Am I gaining too much weight?

Is gaining 17lbs at 22 weeks okay? I feel like it came on fast. I’m so hungry lately but trying to pick healthy options

Every pregnancy is different… with my first I gained 80lbs… took me 5years to get rid of that weight…
With my second I gained 20lbs.
I ended up losing that 20lb plus another 20lb within a few months

I would not worry I gained 5 stone with my first child I did end up losing it after and didn’t really put weight on with my other 2 children. With my first I ate like I was eating for 2 people I was always hungry he was 9lb 7 at birth

Depends on your activity. With my first in walked everywhere all the time and gained 26lbs by the time I had him. Second I gained 80lbs but he was 9lbs 13.6oz. Third i gained 30lbs he was 9lbs 5.2oz and fourth i gained 30lbs she was 9lbs 8oz.
Your doctor will do blood test if anything seems off and urine samples every appointment.

If you’re worried, request a blood test. Your Dr can see what’s going on.
Everybody is different. Some women gain a lot, some don’t. If you aren’t comfortable, watch what you eat, stay hydrated, light LIGHT exercise. Don’t start anything strenuous. Walking, light stretches, move around more.
I do suggest talking to your Dr regardless.

Idk. I gained 102lbs with my first. Normally 112 and as 212 at birth :joy: I have had 3 babies and am back to 112 at 31 oh and I’m 5’4. So I wouldn’t worry too much about weight gain :heart:

Every woman and every pregnancy is different, I only gained 6 pounds and I ate like there were no tomorrow, my daughter weighed 6 pounds and 10 ounces

My little sister gained like 90 pounds

I’m normally around 120 lbs., for each of my 3 babies I gained 27 lbs .