Am I in the wrong for thinking school age boys shouldn't be in the girls restroom?

I took my 9-month-old into walmart to change her diaper and when I walked in there were two school aged boys standing right next to the changing table…it made me really uncomfortable changing my daughter because they looked over a few times and I truly do not understand why they were in there to begin with as they looked to be 9 & 10 and old enough to use the mens restroom on their own…I went to speak with the manager and they did nothign about it so i had to wait until they left the restroom to change her…is it just me or shoudl they not have been there?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I in the wrong for thinking school age boys shouldn't be in the girls restroom?

My boy is 10 and he goes in the woman’s restroom with me. How can I protect him if he is in the men’s room???


Mom may have been in the stall and they were waiting for her.


They’re just children……


It’s just you :roll_eyes:. I still don’t let my 12 year old go into the men’s room by himself. He stands outside my door stall where I can see his feet.

Calm down.


Maybe they were standing upfront waiting for their Mom - if their were stalls and that was at the door area ! People are men maybe she was afraid to let them stand outside alone ? I wouldn’t leave my little boy where I couldn’t see him but I also don’t use public restrooms


I personally bring my 7 year old into the bathroom with me. In this day and age I cannot trust OTHER people to leave my kid unattended outside of the restroom. I generally will use the handicap stall and make my kid face the wall so he doesn’t see anything he shouldn’t but if it’s not available he will stand off to the side.


When you hear horror stories of little boys being molested/raped/photographed when they’re in a mens room alone, you’re more cautious with your son. You’re a new mom, so maybe you don’t get it yet. Boys should be protected at all costs just like girls.

Sorry you are uncomfortable, but my sons safety is more important to me than your feelings.

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No, they should not be in there. But short of calling police and causing a massive scene with the boys Mom, idk what management could do. Remember, all :boy: are not well behaved and couldn’t be trusted in a public restroom alone.


With the human trafficking these days, I don’t think we can judge any momma for doing what she feels is safe. A conversation should be had with those boys prior to going in though regarding respecting peoples personal space for sure.


I don’t let my 9 yr old son go into the men’s room alone. If I go to the womans he goes as well. If he’s not with me how can I keep him safe.


My son is cognitively 2 but he is biologically 13 and you can’t tell by looking at him


If I’m alone with just my sons they will be going with me to the bathroom. I don’t trust letting them go alone. If you’re concerned than use the family restroom with a private changing area.


Still a child… wtf you could’ve said can you go over there so I can change my daughter


My boys (6&10) go in with me. I don’t trust this world to leave them out in the store or the men’s room alone.


I won’t let my boy go in the rest room by himself
I need to make sure he is safe


They are CHILDREN! Their mother was likely in a stall using the bathroom. You acting suspicious about literal children nearby while you change your daughters diaper is definitely a YOU problem


So did you change her and they looked at her or did you wait until they left?
I have a 9yr old SS and I don’t send him into the restroom alone.
Boys are target sit sexual abuse, too.
You could have just asked them to turn around while you changed the diaper.


It’s you!!! Predators are everywhere. Not sending my son into a mens bathroom alone!
Who cares if the child looked at a naked baby!


They were probably waiting for their mother who doesn’t feel comfortable leaving them outside to be kidnapped dummy


Yes. You are wrong. Because the world is so crazy and ugly and people can’t be trusted…I refuse to send my 9 year old boy into a publi bathroom alone (if I have nobody to go with him, he comes with me). He is non verbal and can’t tell me if something bad happened in the boys room.
You should parent the way you choose and me the way I choose.
Use a different bathroom if you are uncomfortable but I bet a 9 year old boy isn’t really interested in watching you change a diaper…they were probably waiting as instructed by their own parent.

If I have to use a public restroom, I would bring my son in with me because there are too many creepy people out there and I’m not risking him getting kidnapped


the fact that you are uncomfortable about it says kind of a lot about you tbh


Get over it. They are kids.


You are over reacting! I take my kids in with me.


No they should not have been in there.

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It’s just you. I’m not going to the bathroom with my 2 daughters and leaving my almost 9 year old son alone.


To many perverts now days…grandsons go with me or teen brother…


lol i’m bringing my kids with me as long as i can… people are crazy id rather not leave them alone, ever


If they had been little girls and looked over, would you be uncomfortable? No. Because of the different sex, right? Just because of the sexual organ between their legs doesn’t mean they automatically have ill intentions.

I would not let my son stand alone in Walmart to get snatched up. Not to mention you have no idea how old they actually were could have been a tall couple of 7/8 year olds


My sons stayed with me until I knew they could defend themselves from a creep in the mens bathroom.


