Am I being disrespectful?

Um…RUN unless you like being controlled :woman_shrugging:

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Leave. Don’t even think twice about it.

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You do whatever makes YOU happy. Your partner isnt worth his salt if he can’t handle that. He got with you when you dressed like that, now he wants to change you. Its not okay. Please be yourself and do what makes you happy.


His beliefs don’t align with yours… do not modify your beliefs for a relationship, ever.


Girl, don’t ever let a man tell you what you can & cannot wear!!! That’s controlling af & will only get worse!!!


Run been through that it just gets worse so run


Just throw the entire “man” out…


You’re not breaking up…you’re saving yourself from a toxic controlling partner. He doesn’t even respect that you have your own beliefs. He’s not with you for you he’s with you for what he wants to make you into by controlling you. Save yourself


Be true to yourself… You don’t need anyone telling you what to do…

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If he wants an Amish woman then he can go find one. You can be moral and still wear makeup and I live in jeans.


Run like hell. No, seriously!


Run and don’t look back. Never let a man tell you how you should look or wear.

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Leave him.
Yours and his beliefs are totally different.
He’s controlling.

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Get rid of him and his demanding ways. Let no man tell you what you’re allowed to wear!


God loves us all. He does not get angry if we apply makeup and get all dressed up. All of that was written way back before any of us were born. So his explanation that the “bible says it’s wrong” is invalid. You were dressing up for yourself before you were with him, it’s most likely why he noticed you. So him wanting to change you is bcuz he does not want other men to look your way. Like everyone else is saying. It’s him wanting to be controlling and validating his controlling actions with the bible. He is WRONG for doing that. Correct his behavior and move on. God Loves Us All, and He wants us to be happy as long as we are not Harming Others.
Send your boyfriend’s bogus ass out the door. Toxic as all hell! Not a true Christian.:roll_eyes:

Get rid that’s the start of controlling behaviour n will only get worse

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Save yourself. When anyone throws the Bible in your face to control you, walk away. You need to stay true to yourself, not let a guy control you. I don’t usually say leave because females are really dramatic and say leave over any and everything BUT you never ever let a man control you and you shouldn’t him ( not saying you do before people that can’t read make assumptions- also something you shouldn’t do). For your sake and your life, you need to take control of your life and do what you need to do for you, live how you want, not how a guy tells you to. Be happy :heart::heart:


You’ve been together 2 years and don’t agree on religion or you controlling your own body…:woman_facepalming:t2:


I think life is way to short to be anything other than yourself…
Move on

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Let him loose. He should be glad to have such a beautiful lady on his arm. He has no right to tell you what to do in that respect. It’s not as though you’re having a relationship with someone else. Tell him to get lost you don’t need that in your life.

Umm the Bible does not mention wigs or jeans, for 1…it does speak of being modest in dress and grooming so that’s probably what he’s referring to


Girl, the only person your disrespecting is yourself by staying with him. Move on. Two years of oppression is long enough.


He is throwing the Bible in your face because he’s insecure. Walk away. Leave him and his baggage in the dust. Please don’t ever make yourself small for someone else.

You guys have very differing religious and personal views. There is really no point in continuing a relationship.

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Fuck no, he would think I’m the devil and I would let him think that too. Nope, no no, dump him.

So he doesn’t want you to Wear jeans make up or wigs?
Disrespectful? I think not. You have a right to wear whatever you want to, that’s just ridiculous.


Surly you knew about this befor you got together and you obviously agreed to it. Now your changing your mind so ( which your entitled to do so ) you may want to rethink the relationship kinda feel bad for the guy tho


Stop and ask yourself if you want to live your life based on the Bible and his interpretation of it.

That’s all.

No, you are not being disrespectful by wearing what you like. The fact he takes issue with it and weaponizes his faith is disrespectful.

But understand men who use the Bible to control their partners are cowards. He won’t change and the list of “don’t do that” will grow.

Most of those men have no problem sleeping with the girlfriend they use the Bible to control. They always seem to forget that part but honestly it just shows it’s more about control than faith.

My advice? Run.


If he wants you to live exactly by the bible, is he doing it too? In all seriousness though you’re not being disrespectful by wearing clothes you’re comfortable in and dressing up, that level of controlling behaviour is disturbing tbh.

