Am I crazy for asking this?

I just have a question that’s been bothering me. I told my girlfriend I would appreciate if she didn’t have any sex related conversations with her coworkers. Am I crazy for setting that boundary? Because she’s saying I’m like this psycho person for not wanting her to talk to her coworkers about sex things. Am I crazy because things like this make me uncomfortable?

If it’s with other guy then I see where you’re coming from, if it’s another girl… I don’t really see the harm. Girls talk about those kinda things with friends, the same way guys do.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I crazy for asking this?

Why would she talk about sex things :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Some people prefer private things to STAY private, nothing wrong with that.


Just because sex makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t mean it makes everyone. She can talk about all the sex she wants. Warning, keep it up and she’ll have conversations about it without you, ever again. Stop controlling her behavior.

Nothing wrong with that.

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I total understand this, I was like this with my husband. I just think it’s weird. But, I grew out of it and he stopped talking about it. Lmaooooo idk

I saw this exact same question asked either here or somewhere else. Why does it bother you that she has these conversations unless she’s doing it in a flirtatious sort of way??


No not at all I wouldn’t want my man talking about sex with another female I would have a big problem with that and I know my man would have a big problem with me talking to another dude about sex It’s inappropriate there’s no reason for it

That is very inappropriate to talk about openly at work. Better to get her to stop before someone gets HR involved.


Why does it make you uncomfortable? Ask yourself this & get to the root of your own wounding. In this way you can control yourself by healing instead of applying force onto others, which never works.


Ok. Is she having conversations with men about sexual things? Taking about your sex life with her girlfriends at work? Because those are two different things. I work with my bet friend and the things we talk about :eyes::eyes: but I would never talk sexually with any man

Seems a bit controlling. Like it is just girl talk? She should be able to do that.


If you want private stuff with her not talked about should be respected.

Just like she would want you to keep quiet about something if she asked


We work around children. My co worker tells me that’s all her driver talks about. I just shake my head no that’s not appropriate.

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I talk to my co-workers and friends about sex. Take it as a compliment that she is bragging about you to them

Your not crazy. Since she knows it bothers u if she really cared about u she would stop and respect your feelings.

You can ask her not to discuss your sex life.

If she didn’t tell you, you would never know …:person_shrugging:


I feel there’s nothing wrong with this. You and your spouse have boundaries, not only with yourselves but with others as well. I don’t feel comfortable talking to others about that sort of thing, that’s something strictly between my husband and I.


Are you talking about her having these conversations with female or male coworkers? That would make a huge difference in my answer!


She did whaaa? Why would you talk like that? She work in a night club or sex shop? How does that come up? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don’t think it’s too much to ask. If it makes you uncomfortable she should respect that, as you should respect things that make her uncomfortable


Why would you think its some kind of trauma…dude just doesn’t want what’s done behind closed doors talked about with people he’s gotta see at an employee BBQ… not everyone wants to know any damn way I for one don’t want to hear about my coworkers sexcapades

Never brag on the sex life. Pandora’s box, I tell ya.

You could ask that she not talk about it in front of you. She may or may not respect that but you can’t stop someone from talking about anything even if it makes you uncomfortable.

Hell nah you better let her know that’s really inappropriate you just don’t talk about your sex life unless she trying to actually get F***** honestly that’s gross :face_vomiting: That’s Hella Private​:100::100::100::woman_facepalming:t2:

I don’t think that is good topic for talking about at work. I wouldn’t want to hear it there.


I’ll attest to that….nothing wrong with keeping your private matters modestly exclusive. Opposed to another notch in ones bedpost. It’s really nobody’s business but you twos really. I personally find a kiss and tell a turn off. Good luck!


I dont see anything wrong with talking about sexual things with who you work with.


You’re not crazy. Everyone has boundaries. Those are yours


Is she just openly telling everyone or just a couple close coworkers? I never blasted my business to everyone but I did have a couple of close coworkers/ friends that I’d talked about sex stuff with.

I prefer not to have my personal business put out there as in when i do it where i do it how i do it, but as far a general conversations about sex that doesnt bother me one bit… i just dont like it personalized

I think if it’s girl coworkers you shouldn’t trip. But if it’s males I see you


How close is she with her coworkers? Male or female? Assuming you male?

I’d be pretty annoyed if you tried to tell me what topic of conversation I could have.


Umm no… that’s weird. She knows how you feel about it and should respect your feelings


I think this really depends on context.

If you’re asking her to not talk about sex whatsoever (as in, no acknowledging sex even exists, leaving convos when coworkers bring up their sex lives, etc.) that the boundary is unhealthy and it would be a really good idea for you to do some self reflection and journaling to get to the root of why the idea of your partner talking about sex upsets you. Remember, your feelings are valid, but you shouldn’t project your insecurities onto others.

