Am I in the wrong for not wanting to host my husbands family?

Tell him you have plan already and let him host his family himself let him see how much work it is

He’s proud of the home he provided for his family. There’s nothing wrong with that. Why not make it a potluck? Ask others to contribute? Tell your husband to do all the work. There are many of us who would kill to have family for the holidays. Perhaps be grateful you and your family have people to celebrate the holidays with.


If you don’t celebrate Easter. Rent a hotel room and take a good book and let him host away.

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Yes you do have a voice in the matter! Speak up woman, it’s your house too!
That’s too much work and alot of stress. My family takes turns being at other houses. Empower yourself and take a stand, if he gets angry, oh well!
Maybe YOU can go away on vacation
when all your visitors come over! Good luck!


Tell him since he invited them he’s cooking and entertaining and you’re not helping


What about “going out to eat” for Easter? Is that an option


Let him do the preparations. The meal prep, grocery shopping, cooking, the cleaning, getting the kiddos ready. I’d be extra petty and if he asked me a single question about a recipe or how to do anything, I’d remind him you told him you’d have nothing to do with your own disrespect.


Tell him to go fuck himself

Sounds like you’re selfish and don’t want to put any effort into your man and his family. Make a place at the table or be left out, your choice. Unless you have a solid reason why you don’t want to his family around?


My petty ass would host a Pagan Ostera celebration :joy: it honestly just seems like he’s very proud of his home and his family (you) and wants to share them with his birth family

You should feel lucky and less bitter, someone people don’t even have that option.


Everyone has choices,
If you don’t want to host them put your foot down and say no.

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Nope get yourself takeout and stay in bed and tell everyone on the day of the partys including your husband that you are sick and you need your rest


Get him to do everything on his own. It’s alot to ask. Every time is hard. I’d be happy to alternate. Tell him you’re tired. He cannot physically force you to host or help. Maybe if he saw first hand what a mission it is he’d rethink. And it’s your house too, it’s a two way street


Yeah you do. Make him do it.

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Well you kind of do have a choice, just don’t do it, don’t cook don’t but the food don’t give the house that extra clean you have to do. Let someone else do it. You are not wrong with this.

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Yes you do!
Tell him you’re going out for the night

Oh , I would make the food lol, it would look like slop . Tell your husband the day before your sick . He won’t do all the food but he would wish he had . I would drag around in a house coat complaining how sick I was.

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Of course you can choose its your house too!


Easter isn’t about what you want it’s about the kids having fun and enjoying the egg hunt, feel lucky you have his family around wanting to be involved… so many people don’t have there families who want them around and your complaining about the company you have, wow, I bet you wouldn’t have a worry if it was your family who was staying over?


Talk it over with the ladies of the family to switch it up. Take turns. That’s what my family does.

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Nope! I don’t invite anyone to my house if you show up uninvited I will not answer the door. If I feel people are toxic to my environment, my children, my mental health and my personal comfort level I do not have to put myself in any situation where those feelings may occur. It’s absolutely okay to not want to be around certain people or have them in your home and not feel bad about it. I refuse to put myself in any situation that makes me uncomfortable.


You may not celebrate Easter, but you do eat dinner…. So go to the movies. Let him host it especially if you have expressed your feelings.


Nope, if you don’t wanna do something don’t. You are an adult and can make that decision. Now if you’re a mean person and they are nice and you have some Narcissism in you and you want to keep him to yourself or something selfish like not wanting to spend money even though you have it then you are wrong but at the end of the day there is a reason you don’t want to and you know that reason and whatever you chose it’s because that’s who you are inside!!!


Ever thought of talking with him and telling him you have invited your family for the next holiday/occasion and that they’ve accepted? Or even better your family has invited you and you accepted? I really hope you have family that would do!

