Am I crazy for asking this?

To each their own :woman_shrugging:

I think those thing should stay private.

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My wife and i have been having lots of problem living together, she never gives me attention or make me happy all because she has fallen in love with another man outside our marriage. I tried my best to make sure that my wife leaves this man but the more i talk to her about it the more she makes me feel sad and unhappy, my marriage started leading to divorce because she no longer gives me attention. but seriously i adore her so much, I lost my integrity, all my project stopped, i was DOWN for 3 months both Health-wise and mentally. I tried to forget about her but i love her beyond measure and didn’t want to lose her to any man outside my home, we’ve been married for 5 good years and she’s all i could call a true best friend and best in all, she’s the only woman that handles my problems perfectly, the woman that sacrifices for my happiness. I wanted her back in my life. I was so confused. Until a Friend from college told me to book an appointment with Prophet Lago, whom she claimed she had been consulting for years for “CLARITY”. I read about him and saw his family has been in the business and he picked it right off from his father, also had lot of great amazing testimonies about this man then I decided to give him a try so i contacted him immediately, explained my predicament to him. Same day Prophet Lago did some Wonderful prayers and counseling for me and assured me that in 3 days my wife will return to me and to my greatest surprise the 2nd day my wife came knocking on my door and start pleading begging me for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to say our vows again, i proposed. And I wouldn’t stop talking about this miraculous hand work of God in my life. so for any assistance Contact him today for urgent help via email address: or WhatsApp him: +2347060550594.


Being insecure is perfectly okey, just make sure you have a fair discussion about it, that she’s had her chance to give input or end the relationship, and if she continues after it’s just a lack of respect to you and your better off walking away to find a relationship in which both of your insecurities can be discussed and compromised with, if not gives you the help and support you need to work on your unhealthy insecurities.

I use to talk to my coworkers and friends/family/inlaws anyone who would ask something about sex I’d say it with pride…

One day my sister’s and all our partners were having a few drinks and bbq sitting around the table and my older sister said something along the sex line and the boys felt uncomfortable…
The next day my partner said wtf was with last night, I was like Meh I tell everyone and he said if a chick or coworker or your fam come up to me how would you like it and I went off and he said see…

So I don’t talk about it or give anyone info now :smirk:

Maybe explain it like that if you were to do it howd she feel.

You’re not crazy, but you might need a new girlfriend who respects your boundaries.


I’d leave you. But that’s me. I talk openly about everything. And no one dictates what I’m allowed to talk about.


Tell her not to talk about you to her coworkers and dont tell you about their talks?

It’s your boundaries. If she can’t respect your boundaries then it’s time to move on.


If she’s talking about private sex and spilling y’all’s beans, that’s disrespectful to you both. In other hand, if she’s just talking about sex in general she might learn a thing or two and you both will be happy. :blush:

I’m sorry but you are not crazy and it’s not a matter of insecurities it’s a matter of self respect. That’s something that should stay between the two of you. There’s certain things that you don’t discuss with others and what goes on in the bedroom should stay between your 4 walls of your home.


So here’s how it is… if you talk about it with your pals, and that’s fine she can talk about it with her pals. BUT if you feel like that is a sacred thing that only the 2 of you are ment to share, and she out here sharing it willy-nilly, then maybe you need to reevaluate your relationship, and set some boundaries.


The fact u feel the need to set this boundary is what worries me.
Why? Its adults talking about adult topics? My ex did this shit and it irked my soul. Dont tell me what I can and cannot talk about especially if it’s literally me bragging about u :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Male or female coworkers? That would determine if you’re crazy or not


Like sex in general as a topic or sex with you in particular? Everyone has a right to privacy and that a solid boundary. Asking her not to talk about sex at all is kinda more controlling.

If that is what your boundary is I don’t think you are crazy but it sounds more like an insecurity. Healthy adults know you cannot control your spouse nor what they say or do. That is where you decide if this person is right for you. I myself may make sexual innuendos in mixed company but I don’t sit there and speak vulgarly about sex nor about my sex life. All you can do is ask her and if it’s a deal breaker then you should move on to someone that doesn’t speak in that manner. You can’t force her to change especially if she doesn’t see nothing wrong with it. With women, it comes down to the approach and the tone you ask. “I forbid you to speak about sexual things with your coworkers or it’s over!!” Sounds controlling and like a red flag. “I would like to make sex talk with the opposite sex a boundary in our relationship because I’ve dealt with it in the past and it led to an ex cheating with her coworker. I know it’s something I need to work on and am asking if that would be a problem for you?” That gives her the option to decide and if she disagrees and it’s a deal breaker then move on.

is she talking about your sex life together or sex in general? sex in general not an issue. your sex life together is a privet matter and shouldn’t be discussed

What happens in the bedroom is between me and my husband, it’s nobody else’s business. If I want to talk to someone I’ll go to a therapist. Someone with an unbiased opinion that is bound by confidentiality. :woman_shrugging:

Stop trying to control her, and stop being so insecure. You sound extremely controlling.


Are these co workers also close friends? If not, your sex life together is not their business and an inappropriate topic for work, and could possibly be construed as sexual harassment. See Anita Hill & Clarence Thomas.

It should remain private

sex per se or intimacy bit of difference

Your girl is for the streets


Can we say sexual harassment in the workplace… she is setting herself up for a disaster. If someone overhears her and turns her in :woman_shrugging:t4:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I crazy for asking this?

I feel like you can ask her not to talk about her sex life with you but not that she can’t talk about sex at all. People at many jobs bring up that kind of stuff all the time. It would be weird for her to act like she can’t discuss it.


That to me should be kept private. Me and mine don’t discuss anything with anyone about our life period. The less people know the less they can say!!!


Normal isn’t universal, what is normal for a spider is chaos to the fly right? So maybe for her, that is normal :woman_shrugging:t2: now you’re not crazy for being upset, however, you cannot expect things of her unless she knows that expectation is there, it’s unfair and will never work out. So don’t be upset that she didn’t know that would upset you, even if that seems obvious to you.


If it makes you uncomfortable she should respect that. I’m also curious how she’s going about it. Is she speaking to a close female coworker to get maybe help or insight on certain things? Or is she discussing it with male coworkers?
I have a female coworker who I’ve known for years that sometimes I do talk about sexual things with to get her insight and tips/tricks. Buts it’s like a girl to girl talk


No if it’s something that makes you uncomfortable, then she should respect that.


To many missing details, if its a long term friend and coworker and she isnt sharing details about you personally than I dont see an issue, now if these are just random people she works with and shes sharing your personal information and embarrassing details that is definitely an issue

Talking about sex with her friend should be fine, but talking about your sex life/including details about you is definitely NOT fine.


Your sex life should be private if it makes you uncomfortable to talk about. Now her talking to a few close friends about things is one thing. But if you were doing this to her and she was uncomfortable with it it would be completely unexeptable. Gaslighting is abuse.

Whether she agrees or not, she should recognize that this is a strict boundary for you and respect that.
If shes not respectful of her actions after knowing it bothers you, then thats a real problem.

Ive said the same to women about their men.

No reason why my advice should change.

My husband is like this too!
No - you aren’t crazy. You feel how you feel about it and she should respect your feelings on the subject. Some people like to keep their sex lives completely private and there is NOTHING wrong with that!

If that makes you feel uncomfortable, then she should totally respect your wishes. If she doesn’t respect your wishes, that goes to show you how much she can really “care” about your feelings.

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Me and my fiancee work at the same place. A restaurant and idk why but in that industry every single restaurant I’ve worked at sex is always brought up so me n the girls would talk about experiences ect. My fiancee started getting a little weird about it after we started dating because they obviously know we are together and so they are gonna know his sex life too. And I respected that like I’d laugh and stuff at their stories but wouldn’t tell mine. Obviously there needs to be some common ground like if that’s not something you want talked about then she should respect that if she can’t then maybe yall need to have a more serious talk

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If it makes you feel uncomfortable then she should respect your feelings. Then trying to act like YOU’RE the crazy one is a BIG red flag


I see both sides, yes its unprofessional, it on the other hand if your partner works in a single sex dominated environment it could be something that is talked about, perhaps your partner could still have these conversations, but just not the intimate details of you both

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ANY sex related conversations and just about you two?!

i’m sorry but coworkers are just THAT. coworkers. be professional and don’t talk about sex ESPECIALLY if it bothers your significant other! you aren’t crazy or psychotic at all. i think that’s a pretty reasonable request and she sounds like a red flag for saying that. narcissist vibes


The fact that she thinks it’s okay shows how immature she is. Do yourself a favor and leave. Find someone better.


That should be between u and her only I think!!

It depends on what u consider sexual talk.

Only if you are bad in bed

Is there a running list of what she can talk about and to who?


Your uncomfortable with the idea of her talking about sex to her co-wokers this is very mature & very reasonable of you. Co-workers should really only be talking about work related purposes unless they all have different intensions amongst each other flirtations as such… conversations like this should be kept in between you and your significant other especially when one is uncomfortable to speak openly about it…if she can not respect your wishes you should leave this will tell you she is a “red flag”!

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I see a HR visit in her future.

Why is she even telling you what they talk about??

Truthfully she definitely should NOT be discussing her sex life with you…good or bad…but you are being a control freak telling her what kind of conversations she can have with her coworkers…women always talk about sex…but like I said she should not be talking about her relationship with you…

I’ve set this boundary before so no it’s definitely not crazy.

Take it as a compliment and don’t be a douche canoe trying to control topics of her conversations.


I think I’d need more info and details about how and why this came up … I can see both sides … but I wouldn’t necessarily like if my significant other told me what I can and cannot talk about either.
Sounds like you don’t trust her judgment in general.


Not crazy, now if she talks sex to her coworkers you may need a new girlfriend

Some things should be left in the bedroom

Most guys I know enjoy talking about dicks and bragging about all of the women they’ve had but it’s suddenly a crime for women to joke around and talk about sex with their friends. Double standard.

Imagine having masculinity so fragile, this threatens it


Male or female coworker?
Female…it’s gonna happen. Some women like to chat. If she’s going indepth, that’s kinda iffy.
Male coworker though, is a flat no. And if she doesn’t respect that line. She’s gotta go.


She shouldn’t be doing that since she’s in a relationship with you. When being in a relationship with some one you don’t do that. It’s called respect.

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As my hubby says, all girls talk about sex with their girlfriends. My hubby over hears my conversations and doesn’t care, probably cause I ain’t got anything to complain about :hugs::wink:

Naw, that’s controlling. Also, she’s gonna talk about whatever she wants to talk about with her coworkers & it’s really none of your business. There’s a difference between chat & actual sex. Unless she’s cheated on you with them, they shouldn’t be a threat to you.

No not crazy. If it makes you uncomfortable then she needs to understand that boundary


Nah. You’re insecure as hell. Unless she’s given you some reason to be concerned with her crossing an actual physical line, you can’t dictate what she talks about. You’re gonna control her conversations? Tell her not to share about yalls specific sexual details but if it’s like a xx joke or something, and it doesn’t involve you or your relationship, then you need to get a grip.


Sounds like you need to check yourselves insecurities. Not hood start in a relationship to think you can tell what your gf can or can not do.
Curious why you think since she is your gf that gives you the right to tell her what she can and cant do. You can tell her it makes you uncomfortable and she than can chose to or not to. Just because your in a relationship doesnt mean it is the right to control them. Smh


Maybe he can’t get it up and she needs to vent about her sexual frustration to a friend? At least she’s not sleeping around


I’m the same way, I think it’s a private matter. To tell you the truth, none of the women I know talk about their sex life.

My boyfriends best friend is a girl who talks about sex a lot. I was uncomfortable at first and then when I decided to join in the conversation, my boyfriend got to learn a lot about what I like and dont like :wink:

I personally don’t discuss details of my sex life to other people out of respect to my husband

Here’s the long and the short; you set a boundary for you and your relationship, your partner is unwilling to respect that boundary as made apparent by the reaction and subsequent gaslighting by saying there’s something wrong with you for setting a boundary. That itself is all you need to know about your relationship and the person you’re spending time with. :heart:


Women are going to talk about that kind of stuff with people they view as friends. It’s normal. Just like men talk about sex with their friends. I don’t think that’s something to worry about unless you want your sexual relationship private, you need to speak to her one on one. The way you feel is valid and relationships are about respect so I’m sure she would understand if you are just honest about how you feel.

In the workplace that would be considered sexual harassment. Having been in Management for over 30 years this would be grounds for immediate termiation.


