Am I in the wrong for thinking school age boys shouldn't be in the girls restroom?

My autistic son is 5 yo. I’m worried about what I’ll do when he gets bigger since some people can be so judgy.


Yes you are wrong some boys need help and this sick world I wouldn’t trust sending a little boy into the mens room alone. There’s closed stalls and they are in with their mom. It’s weird to be bothered by it and no they aren’t worried about your babies body parts. It’s your mind that goes there not them.


Absolutely not. Those children are not old enough to go anywhere alone. There are way to many sick people in this world and public restrooms are a dangerous place for children.


Your are absolutely ridiculous!! There are dangerous people everywhere just waiting on an opportunity to get a child on their own!! :person_facepalming: I take my boys in with me not a chance in hell am I sending my boys into a public toilet alone!! They are children!! If you were that uncomfortable changing your child you could of asked them to turn around!!


I do not let my 10 year old son into the men’s restroom alone. He goes with me.:woman_shrugging:


Those kids have no interest in your baby’s private parts. In what world could this cause a problem?


They’re literally children what is wrong with you? My son turned 12 in January & I still bring him into the bathroom with me. And I really don’t care who has a problem w/ it.


I don’t even let my 12 year old son go into the men’s restroom alone. Either my fiance or his dad or another man like uncle or grandpa go into public restrooms with him. Too many psychopaths and creeps out there.


So is the mom supposed to go pee and leave her boys outside so some sicko takes them?!?!!!

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Unfortunately in my opinion you’re in the wrong. My boys are still little (5&3) and I can’t imagine sending them into the mens room alone in public. Granted if there was a family restroom & they were 8-10ish I would take all of them in there since I have 3 children.

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What’s wrong with you woman ?

I have a nephew who use the woman bathroom every time he needs, he is not doing alone to a men bathroom.


So I would think the boys were in there cause mom was using the restroom :woman_shrugging: even though I have a 9 year old daughter I drag her into the bathroom and have her wait in there instead of out in the store. That way I knew she was at least safer.

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Absolutely not! My 10 yr old will be going into the woman’s restroom with me till he’s old enough. Way too many creeps out there. 9 and 10 yr olds made you feel uncomfortable? Yikes!


I take mine with me. I will not let mine go alone in the men’s restroom at all. I don’t trust anyone. Someone can do anything at anytime to my baby.


This sounds like a YOU problem, yes YOU were wrong. I would even go as far to say that you were disrespectful to the other mother, and you harrassed those 2 CHILDREN, with your entitled crap attitude. Sounds like they were behaving and waiting for thier mother as she needed to use the restroom. Thier safety will come before your entitled behavior anyday, which is why walmart did nothing for you. I absolutely can’t even with you right now smh


Im going to trust their parents judgement.

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Welcome to the Obama way of thinking. Boys do NOT belong in the ladies room EVER,


It’s just you. Some single moms have to pee too. No harm in waiting a few minutes.


I have a disabled 10 year old. I sure as hell am not leaving him alone. He goes with me.


You are ridiculous !!


I wouldn’t mind 10 yr old boys but 6+ft teenage boys would definitely bother me!

How come you are sexualizing children with your baby like that? Kids are curious, not in a sexual way but in a “that’s not something I see everyday and fully understand” way. Depending where we are, the capacity of people and how close the men’s bathroom is to the women’s, I have my 9yo son come with me too. It’s not often, but if it doesn’t feel safe to let him wait outside or go to the men’s alone than I’m going with my gut. If you felt uncomfortable than ok, I would have checked for a change table in a stall or just waited. No need to shame the mom or her sons for doing what she felt is best for her family


My son is going on 5 and will go into the women’s restroom with me and his bigger sister until he’s like 12 or 13. Idc if it bothers anyone because I don’t trust anyone in this horrible world. You’re making it out to be something it isn’t.


Yeah you’re overreacting, they’re kids. I still take my 7 year old brother into the women’s room with me and my kids when we’re out


Maybe they were tall for their age? My 7 year old is taller than most 8 and 9 year olds. Either way I am confused as to why this bothers you?


My son is 8. I take him with me into the women’s restroom all the time. If they bothered you…ask them to stand away from the changing table. They probably don’t have younger siblings in diapers so they were curious. 9 and 10 are still very much children.


Im not letting my 8 year old in a mens restroom alone :woman_shrugging:


They are in there because their mother is afraid to leave them unattended in this crazy world.
You’ll live


When the baby you have now is 8 or 9, will you be comfortable sending her into the public bathroom by herself? It is no different for those boys- they are children and vulnerable too.