Family time is important and your family is just as important as his…


Why do you feel you have to do this…why not phone a catering place and have them bring in food…tell your hubby if he wants it that bad then either help or do catering …you never mentioned inviting any of your family for special occasions…do thry not live close to you…so what hapoens if you say no will he freak out on you…because if you dont want people to run over you try saying…NO…


You do have a choice …tell him if he wants to invite them again and word it again that he will be doing the prepping cooking and washing up… remind him marriage is a relationship just like any other it’s a 2 way street and tell him Christmas is just the 2 of you in your new house together x

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Your husband should not expect you to host his family on every holiday that comes up. Do you have to do all the work,like all the cooking And cleaning up? Do any of them bring some dish with them? And most important DOES your husband help!!


If he can’t take ur feeling into consideration, it just tells me he cares more for his family than he does for u. Go enjoy ur time with ur family or friends.

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Just don’t participate. Make it clear to him you will not be helping with preparation, hosting, or clean-up.

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Make it that everyone brings a plate of food. Less work that way.
You could also list the jobs, say how long they took, put a price on them, then present him with the bill.
I’ve actually seen it done regarding a man who thought his stay at home wife did nothing

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Time for a migraine headache. The kind that keeps you in bed all day while hubby hosts his family alone. And cleans up, alone​:shushing_face::thinking:


My husband and I hosted Thanksgiving for his family and mine for many years and a fine time was had by all. When you marry someone their family becomes yours and yours become theirs.


So by the logic of this post, a man should buy a house, and not be able to host his family in it 3 times a year? Just wow. Perhaps you should just get a divorce so he can find someone who shares his values and appreciate the home he has provided. If you take the majority of advice here you’ll be divorced in no time anyway. No man wants a wife that turns her nose up at what’s important to him. Storm off and pout in your room and refuse to participate like a toddler is what the majority of these comments say. Every holiday he fills the house up with his family. Oh my, the horror. We wouldn’t want him spending precious time with those he loves would we. You don’t complain about him not helping. You don’t complain about relatives disrespecting you. Just the simple problem that they show up. You’re acting selfish. If you don’t celebrate Easter then why marry a man that does, then pout when he celebrates his values. I would say compromise and rotate, or have his family come early to help but that isn’t even your complaint. Just their presence, in a house that is his Also. You can do what most are telling you and pout in your room and refuse to participate in what’s most important to him, but don’t plan on having him long. We’re literally talking 3 meals a year. If you try to separate this man from his family or his values, you won’t have him long. Men with solid values like he has are a rare find, and those values are going to bump heads with your selfishness. What’s important to him clearly isn’t important to you, and you don’t seem to even want to find common ground. Men with values like that don’t sacrifice them. He will not give up those values for you. And for you to ask him to is what makes you selfish.


Girl tell him he can do all the preparation that goes into his family come over and your going to enjoy the holiday for once hopefully he’ll never do this again after doing everything himself

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Tell him since what you feel isn’t considered you are leaving for the day Easter. Tell him he is on his own with all the preprep, hosting, and everything for his family. And you go take a day to yourself. Don’t do a SINGLE thing for any part of it.


While growing up my Mom did all the hosting, meals, etc. Later we designated others to prepare items. After dinner most helped get the clean up done. After the grands grew up everyone went the way of their significant others and some of the elders were left out. There is no excuse for this. When you marry, you become blended families. In a perfect world it should be a win/win. Figure a way to include everyone from the tiniest to the eldest. Group efforts are well worth it!


He is proud! I think You should support that as a spouse just as he should if the tables were turned. Support the pride of your spouse


That’s where u allow HIM to host it for his family…meaning if they’re all gonna eat & enjoy their time there then it’s on him to make it all happen while u sit back & enjoy chitchatting!


He can host becouse he is the one inviting ppl over. It should’ve been him all the time and you’re definitely not wrong.


