Am I being ungrateful?

Yesterday was my birthday, he took me out for breakfast then surprised me for dinner at my favorite restaurant. Then he and my daughter took me to Disney village to do the Christmas tree scavenger hunt. And we have been together for 32 years.

At least he has done something for you, some of us not even a happy birthday text


Be lucky you get anything😂

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Very much so. We expect too much because we’re like that. They aren’t, especially those who had no guidance.

Women expect way to much

Your feelings are valid but I don’t agree with them. I think you should be happy he even thought about you and remembered. I’ve been married for 10 years and usually I just get a “Happy birthday babe” and maybe dinner but honestly we agreed in the beginning we didn’t wanna go all out on birthdays for each other. Have a conversation like an adult about what you actually want.

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Lol be lucky you get something other than a lie of * I bought you something you’ll see when it arrives *

To find out he infact spent the money on casino :rofl: and you end up buying yourself a Nintendo switch with what little money he won

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Be happy he even sent anything n actually remembered your bday

He need to be with someone else he try u are u grateful

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Yes. I’ve received flowers from my husband once in 10 years and they were from a gas station. Be thankful.

I’m grateful for any small thing my husband does. Just the fact that he remembers and thinks of me is enough. So many people are not fortunate to have a spouse that acknowledges or appreciate them at all. If you need material things to feel better about your marriage then you need to reevaluate why you got married in the first place. I know women that have scoffed to their husband about thoughtful gifts and they simply gave up because they see when their effort goes unappreciated.

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He remembered :woman_shrugging:
We stopped buying gifts many years ago. Buy yourself something you want instead but be grateful for the flowers and the fact he remembered

These responses are pitiful. Just because you get less or don’t expect anything doesn’t mean someone else’s feelings aren’t valid.

I really hope all of you who don’t get acknowledged do something about it not just expect others to be grateful for a glance in their general direction. EVERYONE deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated…especially on their birthday.

I would explain how the flowers have a negative connection.


Yes, you are ungrateful. My fiance brings me a gas station coffee(I love it) every time he goes out to get something or run errands. Even on my birthday. Someone asked why he never gets me a Starbucks drink for my birthday for once. My answer was "Because he knows I like Rutter’s coffee. I love their coffee more than I like Starbucks. The day that those little gas station coffees stop is the day I will dread. Enjoy the little things in life. Yes he sends you flowers all the time but atleast he sent you some on your birthday as well

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I think your feelings are very valid. When you get something frequently it looses the special feeling you get when it first started. I think it’s very valid to be upset that getting flowers isn’t special for you anymore and you think he should have put more effort in.
You aren’t expecting to much be believing you should feel special on your birthday.


Wow…I would love to get anything from my husband!!!

Man, I beg my dude to get me flowers… I’d be overjoyed just to get a bouquet for my birthday, tbh.

You sound like you are. I got a can opener for my 30th… and I accepted it like it was the greatest gift. Because I was raised to appreciate everything I receive


Uhm Jesus… Lol I just barely meet a guy that gives me flowers weekly. Coming from a relationship that was lucky to have them once a year. Appreciate your man trying…
Because there’s some men that would rather focus their energy else where.

Yes! Be very grateful! I have been married for 36 years and if I want flowers, I have to buy them myself! Or my children get me some! I buy all my own gifts!

In my opinion, your significant other deserves better! How ungrateful you sound. Oh, my man sent me flowers, but he always gets me flowers, I want something better. :roll_eyes:


Yall are like be lucky he did the bare minimum lol


I received one and only gift I got was when we were newly married! He surprised me with a microwave! I was so excited! Lol

No ma’am. You are not wrong for wanting to be treated special on your bday. Did you let him know you wanted that? If it’s not something he typically does you may have to tell him.
I see a lot of- my husband doesn’t do anything for me so you should be grateful posts and that’s just sad. If you want something nice on your birthday it’s not too much to ask, expect and receive. If the person who supposedly loves you above all others and deems you as an important piece of his life and you enhance his life won’t make extra effort one day out the year on your bday and you WANT to be treated special, I’m sorry you have to endure that. You deserve better and I hope you get it.


I think your feelings are valid simply because they are always given as a apology and because of something negative. However at least he remembered so maybe not totally ungrateful but yes i think your feelings seem legit.

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Ungrateful, yep. But you can’t expect something different if you don’t tell him you want something different.

Extremely ungrateful.

