Am I broken as a woman?

Your not broken​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:good things take time and you can take all the time you need love… no need to feel alone…many hearts is with you and I am proud that you can be honest with yourself. You will know when the time is right and the right person will be that you need and so much more​:hugs::hugs::hugs:

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It takes along time to heal if you were to do it now it may be the wrong sort of man, counselling may help you with the blaming of yourself in no way were you to blame bless you good luck and also there are ppl that are happy being with themselves. The first thing if you go for help is not to blame yourself.Merry Christmas

Honestly, yes you are broken and that is ok. It doesn’t mean you are broken forever. You want these things and that’s a great starting point. Seek professional counseling. A certified therapist will help you immensely. They will dig into your past which is hard, but you will need to unravel the broken past in order to lay the groundwork for a health future. Good luck :two_hearts:


You are not broken, do not put that thought in your head, you just have some healing to do. Inner child healing…here is a book suggestion for you, it has helped me tremendously…Healing Your Lost Inner Child by Robert Jackson…Don’t give up❤️

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You aren’t broken. No one is broken, have you ever tried counseling? Seek out a mental health professional that you feel you can trust and get to the root of your insecurities.

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1st i definitely think you need cousiling not because of your fear of committing to putting yourself out there and allowing yourself to be interested in other people of the opposite sex. But because it sounds like there is alot of unresolved issues with the trama of being abused when you were younger.
2nd The fear you have is quite normal no one likes to put themselves out there for fear of being used or rejected. But if you hold your standards and morals to a certain standard and follow them ie… no sex for 1 year there is little they can do to use you… as long as your clear, honest and up front most men will follow suite if they are committed finding a relationship with you. Good luck sweetheart

Absolutely not! You’re whole within yourself. You don’t need to be with a man to be whole, that’s something you have already achieved. I do recommend talk therapy for your trauma, it’s nice to have someone to express that heaviness too. It’s helped me so, so much with finding tools and coping skills.


You know what I see reading this. You are a very strong independent women who is guarding herself from bullshit. Kids aren’t for everyone and either is marriage. You need to always stick with your guns.
There is nothing wrong with knowing what you do don’t want!

You’re one strong independent woman that isn’t ready to settle down. That’s all. No biggie. Marriage isn’t for everyone, kids aren’t for everyone. You’re still young and have plenty to experience. Enjoy life without putting a burden on yourself


Have you tried counseling?

This sounds like you are lacking in hormones. Go to your physician and tell him or her this. It may not just be a case of PTSD. The urge to be mommy is to an extent hormonal.

You are not broken!
I was sexually abused by a family member as well.
You are beautiful and wonderfully made, by God.
I have never forgotten what happened to me as a child and never will, but when I realized I ( as an eight year old) had done NOTHING wrong, thing’s started getting better. Talking with someone about it really does help. But make sure that you trust whom you speak to.
I have friend’s who have married and don’t want children, they are very happy.
I married and have two wonderful children and two beautiful Granddaughters. Marriage and parenthood can be wonderful! So can a life without either!
It is all up to you and what you want.
I wish you joy and happiness in whatever you choose. I do recommend you talk to someone about what happened to you as a child and then decide how you want to spend the rest of your life. No matter what you decide, you never have to be alone!!!


Aw this is so sad to read. Please go to therapy so they can help you through this. :heart::heart::heart:


We are never broken we can be wounded, all wounds take time to heal. When you are ready you will know it but do consider therapy to support you as you heal​:heart::hugs:

This breaks my heart. You are amazing and I’m so sorry about what you went through growing up. It definitely can travel travel you through life. Counseling helped me alot. You are not broken you just need guidance and healing for YOU for the things YOU want for your life. I hope you find everything in this world you deserve it. Keep your head held high.

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Please seek therapy! Find the right one for you. It will help alot

No you aren’t broken. Your perfect the way you are. If happy that’s all that matters.

I think you’re worried more about what society expects not what you really want. As a society we were thought to get married young, and have children young and raise a family. But times and life are changing and it’s becoming more acceptable to marry late or not at all and not have children. Don’t feel obligated to have a family

You’re not broken, you’re just not ready and that’s ok! This is your life and you have every right to refuse anything not meant for you! Travel, pick up a new hobby, learn about a new culture. There is so much more to life than finding a partner and having children. I did that at 16 and my ex beat me for 7yrs before i finally left. Relationships are overrated!!