U should do what u feel like ur comfortable doing. If wearing makeup n wigs makes u feel good or it’s something u really like to do u should absolutely keep doing that. He does sound controlling n if u allow him to control this he won’t stop it will only get worse that’s jus human nature. Ppl will do what u allow them to. Listen to ur heart n ur gut mama they really don’t steer u wrong. I think u know what u need to do already u already feel it in ur soul. Do it. N stick with it. I wish u good luck n I hope it all works out the way u want n need it too

If you 2 are having sex it’s against the bible too…:joy::joy::joy:

You have the right to dress how you please. NO ONE has the right to dictate to you how to dress. Controlling what you wear is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. It will escalate to physical abuse. Leave him NOW.

Never change the way you are or look for someone else💯 if he doesn’t like it then there’s the door tell him he’s welcome to leave🤷‍♀️

First, you should stop listening to him and do what makes you happy. This is 2021, not 1940. With that being said, you wearing jeans and makeup is against the Bible? Y’all been together two years. Do you live together? Because he is your BOYFRIEND not your HUSBAND, and living with him before marriage is against the Bible. Do y’all have pre-marital sex? Because if so, that’s against the Bible! I’d say kick your controlling ass, Bible thumping (when it suits him) boyfriend, to the curb and do you! Wear those jeans. Do your make up. Fix your hair. Be the queen that you are and tell the peasant to kick rocks! :100:

My boyfriend doesn’t like me wearing make up cause he thinks I look good with out it. But he will never tell me I cant.
He probably thinks the same too.
But you can’t control what some one wears that’s fucked up.

What in the Amish?? :rofl: Girl leave!! You should always be able to be you in a relationship.

Leave jfc this guy is stuck in year 1450

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The question is… Do you want to be with a religious extremist or not?

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You may not be compatible. He’s trying to change your behavior based on his own convictions that you don’t share.


You 2 are obviously not compatible. Let him go so he can find someone that will fit his mold. You will never be happy with him bc it means changing who you are and losing who you are as a person. Definitely not worth it.

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The bible wasn’t wrote for women it degrades them. Leave him he won’t change .


Does he trim his beard and wear polyester? Because the Bible says not to do those things either. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Honestly it sounds like a difference in values not dv as others have stated. The Bible, for Christians does outline how we are to live and act. There’s a lot of confusion about how to interpret the Bible. There are 613 laws , rules in the Old Testament and most do not apply under the New Testament covenant created when Jesus came.

The Bible doesn’t explicitly state these thing are unacceptable. It does state a woman is to dress modestly so many Christians take this to mean jeans and make up aren’t good especially since jeans can really show the curves.
It sounds like he is very convicted on these faith based things and you are not. If you are also a Christian ghen5i advise a Christian counselor or to seek a church elder, not FaceBook.
If you are not Christian then I advise you exit the relationship as it will never work.

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Go find you a new man don’t ever change yourself for someone you will be miserable & unhappy


I have to agree with the many other comments about getting rid of him. He’s not your ideal mate. Kick him to the curb and change the locks. You do you.

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: that’s all I’m saying


Let him go and be you. Never change for someone.

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Your body your choice find some one who loves you for who you are


Leave this man is no good for any woman.

Never be with someone who is trying to change you!
He’s not the one for you if he can not accept you for all the wonderful that you are


You can wear jeans makeup and wigs. The bible only says a woman should dress modest. My personal interpretation of the word modest is not like a stripper. I could be wrong. Perhaps you two need to talk and reach a happy medium. Being young and pretty has nothing to do with religious beliefs. I don’t think this is a relationship breaker. If you really love him work thru it.

BABY YOU NEED TO RUN. Religious abuse is no joke and it honestly extremely terrifying. It starts like this and ends with “we need to sacrifice our earthly bodies to the Lord so that our heavenly bodies can unite with Him”. Good luck :sparkling_heart:

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Bag that garbage girl! Out to the curb! Do not look back.

The bible is also against control fr**ks an thats what he is, walk out that door & don’t look back leave him with that bible on his knee

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Easy question. Are you a slave? No. Live your life!

He sounds like he’s Muslim. Please leave. This is the start to something bad. .

If he wants to break up over that let him go find someone who’s gonna love you for you


Was this a real question!? :thinking:

His next move would be to start controlling all aspects of your life. It gets worse.


Leave him. It’s gonna get worse.


Does the Bible speak against it ?

Nope. Just… nope. If he changes you to please himself, neither of you will be happy

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Is this for real?
:rofl:This is laughable
Do you honey
I dye my hair, have tattoos, wear too much make up at times, and wear tight clothing… my HUSBAND doesn’t even tell anything. He encourages it because that’s how he met me and enjoys me expressing myself the way I do.

Run far and NEVER look back!!! If he’s controlling you as a girlfriend imagine the nightmare you’ll be living if you were to marry him!!! Controlling leads to abuse!!!


Do what u want and u will find exactly who u r suppose to b with, don’t change for anyone especially ur clothes hair or makeup

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What the fuck your a grown ass woman not his slave woman this ain’t the 1800s do you and move on

Noo!!! Get out!! Get out now!!!

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You are you. you do what you like and if someone doesn’t like it they are judging you. I would definitely move away from him A woman is allowed to dress up the way she feels . Be yourself and love your self don’t let anyone tell you different be your self .

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Next time ask him where exactly in the bible!

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Relationships are about compromise. You need to find a solution that works for both of you. If you can’t solve issues like this together, a long term relationship is doomed.

Girl leave. You deserve to be happy

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RUN! anyone who tells you how to dress and to not wear make up , if a control freak. Run.

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You can’t change for anyone. You need to be you and he can take it or leave it!

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Don’t let men change you. Would he change for you? Would you even want someone to change themselves for you?

He is controlling . You won’t leave until u see it yourself and want to be done but girl RUNNNNNNN it only gets worse

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Don’t walk, RUN! Red flags everywhere.

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If you feel like you should wear makeup, then leave. NEVER let ANYONE ever tell you what to wear. Next he will tell you what to eat. STAND YOUR GROUND. If he wants to be old school then he should pay ALL of the bills.

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When he met you this is how you loved and he shouldn’t be trying to change you now, he is being controlling and wanting you to submit

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Listen the Bible tells us dress attractive for our man so I would pray about it and ask God also God looks at our heart

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Give him his bible take your jeans and leave to live your best life


How they are today is how they are going to be five years from now. If you aren’t happy now, you aren’t going to be happy down the road. From the sounds of the post, the two of you don’t see eye to eye on your religion and that’s okay, but there’s a huge communication gap because he wants you to be a certain way according to a book and you don’t want to live that way; instead of being on the verge of breaking up, just end it and find someone else who’s goals and views align with your own.

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Okay for one the Bible does not say anything about how we are to dress it’s States you shall hide your nakedness in that wording I had next like this once I threw the Bible in his face. He’s a control freak you need to get out


Controlling someone with use of the bible it a huge red flag! My advice is run! You will be better off with out him

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he sounds like a weirdo and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

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Big red flag if you have to even ask you know what the answer is the right answer leave him get away from him this is the only beginning of the control that he’ll have over you God bless you and keep you safe

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Run! Be yourself. He just controlling.


Dump him. He’s a dictator. Live your own life. Please yourself.

The bible talks about modesty but in a spiritual sense, not literal. Remember, when Jesus was asked about how women should Dress he responded with that men should pluck their eyes out and leave women alone :kissing_heart::person_gesturing_ok::person_shrugging:

Tell him to go f himself. I had a boyfriend in high school who told me if I didn’t stop straightening my hair and doing my make up he’d break up with me. I look back and can’t believe I actually did. Guess what- he broke up with me anyways🥴 if your boyfriend cared about you he’d let you do what made you happy and he’d be happy with it. He’s trying to make you be someone you’re not. Don’t. Lose. Yourself. For. A. Boy. There’s MEN out there who will love every piece of you and hype you up.

He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The Bible does not say that. He is just using it as a way to manipulate you.
Do what your heart pleases,
but also, don’t think that you have to be all dressed up to be beautiful.

Controlling leave now

My wife is beautiful without makeup but if she puts it on she is still beautiful that’s her choice not mine to make

You shouldn’t change yourself for anybody. When he got with you I assume u already did these things. He liked u then so now he’s all the sudden trying to change you. Nope hunny move on.

The Bible says not to wear mixed fabrics or eat shellfish or pork. If people are going to be jerks about it, they’d better be following ALL the rules.

Once it starts it never stops!