If you are asking that she doesn’t discuss your sex life in depth, that to me is understandable as you do not know her coworkers and it is reasonable that you do not want people you don’t know well knowing intimate details of your personal life.

Your bedroom should be private.


For me personally, I don’t discuss my sex life with anyone but my husband or my doctor. I have a few best/very close girlfriends and I don’t discuss it with them either. Some things are just no one else’s business.

I guess it depends on context. Is she talking to people about y’alls sex life? Or sex as a general topic? And are these people just general coworkers or actually friends?

No she’s being disrespectful I think


I have friends ask me a lot of sex related questions because a lot of factors regarding sex/sexual interest are psychological and I am educated in that area. I would never turn down a conversation just because it’s about sex. But then again I’m also not flirting or being provocative in these conversations, so it really just depends.

You are not crazy at all. Everyone has things that bother them and things that don’t.

Some people are 100% okay with this and some people are not okay with this at all. If it bothers you, then it bothers you.

If she’s making you feel like you’re psycho because you’re expressing that something bothers you and it would make you feel more comfortable for her to stop, she’s not the one for you.


I don’t think it’s weird … My dude doesn’t want me talking about our sex life with other people … Including my friends … Sooo I would say no you’re not crazy … However … As long as you’re following the same shit I say stick to your boundaries

Some things are just meant to be private and boundaries should be respected. But it’s a bit difficult if you guys don’t see eye to eye on said topic. I myself would be irritated if my significant other was talking about sex to the opposite sex IF it was a continuous things and getting out of control. But I feel guys should be able to have their guy talk when they have guy time so girls should have the same thing too.

Idk I don’t talk about my sex life with people I work with. That’s personal.

This isn’t requesting she not talk about just their personal sex life. This is I don’t want you talking about anything sex related and you’re out of line. She is an adult and can choose her own topics of conversation.

Yes you are crazy that’s what girls do let us do our thing


Nah, HR would agree with you. Lol.


I don’t see a problem with talking about sex stuff in general but if it’s your own sex life she is talking about I’d feel the same way, as that’s your private life and no one else needs to know what you guys do behind that bedroom door.

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Your bedroom should be private but, she should also respect your feelings. There is other topics she can talk about in a conversation.


When women get together they talk about all kinds of things sex topics included. I’m sure men hold some of the same conversations. As long as she’s talking to a group of women without guys around it shouldn’t be a problem. I would be more worried about the form of control issues she’s going to think you have.You can’t dictate what someone else says out of their mouth🙄

What goes on in the bedroom involves YOU. Therefore gives you the right to not want it shared. She’s violating your privacy & then gaslighting you & telling you you’re crazy for being uncomfortable & setting a boundary. That’s extremely toxic & if she can’t understand you not wanting intimate information about yourself shared w random people, then I’d personally leave.

You’re allowed to have boundaries regardless of if someone thinks they’re “crazy” or not. Anyone who can’t respect them no matter how they personally feel about them, isn’t the person for you.


I would be mad if my boyfriend told me that. Girls talk to their friends about stuff. I told my bf all the stuff I’d tell my friends and he was amused. Esp when it made him feel good. :roll_eyes:. Be confident. We’re adults


Depends…is it sexual things in general, or is she giving details about your guys sex life? Also is it outside of work, are they friends or simply co workers?

No, you’re not crazy. They’re your feelings and they’re valid. Your feelings matter too. She should respect that. 100%.


If it’s a boundary for you it’s a boundary. People love to speak on respecting boundaries until it’s a mans boundary :woman_shrugging:t4:


I agree it should stay between you no 9ne else.


It’s perfectly ok to not want your GF to talk specifically about your sex life, but you have to remember it’s also her sex life too.
Maybe you should discuss what makes you so uncomfortable about sex discussions and hopefully you can both come to a comfortable medium

One false move and HR would have a field day. Not professional behavior to talk sex in the work place.

It should be kept out the workplace. Inappropriate conversation.


I mean, that’s what makes work go by…


I agree with you sex is something that should be kept private between you and her only

Anything that really makes someone uncomfortable in a relationship needs to be communicated and then respected. Good for you for communicating because sometimes that’s the hardest part and hopefully she will in turn be able to respect your boundaries and right to privacy. This builds trust.


Do you know her work friends personally?

Doesnt seem like its about yall having sex, seems more like shes having conversations with coworkers about sex in general and sex related topics which in the end give off wrong vibes and wrong intentions. Id ask her to stop and if she doesnt id leave

Some like a private sex life others not sooooooo much. It doesn’t make you crazy

I would be upset too and I’m a girl

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If she can not RESPECT your feelings. Kick her ass to the curb.

Meh… I’d be worried if she was :wastebasket: talking… Otherwise I would wear it proud :woman_shrugging: But… We aren’t all the same.