Sounds like you need some therapy to deal with the past.


May GOD Bless you and help you.


You need to speak with a professional who can give you insight to your questions. You’re not broken. You need to heal and love yourself before you can love another


It sounds like you could benefit from therapy to work through your problems. It also sounds like you may need to see a dr to have your hormone levels checked. However, you do not need a man or a child to validate you as a woman. If you are happy being single without children that does not make you broken in any way

Counseling is needed and you will find that answer.

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You would most definately benefit from some counselling. You’re a survivor who sounds like she wants more for her life. It’s hard to know exactly what that is until you do the work to get there.
What happened to you is NOT your fault but your healing is your responsibility. Take back your life! Thrive, live, love and laugh. It is possible to break through this. Do this for you. :heart:


I would definitely seek counseling to help you work through things.That being said you are 1000% a woman if you don’t want children or marriage but I get mixed messages that you may actually do want that so its important to figure out what your desires are outside of your fears and trauma.You are not broken and you deserve the happiness you crave.Please seek therapy so you can get some peace and ability to move forward in the way you heart wants because you don’t deserve to feel so conflicted and lost.

I have the same issues and also due to extensive abuse. What I do is, if I find quality in the man that I friend— I don’t get involved sexually until I know his personality,character and intentions. It takes me about 1 - to 1 &1/2 years to decide — that is a long time but at least I know what I am getting.

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You’re not broken. I’m so sorry for what you had to endure. I think therapy would greatly help you overcome these emotional blocks. I also recommend you follow The Holistic Psychologist page. She discusses how things we experienced as children affect us as adults and gives tips about how to begin healing those traumas. Best of luck to you :heart:

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Your not broken but coming from someone who experienced sex abuse as a child and in foster care I avoided relationships also…never wanted kids either…but I finally met someone that it was just incredible with and was able to let my guard down and my need to protect myself slowly fade…but after 3 yrs he went through something horrible and it changed him…but not every man excepts the women to be a certain way… personally I would recommend therapy…I hated it as a child but I see where its really helped me as an adult…a mother and in my relationship now of 7 yrs…it will be hard in alot of ways…and reflect alot ALOT on your past…so be prepared and be willing…it’s rough and emotional but it is really helpful…and then I’d open your mind and heart to the possibilities of a relationship…if you want but also don’t except anything less then you deserve or aren’t comfortable with…but you won’t be comfortable or willing to pursue anything until you are able to work through your past…as harsh as it sounds it’s the truth…you can’t move forward without success if your past is effecting you in every way…I also was an animal person… love animals way more then I do people…haha…always thought I’d be a crazy cat lady and was ok with that…but I have my cats and a beautiful family…your not broken your just not sure about what your comfortable with and your not sure you deserve to be happy with someone…I didn’t…but you deserve whatever YOU want…if you want it…you know your interested in things that’s good…and a good start…maybe with therapy…and making sure to not settle,you can get there…I had alot of hesitation but I met someone who made my fear, anxiety,and uncomfortable feelings go away…sex was hard but it wasn’t with that person…but make sure when your are ready to explore dating…you don’t let anyone disrespect you…and if you come across a few not so great or nice men…don’t let it bring you down and don’t think it’s you…good luck girl and I really hope the best for you…I somewhat understand your feeling…and still sometimes struggle…I hope you find all your looking for

Best thing I ever did was speak with a counselor. She helped me realize the true effects of abuse and come to terms with my feelings.
You should try and speak with someone as well, good luck :heart::four_leaf_clover:

I recommend therapy, it can help you work through your past trauma and maybe you could open up to someone and have that fairytale life you want. But, you are not broken. I would say what you’re feeling given your past is pretty normal. I have some of the same issues but I wouldn’t say I’m broken because of it. Your life is your life and no matter how you decide to live it, you are not less of a woman. You don’t have to be a wife or have kids. Don’t get me wrong I love my children more than anything but being a mom is hard and I understand why some wouldn’t want children. It’s your life and if you’re happy with it then who cares what anyone else thinks. They aren’t you. I would try therapy though if you think you would want a relationship or kids. It could help you move forward. Good luck!

