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"I took my 9-month-old into Walmart to change her diaper and when I walked in there were two school-aged boys standing right next to the changing table…it made me really uncomfortable changing my daughter because they looked over a few times and I truly do not understand why they were in there to begin with as they looked to be 9 & 10 and old enough to use the men's restroom on their own…I went to speak with the manager and they did nothing about it so I had to wait until they left the restroom to change her…is it just me or should they not have been there?"
RELATED: Pregnant Woman Goes Into Labor Before Giving Birth In A Gas Station Bathroom
The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"Mom may have been in the stall and they were waiting for her."
"I personally bring my 7 year old into the bathroom with me. In this day and age I cannot trust OTHER people to leave my kid unattended outside of the restroom. I generally will use the handicap stall and make my kid face the wall so he doesn’t see anything he shouldn’t but if it’s not available he will stand off to the side."
"If I’m alone with just my sons they will be going with me to the bathroom. I don’t trust letting them go alone. If you’re concerned than use the family restroom with a private changing area."
"Still a child… wtf you could’ve said can you go over there so I can change my daughter"
"They are CHILDREN! Their mother was likely in a stall using the bathroom. You acting suspicious about literal children nearby while you change your daughters diaper is definitely a YOU problem"
"They were probably waiting for their mother who doesn’t feel comfortable leaving them outside to be kidnapped dummy"
"The fact that you are uncomfortable about it says kind of a lot about you tbh"
"Get over it. They are kids."
"You are overreacting! I take my kids in with me.?"
"It’s just you! Stop sexualizing children! The way this world is today, I’m not letting my 8-year-old stand outside the bathroom while I go. Anything could happen in the 5 minutes that I’m in the bathroom."
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