Am I in the wrong for allowing my boyfriend to come to my kids baseball game?

You aren’t wrong
He’s being a child

Ur son wants ur BF to go that’s his decision let ur Bf go it would probably break ur son’s heart if u told him no. Let ur ex get pissy I mean he doesn’t see the kids anyways u said so what makes this day any different?


Sounds like my narcissistic control freak ex husband. If your son asked your BF to go then you are not in the wrong. If your ex chooses not to go then that’s on him. I have sat back and watched my ex husband make these childish and selfish decision and my now 17 yo is old enough to see the clear picture. It’s unfortunate but my son has learned how to be a better man without me saying a word.

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Sounds like your ex is just jealous. If he chooses not to go to his sons game then that’s on him but your boyfriend has been there when the father wasn’t and he continues to be. Your son also want him there so no, you’re not at all in the wrong and the father can suck it the heck up or not go🤷🏼‍♀️

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $11146 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Your child asked your boyfriend to be there. The child has to have someone he can count on. If it can’t be his father, so be it.


I think both parents have a little maturing to do in this situation. But the child should be allowed the choice. The adults should get along for the child’s sake. Let the adult issues be just that, adult issues. Kids don’t need to be handling adult issues.


If he wanted to be there he’d be there. He’s using your boyfriend being there as an excuse to stay home and thinks he can blame you for it. He needs to grow up.


That’s immature he can just not go then :tipping_hand_woman:

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First of all, who cares what he thinks. If your boyfriend is a big part of your kids lives, then he has ever right to be there. If your ex really wanted to be there he would be. One thing I do recommend though, and I don’t know your full situation is never put the children in the middle of it. I told my ex that no matter what we will have a cordial relationship for our child and she will never see any kind of negative. She doesn’t need to be apart of that and I never want her to feel like she has to choose. It is up to him to be the bigger person and be there for his children. If he really wants to be apart of your kids lives then he needs to find some soul searching and figure out how to be mature and co-parent. You two aren’t together anymore, you both have moved on, and everyone needs to learn to get along for the sake of the kids.

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l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15448 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

no ur not in the wrong for letting the bf be at pratices or games

Your ex needs to grow up and do what’s best for his child and if that includes another man in his life so be it!

My ex showed up once demanding my man refrain from attending events. That was shut down with one statement… Where were you last week or days ago? The last game?
Hasn’t shown his face but once since and the incident happened 6 years ago. Point is, keep doing you and he will decide how he will do.


If your child asks for him to be there then let him come. Your ex needs to grow up

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Don’t worry about what your ex says. You’re not wrong. Your bf should he able to go to any event including one’s that support your son. If the father can’t adult and handle himself during such a function he should walk himself out bc its not about him its about the child.


No sounds like the ex needs to grow up it’s not about the adults it’s about the kids so many couples always put their needs first but it’s needs to be about the kids u will have happier kids if u coparent right and they see u all getting along I know first hand my hubby and I set with my ex husband and his new wife at all events and even take group photos do it for the kids and even all grandparents also

Your ex is doing the choosing. What an immature little boy he is! Son wants BF to come, BF should come.

l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18431 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

You definitely are not the asshole.

You’re ex Definitely needs to man up and just go to his kids game


You are creating such confusion for your children. Just chill for awhile and settle down.

How long have u been with the boyfriend ? When did he meet your kids ?

If your child wants him there then he needs to grow up and put his child first and go for his child.


l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22014 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Y’all need to stop all the extra ish, the child deserves better. Are you wrong? No. Is it worth it? Only you can decide that.


If you’re son likes you’re boyfriend and he is that good influence, then you have every right to ask him to come. Add to that, you’re son wanted him there.

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I’m gonna be honest this wouldn’t even be a conversation I’d have it’s not even worth your time. He’s an absent POS father he doesn’t get a say point blank period. If he wants to show up for his kid then he needs to show up for his kid and nobody else. If he cared about the child then it wouldn’t matter who was there

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Your not wrong sweetie. Your ex needs to put your children’s feelings and happiness first :purple_heart:

Your ex is your ex. You can move on with your life, especially if your kids INVITED your bf. Your ex needs to deal with that. On him if he chooses spite over his son.

Kids need all the love and support they can get. I think if you’re lucky enough to find someone who loves your kids and supports them then let them!!

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Honestly he needs to grow tf up. Your child cannot have too many people loving them.

Screw it. Let him be petty. It’s not your problem he wants to act like a child over that. My fiancés baby mama tried that same shit just because we wanted to get Christmas pics done and she said “if we did it, she wouldn’t be getting hers done”and we just shrugged an we’re like “well that’s on you then. We are still getting them done”

As long as your ex isn’t going to cause a scene in front of your kids I’d say go for it. If your son has asked him to be there it clearly means a lot to him. The ex needs to be an adult.

