Am I being momzilla?

There’s a lot to be grateful for to her, you are 26 and living with you mum so maybe cut her some slack, she’s also free child care and unless you want to move out and put a roof over you and your child’s head yourself I’d calm down. I was a mumzilla when my mother in law had my first born to watch, but I bit my tongue knowing she was doing me a favour. I say this as a 26 year-old with a mortgage and I LOVE when my children are being watched for free while I work, I’ve learned to let my MIL to do what she needs to do to look after MY child(ren)

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Gurl put her in daycare cause ya mama not gonna listen…I been through this and grandparents seem to think they can do what they want


Your a horrible person

I wouldnt complain about free child care

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She lets you live with her. Free child care. I’m sure she absolutely loves her grandchild. Yeah, you sorta sound ungrateful.


Grandmas come out on top!!

Your mom raised you and you lived. Let her do her thing


Either quit your job or put her in daycare

I would put in day car if she can bide by the way you want things doneness

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Daycare follow a routine that suits there day too, your mum is just minding her the way it suits her while your not there, if the child is clean, happy, fed and looked after you need to just let her be, id imagine she’s spending the majority of the day with the child, so it should be her making the routine that fits in with her day at home

She is warm well, fed , loved and most of all safe, try to be more accepting. :hibiscus:

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Aslong as she is safe or happy is it really a problem! She is doing YOU a favour.


Daycare is alot worse! I’ve had my grandson since he was born, going on 4 yrs. Two days in daycare and he had crap stuck to his bottom and legs, I’m not having that so he’s not going there again.

The responses to this post are just shocking. It is perfectly acceptable to have expectations for anyone taking care of your child no matter their relationship to you or whether you’re paying them or not. At the end of the day this woman is the mother so if she wants her baby to have more tummy time or more little snacks than she has that right. These aren’t unreasonable and shouldn’t be something grandma can’t handle. If you all were in a position with someone watching your kids and not doing what you want just because they’ve done it all before, I bet many of you would have an issue as well. I’ll also add that even if she was paying the grandma like she would a daycare, grandma would probably still do her own thing. But at that point she’s being paid right, so is that the only time she should respect her daughters wishes? Honestly :woman_facepalming:


It’s your child period and if she can’t respect that then put him in daycare, I know people have had bad experience with daycare but everyone is different and you should find it out for yourself.

Wow, y’all are crazy thinking it’s okay that this grandma blatantly disrespects her daughters wishes as the MOTHER. I could never. :woozy_face:


When my baby was small I stressed about schedules and things like that. But now looking back those things weren’t really a huge deal. Don’t get too caught up in the exact amount of tummy time and all that. Just do it when you can

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The baby is two months old and you want her on a schedule. If that is so important then put her in daycare but I have to say even daycare can’t guarantee that. If your daughter is loved, and taken care of, and you trust your mom then I would say she will be okay. If you suspect that your mom did not treat you well and was abusive in anyway then I would pack up my daughter and get away. One thing I can say is my mother loved my girls, yes she did it her way, no schedule, as toddlers no bed time, some goodies, but lots of love. I would not have traded that in a million years. Yes she spoiled them, let them stay up late sometimes, but they had fun. I raised my grandson while his mom worked and between us we figured it out and so will you. Give it time and be patient with each other. Your mom is doing you a favor.


Yes your child is loved and they are doing this so you can work . Some things need to be forgotten about .

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Your mom is watching the child for free , saving u lots of money , and u don’t want the child raised the way u were ? How bad did u turn out ?
Also I feel putting kids in daycare has a lot of benefits, structure, socializing just to name a few …

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Put her in daycare if momma won’t respect your wishes. Y’all are crazy she has every right to want her daughter to have a different experience. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s good no matter who it is.

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You are being too picky for sure. I say chill out.


Its your child and anyone who watches her should try to care for her the way you want. Id write a list of things most important to you and go over them with your mom. Let her know she did a good job raising you… but some things have changed since then and youd like xyz done. Just sugar coat it a bit as she gets so defensive. Pull up articles if the benefits if whatever request your asking her or say the dr would like xyz because she was small or is concerned about her development. Overall i know itd be nice for the baby to be on a schedule but they often do their own thing. Like sometimes she’ll be hungry sooner or later than expected or sleep at different times ( sleep regressions are real and awful) so try where you can to be a little flexible.
Your mom being so upset with criticism is probably guilt because she could have been a better mom or she has childhood trauma or both.