My 9 year old is allowed to go to the men’s restroom without me but when I go to the restroom you bet your ass he is next to my stall. I don’t trust people. 9 and 10 year old boys shouldn’t creep you out. They’re not checking your baby out. Smh

Bahahahahaha right so with all the shit going on, I should leave my son outside of the bathroom and hope that no one steals him? So you’ll feel comfortable changing your baby in front of a child that probably doesn’t even know the difference in private parts. Gtfo.

I’m not sending my 9/10 year old son into the man restroom alone


I always see this question and think how moms will advocate for their sons to go into the women’s restroom because they are scared of them going into the men’s restroom with men who were once boys. look up the sex offenders anywhere and you can see reality

I have a friend (Gay male actually) that pointed out to me that this whole gender neutral bathroom thing was never an issue until people made it an issue and it’s true. Before “gender neutral” bathrooms were a thing people would often use the opposite sex restroom if theirs was in use and they really needed to go and it was never an issue!

I would never let my school aged 6 year old son stay outside the restroom while I used it so my child would be in the woman’s bathroom with me :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


My 8 year old son goes with me in the womens bathroom. It doesn’t seem like your a boy mom, so while I understand that you felt uncomfy changing your kid with bigger kids around, as boy moms, we have to worry about perverts in the mens bathroom. Sorry not sorry.


My son Is 9 and I take him to the restroom with me. I’m not sending him alone in the boys and risking there being a child predator in there. I couldn’t care less if that offends anyone. It’s a sick world we are living in! There is no telling what kind of pervert could be lurking the restroom. I don’t let him run around alone anywhere!


My 6 yr old is a big boy and I wouldn’t leave him outside the rr. He stands right in front of the stall I’m in whether he likes it or not.

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If they didn’t have a parent in there with them, I would have just shewed them out.

When my son is 10 he’ll likely be going to the men’s room while I wait outside the door but I wouldn’t think anything of it if I seen kids that age in the women’s restroom. I’d be fine changing a baby in front of them because they are still just children themselves


My 9 year old son goes with me and my 6 year old daughter into the womens restroom every time it’s just the 3 of us. 1 my son is definitely not big enough to defend himself against a kid bigger than him let alone a grown ass adult…2 if my husband isn’t around, he comes with me EVERY WHERE so I can ensure his safety the same way I ensure my daughters safety. Shit lady, even my husband will take my daughter into the womens restroom when I’m not with him and stand at the door of said restroom because he doesn’t want to have her seeing grown men, or have her hurt. You act like those boys weren’t there because of their mother and just wanting to cause uncomfortability for women. Grow up, and start using common sense. These days kids can’t be unattended because of so many perverts and sex traffickers around. Would you want your husband to take your daughter into the mens restroom? Or the women’s when you’re not around…ya know as a way of protecting her innocence?? Quit sexualizing children.

I’ll send my 7year old into the men’s but you can bet your ass I’m standing next to the door and if he is taking a little longer than normal I will open that door and make sure he is ok. There are too many weirdos

As a single mom I disagree with you. If I’m uncomfortable to let my son go into the mens bathroom by themselves then he is going in with womens with me. Now we are to the point where I’m comfortable letting him go into the mens restroom by himself only if there are stalls with doors that lock. If there’s only urinals or the enclosed toilet is being used and he really needs to go then I’m taking him into the womens with me.


Have you seen some of the people that go into Walmart and things that have happened in Walmart? I wouldn’t be letting my kid go into the bathroom alone with people nowadays


My son is 5. I much rather him come into the restroom with me rather than go into the men’s restroom alone.


They do not belong in a girls bathroom

You are ridiculous no one is going to leave their child unattended in a public place. This world is cray cray and anything can happen.


You’re really going to flip when you encounter an “all gender” bathroom :rofl::rofl:


I’m just wondering what you thought the manager was going to do


Was their mom in a stall?? Bc my son is 9 and guess what he goes in the bathroom with me and his older sisters. I’ll be damned if I ever send him alone into the men’s rest room until he’s a teenager. Too much craziness going on in the World for that and telling the manager about some kids in a bathroom is a lil bit extreme for me…no one has ever blinked an eye about him going in the women’s bathroom…

Why they were in there is none of your business in the first place. Stay in your own lane Karen. :100:


If they were there with their mother , where exactly would you like them to be? Standing outside by themselves? Would you send your daughter alone to a public bathroom? How would you feel if your partner sent her in alone ? Fuck they were kids , waiting for a parent. Had it been 2 little girls looking over at your baby , would that have been different. I would assume for someone who went to management, to get 2 kids removed from a toilet would think is was cute if it were 2 girls

Nowadays children cannot be left alone anywhere with the amount of child predators out there. I’m sure those boys didn’t want to be there either but us momma’s make them come in with us. There are 2 restrooms at Walmart maybe next time try the one at the opposite end of the store :woman_shrugging:t2:


And they weren’t in there for :poop: and giggles. They were in there with their mom/grandma to keep them safe!
What’s wrong with your mind to think they were in there for anything inappropriate!!


I can agree with both responses…they Don t belong in a girls restroom they could of waited inside by the exit door…and yes this is a sick world we live in but they could of went in mens restroom together and came out together as well…now if they are younger, scenario may be different…


If they are in there with their mom being supervised might be a little different

My son is nine if we are out somewhere I take him in the women’s restroom he don’t need to be going into the men’s restroom by himself at nine years old


My 2 grandsons are 10 and 11 and if I’m alone with them out in public and we have to use the restroom they will be going with me. Idc how many managers are gotten or how many people don’t like it. I only care for the safety of my grandsons


So, which is it? They were looking while you changed her or you had to wait? Seems you’re just trying to make a problem. Are we supposed to risk our boys being sexually assaulted or kidnapped? Grow up, you’re sexualizing CHILDREN.


I would never leave my kids unattended in a public place. At 9 & 10 my kids will be coming into any public restrooms with me also


I would not send my 10 year old son into a mens bathroom alone. He is now 13 and he goes to the mens now but I still freak out if he is in there too long and open the door to call for him


One of my sons is almost 8 yrs old. He is autistic and intellectually disabled. He looks like a “ normal “ boy but very clearly is not once he starts to converse with you. If a family bathroom isn’t available then he comes into the bathroom with me. He waits outside the stall for me if I’m unable to secure a larger stall for both of us. Regardless of circumstance, two boys * most likely * waiting for their mother in the same bathroom she’s using isn’t sus to me. It’s not your business to decide what age is old enough for a child to use the restroom alone.


It depends. If their mom was in the restroom with them, then absolutely! But just in there for no reason nope. My son is 9 and I still take him in the women’s with me. People are so crazy now days you can’t just let your child be alone in a restroom. Literally anything can happen.


Took my boys into the women’s restroom for the longest time with me. I would make them stand by the door. I would then let them use the mens restroom while I waited outside for them. Guarantee they were not “looking” at your 9mo old daughter in an inappropriate way. Sorry. Just can’t trust anyone!!!


My 8 year old boy is going in there with me .You’ll understand when yours is older .I’m sure as fuck not letting him wait outside the door or use the men’s room .He don’t like being in the girls room ,but he’s safe there . He’s not there to make girls uncomfortable.Hes there cause I Said so .I think surely every mom that walks in there would understand.I guess not .But he’s still going in with me .I don’t care if I got to take him in the stall with me .To many crazy ,sick people out there .

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I just read your first sentence and I’m not bothered to read the rest!!!
Yea…yea your are wrong!!!


Honestly, in this day, I don’t feel comfortable letting my teenagers go to by themselves. Or even my mother. People have lost their minds


My 12 yr old will still come with me into the bathroom of any public restroom if we are shopping alone. I do not trust anyone anymore.
If YOU have an issue with children in the restroom, you may want to change the baby in your car or wait.


My son is 7 and still will continue to go with me in the restroom and will until he feels comfortable going on his own. You don’t get to say when they should be ready and to say 9 and 10 year Olds make you uncomfortable is ridiculous grow up


My 10 year old son goes to the womens restroom with me :woman_shrugging:t3:


You are overreacting. . They are kids…


They’re safer in there with their mom than they are waiting outside. Grow up. You’re a parent. Safety for ANY child should be TOP priority.


So nobody steals her school age boys who probably have a little sister think I’m going to leave my son’s that age for freaks

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I would never send my son into the bathroom alone until he is much older. I’ve never had an issue with someone saying anything while I went in and my son stood by the wall or in the stall with me.
Did they stare at her while you changed her or did you wait? Seems you stated both.
Why are we making it about boys being perpetrators while they wait for their mom to pee? Not all little boys are small either, I know a 3rd grader who is already over 5 foot tall. If it’s a problem wait.