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I am earning every single day more than 500 Dollars from home by work online. got my 4th payment of previous month of 16873 Dollars. i was surprised when one of my close friend told me she was making $ 16768 per month but now i see how it works.

Don’t worry about the ex. Let your bf attend, he’s the one that wants to be there.


It’s about what is best for the children

Your ex needs to step up and be a man about the situation

He just needs to grow up anybody can go games events etc

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Let the people who show up for your child show up and the ones who don’t, it’s their loss. it’s not your fault or problem that he can’t grow up and be there. It sounds like you are doing everything you can, so go and enjoy your kids game. He invited them both and its not your husband decision.


Husband is childish, don’t let him manipulate you

Do what your kids want. Tell your ex That the children want your boyfriend there and they want him there. Tell him if he doesn’t come he’s hurting the children and if that’s the way he’s going to be a fan they are going to turn to your boyfriend instead of him

Too little info as to why you have an emergency order on him.

You can’t be getting court orders that restrict him then wonder why he is distancing.

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Live your life! stop worrying abt Ex and his issues…he is trying to keep drama up!!!

Nope. Your ex needs to start loving his child(ren) more than he dislikes you or your BF. You should also remind him that he’s in a relationship as well, and that there will be times that you may not want his GF around, but know that it’s about your child’s needs more than your wants.


I might be the odd one but it’s your child’s game not your game. Leave any type of possible drama out of it. Focus on the kids only.

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If the kid wants your bf to be there then the only problem I see is the grown child (father) that doesn’t want to show up over petty bs… let the bf go heck with the bd

No your not…adults need to coparent in a healthy way and show the kids it’s ok…more people to support him…not act like a child & be a jerk…it’s on him to grow up

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The dad can get over himself and be happy you found someone who loves being in your kids life like that. It seems more like an excuse to me but it’s for the KIDS! If he doesn’t wanna show up that’s on him.

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Wow your son sounds more mature than his own dad - when did it become an issue for a child to love more than one is beyond me and yes as another person said he should be thanking the good Lord above that you do have a good male figure in your son’s life that is good to him and will do things with him - and it’s not a competition either it’s two grown men loving the same children. Your ex really needs to get over himself and grow the heck up. You and your BF do together for your son and maybe crybaby daddy will see there is no harm in others doing for his child and man up and come join the loving crowd for his son. Good Luck on this one sweetie!

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Your ex needs to grow up!

So u have to deal w the gf n be a grown up but he cant… If he dont go its on him

Is he coming there to see your new bf or his kids? He sounds like he needs to grow up. It’s about the kids at the end of the day. Yall can hate each other but still coparent and be reasonable and responsible adults towards one another. He needs a reality check. The child asked the bf to come so definitely don’t let the ex contradict that.

He needs to grow up. It’s fine for your boyfriend to go to your children’s games…

Whats AITA and no your not in the wrong because your son wants them both there so your ex really needs to grow up and put his differences aside for the child’s sake I mean shouldn’t what the kid wants matter and his feelings matter?

It should be all about the kids and what they want. He needs to grow up as get over it.

Dad needs to get over it and Co parent with you no matter what. You can’t be expected to leave you SO at home just to make the ex happy cause you know he wouldn’t do the same. He is being childish and selfish

Not at all! Especially if your son asked him to go!

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Your ex is an a-hole

If he actually loves his children, he’ll go. He’s too worried about his own feelings. He needs to realize life goes on.

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Not about your ex feelings. It’s what’s best for the child. Your ex needs to put his feeling aside for his child. Your kids have established a relationship with your BF. Dad needs to mature and coparent.

Your ex is immature… time to grow up… if your child chooses to ask your boyfriend to join, that’s amazing and shouldn’t ever be discouraged… the ex should be happy you choose a good man to be around your kids… my kids father and I aren’t together anymore, I’ve married since our split and the other day my kids dad wanted to take the kids to a local hockey game and my 9 year old invited my other half, so my ex, husband and oldest child went together.

Ex needs to grow up.
The only reason he doesn’t want the bf there is bc he’s jealous and can’t stand seeing his child like another man.

It’s not on you to make sure your ex grows up or is there. You can send the invite and explain the importance but that’s about it

If he’s an amazing and good influence for your kids and they love him and want him there ; yes definitely let your boy friend be there . Obviously the kids want your boy friend their . That’s why he ask him go go to his game . Also if you had to call child protective services on your ex that also cheated on you with his now woman . There’s a reason child protective services were called . Put your kids best interest first and sounds like it’s with you and boy friend . I wish you and best . :pray:t2::heart: