Am I being selfish for wanting to go on a trip?

Do on the trip. Men like to be controlling and it’s selfish of him to do so.

OP should make friends with paragraphs lol.

GO! He needs to figure out how to PARENT HIS CHILDREN. He’s not use to making ANY Parental sacrifices for HIS CHILDREN , Calling YOU selfish is proof of it. There wouldn’t be any further discussion if I were you. I would take the time away to think about the dynamic of this relationship and your role in it. A step parents role is to SUPPORT a healthy Co Parenting relationship, NOT assuming ALL the Parenting responsibilities of their Partner!


Stop enabling him to avoid responsibility.


You are not being selfish…go on the trip and enjoy yourself. Your boyfriend is being aelfish in my opinion

Go Go Go
time to man up and start taking care of his family.
never too late to respect yourself and start making time for you

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You should go. But make sure you explain everything to the step kids.

Go with them ,don’t worry about him,he’s very selfish

Go …but go unapologetically!!! :heavy_heart_exclamation:You are not selfish …hubby can do all the extracurriculars but you can’t ??? Huhhh …

The older two ARE going on vacation with their Mother. She’s not taking your two. So you and your two go on a family vacation. You make memories and have the best time. Your bf of how many years that is NOT your husband can handle it. He can make the plans, he can figure it out all. It sounds like he wants a Mom, maid, and I’m sure a freak. He wants to do what he wants when he wants. Time for a reality check. He should want you and your kids to be happy too.

He might also be upset that your brother is offering to pay and he himself cannot afford it. Again, not your problem… that’s his problem.

The older kids get vacations without the other 2 :woman_shrugging:

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You go on that trip. He has plenty of notice.

I would go and enjoy myself. He’s being selfish

Go!!! This is with your family, sounds like they do something with their family. You’re not being selfish at all, it’s being paid for. He can figure something out for himself and his kids. Go… he’s being unreasonable.

Go on your trip. He gets away from his kids all the time. Youre still taking half of them. He’s just mad that he will have to be the parent for once. His kids are not your responsibility.

I highly suggest taking all your family documents & anything important to your brothers house or a storage unit. If he’s mad enough about you making him take care of his own kids he may destroy your stuff or kick you out. Don’t worry about that until it happens but do hide anything that can’t be replaced or that he can use against you (like SS#s). You don’t want him buying a car in your kids name like my ex did.

Read what you just wrote. If this were your BF…what advice would you give to your BF? DUH!

This is me running, while he’s trying to keep me at home to watch the kids. You should definitely go.


He’s very selfish you need to get while you can another sorry pos dad

Go and have fun the older ones are old enough to understand……well not the oldest one….meaning your boyfriend lol…. He is just being a jerk.


Take the trip. Hes being selfish by not caring for HIS kids while youre gone.

If he’s so concerned, he can make a trip happen.
I’d go & consider a new BF. He isn’t a parent if he never sees his kids.


Go, dump your selfish “boyfriend”…pretty sure this ain’t his first act of selfishness…do for you and your kids and their uncle Does his 2 kids mama take yours to the Bahamas. Also. Does she pay child support, if not make him go after it, if he says no, he’s leaving that door open. GO GO GO!!! Your brother owes his kids nothing, he gets his time away by himself, take yours. You are nothing more than a babysitter for him…dump him.

You’re NOT being selfish!!! He is!


You better go on that trip, girl! His older kids get to go on a vacation with their mother so, are they really missing out? He also needs to understand that what’s fair for all the kids isn’t something he gets to be upset about when yall aren’t footing the bill!

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His babysitter is thinking about leaving!! Oh no!
I would say you can be happy for me or you can be mad but either way I’m going! Then tell him what you want the Younger kids to miss out on vacation this year, when, the older ones get to go to the Bahamas! If that bad take the old ones yourself somewhere!

This right here, WHAT makes me think I could never be with a man that has kids!


Your boyfriend is just mad his free babysitter won’t be available

go… enjoy your free vacation & your bf can deal with it

You go with you brother and bond. You aren’t thr babysitter or maid. You made life easy for him because no way here I see he has a responsibility. He lives as though he’s single

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Go on ur trip. Ur husband will be alright.

Remind him they go with their mom to vacation and leave your kids behind you do what you want to do

Go! My kids’ dad is doing this…while me/the kids/my family are on vaca, he is taking his other daughter, her sister, and his two step kids on vaca. Every one may be sad or mad for a while, but how often are you offered an all expenses paid trip.

Aren’t they also your kids? You are a step parent when you date or marry someone with kids. Their kids are yours and should be treated as your kids.

However, you could always take your vacation when they are on vacation with their mother, if that is a possibility.

Have a great time. Opportunities like this don’t always come around… Take advantage and start packing :luggage::luggage:

They are his kids he should be the main one caring for them. So take the Littles and have a great time. Dad can chill with his bigs and be a dad. He sounds like yah he don’t wanna give up his stuff to care for em.

No your not being selfish he is. He wants everything his way and he’s doing a hissy fit. Go have fun your brother is your children’s uncle and they deserve to have memorable times with their family

Yes you should go as you deserve it.His older kids go on holidays without the younger ones.Thay are his kids and it want kill him to look after them for a few days to give you a break.I hope you have a wonderful time.

Go enjoy yourself with your 2 children … he will manage he’s a big boy.

Go. I can’t stress this enough. GO.

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Everyone has said it, goooooo baby girl!!! Take them kids, and yourself and go enjoy!!! My goodness!!!

Not at all ! Go on this trip !

GOOOO!!! Go enjoy that w your kids !!! Do not stay back. You DESERVE THAT !!!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Trust me , you will regret it if you don’t! Let your kids have a vacation too!!! :heart::heart: