Am I Crazy, Help!

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"My bfs behavior has been up and down all week. One day he’s treating me good. The next day he’s super mean to me. Yesterday he said nothing but negative things to me. The whole time I was at work all he did was send me crappy texts. He wouldn’t even tell me he loved me yesterday and didn’t say it today when I dropped him off at work. I got a “see you later”. He literally threw a fit yesterday Bc I missed his call. I called him back within a few min but he turned it into “what were you doing that you couldn’t answer your phone”? Then went on to say some more mean things to me and then told me I wasn’t nobody to “trip about “ then ignores me… I have so much stress going on and he’s just adding to it by treating me like crap. I’ve tried talking to him. It doesn’t work. He either takes things out of context and just ignores me for a couple days. We live together so that ignoring crap irritates me. I feel like this is a form of abuse. Am I crazy? I just need some advice."

RELATED: Jana Kramer Opens Up on Instagram About Her History of Abuse and the Importance of Remaining Positive


The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Leave. There is NO excuse for disrespect. Everyone has rough days or life stress. It’s not an excuse at all and if it’s made one you’ll spend your life with someone who can’t handle their emotions and lashes out. Seriously cannot stress this enough, it’ll never be worth it. Ever."

"He is literally telling you how he feels yet you’re confused? Like he is being absolutely awful and you deserve better and im so sad for you, but he is telling you how he feels about you, which isn’t that he loves you"

"You are not crazy…you know the answer."

"Baby you need to leave at earliest convenience go somewhere safe"

"Get out while you have the chance, been there done that…it doesn’t get any better!"

"It is mental abuse. He’s manipulating you and controlling you. After he accomplishes that it will only get worse. Do not allow abuse of any kind. You already know what you need to do. If you keep forgiving this abusive behavior he will only use it against you and get worse. Good luck. Take care of your mental and physical health first ALWAYS."

"Move on, it won’t get better, he likes to play games with your feelings, he’s immature, and childish"

"this is cheating behaviour"

"It sounds like your relationship is over."

"If he’s accusing you of something and you’ve not ever given him solid reason enough to think that, he’s probably projecting. He’s being extremely abusive regardless and you should go ahead and leave him."

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