Am I crazy, help!

My bfs behavior has been up and down all week. One day he’s treating me good. The next day he’s super mean to me. Yesterday he said nothing but negative things to me. The whole time I was at work all he did was send me crappy texts. He wouldn’t even tell me he loved me yesterday and didn’t say it today when I dropped him off at work. I got a “see you later”.

He literally threw a fit yesterday Bc I missed his call. I called him back within a few min but he turned it into “what were you doing that you couldn’t answer your phone” ?

Then went on to say some more mean things to me and then told me I wasn’t nobody to “trip about “ then ignores me…

I have so much stress going on and he’s just adding to it by treating me like crap.

I’ve tried talking to him. It doesn’t work. He either takes things out of context and just ignores me for a couple days. We live together so that ignoring crap irritates me.
I feel like this is a form of abuse. Am I crazy ? I just need some advice.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I crazy, help!

Wasn’t this posted the other day? :thinking:


Simple, show him the same energy treat him exactly how he treats you.



There is NO excuse for disrespect. Everyone has rough days or life stress. It’s not an excuse at all and if it’s made one you’ll spend your life with someone who can’t handle their emotions and lashes out.

Seriously cannot stress this enough, it’ll never be worth it. Ever.


Run…it’ll get worse!

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I’m so sorry babe.:broken_heart::sob: This is absolutely abuse and you don’t deserve it!

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He is literally telling you how he feels yet you’re confused?
Like he is being absolutely awful and you deserve better and im so sad for you, but he is telling you how he feels about you, which isn’t that he loves you :cry::cry::cry::cry::heartbeat:


I can’t believe that she’s asking for advice all she has to do is re-read her own post

You are not crazy…you know the answer.

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The “what were you doing that you couldn’t answer your phone” sounds like someone is guilty of doing something they aren’t supposed to be doing and it ain’t you, it’s him :woozy_face:


Remember that song no scrubs? He’s a scrub hunny.
He’s riding in your car, gaslighting you, stone walling you, and belittling you. You are in control of what you’re willing to tolerate, and he is intolerable. Own your power and ditch this deadweight.


Baby you need to leave at earliest convenience go somewhere safe

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Get out while you have the chance, been there done that…it doesn’t get any better!

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Ummm anyone else catching a pattern with repeat stories???


Why are you dealing with his crap. Stop and leave his ass…

LEAVE. Read what you wrote and think about what advice you would give someone in this situation. This is toxic AF and it’s only going to get worse. Please for your safety and mental well being GO. Don’t walk… RUN.

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Narcissism …been there…done that. Just gets worse. I was accused of every last thing he was doing. Lying, cheating. The guilty always accuse.

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Definitely a form of abuse but an abuser wont agree

It is mental abuse. He’s manipulating you and controlling you. After he accomplishes that it will only get worse. Do not allow abuse of any kind. You already know what you need to do. If you keep forgiving this abusive behavior he will only use it against you and get worse. Good luck. Take care of your mental and physical health first ALWAYS.


Why are you with him. People rarely change.

Move on, I won’t get better, he likes to play games with your feelings, he’s immature, and childish

If you go and sleep with his friends that should get his attention

My guy and me. He’s the same way. He’s gaslighting you and manipulating you. I would try to get out of that unless he gets some real help. It’s not going to happen overnight… especially if he has narcissistic behavior

I do wish you the best. Tell him to get help. For you… for you both :heart:

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this is cheating behaviour


Leave him… Dont focus on that shit… Try to entertain yourself… If he acting like that ignore him… Never think hes your priority.

I think you know the answer.

Hey I read this one a week or so ago :thinking:

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Start giving that dude a taste of his own medicine!!! Treat him the same way he treats you and see how he likes it!

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Has your relationship always been like this? If so I’d just leave. Otherwise if it’s new behavior I’d sit and talk with him and ask what’s going on and how you can help. Sometimes when men are dealing with things they don’t feel like they’re being “manly” and keep it to themselves. Does he have mental health issues? Maybe consider medication/counseling.

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It sounds like your relationship is over.

If he’s accusing you of something and you’ve not ever given him solid reason enough to think that, he’s probably projecting. He’s being extremely abusive regardless and you should go ahead and leave him.


I’ve been there and put up with it too long. I would jump to answer my phone because I knew there would be hell to pay if I missed the call. I’d be accused of something for sure. This is manipulation and control. It will only get worse, I promise.