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To a degree I think I understand, she wants to feel needed & not like it was a quick ability to say I did something…
Also she seems annoyed because he apparently causes issues & this is his apology replacement instead of working on the issue so it probably feels normal.
She wants an attitude change, she wants flowers because he loves her & she wants his time instead of associating this with the general normal to avoidance.
She is not ungrateful but is made to feel like she is when in reality she is not wrong because she understands his intentions weren’t completely genuine .


NO !!! YOU ARE NOT UNGRATEFUL. so many of these comments are clearly by people who are just bitter because they settled for less and aren’t big enough to demand what they actually deserve. Flowers now have a negative connection for you. You are 100% valid for not liking that one bit!


At least he got you anything at all!

Did you even vocalize what you wanted or that you wanted to do something special? Or did you expect him to read your mind? And now upset because he couldn’t read your mind about wanting to do something special?


I actually don’t think that “ungrateful” describes the feelings you have.
Disappointed yes.
And yes. I’ll go along with others that suggest letting him know how it makes you feel.
But ultimately, we are human and despite our age or maturity, it’s not uncommon for us to want those whe hope love us more than anything, to be paying attention along the way and recognizing things we love or want or makes us happy.
Reverting to the same thing time after time takes so little effort that no wonder you feel disappointed yet again when someone takes that simple, old-traveled road once again to just barely showing that preverbial myth that “it’s the thought that counts”. I call bull s*** on that repeated behavior.


Lol… yes.
Dear lord, please trade me that problem. Amen

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My ex sent me flowers for every argument or thing he did wrong so it got to the point I didn’t want them for the good things. I straight up told him to buy me something else for my bday like a pair of shoes, lol. He got better with the gifts after that and we were together almost 10 years. So I don’t see it as ungrateful myself because you associate the flowers with something bad.


I don’t get nothing be grateful

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Not wrong at all! I always give thoughtful gifts to my SO and it drives me crazy that he doesn’t. I’ve come to learn that’s just not who he is.

I dont even get a card been together 11 years :rofl::rofl:

Have you told him that you don’t want flowers and want him to figure out another gift? If you haven’t told him how would he know? Maybe he thinks you like getting flowers.


Yes. Your ungrateful. My husband hasn’t gotten me a gift since our anniversary 2 years ago. Not a card or anything. Not for Mother’s Day, my birthday, Christmas, nothing in 2 years. So be grateful he even spent the time to send you flowers :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I think you are, Because if you got nothing, you would still be bitching. Be grateful you got something Something is better than nothing :slight_smile: Plus, If you don’t say anything to him, how is he going to know

For all of ya saying ya didn’t get this or that ya all need new partners and ya all need to get over them how about that!

She’s not saying she isn’t grateful all she’s saying is that he always gets her flowers… After a while it will get tiring and yes I agree with her he should change it up and make it a little special or different. Ya saying she un grateful because ya don’t get shit so flowers to ya is everything right now and ya desperate!

He could have got her a post card or a shirt something different the bigger picture here is that he didn’t put that much though into it and decided to get her flowers again…. When you really care and love someone and are into them you take out time to get them something that you know would make their day special and happy especially on their birthday. Even if he only spend 50 dollars or 20 at least is something different to me it seems like he got them so she won’t feel bad that he didn’t get her anything…

My personal opinion… I don’t think your ungrateful and I also think you should talk to him about it. It doesn’t take a rocket science for him to know that you want something different him his self should be tired of buying those flowers I feel like he doesn’t really care and does not one to go out his way and make it special for you.

Yeah hell yeah some of us dont get shit.

Lol i havent received a present in like 4 years from anyone (family children partner) and that goes for all holidays. be grateful to get anything i know I would.

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You don’t need to be “grateful” for something that’s the bare minimum. Especially when it’s something used to not have to communicate when there’s a problem. Have standards, and communicate to him on why flowers aren’t seen as a joyous thing anymore.


I dont even get a happy birthday on my birthday be greatful that he gets you flowers let alone anything ive never gotten flowers or anything for my birthday let alone an argument.


One day you won’t receive the flowers, then what

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Are they the “same flowers, same size bouquet, from the same place” he gets them from all the time? Supermarket flowers? Or are they from a florist where he goes in and picks out a selection of flowers tailored to what you specifically like?

Essentially was there thought put into it or was it a “here are some flowers now shut up” cop out?

First off happy birthday sweetheart. I wouldn’t ungrateful more on the lines of upset that he didn’t put any effort in to getting to know the things you like and using what he knows to get you the best gift you deserve. Maybe talk to him and tell him that although you like the flowers you get them from him often that you would like him to put in more effort for your birthday gift. Communication is key, if you don’t communicate to him ideas of what you would like than you won’t get it.

