Am I in the right for keeping certain family members away from my kids?

They’re your children and your responsibility. It is your job as their mother to do anything necessary to protect them. If your sister wants to see them, she can visit with them at your house. There’s no need in them being around anyone you deem harmful and untrustworthy.


Always set healthy boundaries!! If your sister doesn’t accept that then it’s her loss! There are some sick people in this world and it’s our job as parents to protect them!! Trust your instincts :slightly_smiling_face:


Save guard you children first and foremost. No one should be around negative energy even if it is during family events. That is not being selfish it is protecting yourselves and that is bravery.
Good Luck

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Trust your instincts

protect your kids…aiways!!

Alot can happen in “just a couple of hours” if I was in your shoes I would do what I felt was best for my children regardless of what others think


For further mommies who may feel like this … YOU ARE NOT WRONG FOR KEEPING YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM TOXIC PEOPLE, you are not wrong for keeping your kids away from family members who have hurt you ! You are not wrong for keeping your kids away from people who are nothing but negative!!! Your not weird , selfish , rude … your building a healthy home & want nothing but the best for your kids !!! Love y’all :white_heart:


Well YOU are the mom to them kids so it only matters what YOU say! I do the same thing! My children are my responsibility, not anyone’s else’s and I’d be damned if someone abusive like that would be near my kids! I wouldn’t care what my sister said. Obviously she can’t be trusted anyway having chosen her cousins baby daddy! Let her be mad and you just stay “selfish” sis!


No your their mom you want be safe if he’s abusive to your cousin an sister then who to say the kids wouldn’t be abused by him to…if your guys says they shouldn’t be around them then follow that… If the family don’t get it then that’s their problem


I wouldn’t want my children around an abuser or be influenced by their moral choices.


You are absolutely not selfish bc you want to protect your child. I wouldn’t want my kid around him either.


If you dont want your kids around somebody then don’t let it happen! Even you are not comfortable being around him/them. So do not subject your children to them either! If you dont want any of that influence and lifestyle dumped on your kids dont do it!


You are 100% in the right!!! Then dating doesn’t make him family by the way so be sure and tell your sister that. Their are certain not so great people on mine and my husbands side of the family that we chose not to expose our children to for our children’s well being. I believe every parent has the right to chose what they believe is best for their children and screw others opinions you know what’s best for your own children

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You are mother not her she needs to respect your rules if she wants the kiddos in her life

You are the mother of your kids. You have EVERY right to choose who is around your children and who is not. I wouldn’t consider them family. But that’s just me.


You do what is best for you and your children.
I don’t believe that you want your children around such negative behavior.

You are NOT wrong. I would do the same. You choose what they are around. There is so much that could happen in a short amount of time.

NOPE!!! KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM HIM. THEY ARE YOUR KIDS IT’S YOUR CHOICE PERIOD. If your sister doesn’t like that it’s her problem not yours. Keep your kids safe.

The best part
of this is you know in advance he is a abusive!
That’s normally not a advantage!
Many abusive people get away with it because of fear and shame of the victims!
You are 100% right to keep your kids away from him!
Be thankful that you know now so you can keep them away from him rather than after he abuses your children!

Yes, do not go over to visit. You are the next one he wants. :rofl: Ďo you happen to live in Arkansas?

Your kids, your choice. You have to do what’s right to protect your children.

You do what’s right by your kids! No one ele’s business.

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Keep them away from both

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I in the right for keeping certain family members away from my kids?

Your kids, your choice. Someone don’t like it ??? Well too bad! Good job Mom !


If you don’t want someone around your children, those around you, family or not, should respect your wishes. You know what’s best for your children and make the right choices for them.


I would feel the same way about my kids too


Tell sister she can come to your house alone if she wants to see your kids. Or go do something together, without him. Nobody abusive will ever come near my kids!!


In all fairness she has every right to be offended but that is only her opinion, she doesn’t see the issue because she’s all “in love”. They are your kids and you know and do what’s best for them, if he makes you uncomfortable it is not her business to invalidate those feelings, they are yours not hers. Either she can understand and come to terms with that or live her life with this man and not her family!! No means no!!

She’s still your sister you should know having been in an abusive relationship the worst thing is for the victim to become isolated from their support network. Maybe still see her but on your territory but never send the kids to their place. If something is not going well then say you gotta go and then reassess the situation. You were able to get out of the situation and now know what it looks like she hopefully will too but not if she’s becoming isolated.

Stand your ground. It doesn’t take long for things to happen. People can be unpredictable. Keep your babies safe doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Don’t let people guilt you into subjecting yourself or your children to toxicity.


You’re their mom, you have every right to say who can or cannot be around them. I’d react the same way you are if I were in that situation. You go mama!

NOT wrong !! Ur responsibility is to keep ur kids safe! She (AND HE) are idiots!! Kick them to the curb! Family or not!

You have every right to keep ANYONE family or not away from your kids.

You are the smart one. No child should be around an abusive person. They trust their parent to keep them safe. You are doing this.

Your kids your rules you don’t owe her a explation

They’re your kids so so I see nothing wrong with wanting them to not be around him

Are you in the right?
YOU’RE the mama.
YOU decide who has access to your children.
Yes you ARE!!

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You are not wrong! if you feel like your kids are not safe around him, don’t even bother to have them around that man! & screw him for keeping it within the family. Sorry to say this but your sister is not a loyal family member to your cousin. She is dumb to even date him.smh


No keep toxic out of ur kids lives :relieved:

Selfish for the right reasons.

Trust your gut instict.

Stand your ground!!!

You don’t ever second guess what is best for your kids in protecting them. You don’t want that bad influence around them so good for you.


If your sister wants to see your kids tell her to come visit, alone. You aren’t being mean, this man is violent. Always protect your kids.


If your 6th sense says no then don’t do it.

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If you know the man has a history of abuse and violence and there is proof of the abuse and violence my honest answer is you are not in the wrong for not wanting this man around your children my honest opinion is I would allow my sister to see my kids in the safety of their own home but she would not be allowed to bring her boyfriend and if she couldn’t accept that and choses this man over her neices and nephews I’d sack her off as it will show they are second best to her and her wants/needs… These are your kids and your the one responsible for their wellbeing and safety and in my eyes your doing the right thing to garuntee they are safe and happy you are not in the wrong and your are not being mean or vindictive you are doing what mothers do and not gambling your children’s safety xxx

Nope not wrong. Cause if he put his hands on my babies I’d be going to jail

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Guard your children! You care about your, to many people don’t!

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Leave that chaos out of you life

Always pick your kids! Good job🥰

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Not wrong kids come first

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If I was you I would t even want your kids around your sister at this point.


Your kids your choice.


Not wrong at all. keep you and the children safe!


Your children should be your #1 priority and it sounds like they are. This man is NOT family and sounds like a toxic human. Just based on the fact that he jumped from your cousin to your sister, when, as a couple, they moved in with your sis…EWW. I would not allow my children around a man that would do that…or my sister after doing that, for that matter. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Nope that’s how babies keep dying. If your sister wants to see the kids she can come over to your house or come get them and take them out without him


Keep your kids away from the whole toxic situation if possible they sound like a whole mess of problems… sister, cousin & bd. Not to mention exposing your children to abusive relationships runs a huge risk of them absorbing and imitating the behaviors.


Your kids, your decision….period. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You don’t have to explain anything and family is who you wish it to be. If you don’t think he should be around your kids, that’s it. Done. I know that can be easier said then done, but do what you feel is best. Your kids should come before anyone including other family members.


When it comes to the safety and well being of your child you do what you know and feel is right. It doesn’t matter who the person is or what the situation is, you keep that child safe and happy!! Don’t worry about the feelings of others especially when it comes to your child’s best interests


I wouldn’t want my kids around this sister at this point especially when she’s trying to undermine my wishes for MY kids.


is she like your babysitter or something? you absolutely have a right to not want the bf around no less an abuser. however if she refuses and does it anyway you’ll have to find a new bs. I had my then sil now ex sil babysitting my kids at one point and she decided to drink while she was charge of my baby, 3 and 5 year old as well as her own 3 kids. I asked her not to do it again and she refused so she doesn’t watch my kids

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You do what you feel wright for you and your kids sake dont worry about any one else says you dont want your kids around that kind of influence…


I wouldn’t solely based that’s got no morals

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Keep your kids safe!! No chance in hell i’ll ever bring my child around someone abusive.

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Your children always come first. If there’s even the slightest gut feeling that someone is bad for your kids listen to it. Doesn’t matter if it’s family or someone you least expect to do harm. Don’t worry about anyone else’s feelings or what they’ll think of you. You’re the mom and it’s your job to keep your kids away from harms way.

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Your doing just fine. To be honest I would definitely keep my kids far away from my sister. Any female that accepts an abusive mad and doesn’t show any form of family loyalty. Is capable of allowing this man to abuse a relative’s children even there own. We’ve all seen the news of those sexual abuse and murders of kids. Keep low life trash away from your kids.

No you have every right to say no he can’t be around your kids if they are ok with an arse like him then that’s them

Tbh I have like 2 people that take my son and that’s his aunt and uncle other than that I don’t allow my family around him for reasons like this and MORE … your the mother you do what you think is right and I don’t think your being selfish at all it’s your child and where you want them to be and who you want around them is your choice family or not I’m sorry I’d tell them I don’t F****** think so !!!

Kids shouldn’t be around anyone that could possibly be abusive, ever. Your baby, your and your partner’s rules. Nobody has to like it but they will have to respect it and those who don’t respect it, bye.

Keep your kids safely away from an abuser

He sounds contagious. I’d stay away😆

Why are you questioning your own rational decisions because of what irrational people have to say?

Yes. You must create boundaries to protect your kids

Just don’t ever let him be around your kids when you’re not there. Like, literally in the same room, always. Somehow… I’ll have to do the same with my brother, always, if, he ever gets out of jail (held past sentencing date until he is no longer deemed a risk to society - if ever). A very different reason to yours of why though.

You’re mom, do you what you believe is best for you and your children.


You are the mom and what you say goes. Family be damned because the well being of kids come first. If your sister can’t understand why you would not want a toxic individual in your children’s life than bye-bye. The guilt trip she’s pulling is straight up bs and toxic in itself.


I wouldn’t let your sister around them either. She clearly has questionable judgement.


Your job as a parent is to protect teach and guide them to grow to be the kind of adult they should be. Please always go with your heart for what is best for your children.

I’d also cut the sister out. She seems shady as hell lol

I agree with everyone else.

My daughter (2) has had zero contact with my father, since she was 8 months old. He was mentally abusive towards me and dislikes my husband. So she will not be around him, ever. She also has two half sisters and hasn’t been around them since April as one made it clear she is jealous of her and hates her, and put her in danger and the other is off her rocker. Neither are allowed around her ever again.

As a parent it’s your right to protect your child. Once they’re 18 they can do as they wish. Until then it’s your job to do what you feel is best for their safety and health.

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Your kids are your kids.
You said it yourself “they chose the him i didnt” ask her what makes you selfish when youre simply protecting your children from an abuser🙅

I’ve seen Abusive. My father was abusive. Keep your children as far away from that as possible. Unless you want your children to see it and take the risk of thinking it’s normal. Do you want them to become that or even marry into that. I’ve seen it and it brakes my heart every time. Your children will think that you except that. No matter what you say they believe that you do. Mom love your family first. Go into protective mode

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I would NOT let my children around them. If she wants to spend time with your children, she can come over to your place and do it there.

I would NOT leave my children alone with anyone thats (or has been) abusive, physically, sexually, verbally- any type of abuse. FUCK THAT.

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You are in the right. My opinion.

Your kids are your priority. They are more important than her feelings.

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No it’s your children and the safety of them is 100% priority. You protect them. They can either respect that or can be out of the picture until they can.

There are so many plot twists in the story that I left you mid paragraph
Keep your children away from shady characters, no matter who they are PERIOD

Yes you are, I did and my kids grew up perfect, they have great careers and families

It is called being a good parent keep it up. Your kids have rights to not be in that environment. God bless you and take care of them.

Go with your gut. Every time. Don’t care if you offend anyone, it’s only your business

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If I were in your shoes and could afford to do so I would take my family as far away from these people as I could get them. NOTHING GOOD IS GOING TO COME FROM THIS SITUATION!

You are the advocate of your children and have to protect them at all times

No and you need to pay attention because if he is abusive he could hurt your sweet children.

“Family” can be the worst. Most children are victimized by someone the know. Follow your intuition!

Stand your ground and protect your kids

Who started that stupid word Baby’s Daddy it’s supposed to be father