supposed to be allowed to ask. But you might not get much maternity leave since you won’t be there a year before you have the baby, you won’t qualify for FMLA. At least that’s what it’s like in Michigan
No. You are a protected class. You are not in any legal way required to disclose your pregnancy and by law they cannot ask.
They technically can’t fire you, but they can make life miserable for you so that you want to quit. I’ve got a job and then I got pregnant afterwards, and my boss made life a living hell for me. I eventually quit at six months because I couldn’t stand her anymore
It would be illegal to fire you because your pregnant. That does not mean they could come up with another “reason”. However even if you don’t qaulity for fmla you may still have protected leave under short term disability leave. Go find the employee handbook and read it. Some companies offer full benefits after 90 days. Some have short term leave. Some don’t.
You are protected from being terminated your being pregnant but that does not mean they won’t find some bs thing to let you go for.
Pregnancy is not a disability. If you don’t qualify for FMLA and you work in an at will state there is no guarantee you have a job. If you cannot perform the duties in your job description you can be terminated. There are many companies who do not have to abide by any “restrictions” made by a health care provider. These are just employment law facts.
Depends on what state you reside in. Different states=different laws.
Usually if youve been at a job 3 months theyll grant you maturnity leave … and you dont have to initially tell them about your pregnancy thats up to your disgression . But it does matter what state your in id just check the laws for your spesfic state and the job you just got and i mean i wpuld reccomend telling them thatbyiur pregnant in most states they cannot fire you because of thay
No but definitely a crappy decision…
They can’t fire you for having a baby but don’t have to give you fmla either so if your not going to miss work for it your good
I’ve done that…I got a job when I was 5 months pregnant at a nursing home…the boss ain’t no I was pregnant til one shift I told her I couldn’t lift a patient and she’s lik y,im like oh I’m 6 months pregnant…she was like …I was like …I didn’t get fired nor did she deny my leave for all my doctor appts…I came back 3 months after I had my baby,she kept calling askn was I rdy to come back yet
NOPE you don’t have to tell them ever technically until approx 1 month before you take maternity leave. Even then you’re telling HR.
It’s part of a federal law somewhere that they can’t discriminate or even ask you if you are pregnant.
I got a job at almost 8 months…They had no idea and once i was hired they found out a few weeks later and seemed upset that i didnt tell them but they called me after my 6 weeks post Baby and wanted me to come back.
Maybe you should be calling HR.
They cant fire you for being pregnant. But they can always find an excuse. That’s the sucky part
Depends on if you live in a right to work state no reason needed or if they have a probation period. No reason needed.
You shouldn’t be but some places will make a different reason to fire someone if they can’t fire them are the reason they want to fire you for🤷🏼♀️
No you can’t get fired, there are discrimination laws against that. But you should disclose sooner than later so you can have your post baby plan in place
They can’t fire you for being pregnant.
No you can not be fired. They can give you a different job up you have to be given the same pay you left with
Look at company policy regards to maternity leave and how long your probation period is
You don’t have to tell them. Not in PA anyway. & they can’t not hire you because you’re pregnant. It’s discrimination.
Look up your state info but I took a position at 24wks and was fine… Received unpaid FMLA
Are you going to expect maturity leave?
You shouldn’t . But you may not qualify for paid leave
Depends on where you work and how well they like you.
File FMLA paperwork then they can’t give you a hard time.
Nope you don’t have to give out that information
They can’t legally fire you for being pregnant but they damn sure can find other reasons to let you go and or not offer you your job back after you take leave
Nope. That’s discrimination.
It depends on the company policy. Some doesnt have maternity leave and others you have to meet the requirements (like full time, working a year, etc). One job I had you had to be full time for a year. All that did was guarantee you’ll have a job when you get back. No other benefits to it. Anyway, if your state is one of those ‘at will’ state then they can fire you for any other legal reason even if it isnt true.
Some states do not require a reason to fire you. They don’t have to say they fired you because you’re pregnant. Invest in some disability insurance just in case. There is always unemployment too if they fire you.
This is what federal requires. Some states may have different requirements. So if you don’t meet these requirements you will not get fmla. If your state has other laws, find them. If your state does the bare minimum, you will not be guaranteed a job after birth.
Depends on where you live, the type of job, your employers needs etc.
Pretend u didn’t know!
I got a new job when i was in the first few months of pregnancy, they found out a few weeks later called me into an office and let me go on the spot bc “I didn’t smile enough” was their bullshit reasoning. It was a doctors office/pain management and I was learning and in training. I was friendly and smiled all the time. So they can definitely make up another reason…
Not legally but they dont have to pay you time off either and if you worked for a shit company like I did they can find another bs reason to fire you while youre gone
That would be discrimination
Any particular reason you intentionally kept it a secret? I know I found out I was pregnant at about 13 weeks with my daughter. I was hired 4 days after I had conceived her. (Which I obviously didn’t know at the time). In the end they did offer to hold my position for 6 weeks if I wanted to return, but I was only with the company long enough to get $80 for “maternity leave”. This was also back in 2006 in Pennsylvania. Companies and states all have different things.
My husband had an injury that was not work related and tore his bicep and rotary cuff and they held him a position open for 5 months a day he still had his job and it was temporary at the time wasn’t using a temporary agency