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I understand talk to him although I’m sure your still grateful for the flowers they just mean differently now then they used to… :muscle:

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The bar for men is set so low I stg. :unamused: your not ungrateful it’s not unreasonable to expect more from your spouse. Especially when you do for them. There is no excuse “men don’t think like women” bullshit plenty of men put thought into gifts. Women just make excuses for lazy men. Flowers are a here shut up gift. Accepting bare minimum is how we end up carrying all the weight and responsibilities in the marriage. Happy birthday.

Wow you sound petty and selfish. :flushed: be thankful he remembers and sends flowers

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Yes. Speak up. He can’t read your mind lol

Honey flowers just die .this is only my opinion I could care less about flowers .


Tell him next year or occasion, no flowers…

Highly ungrateful my husband buys me flower alway and I always act like it’s the very first time to be completely honest if he Only got me flowers for the rest of forever I’d be over the moon about it he buys them because he knows flowers are one of my favorite things and he always makes sure to get my favorite type of flowers

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Tell him to send them to me I’ll appreciate them! :bouquet::bouquet::bouquet:


I would be grateful for any gift flowers or whatever for my bday !

Extremely ungrateful. :grimacing:

I don’t think you’re being ungrateful at all. I think flowers to you now have a different meaning behind them. If he gets them for you every time you guys fight they now have that bad thing attached to them. You no longer see them for what they are. You only see them as an apology.


She’s not selfish for wanting something other than flowers with no meaning behind it. I can’t believe how many of you are so quick to go high and right or high and left; it’s no wonder most of you are miserable in your relationships.

No! 100% you are not ungrateful, they just don’t mean what they used to. However in order to change the routine; you need to work on your relationship goals and communication. Set boundaries, share your wants with him. Tell him you no longer want flowers for apologies, instead you want a hug and a kiss and a mutual sincere apology for arguing with each other. Share with him some ideas you’d like for your birthday. “My birthday is coming up and if you aren’t sure; Here are some things you could look at: x, y, z” normalize communicating with him and ask him what he wants too. Good luck and happy Birthday!


Yes seems to be pretty ungrateful to me. Be happy he at least gets you something🤷🏼‍♀ did you ever think to maybe tell him that your bored with flowers and want something different?? Be happy you at least get something!!


My husband buys me flowers all the time especially when he is doing me a coffee run favor and every single time it means the world to me. I seen my mother for example my father has never bought her flowers not even once and she always tells me to always accept them with so much love cause what she would give to have the same affection my husband has for me with my dad. Yes You sound ungrateful

Sends flowers? Like $50+ a whack? I’d be mad that he wastes money like that. Gas station flowers or something brought by him personally would feel a bit more special is my personal thought. But I’ve been with my husband for 15 and never once received flowers. I’m kinda jelly.

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He won’t know if you don’t tell him.

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It’s the thought that counts

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Appreciate the little things.

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You said Really Bad Fights?

Be thankful your hubby is still here to send you flowers.


I get where you’re coming from. I mean you want something else out of the ordinary that he already does, doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate it. Just would’ve like a night out at dinner or a necklace even (even if he did flowers along side with that would’ve been better).

You’re blessed .Appreciate them.

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I got calld a whore for my birthday and was told I was the side piece… so I would be thankful for something like that.
But also maybe you just dont need to be with them for the pure fact that they argue with you all the time and try to fix it with just flowers. Clearly they arent fixing their behavior or you wouldnt still be arguing so much

It still takes time and effort. He’s getting something he thought you liked. Yes you are being ungrateful

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Yeah you are. It took me a long time to appreciate the way my husband shows me he loves me. This is the way yours does. Have you talked to him about how you’re feeling? My husband is awful at thinking outside the box, surprising or even being romantic. Be appreciative of the flowers but have a conversation with him about how you’re feeling.

How is this a #parenting moment? This seems more like a relationship problem and something that you probably need to talk to your spouse about. Instead of coming to millions of strangers you could easily just turn around and tell your husband hey I appreciate the flowers but if you could Jazz it up a little bit that would be great. It’s not like he could read your mind or anyting if you don’t speak up an advocate for yourself when you’re feeling then you’re going to feel like this in every relationship.


Something is better than nothing its the thought that counts

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Yes its called being spoiled. I would love flowers let alone any gift.