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All first time moms are helicopter moms. Learn to pick your battles. You have a choice here. Either accept that your mom is doing things the best way she knows how, and forgive the little missteps, or pay for someone else to not follow your strict and demanding schedule. You’re being totally unrealistic here, and I get that you want only the best for baby. But if you want to make these issues your mountain to die on, you’ll destroy your relationship with your mom and her relationship with the baby. Is it really worth that? Even if you could 3D print a clone of yourself, you will not get the 100% perfect compliance with your schedule that you think is possible. Or important. Relax, girl. Maybe you can afford day care, or a private nanny to do the job. But you will never be able to afford to replace the love and devotion your mom gives to your baby. Take a deep breath. The labor and delivery is over. Now the work begins in earnest. But find balance. The world will not end just bc baby didn’t get a bath. Or bc she peed right through her diaper. Motherhood isn’t an exact science.


I just wish I had a mom willing to do that :woman_shrugging:

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I highly recommend reading “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud.

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Yes, you are a new mom and being a bit over the top.

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Yes, not having to pay for childcare I’m sure is helping a lot. A child at 2 months old shouldn’t be on such a strict schedule they change a lot in their first year


Daycare is never the answer


I believe when you tell your mother what you want for your child she should do it the way you want, it’s hard when you leave your child with someone else and they dont follow your rutein and it just messes everything up for you


Also if you put her in daycare for $30+ a day they are still going to follow THEIR schedule regardless of what yours is. And they will definitely not be helping with bath night so I’m not sure how daycare is going to solve those problems besides cause friction between your mother and yourself, as well as a deep dent in your bank account.


My mum and my in law take care of my children but I never pretend to wash them or to do tummy time .That I will do when they are with me

I did everything on my own. You have no clue how lucky u are to have help.


Honestly I feel your pain, but I’ve learned to pick and choose my battles. Knowing my child is safe is most important and I know nobody is gonna do that as well as my mom. Yes I would like my baby to get more tummy time and not be in her swing so much as well but it’s also not that detrimental. I just do it when I get home from work, that way I also get to play and enjoy time with my child. Daycares are very risky on top of being outrageously expensive and that’s money that could be much better allocated for the care of your child. Also a suggestion if her keeping the baby in the swing or Boppy all the time is that much of a problem, put the swing and boppy away while you’re at work. Leave whatever you want to be used out and about. Also try to have a calm conversation with your mom about how your feeling, it’s not always what you say it’s how you say it.


No I don’t think you are being one.If you want her on a schedule and your mom lives with you there isn’t any reason she can’t follow that. As for the bath how are you not gonna give her a bath but I bet she took a shower or a bath herself

You are very fortunate to have your mom care for your baby. Not having to worry about that baby being abused are neglected should be all that matters.:heart:


You need to remember that your mom isn’t the father…it’s not her responsibility to make sure she’s bathed on bath night. You should be bathing her. she’s there to watch your daughter during the day and make sure she’s taking care of.

I do feel she should follow your guidance, feeding her enough, doing some belly time is definitely important. Infants at 2 months don’t need to be on a set schedule. Their schedules and sleep patterns change soo much that first year.
Also, as you said, things have changed since she was the caregiver to infants. I hate when people say dumb things like “I’ve raised children myself”. I had a son in 2009, and then a daughter in 2020 and so much had changed in those 11 years.
But keep in mind, daycare will be tough too. You won’t know what’s going on there, baby will have less attention, as there are more children. Unless you look into a home daycare… that might be a good fit, but daycare is expensive.

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A 2 month old? On a schedule ?


Is this your mom’s first grandchild? If so give her a break and let her spoil her like a grandma is supposed to! If not, it seems like that is the only grandchild being raised in her house. You can’t do anything about her spoiling the baby until you move out of your mom’s home.


Isnt she minding your child , IF YOUR NOT HAPPY WITH THE WAY SHE IS CARING for your daughter put her in daycare an then you will have to pay . I DONT GET WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM HER PROBABLY NOTHING WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH … TAKE CARE


Here’s the truth of the situation… While you have every right to raise your child the way you see fit, you also don’t have a right to an extent because you’re in a living situation in which respect of wants and needs is mutual. If you didn’t want her raised the way you were, you shouldn’t be living with your mother… The person that raised you.


You are being a little fussy. I remember the first time mom anxiety as well as the schedule I wrote out and left in the bag for my mother. She didn’t even touch it far less look at it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. If you think the daycare will follow your schedule then go for it but I bet they won’t .


Day care will have at least four kids per caregiver. I recently put my son in at 4 months, and my expectation is at least 3 meals, although I prefer 4. Some days are 2.5, other days are 3. Rarely is it 4. If your worried about her weight gain, someone who can do one on one is better. Maybe write down the schedule of when to at least offer a bottle, and that a diaper change goes along with it as a minumn for when diapers are changed. Post it on the fridge. Thus why if there is someone taking over, they can see it and follow. My son is 8 months old now…he didnt get much tummy time when he was smaller. Hes a mover now, and I cant keep him in one place. So dont stress that so much. You do that with her when you can.

Daycare isn’t going to do anything on your child’s schedule. They have their own. She probably won’t get tummy time there and will be changed on a schedule instead of on demand. Stick with your mom.


I know it’s hard being a working first time mom living with family in general. I moved in with my grandparents, and was working. I left her father when she was three months old, we traveled with my mom and her then bf. When got back home after a few months, that’s when I moved into my grandparents place. So my baby girl was about 6 months old by then. And I gotten my job back. So I had no choice, to either let my grandparents watch my daughter or a babysitter. Someone from my grandparents church offered to watch my baby and they lived close to my job. So I let them watch her and would walk to their house and wait to be picked up from there. On my off days, I was so tired, that I would accidentally stay asleep with my baby girl woke up in the morning. So without me knowing my grandparents or my uncle would get my baby girl and take her downstairs because I was sleeping upstairs. And that did it. I didn’t like them taking her out of her playpen when I was asleep. But she was hungry so they fed her at least. So I didn’t say anything. They got her out of the playpen because they heard her crying. I was doing the cry it out method, but they didn’t like it so they didn’t listen. Then again, I think they consider me the black sheep of the family because of my mother. Even though I tell the truth, they don’t believe me. So I don’t go over very often, and when I do, I try not to have my kids with me. I don’t trust my mother who’s staying with them and … And do lot of other things that push my little family and I away.

So my advice, just pick and choose your battles.

She’s grandma and supposed to spoil her rotten. If you want someone to follow a strict schedule you will have to put her in Daycare!

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Have one more conversation with her about it. If she can’t follow what you say I suggest u put the baby in daycare… because you are the mum and your instinct is always right. She did a good job with u but she has to allow u to do it how u want.

You people crack me up. BE GLAD YOU HAVE A MOM WHO LOVES YOUR KID :woman_facepalming:


Be grateful your mother is there for you…wow🤦‍♀️


Are you paying your mom $25 a day?!? If your paying her what we would pay a facility to watch her? From a mama of 6 kids who wasnt blesses with family able to help… trust me you are lucky! As your lil one gets older you will realize some battles are worth it and others not so much! pick your battles especially if she loves that baby and you dont go broke paying her!


I guess I’m a little floored by the comment “I don’t want my daughter raised how I was raised”. You asked the person who raised you to now be the caretaker of your daughter – one would assume that it would be a similar experience as the same person is “raising” the child.

If you want a different outcome, you need a different method, ie: different primary care taker.

Please try to remember your mom is trying her best and she obviously loves you and her granddaughter. No such thing as a perfect schedule, or perfection in general, when raising kids.


So you live with your mom with your baby and she babysits her for free🤔 Yeah Im sure a daycare would be a much better option( heavy sarcasm)


Been here, done that. Free childcare and bonding time with Grandma is not worth the stress and feeling of lost control you have now. Yes, a good daycare will accommodate your infant’s schedule and establish a routine for you during the next stages. Yes, it won’t feel as intrusive when daycare does what they do because they are not your mom and yours is one of few they are caring for. Do what you need to do to preserve your relationship with your mom and get care for your baby. Beware of your Mom’s tendencies though… does/does not do things and lies about it, belittles your role and position as mother, prioritizes her parenting experience over your learning how to parent. All of that, to me, screams selfishness and could be only the beginning of a long road to a constant power struggle between the two of you. No matter she is Grandma, she is first your Mom and IMO her priority should be to support you and your journey into motherhood. If that means following your schedule for your baby whether she agrees with it or not - then so be it.


I am on the other side of that coin. I am grandma doing the free babysitting. My daughter is also ungrateful and doesn’t have a clue. She was a teen mom and I use to babysit my oldest grandson as she went to school at 15 and then went to work. So have been watching her kids since her oldest was a baby and he is now thirteen. Now I have her 5 year old and almost two year old. Do you know how much time she saves you taking that baby out in the cold or snow?? How much money she saves you in a month?? Go ahead check it out. Not to mention what all these people are doing to their own kids let alone yours? She is grandma NOT mom. I love my grandkids and would do ANYTHING for them. I love them with all that I have! Oh and I should tell you the reason I started babysitting is because we had my oldest grandson in a daycare. At the Career Center. We told the day care he was spoiled and that if someone rocked him to sleep he would fall asleep and you could lay him down. They said yeah not a problem. They had plenty of students and that wouldn’t be a problem. My daughter went early one day to pick him up. He was in a highchair in a dark room asleep turned around towards the way with tear streaks down his little cheeks. Nope He never went back!! The lady is lucky I didn’t go back in there and give her a piece of my mind!!


All these excuses for incompetence and entitlement, ridiculous. I suggest you find someone else who will respect your decisions without all the snarky bs


You don’t want her raised they way you were, yet your living with you mom, the person that raised you. Hmmmm. Time to move out and get slapped in the face every month with that daycare bill


I know a lot of people use daycare and it is an essential place. But the experience we had with one of our Littles I would think twice. My son went to pick up my granddaughter who was an infant at a reputable daycare. He could hear crying before he got into the building when he went in he said he was there to pick up hid daughter and was told she has already been picked up and everyone was gone. He said well who is crying. He went into the room and there is my granddaughter. Soaked in urine in a diaper lights were off. I would thank my lucky stars you have someone who is willing to take care of your child and who will make sure they are alright. I take care of my grandchildren. Do I do exactly as my daughter in law wants no but they are well taken care of and not mistreated also I daycare they have biting. They try to keep kids from doing that but it still happens. Daycare also helps with structure. It’s a decision you have to make but it is very costly


You got to remember to, you committed to this arrangement and your mom is learning all over again. Simply let her know your “expectations” and if she can’t follow through than do what is best for you and your baby


grandma babysit once in awhile fine but the child needs to be in a structured program regular feedings, diaper changes , play circle, nap time it is not fair to the child to be in a bouncy seat all day.


It would probably be in your best interest to put her in a daycare. It would solve a lot of problems

I mean, you live with your Mama and she’s watching your kid for free. Lighten tf up. :joy:


Haven’t seen daycare better than grandma care yet. You seem like a good mom, she couldn’t have done too bad of a job. Grandmas don’t take care of the kids like the mom, thats what makes them special. I was Like this with my first, but my mom has passed away now. She didn’t meet 3 of my 6 children. That baby isn’t gonna love the daycare worker the way she loves her grandma and the daycare lady won’t love her the way grandma will. I’m glad my partners parents are here to do the grandma stuff for us. I’d always choose grandma over daycare. They are from a different time, surely there is a compromise.


At 2 months most babies don’t yet have a set schedule. Babies that young, especially if they are small, may need to be fed more often, too. It’s a little early to create an established routine. But that will happen as your baby grows. You are a first time mother, and I think every new mom goes through similar feeling when you can’t be there with your baby all the time. Daycare is an expensive solution, and they will do what works for them, and their routine. Not only that, but my 8 month old grandson has been sick constantly. I would stick with mom, unless your baby is in danger. Otherwise she will develop a mommy routine for when you are home, and a grandma when she’s with grandma.


Grandmas do what grandmas do :woman_shrugging:. None of what you said would make me upset. As the parent I would make sure I bathed her before or after work, and ensure tummy time. As far as feedings… is she starving the child? If rhe answer is no, let it go. Grandma has probably come ip with a schedule that works for her and baby.

If you don’t like the way Grandma watches her (probably for free) then put her in daycare so you can pay them $200 a week to not follow your schedule :woman_shrugging:.


So yall saying that free daycare means she can disregard what she gets to say about her child?


No no no the clash in parenting styles will only get worse. I am a single mom and lived with mine til my daughter was 2. Leading up til when she turned two, our differences in parenting styles were only getting bigger and causing more fights. It became a toxic environment for my daughter. Now I can parent how I want, to break cycles. Her and my daughter and her and I have a better relationship


Put the baby in daycare, tbh it’s not gonna get better. It YOUR job to break generational “curses” your mom won’t change just to help with your baby.


Theres nothing wrong with using a daycare. Once your kiddo gets older, the time with peers and curriculum with actually benefit him/her.

If you’re child were being handled this way in a day care would you keep her there? If the answer is no, you already know what you need to do.


Your mom shouldn’t have all responsibility either. Bath night can become bath morning. Baby isn’t playing outside all day. What times are you home with baby?


Be thankful you are getting free daycare. Her house, her rules. Don’t like it? Move out on your own and find another sitter.


I understand wanting a routine but unfortunately putting your child in daycare will be whatever their routine is because they don’t normally have the staff for one on one care.


If it bothers you put her in daycare.

There are good daycares out there, and payment assistance programs. It just takes some researching. We went through 3 daycares, and one negligence lawsuit that we won against my son’s very first daycare, before finally finding the amazing daycare he is in now. Its wonderful peace of mind knowing there’s structure, routine, and he loves his teachers and made so many friends :heart:

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When you do move out of your moms, you’ll realize how much of an asset she is. Pick your battles.


I feel the diaper thing was just a accident, There is no set time a baby needs a diaper change, It is done when needed, As for your mom watching your baby for free, I don’t think you are expecting too much, But I would also ask, are you being charged for you & your baby to live there?? I watched my grandson (son’s son) for 2 days a wk, on my days off, There was a few things I felt his mother should not do, like holding him for a hr after he fell asleep, so he expected this all the time, And this wasn’t the case when he was a little younger, I understand she wanted to hold him more & there is nothing wrong with that, but since she had to work, not everyone can do that, So she did stop that, Again, there is NOTHING wrong with one holding their baby at all, just not when they are going to sleep, Because they will want that all the time & will not fall asleep unless it is done. As for feeding, your baby is now 2 months old, I am, sure your daughter has gained the appropriate weight by now, So usually babies eat anywhere between 3-4 hrs & if you are lucky, they just might go a little longer at night, unless her ped, Dr tells you something different. I understand you have your own views of raising your baby, but there is nothing wrong with someone else adding a little of their views in there also, as long as it is not hurting the baby. If you are not happy with this, find yourself a daycare or another babysitter that you will have to pay

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I’m assuming this baby is your first. Relax. Breathe. Nothing with parenting is perfect. As long as your baby is being looked after and loved that’s the important thing. As long as it isn’t something life changing let it go. I’ve been there. It’s not worth it.


Be grateful u have help and shut up. Or, put your kid in daycare.

You get what you pay for right. How can you complain about free childcare especially when you know you child is 100% being taken care of and loved? As a Granny who takes care of my grandchildren (for free) you need to understand that we are not your age. We gave up our life so you could have one. Stop complaining and help her make whatever changes you need without being a butthole. Make a schedule and ask her to try and follow it. Then remember that that can’t and won’t always happen. Except that and move on. She’s doing the best she can. If you don’t appreciate that then PAY FOR DAYCARE!

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I watched all 3 of mine when my daughter worked…you are being a momzilla. 2 months old…a basic schedule is fine…but baby decides the schedule. The baby soaking it’s PJs … boy you gonna be surprised when baby poops all up the babys back and all over the car seat… on your watch. And if you are mad about the bath night…maybe change bath night where you can bathe the baby. As long as she is keeping your basic rules with your children and you have a problem with everything she does…maybe you should examine your rules. And you are mad about the mom reference… and don’t want your child raised like you were…but you live in your manas house? Quit examining your mother…and look at your behavior and then approach the topic.


your mother is someone you know and your child is in good hands. you don’t pay her to watch your child which is saving you a lot of money. now your willing to put your baby in a daycare where you don’t kno these people & anything can happen(such as abuse towards the child) - i think u need to be grateful your mother in a willing to watch her grand baby for free and you know your child is safe regardless if a schedule isn’t being followed.