Well my 10 almost 11 year old, and 5 almost 6 year old still use the womens bathroom with me if I’m alone because I don’t trust strangers when I can’t go in there to see them. I WISH a mom like this would say something to me because I would flip out. The kids aren’t perverts.


I wouldn’t let my son go in a bathroom alone.

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When my boys were that age and I was by myself they did go in the restroom with me. I’d rather have then in with me sage then in the men’s restroom by themselves with who know who is in there amd what could happen.


It’s you. My son is 10yo and if I have to use thr bathroom and we are alone, he comes right in with me. Too many freaking weirdos out there.


I don’t trust a damn person.
Years ago, a boy in the next town over was r*ped in the burger king restroom when he was peeing.
My son is coming in with me. I dare someone to say some. Mind your business!

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I would have asked them to please stand elsewhere. Everyone deserves their privacy, including your baby when she is being changed. I would have felt the same as you.

You’re just a Karen obviously so it’s just you… maybe their mom was in there and they was waiting. This world is crazy I wouldn’t leave any child unattended


Two grandsons are 8 still go in with me or there mom too much s*** going on nowadays

It’s just you! Stop sexualizing children!

The way this world is today, I’m not letting my 8 year old stand outside the bathroom while I go. Anything could happen in the 5 minutes that I’m in the bathroom.


Maybe they were autistic? I won’t let my son go into bathrooms by himself. He’s 6.

Not letting my 9 year old go into the mens restroom . This world is sick , if you have a problem with it change your kid in your car


You problem I have my 10yo in the restroom with me.

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It’s just a bathroom


You went to get the manager ?

Jesus :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Yeah you’re wrong they’re children don’t make it sexual and it won’t be a problem

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my son will not be going in the boy’s bathroom alone until he’s old enough… they’re still children

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In todays world… they need to be where their parent is until they can defend themselves. That’s my opinion.


The question is, would you leave your 9-year-old son outside a restroom door by himself while you went in to use the bathroom?


My son is 10 if dad is there he goes with but if it’s just me and my 4 kids he’s with me nothing wrong with us moms doing so …human trafficking is at a extreme high making kids alone not safe :broken_heart:


No ma’am I’m sorry my 9 year old boy would be in the restroom with me. That’s where predators prey. Not my baby!


It depends on the situation. When there are family restrooms or single stall bathrooms I feel those should be used.

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It’s just you their mom was probably just trying to keep them safe and not leave them alone


I don’t see what the issue is here. You didn’t want them to see a diaper being changed while walking by to use the restroom? It’s public. My boys go into the restroom with me and they also change diapers so🤷🏼‍♀️

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It’s just you. My boys are 8 and six and they go with me unless their dad is with us. My nephew is 13 and I just now started letting him wait outside the bathroom or go in the mens room alone with me.


Nope they should have been in there with their mom


At this day in age adults are getting kidnapped just as much as children. I’d rather all my kids use the same public restroom until they are well within age to defend themselves if necessary.


I dont let my son go in the men’s room alone. Think that’s more dangerous than this imo


You’re a crazy person. Maybe the mother was in the restroom and didn’t want to leave her 9&10 alone unattended. But of course it sounds like you only care about yourself.


I completely feel the same way. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter what we think or feel any longer


It’s a restroom- who cares.

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Not only are you sexualizing your baby (its a diaper change), you’re sexualizing those young boys by assuming that that’s what they care about.
Stop it.


Too many pervs these days….my kids would always go in to the toilet with me….safety first


You need to take a chill pill lady.

Alright Karen, stop sexualising children you weirdo. I would never let my son use a restroom alone

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You sound like a predator to those little boys…

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It’s just you… their kids. Not sure what the big deal is.
If them looking over a couple times made you uncomfortable, say something to the kids?
They were probably waiting for their parent. You honestly could have asked them as well.

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Obviously you have some sort of problem. Maybe you shouldn’t change your baby in a public restroom if you feel some type of way


The way we are SO messed up these days, it’s hard to say … however, you DO get nervous when things like that happen now.

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I would have just waited until they were done if I was uncomfortable. Not all kids are on the same mental level as the next one and it’s none of our business to judge them nor what their parents feel is right.

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My son is 8, he goes into the restroom with me. But he goes in the stall where I am. And he will continue to do that’s! I’m not sending him into a men’s restroom by himself and I’m definitely not leaving him to stand outside of the restroom!

