Am I in the wrong for not wanting my husband or his family near my daughter?

WTF Don’t worry he will probably show up for his annual booty call in about 6 months or so!

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I say cut that toxic shit out of your life. It’s better for all of you

nope, you’re the mother he left, he has a new family and nobody gives a damn now about any of YOUR kids. Move on. He has.

I feel so bad for aome of yalls baby daddies I watched my husband fight the fight of his life for his son and his daughter ended up with custody of daughter and son for a whike until a ignorant judge opened his mouth then years later same judge came back and apologized for all he enabled the mother to do this is why so many men walk away my mother did the same thing to us 3 kids and guess what we don’t have a good relationship with her we do our father now and my son and his father have an amazing relationship and his with his mother is almost nonexistent at this point kids grow up to see where and who the problem was and some of yall are going to regret many of your choices down the road we don’t know the whole story here there’s always 3 sides to a story his hers and then the truth so not enough background to be bashing the father maybe she is constantly hounding him and he finds it safer to stay away until a court order you don’t know maybe he has already obtained legal advise and is already setting up something with an attorney we don’t know the whole situation all we know is she sounds very bitter and very controlling and yes if it’s been on and off why are either of you producing babies together it’s obviously been a rocky relationship for years I couldn’t imagine purposely setting my kuds up for failure like this you are setting them up to be raised in split homes that is your choices not theirs I think alot of maturing is needed in this situation and probably from both sides of the field .

Not wrong. Screw them. They are gonna be deadbeats. I wouldn’t even give this new one his last name nor would I put him on the birth certificate. Cut ties. Ppl are so disgusting. File for child support too.

Nope don’t feel bad. Ive been there w all 4 of mine. Do not ever beg or allow someone to be in those babies lives if it’s not full time n full time love. Children don’t deserve half ass anything. And they pick up on it. Hell I wouldn’t even put him on the birth certificate.

if they show no interest in a baby how bad can it get as the kids grow older. when the kids get older they will start to wonder what they did to get treated differently. I cut ties with my parents for the well-being of my kids and my kids are better off not feeling like they are second class grandkids

Stay away from him!! Your boys will learn disrespect for women and your little girl deserves better!! I know what I am talking about!! God is with you and you will be glad you didn’t put your family through the dirt!! Take care!!!

Just do you. If he comes around then he does. It isn’t your job to make him. I’ve been here. I’ve done that. I understand what you’re saying and how you’re feeling. It is very tiring and hurtful. But most of the time the man fades away. Some men put effort and want to be there and some don’t. Yours seems to be the don’t. You’re going to stress yourself by trying to get him to be in the kids life. Stop forcing it and let him come to you. Hugs mama

Yes!! You are in the wrong. You are acting like a child, not an adult. Your feelings and emotions are meaningless to anyone else! Leave emotions out of it. What is the best for your children? Why does it matter how your feel about him? Or what he has going on in his life? All that matters is what is best for your children.


Don’t deny your children their families love just because you feel some type of way. They’ll grow up to resent you. Let them be the parent/grandparents they are, not what you expect them to be.

If you don’t let them be a part then when she’s older she will resent you for it. If you give them the option and they choose to not be involved then she will know how they really are without putting the blame on you.

So here’s my take on this because I fought like hell to keep my son’s sperm donor around for the sake of my son knowing who he was he did ok for about 4 years got remarried had two girls and then got strung out on dope got divorced and has since walked away from all three kiddos lives and had nothing to do with any of them I refuse to make my son deal with that turmoil of a inconsistent person in his life however my son and his sisters have a great relationship and the girls mom and I talk all the time about different things going on with the kids whether health or school related actually in process of legally changing my son’s last name because he hates having his last name and wants to have his siblings last name that I have had since him my husband who has been around since he was 5 months old is his dad and no one or anyone can say different he just turned 15 in June for reference

So here’s my take on this because I fought like hell to keep my son’s sperm donor around for the sake of my son knowing who he was he did ok for about 4 years got remarried had two girls and then got strung out on dope got divorced and has since walked away from all three kiddos lives and had nothing to do with any of them I refuse to make my son deal with that turmoil of a inconsistent person in his life however my son and his sisters have a great relationship and the girls mom and I talk all the time about different things going on with the kids whether health or school related actually in process of legally changing my son’s last name because he hates having his last name and wants to have his siblings last name that I have had since him my husband who has been around since he was 5 months old is his dad and no one or anyone can say different he just turned 15 in June for reference if he wants to be in her life he will need to make the effort it’s not always up to the mothers to make sure they see them

I would let him decided how much he wants to be there or not, Don’t try to force anything there. If he doesn’t want to spend time with his kids on his own, forcing it will only drag it out and hurt the babies more.

If he doesn’t want to be around for his kids then don’t force it. File for child support so he has to pay or give up his rights. The kids will make their own judgment of him.

Kids are not pawns. The grandparents will reveal themselves one day to your kids. You don’t need to help them.

Is he going to pay child support?

He’s obviously not daddy material. He’s like some male animals, leaving babies wherever he goes. Go to court for child support now, you can amend it after the baby comes. Doesn’t sound like you’ve lost much. Don’t insist on his presence in their lives, he’s a crappy model of being a man.

You’re not wrong. He’s going to cause drama at your shower. Besides it’s customary to invite women only to baby showers. If you think inviting female members of his family is going to be stressful don’t. They know you’re pregnant. If they want a party for them they can do their own shower.

Stop chasing him to visit your baby. Keep track of everything. Missed visits, times he takes 1 or 2 without the others, keep all conservations via text or email etc. Bring up his abandonment of the young child in court. Judges typically don’t like inconsistent behavior or playing favorites. Personally I wouldn’t let him take 1 child. It’s all or none. You deserve your break too. It’s not fair to the ones left out. That’s just me.