Am I in the wrong for thinking school age boys shouldn't be in the girls restroom?

Young Boys are not dangerous. Men are dangerous. They’re safer with mom, mind your business.


My sons don’t go in the men’s bathroom alone unless they’re with dad. If they were teenagers I’d feel differently. If you’re concerned about your infant daughter around children while you’re right there imagine how the mom of those young boys would feel sending their kids into the men’s room alone.


My son stayed in the women’s room outside the door til he was older (autism and ADHD)

Sounds like a personal issue to me! I have 4 boys and I will not leave them out side by them selves, just because my two oldest are 9 and 10 doesn’t mean someone won’t try and take them! I mean you could have politely asked them to plz move away from the changing table! They are CHILDREN!

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I bring my boys in with me … they are WITH me … I’m not allowing them to look under stalls or anything. My 8 year old is scared to go in to the men’s alone … him with me is little more publicity “acceptable” then me going into the men’s. And my 10 year old uses the washroom … washes his hands and leaves … they are children. Not everyone is out to get you girl. I feel more comfortable with all my kids with ME. There are weirdos out there and I can’t keep them safe if they are in a diffrent place.

I would have asked them to leave… I would not have changed my daughter until they left

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What a weird thing to think and say. My son still goes into the bathroom with me when we are out and about and he’s 8. I’m not leaving him alone and I’m not sorry.


Nope my son will be with me lol, trafficking is so serious, I was almost trafficked a couple times. I’m gonna be very protective of my babies

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I’m confused as to why kids are being sexualixed by which bathroom they are in.


Wow really?!?! As a parent you should understand!!! The mom probably made them go in there so no crazy person would snatch them up while she was using the restroom!

No child is looking at your kids genitals while they’re waiting for their mom. How would you feel if the baby’s dad took them into the restroom to change things. You’re sexualizing your baby by even letting your mind go there


My son will be 10 at the end of the month. We live in a small town so if that’s where we are he can go by himself. Bigger towns next to us have huge crime rates. Sorry, my son is coming with me to assure he comes home unharmed with me. If you’re that uncomfortable wait until the restroom is empty, I’m not chancing my sons safety to make you comfortable. :woman_shrugging:t4:


My 7 yr old son goes into the restroom with me and he will until I see fit. He will not stand out side the bathroom alone and he will not go in the mens room alone. To many things could happen in those few minutes if you don’t like don’t use public restrooms I highly doubt they were anything more than curious about you changing your child’s diaper

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Personally, I do make my son’s, 9 and 12, wait outside the bathroom door. But, if I felt scared enough…I’d call security to watch them out there too. They don’t have to be in the restroom.

You sound awful. They’re little kids lady. Qct right.

Um I would rather my son have come into the restroom with me than to be alone in a men’s room. He is 9 and just started going into the men’s room on his own and I still hate it. Edit**I will literally stand outside the men’s room door and told him to scream if anything ever happened


It’s just you. Just as you want to protect and keep your child safe, their mother does too. If you felt they were too close to the changing table or were looking at your baby or whatever, you could have politely asked them to give you some space or you could’ve waited until they left to change your baby.


Words of advice : grow up! You’re an adult. A 9 YO def doesn’t belong in a mens bathroom alone in this day in age. If you’re that uncomfortable about a child standing in the restroom I’m sure waiting for his mom you should probably not use the changing station at Walmart but instead use your car or home. Simple solution. SMH :woman_facepalming:t3:

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If you felt that weird you should have waited for them to leave to change your child… in todays world I wouldn’t allow my young child to be alone in a place I’m not allowed… do you know how many people out there that kidnap children at that young age? Also my 3 year old looks like she should be in kindergarten so maybe those kids are younger and look older???

My child has intellectual disabilities and when he was that age he was a runner and he is also non verbal. If a family restroom was not available I would bring him in with me

My son is 7 and I make him come with me into the ladies room.

When I was a kid a little boy was murdered in the mens restroom while his mom was outside waiting for him so my son always went in the womens restroom with me. Idc if it made anyone else uncomfortable the safety of my child is my priority.


Lmfaooo jesus you went to manager . First of all looked 9 or 10 … my 7 year old wears 10- 12 clothing … your clearly the only one with issue if you were uncomfortable you could of just asked them to stand elsewhere . Stop sexualizing children :woman_facepalming:


You are right out of your mind if you think 9 or 10 year olds, just because they’re boys, are to big to be with their mother in the ladies room!


I’m shocked by all of the adults that are name calling because someone asked a question. I’m not sure what that solves or what their intentions are, but nonetheless, the boys are children and you were in public; chance are they were just hanging out while their mom used the restroom. I think it wasn’t as big of a deal as you were feeling it might be, but I understand you want to protect your baby. Next time, maybe just ask if they could move or turn away, but keep in mind - it’s a PUBLIC restroom.

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My concern would be if a grown man was in the ladies room. This happened at a big box store when my friend sent her girls to the washroom alone.
I’m sure there was a mom in the washroom wanting to keep her boys close by to keep them safe.
Perhaps change your perspective. I’m sure they weren’t feeling completely comfortable.


They are kids, no issue at all with them standing inside the bathroom. It’s safer for them, people are crazy.

It’s definitely YOU. I have never in my life heard of anyone, especially another mother, getting mad that someone’s very young sons are in the women’s restroom. And you got a manager??? I’m sorry WHAT??? That’s ridiculous. If their mom was in there or whoever to was caring for them then they 100% had to be there. Maybe you should opt for diaper changes in the car next time.


Jesus crist…I woulda have changed my baby nd left…but you stopped stared at the kids and went to get the manager lmaoo …maybe the boys mom didnt feel safe sending kids alone to the men bathroom some men are creeps…man you could have asked the kids to look away…idk very different ways to handle this situation lol


Children get molested every year in bathrooms because they are sent alone, if there isn’t a family room, he goes with me.


They are small children you should’ve just asked them for some space since you where going to use the changing table I’m sure they would’ve moved.

I absolutely make my older boys stand close to the sinks while I go pee in a public place even in Walmart. They are 9 & 11. Their mom was probably using the bathroom trying to keep her kids safe. A 9 and 11 year old is still a child and can get snatched up just as fast as a girl.


Was there a mom in there? Mom probably thought safer for them to wait in the bathroom then outside the bathroom. That’s why there are stalls for privacy. And 9 and 10 yr old could care less if your baby is getting a diaper changed.


Were they in there with an adult ? Or by themselves?

As a single mom my son will be with me in the womens restroom.
Sorry not sorry.
Can’t trust anyone.


I take my son in the ladies room with me. He is almost 6.

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Um I still bring my 8 year old Into women’s bathroom because I don’t trust anyone… So… I dunno


Children get molested every year in bathrooms because they are sent alone, if there isn’t a family room, he goes with me.


I would rather my son see a mother diapering a baby than him be alone in a restroom with strange men with their d**ks out! Just sayin, you’re lucky you have a girl if that’s how you feel cause you can go in the restroom with her no matter her age!


Oh good grief. They’re children ffs. You don’t know how old they are cause they could be tall kids I’ve seen kids that are 5/6 but look 8/9 cause of how tall they are. You’re overreacting and if your mind went to the first thing of them being predators and rather people want to say it or not cause that’s exactly what you were thinking cause you were uncomfortable changing your daughter because they were boys. All you had to do was say can you please move away from the changing table for I can change my daughter please and guess what I bet they would’ve. And my son is 13 and I started letting him go to the mens bathroom by himself when he was 11 and only when there was nobody else in there. And idk why you went to the manager about this honestly because they can’t tell someone to get out of the bathroom just because you wanted them to. They were probably waiting for their mom or sister.

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Sorry, I don’t typically let my 11 year old go to the bathroom alone, they aren’t predators, they’re still kids. You’re over reacting and those kids aren’t looking at your baby’s privates


Im not sending my 8-9 year old to the men’s room himself. Your daughter will be fine. :roll_eyes:


Because my kids won’t be abducted because I leave them out unattended in a public place- so you can change a babies diaper in “comfort”… They’ve all seen babies- it’s not like your baby was left unattended with them…right?? They’re in there bc their mom is protecting them the same way you appear to be trying to protect your 9 month old. Human trafficking and kidnapping is at an all time high. If it concerns you enough to go to a manager over “school aged kids” do every one a favor and change your kid in your car.


My elementary kids go in with me they are not old enough to go alone sorry you were u comfortable t


I feel like OP would have a different view if it was her SON not her DAUGHTER. My kid is 6. If it’s just me and him at the store and I need to go to the bathroom he comes with me. If he needs to go yeah I might let him go into the boys restroom by himself but I am right outside that door. If us making sure our sons are safe makes you uncomfortable then honey, that’s a YOU problem.

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My son is 12 and he goes to the restroom with me. He hates it but I make him stand just inside the door entrance of the restroom so that he’s out of the way but just within view. Too much sex trafficking and crap going on these days to trust anyone. Idc what people think.

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Uhhh I mean if I had a kid that was 9… I would make him come stand and wait for me if I had to use the restroom. I wouldn’t want him out alone. Then again I’m always shocked when I take my kids to the neighborhood park and there are kids under 10 all alone with their parents nowhere to be found. So I may be “overprotective” but I’d rather be safe. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Why didnt you just go to the family bathroom?


Um yes your weird. My son is 9 and I worry about weird grown men in the bathroom. Kids get molested. Would you want to send your young child in the bathroom with strangers? Urinals are not private


I think this one is on you mom. If you felt uncomfortable you shouldn’t have changed her there. There couldve been reasons they were there and the only thing you can control is you and the baby


I bring my 8 year old in ladies with me he is austic


My son is 10 he has disibilities so no he cannot go on his own to the male restroom he sometimes goes in to the women’s with me so he can use the toilet if the disabled one is in use. It depends were they with their mother

Omg F’ck off :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: use a parenting room if you are so afraid of everyone sexualizing your infant. Those boys are children as well and you’ve officially accused them of sexualizing your child simply for being around
Plz get help
Change tables are disgusting


It’s 2022 men are going In womens rooms women are going in mens room, weird stuff is happening and the safest place for a child is whatever bathroom their parents use.


I take my 12 year old son into the women’s restroom. I don’t trust people and have no idea if there is a predator in the men’s bathroom. Safety over other’s feelings. If you have an issue with it then find a family bathroom. If the store doesn’t have one find one that does. Better yet, find a babysitter so you don’t have to bring baby with. Problem solved.


My son is 10, autistic and non verbal and he comes into the bathroom with me if I have to go. If I don’t have to go I will send him in the men’s while I wait outside the door but I listen the whole time and ask if he’s okay. Even that makes me nervous because he can’t tell me if anything happened because he’s non verbal. You never know the what their situation is. I’m pretty sure most moms these days rather be safe than sorry with the nasty people we have in this world!


Just kindly ask the boys to move over to the sink area or something.

……they’re little boys….I have sons, one is almost 9, and I promise you I wouldn’t send them into the bathroom alone. Would you feel the same way if you had a son rather than a daughter? Or if your daughter was 9 and with her dad would you expect her to go alone to the bathroom or wait outside the mens bathroom alone? Probably not.

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And Walmart can’t do anything because the mother didn’t do anything wrong and I’m sure they aren’t going to put a sign on the bathrooms with age limits to children😂 I mean, I’m not trying to be rude, but what did you think Walmart was going to do? Clearly you don’t have a son and you don’t know that child sex trafficking, or even all the other scary stuff that happens to girls, can and does still happen to boys. I would’ve spoke to Walmart about putting a changing table in the big restroom🤷🏻‍♀️ You probably would’ve gotten further in your argument.

