Am I being over protective?

We want to take our 21-month-old to look at Christmas lights, but it’s too cold to take him in his stroller, and his dad wants to drive around the neighborhood instead but is insisting we forward face him JUST around the neighborhood. We’ve been arguing about it all week. I say no; he’s just too little at 23lbs even if he is 80% for height. (Bean pole like his mama). Dad says he won’t be able to see the lights rear-facing, and he will be perfectly safe just around the neighborhood. Am I being too overprotective? Or am I right to take a stand on this?

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That’s a 50/50. I’m 100% for
Rear facing, but also I would do it for one night just around the neighborhood.

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I would turn baby around he is almost 2 one time isnt going to hurt baby around the neighborhood

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I’m with dad on this one. Normally ya sure but one time around a neighborhood that everyone is going super slow to see lights I don’t see the problem.


His seat should be the same height backwards as it is forwards. I don’t see the need to swap it around if he can see out the windows as is


Is it worth your child’s life? It’s why they call them accidents :unamused:


My sons 2, and he can see the lights facing backwards just fine!


The problem with turning them once is that if they’re like all of my kids have been, car rides rear facing after turning them one time, are a friggin nightmare. Once my kids got a taste of forward facing, they would absolutely scream bloody murder every time I put them in the car rear facing. I can deal with it to an extent, but eventually it wears on your nerves and makes you want to either turn them around for good or never leave the house again. If you’re willing to risk it, do it. I don’t recommend though.:woman_shrugging:t3:


Turn that baby around and let him see those lights!! This year has sucked enough for kids


I would worry more about the kid not wanting to rear face anymore after seeing the world forward facing. Around the neighborhood would be pretty slow speeds, so I wouldn’t worry too much about that aspect.

Turn him forward facing, he’ll be just fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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He can see the lights rear facing!! I wouldn’t risk it. All it takes is one accident to be severely, even fatally injured.


Im with dad… especially if its just looking at lights…


I would do it for a short drive at that age for something like that

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My daughter can see through the rear facing seat and she’s a tiny peanut. Another consideration, though, is your child’s attitude about the seat. Once you turn him forward he may not want to rear face anymore and you could have tantrums. I wouldn’t think it’s worth it. My child regularly points out things she can see from her rear facing seat. They can see.


He’ll be fine :woman_facepalming:t2: it’s just around the neighborhood and it’s not like he’s 2months old. He’s almost 2. He’ll survive


If you’re doing it so he can see lights, you’ll be wasting your time and efforts by keeping him rear facing for it. They cant see anything.

I would just turn him around. My 20 month old is foward facing. She’s 31lbs and 2ft 11in. (Took after her dad)
She will act like someone is killing her if you try to turn her rear facing.

You’re just looking at lights and driving slow. Your bean should be fine. Just turn your child back to rear facing immediately after your done so he won’t get used to it.


My daughter is over 3 and can still see the lights just fine! Talk to your child while your looking at lights and say “oh look how beautiful those lights are over there, do you see them?”. You’ll be just fine.


We did the same and forward faced her. let him see the lights. And he is right, you can’t see the lights being rear facing


I’m with dad. It’s a neighborhood, not a freeway.


How cold is it?. Not sure where you are. It was 4 c today (36f) and we still go out with coats and kids are plenty warm wrapped up in strollers with blankets and hats gloves etc. If you don’t want to change seat , is the stroller not an option.

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I agree with you. Legally he can not be facing forward unless his legs are too long an you have permission from his pediatrician stating he can now be front facing.


What does your carseat say? If your bean in the category to safely be forward facing one night wont hurt. If not leave him rear facing. But that’s how I would decide.


It’s a big ticket if a cop sees a child front facing when they should be rear facing!! Doesnt matter if it’s just around the neighbor hood…


Turn him forward. Neighborhoods never have high speed limits. Little one will be just fine


Way even go if he can’t see? Turn him around, tonight only.


Hes 21 mos old…my kids were turned around by that point… assuming he can support his head…goodness hes probably walking I would assume


Absolutely not forward facing girl it only takes a spilt second for something to happen an if by chance a cop is sitting somewhere that’s a big big trouble time.


I’m shocked at all the people saying “just forward face him” you are NOT being over protective. Children should be rear facing till a minimum of 2 years old. Yes it’s hard to see Christmas lights while rear facing, but your child is not going to remember it anyways! I would just wait till next year when you can safely forward face your child!


Since you’re only going around the neighborhood, Turn him around just for one night and sit in the backseat with him


You are only going around your neighborhood. Lighten up


I would turn him around. Nothing wrong with it. When your done put it back.


In my state the law says a child must be rear facing until they are at least age one and 20lbs. I’m not saying this is safest but as far as everyone saying you could get a big ticket… probably not. If it’s just around town for a short time then personally I would probably be ok with it. If on a highway or higher speed road no. But, I also feel like he will be able to see even if read facing because he will be looking out the side window. :woman_shrugging:


No stand your ground,


Im with dad as well;)))

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When I was 2, I was going for full-blown hay rides on trailers covered in hay bales being pulled by tractors. I’m so glad I’m a 90s baby.


Omg lol I had my kids turned around at one. He can literally be turned around in four months. It is not that serious :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


He really most likely will just fall asleep any way and then u have been fighting for nothing!


Girl let that kid see some lights


He can see the lights rear facing.


My son is also forward facing and is 20 months old. I would NEVER do anything to intentionally put my child in harm’s way. But I am also his mother and do what I feel best for my child. (Who is taller than the average 2 year old). I rode in a old car bench seat at that age and I am just fine. We don’t tear other moms down, especially if we don’t know their stories). We answer their questions with our own opinions and go on. Merry Christmas.

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Turned all 4 of my kids front facing @ 1


Where do you live–unless you have some special health conditions or live somewhere where it is dangerous cold like northern Canada, it is healthy to get out in the cold. In Norwegian countries they put babies out in the cold to get used to it and boost the immune system. Just bundle up and have fun!


I put my rear facing car seat required kid in the front seat with me to ride slowly thru a neighborhood and look at lights. Bad moms club. :woman_shrugging:t4::rofl:


God, if this is the biggest problem you have, can I have your life? :joy::joy:


Bundle him up and go for a walk. Keep the car close by. Gloves hat scarf snow suit blanket. Unless its negative degree or freezing rain. Id go for the walk just around the neighborhood.


It’s Christmas lights…and you’re driving around the neighborhood…sheesh.


Just relax, we survived…

Let dad have this one🤷‍♀️


I wouldn’t turn him permanently but I agree with your SO about turning him for just tonight


Dumd ass question! Use your brain mama!

If we were literally driving through like a subdivision going 5mph to look at lights for a few minutes, I’d honestly probably put my baby/babies on my lap! I must be a bad mom… :woman_shrugging:t3:


Ditch the whole thing, you said you’ve been arguing about it for a week. An unnecessary thing has caused so much stress on the both of you. Let’s face it little ones under 2 usually fall asleep in the car. There’s already a lot of negative energy around this and then he might even sleep the whole journey. Do another family activity you will all love together :blush:


We have drive thru lights,go early let him out of car seat during drive thru back to car seat at the end

All these people front facing their kids before 2 years of age are blowing my mind. Carseat safety isn’t a parenting choice.


California, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Oregon, and Connecticut all now have legislation that makes turning your child’s car seat forward-facing before the age of 2 illegal.

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Geesh, these people are right. Put your kid front facing before he should be! I mean what could happen? A drunk driver could run a stop sign and tbone you!? No big deal! A teenager on their cell phone could rear end you and the baby could go flying through the windshield, but it is worth the risk! A police officer could just be doing a nightly patrol and see that the child is facing the wrong way and it is the law! Who doesn’t want a fine at Christmas! This should not even be a discussion. Safety first! He will not know the different between today and a year from now when he can safely see them forward facing. Unpopular opinion, I know! GASPS!


I would turn the child forward facing but I certainly wouldn’t put the child up front and unrestrained.
Most accidents happen closest to home and do you really want to risk your child’s life to see Christmas lights? Imagining the airbag deploying and crushing a child.
Just turn him and keep him safe.

The reason why its over the age.of 2 and over 40 pounds is the skeletal system is more developed when there older in case of a crash. My son is 32 lbs 19 months. He will be forward facing till he reached 50lbs. Per mass law and car seat safety guide.

Not a big deal. Back when my oldest (18 now) was an infant there were no guidelines.


I’m guessing 23 lbs is a typo. My 11 month old is more than 23lbs

My 20m old rode in my lap around the neighborhood.

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Walk…bundle him up in blankets and layers and take him to see the lights xx

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Compromise either bundle up for a short walk or sit in back with baby and hold up a mirror so baby can see lights and dad can see baby’s face in the rear view mirror

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I turned my daughter forward facing for the lights literally at the top of the street and drove around at around 5mph and there were to many cars for anyone to speed x

Y’all still rear face your 2 year olds?? Damn…

When my boys were younger we would let them out of their car seats while we were in the neighborhood. They were not allowed out until the house with the first lights and then we went to the same neighborhood every year so we knew when the last house would be coming and my husband would pull over and we would buckle them back up. I had three so this worked best but if you only have one why don’t you sit in the back with him and let him ride on your lap.

What if you sat in the back with him? Assuming it’s your neighborhood and your going very slow I think it would be okay. — side note I’m a sucker for Xmas lights and fireworks and my S/O has still yet agreed to go drive at night and look at them with our twins. (He works outside in the cold and is over it by time he gets home) but I still ask every other day when we can do it as a family. The kids love it too.

Maybe keep him in his seat until you get to where they are and then park and let him look out the window

You’re his mama and u know what’s best for him. Not other mothers on fb… Its your #1 job as the mother to keep him safe. If you’re uncomfortable with it and don’t feel he’ll be safe, then no, don’t turn him around. Regardless of his age, he is still small weight wise it sounds like. I didn’t turn either of my kids until they were 30 + pounds, which they both were at 2 years old, but if they hadn’t been, I would not have turned them based on age. I’m sorry that it has become an argument in your home, It shouldn’t be…


My kids were turned around at this age. He will be perfect safe forward facing

Sit in the back-seat with him so you can point out the lights - he’ll still be able to see them, just from a different angle.