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My boys 10 And 12 stand out side because they dont want to come in but my 9 year old goes in and waits outside my cubicle. They are kids I can’t see the problem .stop sexualizing children

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My autsic son comes into the restroom with me because he needs help which im not allowed to enter the males restroom nor would I want to nor would I let him stand alone even if he didn’t have a disability he is a child.

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If there mom was in their then yez they had to b too!!!


No. I will not leave my kids alone where someone can take them. Quit making it out to be something it’s not

9 years old is not old enough to go in the mens room alone. My son is 9 and I take him with me in the woman’s room. Sorry you’re uncomfortable. I’m sure they weren’t in there for hours. Wait until they leave and go on about your day.


They are just kids and I’d much rather them be in there, rather than something happening to them by being alone.


Wait, what? I’m confused :confused:


Shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business. You survived, they didn’t do anything. Free the pee!

You’re defo wrong here , my 8 year old comes with me my other son is 12 and he just started using the mens with me
Stood outside shouting him every 2 mins let’s hope you don’t have a boy and have to worry about him using a man’s bathroom alone :tired_face::tired_face:


They do have family bathrooms for this reason

I take my sons in the restroom with me. If their father isn’t with me, they go with me because I don’t want them getting done before me and standing outside the restroom waiting on us. You could’ve just spoke up to their mother and just said it made you uncomfortable, I’m sure she would have understood. You also could’ve just waited until they left to change her

My 6 year old goes into the women’s restroom with me. It’ll be a LONG time before I let him go into the men’s restroom alone. You always have the option of changing kids in the car if it makes you that uncomfortable🤷‍♀️


That’s weird you think that. Those school aged boys are someone’s sons. Do you think the mom that almost probably peed her pants making this decision is really just gonna let her kids stand alone in the store. Come on man… this world is so screwed up this day and age…


Yea its definitely just u!!! Im guessing this is ur 1st… But lots of us have multiple (personally i have 5), & u cant just leave ur other kids (boys) outside the bathroom when u need to take ur girls to the potty… It jus doesnt work like that. Someone could’ve felt the same way towards u if u had a boy first. Im sure the mom was in the bathroom, too. Theres people preying on our children. Calm down Karen :joy:


My son is 7 and I do not trust him going into a men’s bathroom alone. I will not gamble my son’s innocence over someone like you. Until he can defend himself I will be the one by his side.


Umm my sons about to be 2 but I fully intend on making him go in the lady’s room with me until I see fit. Where are the boys supposed to go or moms with sons?


I have boys 6&11. If they go into the mens room alone I stand at the door and hold it open but most of the time they come in with me. I don’t really care who it makes uncomfortable. You can continue to be uncomfortable while I make sure my kids aren’t snatched


My 8 and 9 year Olds sometimes come with me in the restroom. I cannot imagine leaving them outside or making themgo in alone if they feel uncomfortable. I try to be mindful of other people but I also trust NO ONE


If I have to pee and my son is with me he is standing out side of the stall. I’m not leaving him to stand alone outside the bathroom. :roll_eyes:

Where would you like them to stand while mommy has to peepee?


My son, almost 9, goes into the women’s restroom with me. Prob will for a while still. I wait for the day I run into someone like you. It won’t be a fun day for them


I make my 9 yo son come into restroom with me and my daughter I don’t trust him alone in the men’s room where I feel I can’t go in with him if there were some strange man or whatever anything could happen in there and I wouldn’t know until it’s too late f that he’s still a little boy imo


It’s you! My son is 8 but gets mistaken for a 11 or 12 year old because for how tall he is and he always goes in the bathroom with me. The only time he goes in the men’s is if there is a male that I trust with us. There is too many child predators out there and the men’s restroom is one of the places little boys get molested.


My sons almost 8 and I have a 4yr old . There’s no way in heck I would leave my oldest son outside that bathroom to tend to my restroom needs. If my 8 yr old makes you uncomfortable then use another restroom!!!


Trafficking literally has no age or gender limit. If I had a young son I’d probably take him in there with me if it was just me

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9 and 10 year Olds get kidnapped too. Wait til they’re gone if that’s the case. Their lives aren’t less important than your baby needing changed.


Have you heard of sex trafficking? I’m trying to keep my kid safe. Sorry that makes you uncomfortable :woman_shrugging:t3:

I would bring my son into the ladies room. He’s 6. There is ZERO way I’m letting him stand outside a ladies room by himself. And it sounds like these boys were told to stand there and wait for their Mom. Sorry if you don’t like it - those are still CHILDREN.

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