I was abused in my teen years and have never really dated. I went to therapy for 3 years and that helped alot. It helped me work on triggers and how to deal with my anxiety and depression. I have been single for most of my life and run when dating a man gets serious or they want more. Recently I had a baby and this has really helped me put things into perspective. Do I want a family unit or not? Not saying you should do the same :sweat_smile: however don’t do anything you don’t want to and if your happy just being single and living your best life then NO your not broken. Your just doing what’s best for you but I do recommend going to talk to someone.

How about some intense counseling?

Plenty of time dont dwell on things just go with the flow and enjoy mens company on your terms! and see what happens !!!:heart:

Speaking to a professional will help but ur not broken I was sexually abuse also and although I have dated its never for long

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The thought of loneliness can be scary.
But there’s still time to form healthy relationships. Being truly alone later in life is a real heartbreaking thing. I’ve worked in healthcare for 16 years and have seen the saddest stuff. I’m not saying you need a man or children, but I hope you have friends, family or support in your life that you can count on. Therapy sounds like the the best option moving forward.


You don’t need a partner or a child to be enough of a woman. You are MORE than enough. If you haven’t gotten help since you were abused as a child though, you deserve help to work through that pain. :two_hearts:

First off I want to say this is not on you
This is your ABUSER’S FAULT
THEY took your trust away
THEY forever changed the way you have viewed closeness, relationships, emotional connections, and sex
Technically that monster did break you BUT you can be mended
You will never be fully healed or put back together because the mental and emotional scars will still be there but you can learn to overcome them
Counseling is a good first step, it helps a lot of victims, unfortunately not all of us though
I spent most of my adult years seeking the attention I thought my life was been lacking which turned out to just be me letting men use me for sex because of my abuse and grooming, I didn’t know what a healthy relationship was but I have learned how to change
I’m now happily married, we have 1 child together and he loves and adores my other 3, he understands what my triggers are and that I can’t initiate sex or intimacy and he respects that

There is hope for ALL of us

You need to talk to a professional therapist ASAP!!!

As an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse you cant straighten out your current life without confronting your past through repairative therapy, all of the problems your having diagnosing and interpreting your inabilities and reluctance to relate are underpinned by your childhood trauma, therapy is the only game in town, the best of luck to you


Dating is way over rated anyway. I wouldn’t say ur broken bcuz u don’t wanna date. Maybe some therapy 2 figure out the childhood abuse stuf. I’ve been married n divorced a few times n am now single n no desire 2 date or b in a relationship again. I’m very happy with my life the way it is.

I would recommend counseling to deal with the sexual abuse. It is a probably a huge obstacle in terms of intimacy. But even if lots of therapy you don’t feel you want to be in a committed relationship or have babies YOU ARE NOT BROKEN.

I personally am married and have two kids by choice. But I don’t feel that in order for a woman to be “complete” or “proper” (not that I ever cared to be “proper”:sweat_smile:) she has to have a significant other and make babies. Hell there are definitely days I wish I could “return” mine. :joy::joy::joy: Everyone has to find their own purpose in life and for some it has nothing to do with romantic or parental relationships. And that is perfectly fine. My identical twin sister has chosen to stay childless and she has never had any sort of trauma like yours.

I personally think you need therapy. It sounds to me like you push the idea of a partner & starting a family because of what you went through. You want to be happy etc but you push it away from being afraid. You’re not broken, you are simply okay with being alone & that is empowering. Many women stay in unhappy & miserable marriages because they don’t know how to be alone. You are a badass who will one day find out that you’re just okay like that or a man will come & treat you like a goddess. Don’t let stupid norms make you think that there’s something wrong with you.

You need help to get through your emotions of sexual abuse … you’re not broken… you’re hurting. One day hopefully soon you will allow a man to love you all of you and everything will be okay. Good luck

If I were you I would ask my girl friends for help

You aren’t broken, but I do think therapy would help you- but not because you need to date a man or be a mother, just to help you with trauma in your past. There is also a likelihood you aren’t interested in sex at all and you don’t owe anyone that. I wish you the best of luck

You are not broken you’re afraid to be hurt again. You can’t trust either so it is tough.


First I’m sorry that you are struggling. I think as others have said therapy may help greatly but focus on your healing and being able to realize what you can offer a person. With trauma or without you can still offer so much. Do not let anyone set boundaries for you. You do not have to be a wife or mother to be of value. Value your self for the things you have made it through already. It’s hard…trauma is hard…growth is hard…but you are worth putting effort into yourself for you. Then if it’s in your heart to find a partner or be a mother then go crush those dreams.


Girl. You ARE enough. You are NOT broken. :heart:

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No, but want a friend? Lol I’m 27 and same. I’m just not looking forward to dating or having a guy around.

You’re not broken. Have you considered talking to a therapist? May help with so of the things you are feeling, sending love your way. :heart:

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You are not broken. You are healing. Therapy will definitely help if you have access to it!


Been there and therapy is helping, :heart:

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I have never related to something so much in my life… im so sorry you feel like that but if its any consolidation, I was 29 when I had my baby and met the man who was not like the rest. One who was patient with me sexually, emotionally and mentally… I was sexually abused by a close family member too from ages 5-11 and am only realising the extent of the abuse and trauma now…

Give yourself some gentle love. It’s ok to not feel like you belong anywhere in particular…you belong to the eath and the earth belongs to you! You are its child. Go be beautiful!
The right one will come or won’t. And it’s no biggie.

Youre not broken, you’re beautiful and perfect! You have trauma from childhood.
Thats inhibits predisposing mental health conditions such as ptsd, bpd and anxiety disorders. They come from childhood trauma.

May I suggest seeing a sexologist? I am about to see one at almost 30 for the first time. It’s scary and daunting but it’s progress!
Much love and if the OP is reading these comments.

Please feel free to reach out to me xx


You are enough all by yourself if that’s how it is, you don’t need a husband or kids, anything for that matter to measure your worth. Just love yourself. Talk to someone, a therapist, a pastor or close trusted friend. You need to leave the trauma in the past, and be able to accept know it’s not your fault and it DOES NOT DEFINE YOU! Being hurt by someone you trusted and loved is so hard, but you have to move past it and take care of you. Best of luck and so many prayers for the Saviors touch!

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You are not broken, and marriage is 100% not a fairytale.

Have you considered counseling for the abuse you went through? That’s where I would start.


You need help. You need to be able to deal with the trauma from your past to be able to live your life how you want to live it. You don’t need to have all of the above to have a happy life but you do need help with dealing with your trauma :heart:


Me to im in therapy guys just don’t know how to treat women these days there walking red flags


SA can harm your ability/desires to be intimate with someone. For so long, I didn’t want a relationship because I was terrified when it would become intimate. The flashbacks, the disgust for wanting something that was once forced upon me, the fear I was being used for sex. It still gets to me at times, but I have made significant progress over the years from both counseling and inner growth.

Go see a therapist. Talk to them and if they don’t help, find another. God bless you.


Sounds like you need to see someone about PTSD, you run scared at the first sign of intimacy to prevent yourself being hurt again. If you really want a relationship please see a psychiatrist or psychologist


why don’t you see a therapist hun? you can get to know yourself on a deeper level and see why you’re rejecting the idea of getting close to anyone ( not that you are required to date/marry/have kids) but if it’s disrupting your peace of mind you need to talk to someone about it


I didn’t read past no children… I thought this was a mom page?

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Counseling could be a huge help to you. I hope that you will look into it.

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The fact that you’ve posted this, is a great step forward. You got this. You just need guidence and help.
I wish you all the best that life has to offer you. You deserve it!


I’m sorry you are feeling this way. You are not broken, you are healing. Therapy might help, just to talk. Might help clear some things in your mind. My recommendation: self love. Work on that, if you learn to love yourself as you are, it may change your self perception. It may not change how you feel about a partner and wanting kids, but it may help find you some peace.

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You need someone you can trust to talk to, you are not the only one with this sort of problem, I don’t think we will ever be perfect, but talking to someone who relates to your problem helps alot!!!

You need to trust and only counseling will get you there ther may be more issues in your life that robbed you of trust you need to be friends with someone just to talk maybeon the Christian internette and talk as a friend tell him right now I just want some one to talk to trust takes a long time check out what job he has does have previous drama is this drama so thing that you can tolerate he’s a human being don’t hurt him slowly built trust he’s lonely too

Are you asexual? Could be… and could find a partner who is also!


