Am I crazy, help!

Things won’t get better. He’ll have more bad days than good and continue to take it out on you. In the beginning he probably said all his ex’s were crazy and he was so nice/ good to you. Then things started to change slowly and you realize his ass is the crazy one. Just speaking from experience, just be safe.

Read this. It’s not just about abuse, but anger as well.

You have to give him a ride to work? He obviously needs you more than you need him! Boy bye!


Yes it is mental abuse. Get out of there.

Move on from him! You deserve better !

It is absolutely abuse of the worst kind…do what ever it takes to free yourself from him ASAP…

It’s abuse. This is how starts. Give it a couple months and he’ll be hitting you for missing calls and accusing you if cheating. Run. Now.


Sounds like he’s using something?
Coke,Crack or Meth sweetie,signs are there loud+clear of an addict.

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Ok, has anyone asked…. Could he be, or IS he mentally I’ll himself? No excuse, but has he been to a Dr? He could be Bi-polar or have other issues.

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Classic narcissistic behavior. It doesn’t go away, it gets worse. Let him go! Tell him he ain’t nothing to trip about on his way out!!


Get rid of him people only treat you how you allow them to treat u. Sounds like a narcissist


You are definitely NOT crazy…it is abusive and he’s Narcissistic!!! Girl run !!!


Narcissist. Get away you can have mental issues from this mans abuse. Can be now/later my psych issues took few yrs to manifest. Get away asap. Dont even argue with him leave while he gone from home for awhile. I will bet $ if you tell him things will get bad/physical just go asap. They are really good at fake behaviour at 1st. The monster will keep comin out once it starts

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He’s cheating and feeling guilty.


Run fast. It’s either drug issues or he is a little boy with issues in a man’s body.

Sounds to me like his having an affair… probably with a married woman…

Sadly a thief always thinks everyone steals… Sounds like he might be cheating…

Read halfway and decided he’s cheating

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Any chance he found something out that youve done or are currently doing that would ruin the relationship?

Tell him you are Done & busted " & don’t come back "

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Dude, that’s full on abuse. Leave him ASAP either wise expect years of unhappiness if you don’t. :unamused::unamused::unamused:


He’s a narcissist and most probably cheating… get out while you can xx

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Girl just cut your losses and move on before there are kids involved. My sons dad did this. The back and forth of being nice one minute and an asshole the next was too much for me. I’m not saying I’m perfect but you have to be able to know where you stand in a relationship and if y’all are being mean to each other then it’s not the one for either of you

Hes a control freak and you need to get away asap before his behaviour really gets out of hand.

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Ignore his ass… you wanna be a dick? I would leave his ass at home once you got home from work and ignore his calls. Fuck that mega man bullshit. Treat me right or I’ll find someone who will. To the left to the left!

It is abuse!! Run!! This won’t change. It’s childish. And no one deserves to be treated like that. This will get worse if you stay. He will think it’s okay to keep doing it because you stayed. Please know moving on is way better option for you! He’s actually no one to trip over! He’s talking in loser! You deserve a REAL MAN!


Excuse my language here but tell him to go take a huge f**k to himself and not to let the door hit him on the way out , that’s controlling behaviour and he just sounds like an absolute dick tell him to go

This is ridiculous. LEAVE. my ex was like this… it doesn’t ever end well.

It is abuse leave before it gets physical cuz it most likely will

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I love how yall just automatically assume he is cheating🤣

Seems like he is projecting onto you. I would watch out. He’s probably doing all the things he’s accusing of

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It is a form of abuse. Two kinds actually, verbal and emotional. Think about how you would react if this was your daughter going through this. What would you tell her to do.
My advice (been there for 16 yrs) is to get yourself set up so you can get out. Tell him you won’t tolerate it anymore (not if he gets physical with you) and if he continues then you leave. Leave while he is out of the house.
Good luck to you

Its time to break up. The sooner, the better.

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It is abuse, it’s called narcissistic abuse & you should not have to put up with that kind of treatment from someone who says they love you, that’s not love it’s controlling behaviour


He’s got mental health problems that he needs seriously to see a doctor about. This is stepping into the territory of sociopathic, manic delusional behaviors. You’re not safe with him he seems unpredictable and right now even though it’s words and just moments it’s exhausting and draining the life out of you. You need to go and you need to tell as many close friends and family why. If he comes after you they will know what to inform the authorities about.

Know your worth and don’t let anybody treat you less than that.

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My x boyfriend used to call me bad names and put me down all the time. I put up with it for a long time. It used to hurt so much. I found out he was cheating and forgave him. Then a few years later we split up. I found out that he had got a girl half his age pregnant. It has left me with never, ever wanting another relationship. He had called me “an fg fat cxxt” and I couldn’t forgive him. He is with the girl now, and I have heard he is treating her the same way. She wanted him, and now she has got him. Serves her right. This is a form of bullying. I urge you, don’t be a fool, like me. Get out now, whilst you are still young. Make a new life without him. I’m too old now, but you are not. He is a nasty bully and what he is doing to you is abuse. Good luck for the future :heart:


Well that’s gross. You need to leave. He is controlling you with his time and affection.

Girl dump him, he is very immature, and clearly doesn’t love you because you do not treat people you love that way, do yourself a favour and move on and stop wasting your time on a dead end relationship. You will eventually find a mature man who will treat you right. All this time your wasting on someone who isn’t your other half!


He’s a whiny female dog Leave his loser butt .

You feel like it’s abuse because it is abuse. It’s emotional and mental abuse. And he’s a piece of shit for it.

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There is no confusion here. He is treating you like shit
Get out now.

Tell him to grow up or get out

Wow. I know its easier said than done, especially if u have kids together or been together a while, but I’d leave. That man-chikd needs to be shipped back to his mommy bc hes not ready to be a man, clearly.

Run don’t walk away from this b-----d !

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Yes it’s definitely emotional and mental abuse. Sounds like he’s controlling. He could be the one who is actually doing the things he’s accusing you of. Life is too short you deserve better.


Yeah sounds a lot like my ex. Get now before you waste 10 years of your life.

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You need to get out of that relationship now! You deserve so much better!

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Sounds like a narcissist


That is 100% emotional abuse!


Sounds like hes on drugs


I’ve dealt with this in a similar situation. Turns out, he was suffering from depression and he ultimately ended up taking his own life. Try to get him professional help if you can. Or leave. But it’s not your responsibility to try to fix him.


Listen to me, I am a 56 yr old female who was married to someone just like this. I lived this for over 20 yrs, they do not change, ever. It only gets worse because you keep taking it, it’s what I did, I kept taking it and he got worse. I finally just snapped one day and told him to go fuck himself, and that I was done. It was the best thing I ever did for myself, get rid of him. It took me a long time to feel good about myself again, but I do and I am happy at long last. For your own sanity, self-respect, and happiness, get rid of him. You’ll see once you’re out and away from him what a huge dickhead he is. And you’ll be happy, feeling better about yourself in no time. Please get away from him girl, you seriously deserve so much more from life. Be safe and take care.

Dump him it is not worth it to b treated like that

Definitely is. He’s manipulating you by playing that narcissistic control thing of you never knowing what you’re gonna get from him. Run and run fast.

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Maybe he has problems at work or health that he’s just not sharing?

You can’t fix him! He sounds bipolar, narcissistic or plain mental. Life is way tooooooo short to try to help someone that won’t help themselves. Maybe he’s cheating! Run!!!’

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Yes, that is a form of domestic violence. It is emotional abuse. Most likely he is cheating and projecting that insecurity on to you. Leave. Don’t look back. You are not crazy and deserve so much better.


Sounds like he’s cheating to me. Usually they’re very insecure of what you’re doing because he’s out there doing wrong himself.


If this is a first try to figure out what’s wrong and what happened that hes in a bad mood if it’s not suggest couples therapy and if he says no leave

Dump his butt wont get any in that situation now 17 years.

I would leave before it gets worse…everyone has bad/off days but if it continues i’d leave him

When I went through this with my now ex-husband, turned out he was cheating quite regularly.

Insecure is what he is…run!

Emotional abuse. Get out

Sounds like he’s “nothing to trip about” and you should trip on outta that situationship!


this sounds like a relationship I had… run now, it will probably only get worse. =( It did for me.

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It is abuse!!! He is controlling you and being verbally abusive. Thank God you are not married so it’s easier to just leave. If you got kids together is time to do some planning and finding a family lawyer to sort custody, visitation, etc.
Abuse only escalates. Don’t wait until it gets worst

Yup complete abuse leave when he’s not looking becareful he sounds like he’s controlling very dangerous.

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It definitely is abuse. All you can do is do something in response to how he is treating you. Something is definitely not right in his world. You have already talked to him about what happened and nothing has changed. I would definitely make a decision as to what you are going to do. I know I wouldn’t be sticking around for his b.s. you can experience that abuse from a complete family, not someone that SUPPOSEDLY loves you.

Is this even real? I’ve seen this post a couple of times already word for word!

Only a cheater thinks they’re being cheated, read that again girl because he is either a cheater or a possessive insecure psycho OR BOTH!!! Run honey

From my experience when you start questioning if you’re crazy and from what it sounds like you’re going through you are suffering from narcissistic abuse.

It’s abuse leave him fr. It gets worse


He sounds like a narcissit to me. Yes it is their form of abuse. Get out while you can.


Run far far away from him.


Boy, bye. Real men don’t act like this. If it’s not worth his time to communicate with you, he needs to go. Like. Yesterday.

Narcissist take it from someone who "thought things would change ". They did 34 years later when I left for good. My prayers are with you. God Bless

Leave fast as you can

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If you have voiced your concerns ect and nothing has changed…it won’t change…it never will change…

I was with a narcissist once the only time it changed was when I left…my ex yous to yell at me for not making his coffee right, or for missing a call…I remember once I had a nap he called our neighbour to check on me coz he thought I was cheating…

From personal experience when a guy accuses you of cheating most of the time it’s because they are…

It’s called narcissistic behavior!!! Get rid of him!! U deserve better!!

That is abusive and manipulative behavior. The beginning of isolating you from family and friends if he hasn’t already done so.

Sounds like he’s cheating, and being abusive to cover his ass. Leave that :wastebasket: where you found him.