Your in a walmart… Would you want your spouse to leave your school aged daughters out while he goes in. ABSOLUTELY NOT! It’s safer to be with the parent. Boys with their mama should be no different. I’m sure it’s just as uncomfortable for the boys to be in there with you making it weird.


Sooo you just expect parents to leave their kids outside of the bathroom where potentially any creep could snatch them up??? …makes sense… if you’re THAT concerned with it, dont change your child in a public bathroom bec realistically, males arent the only predator in the world…

Single moms dude. What if they’re mom had to poop and didn’t want them waiting out of the restroom lmao

My kids will come in with me until I feel they are big enough physically to fight off a would be attacker. However, if it were my kids were looking at your baby, I’d hope you’d (politely) say something if I were using a toilet and didn’t see. Because it would be talked about, trust that.


Would’ve just waited as well. Were they waiting on their mom?

Everyone saying that the boys were with their mom, how do u know that? Also, a thing called manners helps. “We don’t look at others in a personal situation” :heart::heart::heart:

My son is 10.5 and he comes with me into the ladies room unless his dad or a male I trust is there to go into the men’s room with him. He is still a child who is at risk for predators in the men’s room. You would let your 9/10 year old use the men’s room alone? You may want to rethink that with the messed up world we live in. You could’ve asked them to turn around or simply waited until they had left the bathroom with their mother. All children deserve to be safe.


I make my son 8 almost 9 go with me every time. I’m not leaving him in the store, or letting him go in the men’s room alone.
He’s uncomfortable, and he hates it but its the safest.
Your 8 month old will be just fine, if your uncomfortable change her at home or in the car…because my son will be going in for a couple more years.


My son is 11 and I still take him with me to the women’s restroom sometimes. IDC if it make anyone uncomfortable. My son’s safety it my top priority


My son is 10. I don’t allow him to go into men’s restrooms, he goes in the women’s with me. Our world is at the height of exploiting children, you never know if there is going to be a sex trafficker or child rapest in the restroom where your child is alone.

My 8yr old still comes to the women’s restroom with me I don’t trust people


Sorry. The world is crazy. If I’m peeing I’m not leaving my 9 y.o out in the store alone.


I make My 7 almost 8 years old grandson go in the bathroom with me. (My daughter was molested by her own father) But he has autism and might wonder off outside the restroom if left by himself.
But he now insist on going into the mens room if he has to go and believe me I stand right outside the rest room and stick my head or walk in there if he isn’t out in 1-2 minutes.


If no adult was in there with the boys I would have asked them what they were doing. If they were waiting for their mom then I would have waited until they left. They should not be in there unless they were hiding from some evil in the men’s room


My son is 4 and looks at least 6… He goes to the bathroom with me and will until I’m comfortable with him going alone…


I mean at 9 are you going to let your daughter go to the bathroom in public by herself or stand outside while you or your husband are in the bathroom

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If my oldest son isn’t with me I still bring my younger son into the women’s bathroom and he’s 12. I give zero fucks if it makes any one else uncomfortable. I’m protecting my children. Just as I don’t let my daughter at 11 use the women’s bathroom alone either

Are you Fkn kidding me !
What the hell is actually wrong with you !


I mean you could’ve used common sense and asked them why they were in there or asked them to move… It depends on where we are for my 8 yr old to go into the men’s bathroom himself and if it’s only me he’s coming in to stand there cause he will strike up a conversation with anyone… You will I guess figure it out when your kids are older I guess…

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as a mother… my son goes with me. plus, he is 16, has severe autism and the mentality of a 3yr old… he will never in his life go in the men’s bathroom at some store all alone. not happening.


Maybe they were with their mom?

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They literally have so many cases of sexual assault in mens bathrooms- of little boys- it’s happened at several restaurants, and stores. Kid takes too long mom starts calling kid comes out screaming and crying. No ma’am. Not mine.


