Am I being selfish for not wanting more kids?

Giiiiiirl. I’m gonna be 34 in two months. I was done having kids as I have 2 daughters with my ex husband. One is going to be 13 in less than a month and the other is going to be 12 come September. Last February I found out I was pregnant with my boyfriend at the time who was told he would never have kids; he’s now 38 but had never had so much as a scare with any woman he dated before me. I now have a 4.5 month old baby girl. I love her to peices and I can’t imagine life without her but I literally started all over. My body hurts all the time. I’m always tired. I get very little help from my youngests father since things didn’t work out. I don’t recommend it. It’s easier in some ways, harder in others. If you don’t want anymore do NOT have any more. End of story.

Even if you are it’s your body and you’re allowed to be selfish with it

Not selfish at all. I don’t wanna do it all over again

No your not selfish, just like if the tables where turn and you wanted one but he didn’t, he wouldn’t be selfish either. You need to sit down and be honest with your feelings and to each other, no one no matter men or women should be forced to do something they don’t want to do. Sometimes people end up wanting different things in life and go different ways cause of this and there is nothing wrong with that either. My kids are 18,17,9 and 3 and I found it easier having the gapes between them and couldn’t imagine having them all right after each other as I got breaks in between. I’m 41 right now. Lol we also just got a dog 5 months ago as well to add to our craziness. In the end no one should be forced in a relationship to do what they don’t want to do and shouldn’t feel guilty on how they feel about it.

Not selfish AT ALL!! You did the most unselfish thing ever. You gave your body to bring your babies into this world. If you’re done, then be done, girly. Men don’t realize the toll it takes on us. I know after how my last two pregnancies went, I’m done. I’m getting older and things are getting riskier. I’m worried next time we won’t be so lucky, so we’re officially done. He’s getting snipped soon.

No, you’re not selfish…but at the same time neither is he.
I am absolutely not telling you to have a baby you dont want, but I would advise sitting down and having a heart to heart kind of talk with him.
Take the time to really hear him out…to really hear his thoughts and feelings. Even if you dont agree it’s important that he at least know that he wasn’t completely dismissed or ignored.

This in turn will help him be more reciprocal to your feelings and thoughts on the subject.

Relationships are about give and take. This is the type of thing you really just can’t give him what he wants to make him happy but you can give him your ears and your compassion instead.

Nope. Mine are 11 and 7 and man I couldn’t imagine starting all over again after mine are finally self sufficient in ways and have their own independence.

Absolutely not being selfish. I don’t blame you for not wanting to do it over again. My husband mentions having another when ours are older and I say absolutely no. I don’t blame you at all.

What is the obvious issue here, anyone?

I have a 12.5 year old boy & a 10 year old girl & a 6 year old girl. Wanted to give my 1st a brother! Have a 1.5 year old boy. I thought I was done!! Surprise failed iud & #5 on the way! :hushed: I’m 32. Good luck!

I wouldn’t want another either. And I wouldn’t compromise for him. Also, boyfriend of 15 years. What’s up with that. :grimacing:

Has he talked marriage yet or he just wants to continue to shoot the club up all Willy bully like?

Hmmmm, I wonder now if I was selfish for not wanting kids. I think I was, but it turned out well because had I had kids, they may not have survived my motherhood. :grin:
I love kids, just know I couldn’t raise other humans. That’s for you strong people!
That being said, yes, but not in a bad way. Why should you have more of you really don’t want more? You’re happy with what you’ve got.

But either way, you’re going to have to make your own decision. Consider pros and cons.