You aren’t broken. Have you looked into attachment styles?

Look into anxious-avoidant attachment style and see if this resonates with you.

I have an anxious attachment style, and I’m working on it with my therapist because it’s a very codependent style where I don’t feel like I can rely on or trust myself because I was trafficked as a teenager.

I think a therapist would definitely help you.
You have been through trauma and you need to heal yourself before you can let someone into your life.
I’m sure that you will find love once you get help.


Therapy is something you need to look into to help you with those thoughts of inadequacy.


You’re NOT broken, but therapy would help focus on YOUR happiness first. Then find a good counselor

I’m so sorry that happened, what a traumatic thing to endure. You are a proper woman just like any one of us, you may just be emotionally unavailable and afraid it will happen again, I honestly don’t blame you for being traumatised and careful! You may need to seek therapy for something like this, don’t ever feel the need to be in a relationship it is ok to be alone.

You arnt Broken, you have been mistreated and have lost all trust in men, to have any sort of relationship you might need to consider therapy to heal yourself properly and one day I hope you find the one you can trust and hold forever not all men are bad I hope one of us can prove that to you one day :heart:


Therapy girl I’ve been sexually abused by family member beat to death by my sons dad and some things will just always effect you! A good therapist could help you feel ready when you are ready for love! You deserve love girl you have to try!


I believe therapy will help you in a way to learn how to let a man in your life, your mind, your soul and body. I also believe if you met a man who like you and cared about you they will be understanding and respect what it is you are asking for or how slow you may want your relationship to go… I’m sure if you open up about yourself to a man that may interest you who has your best interest at heart things will go smoothly… you will no who that is… some men are very obvious to what they want and only want… speaking with someone on a weekly basis will really help a lot! Good luck on. Your journey and blessings to your future… I’m so sorry you had to experience what you have growing up no person should ever have to go through that… everything you’re feeling comes with what happened to you and it’s ok to have these feelings… but the more you talk about the better it may be to let someone in who is willing to understand you!

I think you should seek therapy before you even attempt to date. There’s a lot going on here, but you’re not broken. Good luck!


I would seek help. Your reaction to your abuse is normal …
Above al, don’ compare your life to others’ as we all have a role to play out in life :wink:
Be happy with who are and everything else will fall in line -

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A therapist may be a good idea?.. work through all that needs to be worked though to get to where you want to be!

Everyone’s trauma effects them differently. I believe your childhood trauma is effecting you in this way. Maybe try counseling. I’m so sorry your feeling this way. I stayed single for 7 yrs before I met my husband. Never been in and out of relationships mainly traumatized from my 1st marriage. I only had 1 relationship after my divorce and before I met my husband.

Good luck xx

I’m so very sorry you feel this way. You need to seek the help of a professional. Someone who can help you sort out your feelings and get past your self doubts. What happened to you so long ago was not your fault but I’m afraid in the back of your mind you are blaming yourself and you need help to get that straightened out. I know I did. Please, please seek the help of a licensed professional. Your bent but not broke so to speak. Lol I’ll pray for you and keep you in my prayers. :pray::two_hearts::rose:

Please go to therapy

I agree with what everyone else is saying go to a councelor or psychologist they will help with the trust issues but u only have that because u was sexually abused as a child

I agree you are broken because someone broke your innocence and trust at a very young age like me and it’s OK to feel broken :slightly_smiling_face: Just know that there are therapist and psychiatrist that can help you start to put all those tiny broken pieces of yourself back into a manageable position. I am almost 60 and am still somewhat broken even after therapy but my brokenness isn’t destroying my life anymore :upside_down_face: I’ve learned a lot about myself from writing down my feelings and definitely learned to control the angry little girl that dwells within my heart and I have learned to love her and myself. I know how hard this is to talk about but you must talk about it in order to start healing. :pray: #it’s not your fault

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I don’t think you’re broken. You’ve just adapted to the things that have happened. Being in a relationship means being vulnerable. You need to work through the insecurities and learn to set healthy boundaries before you get in a relationship

Your not broken. See a counselor.
They can help you. What happened to you wasn’t your fault. You can find happiness and love.