Is the problem that don’t celebrate or is it his family and you have none? My husband and I been together 9yrs he has no family here in CO but every Holiday my family comes over and my husband does ALL the cooking this past year was my first cooking a big big meal for the family my point is wat if it were the other way around in your situation would u complain then or will you want to hide in the room or take off for the day smdh


I’d tell him that’s fine but only if he hosts or you guys do it together. Or tell the family it’s a bring a dish. And if any issues then you chose on Holliday and let everyone know that Holliday is the only one at your home and each can pick a Holliday at their home to host for everyone.


I love hosting get togethers but it is exhausting! I feel there should be a compromise and select certain holidays. Sometimes I as excited as I am for everyone to come, I can’t wait to be comfortable in my bed.


You don’t celebrate Easter? You don’t believe Christ arose? Could this be the reason he invites them over? Hoping it will rub off…


Preorder everything simplify or have everyone bring a dish…Otherwise you just don’t like his family, which will cause tension in time.
There is no control in marriage. It is give and take.


I get the feeling that even if it was decided to be at one of “their houses”… you still wouldn’t want to be involved. Why don’t you invite your family aswell and make it one big gathering and then you might feel more comfortable with the idea :wine_glass::cocktail::beers::champagne:


Oh well, you just plan to be away…all by yourself, instead of being a part of a loving family…I’m sure you won’t be missed with an attitude like that…get over yiurself!


Most people would only dream of having their family over for the holidays… is it because he doesn’t help you or they don’t help you so it feels like a huge burden? Or is it because you just don’t want to & want to be alone on the holidays? I’d love my family over for the holiday even though it would be a tight squeeze I’d welcome it with open arms but they’re not in the same country as me and the ones that are don’t bother. Family is very important and I think you should be supportive of your husbands right to keep kinship with his family if you don’t want it maybe go to your own family for the holidays to have some space.


We took over family holidays and started hosting after we bought our house. We were proud to have space to do so and enjoy it.


It is your house too & if it happens every holiday then you have rights too. Diana’s idea is perfect,plan to be away then he can deal with everything on his own


Of course you have a choice. Don’t prepare anything - and make sure you have other plans for the day.

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Lady someday that family won’t be around to celebrate life’s to short to let it get to you I wish my mom was around to celebrate holidays with. This is my 2nd holiday with out her and feels like it was yesterday let him enjoy his family.


Actually you do. Just don’t cook or clean.


I understand most of these females comments because he provided your house. Hosting every holiday at your house should be a mutual agreement maybe talk to him about it and if u already did, give him some options, like let’s do this holiday here and let’s do a different holiday at another family members house so it’s not always at yours, you guys have to come to an agreement, a mutual agreement that’s how relationships, of any sort of relationships work out. Don’t get a divorce over something this stupid if it’s only about having all the holiday occasions inviting over to your house, u can do what of the other ladies are saying, let him meal prep, let him cook it all himself, let him do everything then he’ll know how it feels, this is only my opinion!!


No. That’s not wrong. You have every right to feel how you do, and not want it. And you need to stand your ground. Tell him he needs to respect you. But if he doesn’t stop inviting them over, you need to take the trash out.

Fine if hes doing all the shopping cooking cleaning and hosting for all these events, if not dont do any of the above leave it to him then guaranteed it will stop, but im with you i wouldnt want it every holiday as then it becomes expected


Maybe trade holidays one at yours and other at next and yes it’s alit more work for the one that it’s at their house .but I love my family too and enjoy them . Yes your husband needs to equally help you cook and cleaning before and after . the family should help to and have every family member bring a dish or two not all your cooking everything . You can talk to them and tell your husband ahead of time but if both works he should be doing everything equally Ways . It’s team . You should invite your family also or start planning to go visit them for holidays and ask your husband to go .

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Jennifer Yard he could also just be excited as he finally owns a home big enough to house his family on holidays . Also when the man pays for the house he has some type of say so in it over the wife …not sure why anyone would think otherwise… plus family is pretty non negotiable…id be nore annoyed if it was also in between holidays.