Or layer him up and walk - I’m sure it isn’t that cold that he’s at risk of hypothermia!

As someone else mentioned though, if you’ve been arguing about it for a week, perhaps it’s best to come up with another family activity?

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Honestly he probably can’t see the lights it it was forward facing either.

Bundle your kid in the stroller. It’s not too cold to go outside.

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My kids have all been forward facing at that age, however my kids are all massive sized kids too. My 5 month old weighs just over 20lbs already :sweat_smile: so take that for however you want to take it. I personally would think just thru your neighborhood should be fine though at that age. Your baby is almost 2 already. I would just have your hubby drive slow with his flashers on. You sit in back with the toddler of it makes you feel better. But I agree it’s definitely too cold to be out and walking around.

I let mine out if her car seat to drive slowly around the neighborhood and see lights :woman_shrugging:t2:


Most accidents happen within 5 miles of home. If you relent this time you can expect to relent at any other time. Child Safety over all else.


He’s correct he won’t be able to see rear facing. You don’t have to forward face him, but I wouldn’t bother showing him the lights rear facing.

If it’s one of those “drive 25” neighborhoods I’d do it. Nothing more than that though.


We turned all of our kids forward facing when they were one. They were all 20-22 pounds by then.

I had twins and when they were one, I gave birth to our third. We just didn’t have the luxury of having huge car seats and keeping them rear facing until they were in kindergarten which seems to be the trend now.

As long as you can drive without looking at your phone I don’t see any reason to worry about it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


The earliest they should forward face is 2 years but he probably won’t be able to see them well either way.

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My son is 19months 35in tall and 26lbs he sits fwrd facing as it is, but last night we rode around the neighborhood and me and my husband had him in our lap passing bakc and forth so he could look at the lights.


It’s 11 degrees where I am now and my daughter is 2 and does just fine :joy: a good jacket and a think blanket will be enough for him.


point blank YES! my kids where forward facing on the highway n my 4.5 yr old is on 32 lbs n 41 inches tall! I get it if u don’t wanna drive to Florida (dunno where u r I’m in MA) but for 15 mins going 5mph you’ll be good take a breath n let the baby see sum lights! to each his own but u asked n i answered


When I took my 3 year old to see lights, it was a drive thru light viewing and I just took my son out of his seat :woman_shrugging:t2:


My son is front facing and is 17months. He’s hefty though.
Why not go in the car and park nearby a street lit up good then get out and walk by some lights? Compromise- you both get what you want.


My kid is 2, 23lbs and not even 24 inches tall and he’s turned around forward facing. It won’t hurt him, but yeah he probably won’t be able to see the lights, care about them or even remember.

We went driving around rear facing and our 2.5 year old could see the lights. We just stopped more frequently so he could have a good look. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I agree with you! Accidents usually happen within 5 miles from your house. Take it from me: someone who’s gotten in 3 accidents IN MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD Lolol. Funny, not funny. Baby can still see out the window rear-facing anyway! Honestly, your toddler probably won’t care too much anyway! Lol. My 19M old didn’t even care to look.


its healthy for lil ones to be out n about.yes i get you dont want him to catch a cold or anything but they still do need fresh air…bundle up(its -45w/windchill out where we are we still go out for walks.we all need fresh air and exercise).get out for a walk​:+1:merry christmas to you n your family​:christmas_tree::fireworks::christmas_tree:

Jesus hunny you seem like a first time mom who stresses too much lol. Just dress your child up warm and wrap in a blanket in the stroller and the baby should be fine as long as you make sure they aren’t too cold.


If I was just trying to cruise around a residential area so my little could see the lights…he would be up front in my lap. :woman_shrugging: lol


Uh yeah. Turn that baby around and let him see the dang lights :roll_eyes: we have a two street neighborhood and let ours sit in my lap going 10mph. She laughed and screamed the whole time pointing at the lights. It was amazing.


No don’t turn the seat. Lots of accidents in cars happen less than 1 mile from hom


Sit with him at the back and show him the lights !
Don’t make it an issue, dad wants to take him to see the lights , driving by . You’re not traveling a great distance

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Most accidents happen close to home. Just putting that out there.

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One night around the neighborhood wouldn’t hurt. Put him in the middle it’s the safest spot and most car seats have harnesses now that latch to the back of the vehicles seat for added protection. I was the same way with my son he just turned 2, 30+ lbs and started forward facing about a month ago.but there was special occasions where I would turn his seat around before that

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Do what you think is best mama because your damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.
You get into an accident people will say it was your fault for forward facing.
You rear face and people will say you are dramatic and he couldn’t see the lights.

Let him see the lights

We always turned ours around to see the lights.

Your being a little ridiculous.