They were fine. You could of asked them to move over by the door if you were uncomfortable or just waited for their mom to finish and them to leave.

I would not leave my son outside of the bathroom OR allow him to go into a man’s restroom at 9 alone. You never know who is in there or what could happen.


I have 2 boys aged 6 and 7 and unless a male relative is going into the men’s bathroom with them - they will be coming into the women’s with me. They are not looking at your child’s genitals - they are most likely just looking because it’s a baby. My boys LOVE babies and they are also GREAT big brothers!

Also, they child could have had a disability to where the mother was uncomfortable, at any age, leaving him alone.

My child’s safety outweighs your ADULT insecurities 100%


So if you had a 9 and 10 year old with you and your baby, you’d make them wait outside alone? Ya,
No. Sorry. It’s just you. It’d be different if they were trying to crawl under stalls or something, but please think of other people besides yourself :roll_eyes:


Omg. Those 9 and 10 year olds still need protection too…

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You sound childish. Grow up!

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You kinda are jerk fyi

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Your really not asking this question are you ???


As the mother of a neuro divergent/mentally challenged 13 year old boy, I will continue bringing my son into the women’s restroom with me until the day I feel completely comfortable knowing that he is safe outside. Sorry not sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but the fact is that there is a much higher chance that something bad will happen to a ‘school aged boy’ (trafficking) while waiting outside the bathroom at Target or WalMart than there is that those boys were actually creeping on your infant child. I can almost promise you that those 9/10 year old boys did not care one bit that your daughter was naked on that table getting a fresh diaper. Don’t make it weird for them. :expressionless:


My 10 year old daughter has a shorter hair cut and wears basketball shorts and hoodies because that’s what she’s comfortable in. She sometimes passes as a boy on first glance. It’s people who think like you who send management in the bathroom to tell her she’s in the wrong place. It’s happend, she was so embarrassed. Please rethink this.


My son is 8, soon to be 9 and comes in with me. I don’t have a man to walk with him into the mens and I’m not chancing him going in by himself or standing outside the restroom when I go.


My son went into the men’s room on his own at 10 but with me at the door talking with him the whole time so I knew he was safe.
However if I had to use the bathroom than he stood inside the women’s bathroom by the sinks to wait for me. Until it felt weird for him and he opted to sit on the phone with me from outside the door at age 11.

Kids get kidnapped all the time. If they’re too young to defend themselves and there isn’t another adult with you to stand with them, there is nothing wrong with bringing your son into the women’s bathroom. They likely looked over because they were uncomfortable with your proximity to them but trying to obey their mom by staying put. You’re making it bigger than necessary.

A friend’s 8 yr old son was molested in the men’s bathroom at a mall a few years back. If you ever have a son I hope you NEVER find yourself in her shoes helping your son recover from something like that because you don’t think school age boys should be in a woman’s bathroom. School age is 5! Kindergarten starts at 5. No 5, 6, 7, or even 10 year old is safe alone. Anywhere. Get over yourself.


The mom was probably using the bathroom and told them to wait for her there. If my son was that age I wouldn’t be comfortable having him wait outside the restroom. I would’ve done the same.


Then use the family restroom :roll_eyes:

Ain’t no way you’re serious right now.


Too much kidnapping my kids come with you don’t like it change your daughter somewhere else🤷‍♀️


You’re the only one sexualizing the encounter and making it weird. Kids are naturally curious. They were probably just looking at the baby because they thought she was cute. There’s evil people in this word and there’s nothing wrong with CHILDREN going into the bathroom with their mother


Look up how many kids go missing a day and then get back to me.


Imagine being gròss about children. They ain’t looking at you or your baby. Just use the toilet and get out


However i always taught my son not to look and stare at others and to be polite and he decided to hold the doors open for the women in the bathroom and he’s like now i can help others when you’re going to the bathroom