Lol it doesn’t even say he provided the house either the assumptions are hysterical in this thread


My husband family I dont like them I made it clear before we got married 2+ years ago. There would be no holidays in our home. Besides my family hardly celebrates them. If we do it was made clear his family would not get an invite. But he could choose to go there even if we had something planned here. Because I’m not going to expect him to break all his holiday traditions. It is your home also and you should feel uncomfortable with any situation in your home and you should communicate that to your husband and if he don’t respect it .let him host you get a nice hotel the night before let him shop.prep cook entetertain on his own while you order room service and pay preview.


Is it really that serious? Seems to me the problem is you don’t like your new family. Very selfish.


Compromise, if it means that much to him and you love him then consider doing it but ask for him to be more involved in the preparations etc so it doesn’t feel overwhelming for you.

Dig deeper, what do you think might be the underlying reason?

A few common ones…
Is it because you have low energy? Is there a family member/members that are rude to you or that you dislike? Do you have social anxiety? Do you feel resentful or sad because of your own family situation?

I would go out for the day if he wants to do it it all his responsibility


Is she cooking or just hosting? Is what I’m reading in the question …so is the family bringing food and helping with the event and since his family comes every holiday than hopefully your comfortable by now to communicate this with him and them and throw out the idea of someone else hosting Easter. Maybe he enjoys having the room at your new house. Whatever the reason your feelings should also be validated as you do have a choice and a say in the matter.

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You should ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE. IF you are the one preparing for this dinner, don’t prepare, let Mr Big Shot make the preparations and you go to a movie while they are there. How utterly disrespectful of this man. :rage:


Just don’t clean, cook etc etc etc. You didn’t decide to invite everyone over.
Voice your opinion to your partner and if they don’t respect it- then tell him you’re going out to eat that night and how you’re just mentally drained from it all and want to take turns with the other family hosting because it’s draining and it’s making you burnt our


Arrange to go out to eat at a restaurant and let it be known that everyone pays their way and arrange trips to local beauty spots for a picnic anything that takes the pressure off you and gives you time to enjoy the holiday

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Generally, prior to marriage you have some shared discussion about your lives together
And of your family…present ,past and future…
If a person comes from a caring and invested family…it is likely that you become integrated family…or if a different scenario…you still had some discussion or understanding together…I think you need to revisit your understanding,and present feelings…Then maybe fine tune or work on your solutions.
If you or your husband have changed your thoughts or feelings, you need to own it.
If you need it, seek professional guidance…
Both parties in a marriage need to be loved and respected…Godspeed.


How long had this been going on? Can’t she invite her family? Who cooks and cleans when the extras come? Who provides the extra food? Who is the breadwinner.

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I would go out at Easter and leave him to host his family. He should respect your feeling’s and he doesn’t.


You have a choice do not do anything let him do it all

Magically be sick the day before or fay of the party make him do the work maybe hell.get the picture

I don’t understand what the problem is

I get you don’t celebrate Easter and that’s your choice
But you can’t stop your hubby inviting his family to the house
As he can’t stop your family from coming to the home

I’m wondering if you have other issues with your in-laws


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Maybe he’s a proud home owner & wants to show that off. If you don’t want to celebrate easter, go do something else that day & let your husband enjoy the holidays in the home he also helped buy. If it’s a huge issue, tell him it’s going to be cancelled or at least have less holidays at your house. Perhaps he just wants to enjoy the comforts of his home.

I used to be the exact same. We have a big house so my husband would always invite his family over for holidays. I hated having to clean the house and cook and all that. He had the the big family, brothers, sister etc, until he didn’t. In the last 5 years we’ve lost both of his oldest brother and his youngest brother, his dad, 2 uncles and an aunt. All that’s left is his mom and sister (who lives far away). Holidays are very hard for him now. We’re not that old either (he’s 46, I’m 44). I don’t have brothers or sisters so I never really understood the whole getting together for holidays. I guess what I’m saying is appreciate them while you have them. You don’t know when you’ll lose them. His mom is heartbroken, as are we.

PS It wasn’t from COVID either, most were sudden unexpected deaths.


If he wants to have them over and you don’t, go somewhere for the day or night and let him do everything. Cook, hist and clean.


I think your being rude personally, family is everything

Maybe alternate at other families’ houses


I would do a rotation just to be fair when you marry you also marry into the family .


Of course you have a choice dear. It’s not fair that it’s at your house all the time. They should take turns every year. Please don’t feel guilty about that. Don’t allow anyone to take advantage of the situation. I know the holidays are stressful, but it should always be fun too :revolving_hearts: Good luck honey.

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Do you really hate his family and his desires to spend time with his family that much?


Probably because he has family that cares and u don’t. Don’t get jealous the family wants to be involved I’d give anything for that kinda life u fucken need to be thankful

If you are married then it’s both your house not just his no matter who pays for it. Something tells me you bend to his every command. I know having family over is important but you dont have to tolerate it every single time. You have a voice and say so use it. He still wants to have it then make sure everybody is ready to do the cooking and cleaning or be prepared to have it catered and professional cleaned afterwards and they can foot the bill. Stop being a doormat for a man.


Do you have family you could hang out with on Easter? If so, make plans!

I think most of y’all are misunderstanding OP. She didn’t mention once that she doesn’t like them and doesn’t want to spend every holiday with them. She has an issue with hosting his entire family every single holiday. Hosting is exhausting and can be expensive. The cleaning, the grocery shopping, the cooking, then cleaning up again. It’s a lot. I completely understand wanting to do it at their houses as well.

I would sit down and have a conversation with your husband. Maybe you can find a compromise where you alternate holidays at everyone’s houses.


You need to communicate with him

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At the end of the day the only truly important thing is family and your loved ones :pensive: really hope that you can see this and how important this is for your husband you might not understand but you should be supportive of family even if they are messy busy loud ect we have lost our family traditions with cell phones people stopped going to family functions stopped coming by on sundays for family time and honestly I think that’s a big part of people’s mental health issues these days we all need to put the phones down more and be human we were not made to live in front of a screen in a house :warning:


You two need to sit down and talk and come to some agreement maybe one hoilday go to other house of the family


Tell him that’s fine but you go out and do something else, he hosts his family and you do something else. X

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Make your special housekeeping list, make him do it all. Make your menus and make him shop then prepare everything. Make him clean up everything. Heck schedule yourself a mini vacation instead of attending.


If you don’t want to host again tell him. Explain to him how much work it is. Maybe make plans that day for yourself so he has to see all the work that goes into hosting for once so he can understand why you don’t want every single one at your house.

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It’s your house. U always have a choice !

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Is the issue is that all the cleaning and cooking falls on you tell him you are not doing it … If he wants to have his family over he can do the work …

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I get how annoying hosting is…hosting not family but it sure seems likes he is really proud of his life and wants to show it off

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You’re wrong for fighting about it. If you don’t want to host them, don’t.

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We alternate holidays. Try that.


It might be easier to just talk with his family. Maybe some of them would like to do a holiday at their house but r hesitant to ask. See if they r all willing to split holidays.


Wow all of these comments telling you “You married him you should have known”. What about he married you and knew this wasn’t a holiday you celebrated? Just because he has family doesn’t mean that you are ungrateful or selfish for not wanting them over. You should have a day because and I know it’s crazy… It’s your house too, he can be proud but at the expense of his wife… nah! If he isn’t listening to you, take a you day. Tell him you will not be hosting because he refuses to listen to you. You have hosted all dinners already and want 1 holiday that you don’t celebrate to not host. Let him know that you have plans and he take clean and cook and then clean again. If he chooses not to do so then that’s on him not you. If his family questions it, tell them. Don’t be subtle.


You DO have a choice! Say NO!