Am I being insecure or could something be going on?

Me and my girlfriend have opposite work schedules. She works overnight, I’m having some insecurities and I need someone to tell me that it’s just my insecurities. So a couple of days ago my girlfriend lost her phone. She told me she left it at work I kind of thought nothing about it because idk accidents happen sometimes? Well she finally tells me she didn’t leave it at work some girl from her job has it because she gave her a ride home that night. Then my seat was moved I know that sounds dumb but I know how I have my seat in the car and it was moved witch made my insecurities a little worse. Well now I found out she’s starting to delete texts with this coworker. Is my brain just playing tricks on me or am I rightfully worried??


Trust your gut. If she gave someone a ride home, that would explain the seat being moved. How do you know she’s deleting text between her and a coworker?

Anytime you have to delete things there’s something to hide. Trust your gut


I don’t understand how you know she’s deleting texts, without seeing the thread and then see them gone. I clean my phone out often. The only texts I keep are my pinned ones (iPhone) or something important. Otherwise I clean out regularly. My husband knows this about me. He however, never cleans out his messages. Ever. In life. :joy:


Deleting texts is a big red flag. This girl is obviously immature and uncommitted. I hope you move on and find someone worth your time :heart:

Talk to her tell her your feeling and see if she acts defensive


Lol u are right definitely suspicious

Rightfully worried. Trust your gut. It’s always right


Well …you just found out something about Yourself …

Always, always trust your gut

Join her at her job sometime without her knowing. You’d be surprised what you can see

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Trust your gut instinct, deleting text is a red flag


How would you know she’s deleting texts. Sounds like you got trust issues… shouldn’t be looking at her phone period. Instead of having insecurities… sit her down and ask her rather then beating around the bush and sneaking around… goodluck…


The lie would give me red flags, so would deleting text, ( if it’s just for that person).

The moved set makes sense, if your GF gave a co-worker a ride home, & I wouldn’t be considered with that.


Control your future, she lied, follow your instinct, just pack up and leave, let him have her lying cheating ***…

Why would your partner feel the need to delete messages? Thats a red flag. I would follow and see what your partners really up to. Then you would have enough evidence to show.

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A moved seat I wouldn’t worry about.
It’s deleting txt that would bug me. If it’s nothing then why delete it???


Hmm some is fooling around by the sound of it

Either trust your gut or ask about it

Deleting messages always means something is being said that they’re worried about someone else knowing they said.
I’d have a conversation. Tell her to invite this girl over for dinner and you can get to know her too. If she’s close enough to someone to loan them her phone, she’s a good enough friend to have for dinner and your partner to meet

I would trust your gut because deleting texts is cheating behavior. Ask her whats going on with the co-worker. See if she gets defensive, thats also a tell. Best wishes.

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If she is deleting then she is cheating.

Some of yall SHOULD NOT be in relationship. If you’re that insecure or have trust issue or immature do yourself a favor and work on yourself instead of focusing on a relationship.
Starts communicating effectively with your partner instead of rushing to the internet to get toxic advice from people with trauma/insecurities.

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I’m the gf in question. What she failed to mention was I sent her my clock out time from my works app to prove to her I had no extra time between when I got off work, dropped coworker off and got home to realize my phone was gone. Which she replied I didn’t have to do that and I said no I want you to know I’m not doing anything, bc I wasn’t.
I genuinely thought I left it at work, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve left it somewhere bc I misplace things often. Then I realized maybe my coworker grabbed my phone accidentally and told my gf about giving the ride and her having my phone.
My gf also failed to mention she lived on the exit right before ours and the guy that was giving her a ride before I realized where she lived, lived an hour in the opposite direction.
The deleted text was also left out, all it said was ‘are you still here’ from a night I previously told mg gf about. She saw exactly what the text said bc she recovered it, so no one can say how does she know that’s what it said. I was supposed to give her a ride but she left with someone else without telling me and I didn’t want to leave (it was like 4am) only to find she’d be stranded there bc I didn’t confirm she had a ride.
I was just trying to be a decent human being.