I pray GOD Blesses you and makes it good or gives you someone good to you.

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Yes it is abuse. You must find your own place

Oh I get this. Honestly. Re add to this. Tell us about the good days. Is this just this week. If it’s not again Honestly… leave. You Do not need to feel less than anything. I REAL man will only build you up. Ignore you. How childish.
I’ve been there and thought that was the norm. That’s what I deserve. Then I found my Amazing perfect man. You can /will feel loved every day.

It’s gaslighting and love bombing. Get out of the relationship now for your mental health. It always starts that way the goes physical. Maybe he cheated or is cheating. Sounds like he’s a narcissist .


Yeah it’s abuse and he is reflecting his BS on you I garentee that he’s up to no good and putting it at your door step don’t wait for proof you’ll just put your self though hell if you can’t kick him to the curb then leave, you’ll be saving your self a lot of Hart ACH, believe me I know

That’s a lot of red flags.
His behavior does not make you the crazy one.
This is abuse.
He needs help and you need to pull yourself up and out if there. It’ll be hard because you live together. But you need to leave.
And even if it wasn’t abuse, why stay with someone that says you’re not worth it?
Because you. Are. Worth. It.
If you don’t take anything else from the list comment section, take that to heart. You deserve better.


This is the cycle of emotional abuse. Try this podcast to gain understanding.

Hes guilty of something get out now


Leave his ass! My ex did this to me the entire almost 4 years I worked and he sat his fat ass at home. The minute he got a job he ran into an ex and cheated on me and got her pregnant. People don’t just act like that to act that way unless they have mental health issues.

He needs to go bye bye see ya :wave: get a new one :point_up:

Please please please do your heart a favor and just leave. You don’t deserve this. And he won’t change. He sounds narcissistic… this is mental, emotional and verbal abuse.


Ditch the fool​:100: he needs to grow up​:ok_hand: I had 1 of these and its gone now. My life has never been better :sunglasses:


Gaslighting. People that belong together do not disrespect each other. Stop wasting your time

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Guilty conscience???


Kick him out or get the hell out of that place yourself. That’s emotional abuse, and while it might not seem horrible now it will get worse

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If it’s your house. Tell hem to shape up. Or ship out. If it’s his house. You can leave. Therar must be some place you can go.
You don’t need two put up with abuse

Emotional abuse and mentally. You deserve someone who you won’t have to question. 2022 coming up move on to better things :sparkling_heart:

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And your with this child why? Obviously he is no man. Grown men don’t act like that.


When you leave, do it in a Safe and smart way. Don’t be alone, have support.

Mental abuse. He’s narcissistic. He’s the crazy one. Please get out if it. Fir your mental health and your future children. You really Do Not want kids with him. It would be a living nightmare. RUN NOW. He’s letting you know where he wants you…under his feet.
No one deserves to be treated like that. Pray about this. But do it far away from him. Don’t tell him where you are going. He will follow. He will possibly even stalk you. I hope not. I hope it’s not that bad. May you walk with God. May he keep you in his protective hands. God bless.


Something fishy… His guilty of something… Men act that way when they are upto something, well some men and just by asking you what were you doing that you couldn’t answer your phone… Cos what does he expect you to be doing… Please do yourself a favour and leave… Have a serious and stern talk with him 1st and let him know how you feel, I know you said you have spoken to him about it but this time, tell him if he doesn’t change or tell you what’s going on, your leaving him but make sure your stern enough for him to take you serious…

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I swear this exact same post was posted a few days ago

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Run! Leave! Get out! It will only get worse. Been there done that. Get out before you have any real ties.


Dump his ass move on

I would leave anyone who used the expression “trip about”.

Life’s to short to spend it with someone who treats you that way. Ditch him and never look back.

99.9 % of the time that I have witnessed this happens = he is cheating on you… maybe likes you, but won’t give up cheating …
Seriously -
and I’m sorry.


Hi this is abusive. :heartbeat:

Make a dress out of those red flags and Shimmy on outta there.


Sounds like a guilty conscience to me…Do yourself a favour & leave…Tell him,until he smartens up,u won’t be back


It is abuse. He’s toxic and immature.

You should never have to chase love

Well he’s got some issues. A good rule is not texting each other while at work, unless it’s important. No reason anyone needs to control you every second of the day.

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These are red flags, he’s a narcissist and this is toxic!


He is cheating! Run away!

Sounds like he did something wrong so now he’s trying to push you away to get you to dump him

Put contact solution in his drinks and Nair in his shampoo.
J/k… kinda…

Kick his :poop: :peach: out


It’s only going to get worse. Tell him to leave.

Yes. He’s emotionally abusive. You deserve better.

Classic cheater syndrome said that to my ex “ you thought I was dumb but I could read you like a book, anytime you done something wrong you treated me like shit.” So glad I got away from his abuse :woman_shrugging:t5:

If A man really is into you wants you and loves you he would NOT treat you in this way . He is doing something wrong , get rid of his toxic butt he is just kicking it until someone else fall for his shit …

It is mental abuse. Get away from him as soon as possible.

Leave,better out there you deserve someone who will respect you,move on.

He’s cheating! :100: Hes looking to pick fights so he doesn’t feel as bad when you stick up for yourself, and then he tries to make you look crazy. He then ignores you for a couple days because he’s with the chick he’s cheating with.


It IS abuse. Get out now before it becomes physical abuse as well.

I was already married for 3 years to who I thought was my BEST friend when one day he started doing the exact same things to me out of NOWHERE literally. I went from his queen to nothing a nobody in his world… and it only got worse I stayed for nine more years because I thought he’d magically go back to how he was in the beginning and lemme tell ya it got REALLY bad. He hit me a total of 4 times the verbal abuse was daily and he became a drug addict and a drunk
:person_shrugging: Finally I got help cps got involved. My story isn’t your’s BUT you have some serious red flags blazingly red please don’t ignore them… maybe he’s just in a funk but that type of treatment is never ok good luck to you.


Bin him :100:


Leave him. Bet he’s cheating.


Run do not walk away from him. He is abusive and what is verbal and emotional can easily turn into physical. If you need resources contact your local domestic violence hotline.

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He’s cheating. 100%.



Yes, its definitely abuse. Get out!!


Time to go. He’s unhappy. You’re unhappy. End it

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You’ve posted this before, right?

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This is when you leave. Before you make this man your husband. NOW is when you leave. None of these things will get better. He is showing you his narcissistic side and it will only become more prevalent. I’d almost bet he’s cheating as well, just based on the behavior I’ve dealt with. If it was bad enough for you to come here looking for advice, you already know the answer. Here we are validating it, leave.


Nope, you’re not crazy, and you deserve better. I’d start making plans to move out, but don’t tell him until you’re ready.

He’s cheating on you.

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Yeap hes abusing you mentally, which is worse than physical. From a victim of that abuse from childhood to adulthood. Walk away as fast as you can. Until he seeks help for his… yes thats right his… depression. He will abuse you and will make you very ill. I myself has been an abuser, i have been a nasty vile person when i lose my cool. Im almost psychotic so im single and have been for a long time cause im either a victim or an abuser. So please walk away even if it until he finds help for himself, but dont put up with that as you dont and shouldnt have too. And yes im a mum, and no my daughter isnt in any danger. She knows when mums lost it, and walks away and leaves me til i have calmed down or she will ring my suppport person to talk to me. Im a victim and an abuser. But id never harm my child, that i know.


jour not crazy it is abuse and controll in the making.

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Run, and keep running! Save you from A lifetime of of abuse. Even if he is not cheating or is… only you set your limits/ boundaries and he has shown you exactly who he is. Run…run run

Leave or kick him out, he sounds dangerous

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Get rid of that jerk

Oh my goodness child, just dump him. You dont need this negativity in your life. Dont allow him to ruin your happiness like that

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Move out. It will get a whole lot worse. He is a narcissist.

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No you are not crazy. That is definitely abuse, not enough love in the world to put up with it.

I wouldn’t say he’s cheating, but he is very emotionally immature and narcissistic. You need to leave him because this behavior won’t stop. He’s insecure and taking those insecurities out on you instead of owning up and trying to better himself. This is very emotionally and mentally abusive so please, take some time to think about it and leave him. There’s definitely someone better out there.

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Kick his arse out and let him crawl back

Don’t put up with any kind of abuse

And if you say “I can’t I love him” that’s NOT FUKN LOVE THAT IS DOWN RIGHT MENTAL ABUSE

Grow a MINGE :joy::joy::joy:

Sorry can’t tell you to grow some balls

Lady, get that piece of shit outta your life. You should be using that wasted energy to love YOU!!! What is it gonna take for you to get a clue? Stop the madness