Real world problems being send flowers on your birthday :rofl::rofl:


Flowers are sweet when they are a surprise from the heart but it sounds like its his default auto order or some no brain shit. People on here are really telling you that you should be grateful for the bare minimum?! No! Do not settle for less than! If this has you wondering then you need to speak up or let someone who is accepting of the minimum have him & find you someone who CELEBRATES your birth! I would rather a man take his TIME and take me on a picnic with hand picked flowers or something even free! I have money to buy what I want/need…give me TIME. Put time & effort into celebrating…You feel dismissed & undervalued. A price tag isn’t going to fix THAT. Pick his brain maybe that’s the only thing that he’s seen you excited about so he might think you really feel special? Judging by the comments I can see why he might feel that way but you need more reassurance it sounds like? Speak up. He’s the only 1 that can give you your answer.

I wish i had a man send me flowers but for birthdays i also appreciate going out for a meal

I would personally love getting flowers no matter what. At least he remembered your birthday and is still here to buy you flowers. Maybe try communicating more with him about how you’re feeling, but I would be so grateful that he actually did get you something instead of not doing anything at all. Maybe he’s also planning a surprise

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Yea. Coming from someone who lost her husband…. You’ll miss these! I understand what you’re saying and I’m not saying you’re wrong at all for feeling this way, but at least he is trying to do something. Tell him what you want. Most men truly don’t understand. Help him.

I’ve been wanting flowers for years…

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Aaa, it’s my birthday as well :cherry_blossom:

Yes You are being very ungrateful…Heck I never get random things and have never gotten flowers in 2 years of being together

Be grateful. It’s the thought that counts.


You’re not being selfish, just honest. Happy birthday :birthday:

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I only get flowers on valentine’s day or yard flowers :joy:

So…just to confirm… you’re frustrated because your husband
1.remembered your birthday
2.thought enough to go “hey, let’s get my wife something for her birthday”
3.chose flowers for you…
Lady, you are spoiled and unappreciative and you should leave him so he can find a woman who will appreciate him properly… you sound like my 3yr old when she gets the wrong coloured plate


anytime my ex got me flowers it’s because I complained that he wasn’t making romantic gestures. the last time he gave me flowers it was his birthday and he was doing anti birthday stuff it wasn’t for me it for him

I don’t understand why everyone here is being so hateful. Some people are miserable with what they settled for- and that’s ok. What’s not ok is telling someone else to accept their misery, especially when they’re seeking advise, just because they have.

I completely get what you’re saying. If flowers are a regular occasion gift, that makes them not so special when a special occasion rolls around.
Some men are stubborn and will never say sorry, but won’t send flowers even to avoid saying sorry… So you’re lucky for that. But if you want communication, make sure to always voice your concerns, wants, etc.

However, maybe you need to have a calm talk about how you don’t want flowers for your birthday. Men cant read minds, and sometimes you just have to draw them a whole picture (we’re not perfect either, but you know what I mean).
What will really matter is if he listens. It’s not hard to spend money on something else instead of flowers for a special occasion. Just explain your rational. Just because you married the man, doesn’t mean you have to settle for less for yourself. Your feelings still matter. But in doing this- do you treat him the same way for his birthday? Marriage works both ways.


What you allow is what will continue. This isn’t about gratitude. You ALLOW the pattern of no meaningful apology or changed behaviour on a regular basis and accept the flowers, so what do you expect?


Did you tell him that.
I honestly hate flowers as a gift. It’s so… easy. There’s no thought to it. Oh it’s an anniversary grab flowers. It’s a birthday grab flowers. I ran over the cat. Grab flowers. I’m too sorry to say i’m sorry. Grab flowers.
There’s no thought to it.

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Yes lol. I have only ever had flowers from my husband once. And he is saying sorry by getting them for you, that’s a very sweet thing for a man to do. Can’t change my mind

I love flowers. That’s all I want. The thorght that goes behind what flowers I get…

Yes you are very ungrateful he should find someone who isn’t and would love to get flowers

I only got flowers once when we were dating. Been married 10 years not a flower since.


Flowers is a sign of love appreciate them,I was married for 36 and got 2 roses when daughter was born,and 6 roses when son was born,other than that he would give me money and tell me to get myself something for my BD,mother’s day and Christmas,after my divorce I met a super nice guy online,he sent me the biggest bouquet of flowers I’d ever seen,but he was controlling so he went bye bye,so appreciate the flowers.

Do you talk about it my hub use to do the same thing I told him on a good note don’t send me nooo more flowers and that was 20 urs ago and I haven’t gotten any since i get plants and iam not gone lie I miss the flowers lol I talk about what I want for my birthday before it gets here lol

Mine didn’t even get me a card or anything. I ended up being the bad guy for Expressing that my feelings were hurt. No you’re not being ungrateful. These men need to do more than the bare minimum. It’s so annoying that they think doing things that they do every day is some special thing and deserve an award.

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Yes you’re being ungrateful

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