I’m a single mum of two boys. 4 and 7. They will continue to come into the ladies toilets with me until I feel they are safe to go into men’s on their own.
I don’t think the baby changing should have been in the toilets anyway, shouldn’t it have been in a mother & baby room separately?


Um, no. If there’s no one to go in with him he stays with me even when he turns 9, the world is going crazy and I’m not letting my child be alone without me(or a trusted adult) in public. How about you get your mind out of wherever it is and see those KIDS as KIDS not grown ass men you think will do something, because as a mother of a son I find it fairly offensive that you just assume a child because he’s a boy will do a dang thing to you

You’re wrong. They are children NOT teenagers that potentially have a fighting change to get away from someone trying to harm them. Just ask them not to look as a child needs privacy too.


Why do you want boys to go in a men’s bathroom alone?? Think about others besides yourself for once…


I am not leaving my school aged child unattended in any bathroom because of your Insecurities !!! They should have family bathrooms to make it easy for everyone.


Sorry my 10yr old son isn’t going into a men’s restroom alone, so he is coming in with me… they are children they aren’t sexualizing your infant.


9 and 10 is young enough to be stolen if moms alone. Mind your business.
Did you talk to the boys? Or the mom?


Yes, you’re wrong. That is all.


So I have a son who is 5 he is mistaken for 7 all the time… I would never allow him to go to the men’s room without dad. Since dad is at work he goes in the womans with me. Ask yourself if your daughter was instead a boy, would you at 7 want him using a public restroom alone? Me personally HARD NO! My son knows and understands to give the woman privacy and we get in and out. We as adults need to stop sexualizing everything. I’d be more concerned about an unattended 7 year old in a men’s room(thats the world we live in) than boys under 12 waiting in the womans room for mom.


I would never send my 9 yr old in a public washroom alone

You’re worried about all the wrong things


Tell me you’re not the mama of a school aged son without telling me you’re not the mama of a school aged son. I’ve defended that decision in the bathroom to other women before.


It’ s just my opinion but those boys are old enough to use the men’s bathroom.

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Ummm my currently 5yr 6yr and 6m old Boys will continue to come to the ladies room w me until I feel they’re old enough to be aware enough of lurking danger. And idc. I promise they don’t want to look at your daughters diaper area either like cmon


My 7 year old son goes into the rest room with me, unless my teenage son is with me then he accompanies my younger son in the mens room. As a mother you would rather be safe then sorry. I think you’re over reacting on this, they’re still children and I’m sure their mother was in one of the stalls.


It’s really just a preference🤷‍♀️ my 7 year old goes in the mens room by himself and doesnt go in the ladies room unless it’s dire need…

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I’m wondering who was with them at Walmart. They needed to be more closely supervised. No, they should not have been in the ladies restroom without explanation. That would be that mom is in there with them… they aren’t allowed alone near public restrooms.

Would you let your child go into a restroom in public that you have no idea whom is inside? Not in today’s world I wouldn’t. You get followed through the store and scoped out IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ISLES these days. Just my opinion :person_shrugging:


My son never went into the mens restroom along at that age either. Nobody in their right mind is sending their small son in a public restroom alone


Should have offered the mom to watch her kids outside of restroom for her so she can go​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Maybe their mother was in a stall and was concerned about leaving them alone in the store. Child abductions and trafficking are a real problem now.


As a mother of boys, i WILL not leave my boys outside if the bathroom in a busy store ESPECIALLY WALMART. Kidnapping/sex trafficking is real and I’ll be damned if I let that happen.

They’re children. We have to use the restroom at some point and they’re safer with us. Boys can get molested, stolen, etc. just the same as girls. I would send my teenager to the men’s room but not my young child.


I was told when my son was 8 or 9 that he shouldn’t be waiting for me in the ladies restroom. I suspect their mom was using the facilities. After that I had him wait outside the restroom but I didn’t like it. I also let him go into the men’s restroom alone with specific instructions that if something bad started happening then to look for a father with kids and ask for help. Sending him in alone made me even more nervous. Wait until you have a boy and then tell us you are OK with him using the men’s bathroom at age 6 by himself. No Way!!


I wont leave my 8 year old in a men’s bathroom. When you have a boy you will understand.


Oh do you wna send your young child into a men’s bathroom alone not having a clue who might be in there? No.


I can see where this wud bother her I myself bring my 6yrold in the women’s room but he goes in the stall with me and turns around
I wudnt have went to the manager wud have just waited till clear or found family bathroom

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