Naw. Sounds like you were straight forward (instead of passive aggressive) and told her what you aren’t comfortable with. If her need to converse on the subject of sex outweighs her concern for your wishes…then you are in the wrong relationship.

At work we have a lot of little webinars on stuff like this. If you heard it then that is sexual harassment by definition. It is an unwanted behavior that you endured. You can report her for sexual harassment.


Keep your ground
She should respect certain topics


No and she should respect those boundaries…

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Lol… you don’t wannt hear the convos that go on in my sales room!! I think us ladies are worse then the men’s locker room!! :thinking:


I don’t think it’s appropriate if it’s a male work colleague


Out of respect for my husband. I would never do that. So what I’m understanding is that you want her to respect you and y’all’s relationship.


Jacey Shrum you are absolutely correct however OP doesnt say their sex life they say ANY SEX RELATED conversation. That’s controlling and ridiculous and honestly I would call OP the toxic one. You get to decide what information I share that involves you, you dont get to decide what general conversations I have with other people.

Sex is great. Share the love.

Not at all, I certainly wouldn’t appreciate my partner talking about our private life with co worker’s. Completely inappropriate IMO


I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s natural Most people talk about sex at some point.

It’s not a big deal?
This might come as a surprise but…now get ready…most adult humans have sex.
I know…shocking right?
Of course I’m being a sarcastic ass but for real, sex is one thing most every adult human can relate to each other on. The fact it’s been made out to be this private almost embarrassing secret is insane imo. Sex is one of the most natural behaviors we as humans possess along with many other creatures such as insects or dogs and cats.
So why is it still a taboo thing to divulge with others doing the same?
Kinda like not sharing your hourly wage with other employees. Doing so only furthers a company’s ability to underpay or heavily tax their employees, even steal from their employees. IT SHOULD be shared, absolutely. When we dont, we may never know what is normal and what’s not appendage wise, body wise, possinly even recognize sexual abuse in some cases.
When we share sexual experiences ect we normalize our bodies, rid the act of shameful connotations, maybe even learn a few things and possibly soften the stigma surrounding sex that leads sexual abuse victims from speaking out.
Consider your decision man, it’s not worth getting worked up over.

You’re not crazy, perhaps a bit insecure though. You can’t police what your partner talks to other people about unless it’s cheating stuff or your own personal life or your sex life. Otherwise you got no say honey. You’re not crazy though, don’t call yourself that. We all struggle with some sort of insecurity issues.

Are we talking about sex in general or the sex that you two are having? Because those are two different things.

lol I had to read that twice. I could’ve swore it said “I told my girlfriend I would appreciate if she didn’t have sexual relations with her coworkers.”


I wouldn’t talk about it at work if I didn’t know them…I work with my cuz so we talk about everything under the sun. So…I see your point but we women talk. About everything. Lol

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If the boundaries are set and communicated between the two of you all is good, no one else’s business. you need to follow your own rules and no shop talk as well. Must be worried about something??

as long as she doesn’t talk about specifically detailed things of the 2 of you. talking about sex and sex related things among friends and family is normal

If she’s talking about setoys or a adult type if party where adults go to buy stuff, I dont see an issue there. But, if she’s saying personal se stuff to ppl you dk that has to do with you I’d be uncomfortable.
And then also, if theirs talk of just her, in certain content I’d be a bit concerned about that too. Like, why do strangers she works w have to know how your gf likes se* or stuff to that nature…

Long as its not male coworkers shouldn’t be a problem unless p you just that insecure


Ur not crazy she should respect your wishes

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She is a grown ass adult and can talk about whatever she wants :rofl::rofl:
why does it make you insecure? I’d look at that reasoning and then go from there before trying to control what your S/O talks about

Making someone else walk on eggshells just because of your insecurities :flushed:. No, thank you.


She should be respecting you on this.


U felt it and needed to say it to her. Some people don’t care, some people do but if it comes up as a boundary for yourself as a person and you’ve asked to set that… then there’s a line now made that’s not to be crossed by her and you, so that is a respect thing at this point. Especially male coworkers in that aspect. Question is, how would she feel you doing the same thing right. Probably wouldn’t like it either.

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She should know better anyway

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Depends on what is being said.
Like are we talking generally…like what toy she swears by or position that works great? Or we talking personal…
how you did such and such to her and how she did or didn’t like it…or how long you lasted etc?
Cuz generally…it happens. Esp with women. We alllll talk it and offer suggestions. As we’re all just looking to orgasm lol
If personal…ya that’s not cool. Don’t do that.
But just general talk…meh.
Altho question was are you crazy to ask that…nope.
If it’s something you’re just not comfy with, then you have the right to ask that it not be talked about.
Then your partner is then allowed to honor it or not. Then you decide if you can live with said response or not🤷.
Your feelings are valid.

But by my definition…sex talk isn’t a big deal if it’s generalized.
We women do it all the time lol

Do you talk to the guys?