Freedom of speech … Like wtf everyone talks about there partners and sexual experiances to someone or another … Enless shes talking mad shit to another perspective interest then it shouldnt be an issue if your concerned you bad in bed and thats why your being up tight then kick it up a notch and have her tell them how much you made her scream like thats really all there is …

It’s hard to know the scope of the conversations you’re referring to, but as a general rule, I believe that dignity and integrity within your relationship is a beautiful thing.


having worked in factories my entire life, i have to tell you, women are by far, more into sex talk at work. good luck stopping it

If it’s female workers I don’t see the problem. Maybe she’s getting advice or ideas for in the bedroom with you. If it’s a guy that is totally unacceptable, that’s just my opinion BUT if you have expressed that you don’t like it and or are uncomfortable with it than she should stop. Respecting you partners boundaries is important in relationships


If it’s about your sex life with her, then you have a right to be upset and set that boundary,if it’s just random talk, then I don’t see an issue

Me and the girls at my work talk about sex :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: I dont see the problem with it. I mean its different if its guys but if it is other females I dont see the problem with it.

No one is going to tell me what I can or can’t talk about unless its about them. So as long as she isn’t given details about you or to someone they could be involved with then don’t worry about what she is talking about. You can’t control everything someone does.


How do you know what she’s talking about at work ?
Women talk…just like men
As long as she’s not actually discussing your private life there’s no harm in it…its just a laugh


Humans talk about sex. Male…female…other…we All do.
Sorry/not sorry. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

My son once walked in to the livingroom and realized his gf and I were discussing sex. He literally dragged me off the couch. Said it was his personal nightmare. Told him we weren’t discussing him, we weren’t. We were discussing sex yes, but not about him but about her.

I love that some of you responding are telling him he’s controlling and insecure and blah blah blah; but if the shoe was on the other foot, you same women would be up in arms and saying that he needs to respect your boundaries and your feelings are important and he shouldn’t be doing that with his co-workers, especially if makes them uncomfortable. If you are in an exclusive relationship someone, doesn’t matter if it’s same sex relationship or male/female relationship, respect is respect. If your partner is doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable, then you should be able to discuss that with your partner and they should be able to be mature enough to understand that both parties in the relationship have feelings and both parties are equally important. If your partner doesn’t understand how respect works, then you should consider moving on and finding someone that wants to build a future with you that shares the idea of what mutual respect is.

My ex used to have this same insecurity. He felt if I made sexual jokes or comments or even participated in a sexual conversation that other guys would view me in a sexual manner. I tried my best to respect this boundary to make him more comfortable— but it got worse. All of sudden I wasn’t allowed to let any of my coworkers know that I was bisexual…. Because in his mine “that’s hot and will make other guys want you”. He tried controlling so much of my behavior that I lost who I was.


Yes your crazy she’s asking you to be in the conversation so you have no reason to feel uncomfortable and you definitely have no right to tell her what she can and can’t talk about YOU ARE THE PROBLEM not your girlfriend talking about sex things

You are not crazy. She is disrespectful

No you are not crazy at all. That is inappropriate.

I don’t like talking about my personal sex life with people, and when my fiancé started talking about it while we were all out with friends at dinner… I was super uncomfortable and embarrassed!! After that, I asked him to never do it again. I like to be private, but if he wants to talk about it… I would rather he talk to his friends when I’m not around to hear it.

If it’s a boundary for you then it’s a boundary for you! You’re not crazy for setting boundaries about things that make you uncomfortable. I’d find a lady that’s comfortable with that boundary


Did anyone mention that it’s against the law

I think it’s a girl thing that we do lol🤣

But if my fiance doesn’t want me too then that’s it.

A lot of important missing details here. It really depends on if she’s going into details and giving out private and possibly embarrassing details about your all’s sex life specifically. If she is then, absolutely I’d be upset about it. You have every right to be upset by that and she should respect your wishes.

My question is how do you know she talks about sex things with her coworkers? And you gotta ask yourself why it makes you feel uncomfortable.

People think less of you. My dad said becare full of what you tell the peole you work with cause if you are gone a day ever body says t
Stuff about you like a soap on the tv

Definitely not crazy.

I agree thatpeo makes

Umm I was raised to not discuss my sexual encounters with anyone! Maybe Im just a young person with a ol soul but that’s a no for me I would t even feel comfortable myself

Thats why bedrooms have doors