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My daughter does not live with e but I do some babysitting when she needs help. I do as she asks I do not give her new foods until I talk to Mom about them, I respect her wishes as much as possible. She has a nap time and I put her down for it and if she sleeps thats great and if she doesn’t then that happens but if her regular 1 hour nap is longer so be it. I don’t wake her up and adjust the schedule as needed. But ultimately Mom is in charge and I am the Grandma and just trying to help. I had my children and now its their turn. I don’t have all the answers and I try to keep the advise to what they ask for.


You’re living in her house and she’s doing you a favor by watching your kid. Maybe not perfectly but she’s providing and safe and loving familiar environment for her. Not even just that but your mom is taking on basically all the responsibility for your child. Yes, you are being momzilla…. You sound ungrateful. Maybe consider moving out and finding daycare.


I wish I could live with my mom and have her watch my kid all the time for free. Nope I lied I wouldn’t. That’s why I got my own place and got my kids into daycare. You know your mom. You can’t tell me you didn’t know she was going to do her own thing :roll_eyes:

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No, you aren’t being a momzilla. You have every single right to expect a standard of care from the person watching your child. This is the exact reason I wouldn’t expect my mom to watch my baby, nothing terribly wrong, it all just leads to resentment. Find another option that suits you, and if you can’t, lay some ground rules and compensate her for her time ( because you aren’t entitled to that, even thought it’s your mom).

She’s probably doing the best she can. Considering your mom is probably middle aged or older she is most likely tired also.


I guess in a way, if that was my mom, I would be frustrated as well. First baby trying to do what you think is right. Then, Mom(gma) steps in and doesn’t follow your parenting. I would try talking with her about it. Things do happen, and unfortunately, not every day will be perfect. She’s got to understand that your mom and she’s grandma. If you can’t work it out, you can always put her in daycare, but some daycares will be the same way. They just don’t have time or can’t do the same schedule that you have for the baby.

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Girl… it doesn’t matter that it’s free, don’t let your child get neglected if that’s how u feel just because u should be grateful your mother is watching the child for free… there is no excuse as to why a child is so pissy their clothes are soaked, free sitter or not.


Personally I feel like yes, you are being momzilla. Quit being so OCD…your gonna cause yourself to have a nervous breakdown. Miss a bath night? Eh always tomorrow night. She is 2 months old…not like she out rolling around in the mud…which may eventually happen! Soaked pj’s? That’s gonna happen…a lot. Not really a big deal unless it stays that way and not ever changed. Be thankful you have your mom to help you…even if she don’t do things exactly as you do. No one will…especially not a daycare. Just chill out…as long as your baby is happy, healthy and not being abused and neglected just chill out. Parenting is already hard don’t make it harder than it already is.


Honestly you can find things about daycare you dislike as well. You sometimes have to pick and choose battles. Instead of looking at all the things she does wrong. Look at what she does right. If it’s saving you money I’d try and deal with it for now.


Your mom is in the wrong but I doubt you’ll find a daycare that makes her eat more often or focuses on her tummy time when they have multiple kind to look after.

Move out & put her in day care.


Tell her she can do it your way or she won’t be allowed to do it at all. It’s your baby your rules. If you feel she isn’t capable to take care of your child to your standards then find someone else. But I promise you your mom is going to give that baby a whole lot more love than any daycare. Pick your battles. So what she missed a bath? Leaking diapers happen. Living with your mother is going to cause problems somewhere down the road it’s just not a good idea especially now that you have your own baby. Maybe moving out in the near future and still let her babysit will help your relationship.


I would move out and get professional childcare. Then, once you’re not relying on anyone, you’re also not beholden to them.

I think if you are a good mother (sounds like you are), she should follow your plan of care. Mostly.

I think you should just take her to a daycare. Cause you’re not appreciative of the free care you’re getting without complaining. And maybe while you’re at it since you’re such a good mom and she’s not up to your standards, you should find your own place to live.


You had her, she’s your responsibility, you pay for childcare , you take her to the appts, you miss work when she’s sick. You might even get your own home, be an adult… Not grandma’s responsibility-let your mom live her life and be a grandmother and do grandmother things when she wants too


A baby can never have too many people love them. Noone is going to take care of this baby exactly like you want them to.

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Daycare would be a lot worse they have more kids to look after and mine were always soaked through at day care and left sore , I feel you need to loosen up abit and appreciate your mother more , tel her to maybe leave bath and bed routine for you once your in from work x


A daycare will NOT follow your rules to a T either
This is a pick your battles type deal